AUSTRALIAN RANKING LIST 2019 Rankings taken from 1st January to 3rd November Compiled by Lyndall Green ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: Paul Jenes, Athletics Australia, Member Associations, Little Athletics Vic, Little Athletics SA, Little Athletics NSW, Little Athletics QLD, Little Athletics Tasmania, Bre Clement Little Athletics WA, Mark Stewart, David Prior, Peter Hannan, Tim Crosbie, Kim Mulhall, Ian Boswell Please send any corrections and omissions to: Lyndall Green Email: [email protected] Phone: 0488 623636 EVENT WIND NAME ASSOC DOB PLACE VENUE DATE MEN 60 METRES UNDER 16 7.14 +1.4 Donovan Bradshaw N 2004 3h1 Sydney 26-Oct 7.19 +1.1 Jordan-Blaze Lightbourn W 2004 2h1 Perth 25-Oct 7.28 +1.2 Jake Elton Q 2004 1 Gold Coast 17-Aug 7.28 -0.6 Rashid Kabba A 2005 1h4 Sydney 26-Oct 7.29 +1.1 Dylan Cope W 2004 5h1 Perth 26-Oct 7.30 nwi Ryan Tarrant V 2004 2 Melbourne 12-Sep 7.36 -0.7 Renato Pane N 2004 1h5 Sydney 26-Oct 7.36 +1.1 Sarath Polin S 2004 1h2 Adelaide 2-Nov 7.38 +1.4 Callum James W 2004 2h2 Perth 25-Oct 7.40 +0.0 Ashley Wong Q 2004 3h1 Brisbane 9-Jun 7.40 +0.2 Thomas Penfold A 2005 1 Canberra 12-Oct 7.44 +0.0 Tyler Lilley Q 2004 5h1 Brisbane 9-Jun 7.50 -1.1 Archie Saunders N 2004 3h2 Sydney 26-Oct 7.53 +1.4 Thomas Brennan W 2004 4h2 Perth 25-Oct 7.54 +0.1 Elphan John Jimmy W 2004 1h4 Perth 25-Oct 7.56 +1.4 Joshua Garnham W 2004 5h2 Perth 25-Oct 7.59 -2.8 Joseph Ayoade N 2004 7h2 Sydney 12-Oct 7.62 +1.4 Ethan Light W 2004 6h2 Perth 25-Oct 7.66 +2.0 Riley Crawford N 2005 2h2 Sydney 12-Jan 7.66 -0.6 Lachlan Jones N 2005 2h4 Sydney 26-Oct 7.70 +1.9 Connor Wright T 2004 3 St Leonard's 18-Jan 7.70 nwi Branson Po N 2005 6 Sydney 23-Jun 7.73 nwi Max Cormack S 2004 7 Adelaide 9-Feb 7.73 nwi Patrick Poulter V 2004 12 Melbourne 12-Sep 7.74 nwi Zaia Korkis N 2004 7 Sydney 23-Jun 7.75 +0.0 Jackson Teale Q 2004 1h2 Brisbane 9-Jun wind-assisted 7.48 +2.6 Thomas Penfold A 2005 1 Canberra 9-Mar UNDER 14 7.81 -0.6 Jacob Taylor N 2006 5h4 Sydney 26-Oct 7.86 +0.6 Tony Kamphuis T 2006 1 St Leonard's 20-Mar 7.91 -0.6 Angus Clues N 2006 5h5 Sydney 26-Oct 8.06 -0.6 Sadheel Kumah N 2006 6h5 Sydney 26-Oct 8.13 nwi Tom Johnston Q 2007 2h2 Sippy Downs 8-Oct 8.15 +1.9 Jackson Wood T 2006 5 St Leonard's 18-Jan 8.31 -2.5 Ivan Balic N 2006 7h4 Sydney 12-Oct 8.41 nwi Evan Vukovic N 2006 19 Sydney 23-Jun 8.58 -0.6 Lucas Miljak N 2007 9h5 Sydney 26-Oct 8.69 nwi Will Soden N 2007 2h6 Sydney 12-Oct 8.78 nwi Jimmy Thebridge N 2009 3h6 Sydney 12-Oct 8.88 +0.6 Indiana Murphy N 2006 3h6 Sydney 26-Oct 8.90 +0.6 Riley Howard T 2007 8 St Leonard's 20-Mar 100 YARDS wind-assisted 10.72 +2.2 Rashid Kabba A 2005 1 Canberra 12-Jan 100 METRES UNDER 16 10.89 +0.5 Ashley Wong Q 2004 1 Cairns 20-Oct 11.03 +0.6 Matthew Payne V 2004 1h2 Melbourne 16-Oct 11.07 +0.8 Jhariah Taylor Q 2005 1 Cairns 20-Oct 11.07 +0.7 Jordan-Blaze Lightbourn W 2004 1 Perth 1-Nov 11.16 +0.8 Kaleb Clark Q 2004 1 Brisbane 9-Mar 11.16 +1.5 Ryan Tarrant V 2004 1h1 Melbourne 16-Oct 11.17 +1.5 Gus Simpfendorfer V 2004 2h1 Melbourne 16-Oct 11.18 +0.5 Tyler Lilley Q 2004 3 Cairns 20-Oct 11.24 +1.7 Jake Elton Q 2004 2 Gold Coast 13-Jul 11.24 +0.6 James Swao NT 2005 1 Darwin 17-Aug 11.24 +0.9 Lachlan Wood N 2005 1 Sydney 21-Sep 11.25 +1.1 Jack Boulton V 2004 qual Melbourne 26-Oct 11.25 +1.5 Sebastian Ghisso N 2004 15 Sydney 2-Nov 11.26 +1.7 Ryan Braithwaite V 2004 qual Melbourne 26-Oct 11.27 -0.1 Branson Po N 2005 1 Sydney 28-Sep 11.27 +0.8 B Mundraby-Grogan Q 2005 2 Cairns 20-Oct 11.27 +0.7 Pacifique Dufitimukiza W 2 Perth 1-Nov 11.29 nwi Ashley Thomas Q 2004 1 Cairns 18-Aug 11.31 +0.8 William Quinn Q 2005 3 Cairns 20-Oct 11.31 -0.3 Donovan Bradshaw N 2004 16 Sydney 2-Nov 11.33 +0.4 Frankleen Newah-Jarfoi V 2005 1 Melbourne 27-Oct 11.34 +0.9 Grayson Reimer N 2005 2 Sydney 21-Sep 11.35 +1.6 Ajairy Mohanraja N 2004 1 Sydney 21-Sep 11.36 +0.5 Rashid Kabba A 2005 qual Sydney 5-Sep 11.36 +1.1 Ethan Quinatna N 2004 1 Sydney 21-Sep 11.36 +1.1 Hadley Tonga N 2004 2 Sydney 21-Sep wind-assisted 10.84 +2.4 Ashley Wong Q 2004 qual Cairns 19-Oct 10.85 +3.4 Matthew Payne V 2004 1 Melbourne 3-Mar 10.88 +2.7 Jack Boulton V 2004 1 Melbourne 27-Oct 11.06 +2.4 Kaleb Clark Q 2004 1 Cairns 19-Oct 11.11 +2.1 Tyler Lilley Q 2004 qual Cairns 19-Oct 11.12 +3.4 Jack Schneidereit V 2004 3 Melbourne 3-Mar 11.18 +2.1 Jake Elton Q 2004 qual Cairns 19-Oct 11.18 +2.7 Ryan Braithwaite V 2004 2 Melbourne 27-Oct 11.29 +3.2 Orion Francis-Roberts W 2004 1 Perth 16-Feb UNDER 14 11.63 +0.4 Max Berry A 2006 1 Canberra 19-Oct 11.70 +0.5 Emmanuel Tagaloa Q 2006 1 Cairns 20-Oct 11.79 +0.5 Joshua Phongkham A 2006 6h1 Canberra 18-Aug 11.81 +1.6 Ronghao Chen V 2006 1 Melbourne 19-Oct 11.82 +0.5 Dylan Heath Q 2006 2 Cairns 20-Oct 11.87 nwi Chanachai Kankratok V 2006 2 Hobart 28-Apr 11.88 +0.8 Coby Lomas N 2006 qual Sydney 5-Sep 11.89 +0.5 Tyson Crees Q 2006 3 Cairns 20-Oct 11.93 +1.4 Liam Coles N 2006 qual Sydney 3-Apr 11.94 -1.7 Wario Duba N 2006 2 Sydney 6-Sep 11.96 -1.0 Harris Kontobassis N 2006 2 Sydney 28-Sep 11.97 +2.0 Max Busuttil V 2006 qual Melbourne 26-Oct 12.00 -1.0 Jacob Taylor N 2006 3 Sydney 28-Sep 12.01 +1.6 Arno D'Andrea V 2006 2 Melbourne 19-Oct 12.03 +1.8 Tyler Hine Q 2006 qual Cairns 19-Oct 12.06 +0.5 Bailey Trew Q 2006 4 Cairns 20-Oct 12.07 +1.6 Tommy Breen V 3 Melbourne 19-Oct 12.07 +1.4 Liam Gordon N 2006 55 Sydney 2-Nov 12.11 +1.5 Harrison McLeod T 2006 1 St Leonards 27-Oct 12.12 +1.3 Jesse Suter V 2006 qual Melbourne 26-Oct 12.13 +0.8 Christopher Sufong N 2006 qual Sydney 5-Sep 12.13 +1.1 Jeff Douce W 2006 1 Perth 1-Nov 12.14 +1.8 Ray Bowie Q 2006 qual Cairns 19-Oct 12.14 +0.5 Cody McCraig Q 2006 5 Cairns 20-Oct 12.14 +1.1 Caylon Seelander W 2006 2 Perth 1-Nov wind-assisted 11.49 +3.9 Max Busuttil V 2006 1 Melbourne 18-Oct 11.62 +2.3 Emmanuel Tagaloa Q 2006 qual Cairns 19-Oct 11.62 +4.3 Dylan Heath Q 2006 qual Cairns 19-Oct 11.66 +2.4 Chanachai Kankratok V 2006 1 Melbourne 27-Oct 11.75 +3.9 Jesse Suter V 2006 2 Melbourne 18-Oct 11.75 +3.0 Liam Coles N 2006 42 Sydney 2-Nov 11.77 +2.4 Harris Kontobassis N 2006 1 Sydney 24-Sep 11.84 +3.5 Michael McCarthy N 2006 1 Sydney 21-Sep 11.94 +4.3 Bailey Trew Q 2006 qual Cairns 19-Oct 12.02 +3.5 Jed Dias-Carter N 2006 2 Sydney 21-Sep 12.02 +4.3 Cody McCraig Q 2006 qual Cairns 19-Oct 12.02 +2.4 Bruce Dumez V 2006 5 Melbourne 27-Oct 12.09 +3.5 Martin Kolevski N 2006 3 Sydney 21-Sep 200 METRES UNDER 16 21.76 +0.4 Ashley Wong Q 2004 1 Cairns 21-Oct 22.08 -0.2 Jack Boulton V 2004 1 Sydney 4-Apr 22.37 +1.5 Donovan Bradshaw N 2004 1 Sydney 27-Sep 22.37 +1.9 Matthew Payne V 2004 1h2 Melbourne 16-Oct 22.50 +1.3 Luka Szymanski N 2005 1 Sydney 27-Sep 22.51 +0.0 James Swao NT 2005 1 Darwin 16-Aug 22.60 +1.5 Daniel Cattana N 2004 2 Sydney 27-Sep 22.61 -1.5 Jhairah Taylor Q 2005 1 Cairns 21-Oct 22.62 -0.2 Kaleb Clark Q 2004 3 Sydney 4-Apr 22.63 +0.4 Tyler Lilley Q 2004 2 Cairns 21-Oct 22.69 +1.4 Jordanblaze Lightbourn W 2004 3h1 Perth 25-Oct 22.70 +1.3 Sebastian Ghisso N 2005 2 Sydney 27-Sep 22.74 +1.3 Rashid Kabba N 2005 3 Sydney 27-Sep 22.74 +1.3 Lachlan Wood N 2005 4 Sydney 27-Sep 22.78 +1.5 Charlie Wilkinson N 2004 3 Sydney 27-Sep 22.84 -0.2 Jack Schneidereit V 2004 5 Sydney 4-Apr 22.84 +1.3 Branson Po N 2005 5 Sydney 27-Sep 22.95 +1.5 Max Brideson T 2004 4 Hobart 2-Nov 22.94 -1.5 Carter Blades Q 2005 2 Cairns 21-Oct 22.95 +1.5 Ryan Mooney N 2004 4 Sydney 27-Sep 23.09 -1.2 Cooper Sherman V 1 Ballarat 12-Oct 23.09 +0.4 Jake Elton Q 2004 3 Cairns 21-Oct 23.09 -0.4 Ryan Braithwaite V 2004 3 Melbourne 3-Nov 23.10 nwi Dylan Cope W 2004 2 Perth 9-Mar 23.13 -1.5 William Quinn Q 2005 3 Cairns 21-Oct 23.13 +0.4 Josh Fabiani Q 2004 4 Cairns 21-Oct wind-assisted 21.66 +2.9 Jack Boulton V 2004 1 Melbourne 18-Oct 22.14 +3.8 Gus Simpfendorfer V 2004 1 Melbourne 19-Oct 22.27 +2.1 Jordanblaze Lightbourn W 2004 1 Perth 3-Nov 22.75 +2.1 Gabriel Doolan W 2004 2 Perth 3-Nov 22.86 +2.3 Carter Blades Q 2005 qual Cairns 20-Oct 22.87 +2.1 Elphan John Jimmy W 2004 3 Perth 3-Nov 22.94 +2.1 Dian Nel W 4 Perth 3-Nov 23.01 +2.1 Darcy Staples W 5 Perth 3-Nov 23.04 +2.9 Patrick Sager V 2004 3 Melbourne 18-Oct 23.07 +2.8 Grayson Reimer N 2005 2 Sydney 21-Sep 23.07 +2.5 Josh Fabiani Q 2004 qual Cairns 20-Oct 23.11 +2.3 B Mundravy-Grogan Q 2005 qual Cairns 20-Oct indoors 22.56 Matthew Payne V 2004 7 Idaho 14-Feb UNDER 14 23.79 -0.1 Coby Lomas N 2006 1 Sydney 5-Sep 23.87 -0.1 Liam Coles N 2006 2 Sydney 5-Sep 23.88 +0.3 Max Busuttil V 2006 1 Melbourne 3-Nov 23.94 -1.4 Emmanuel Tagaloa Q 2006 1 Cairns 21-Oct 23.98 +1.2 Harrison McLeod T 2006 7 Hobart 2-Nov 24.06 +0.7 Jacob Taylor N 2006 qual Sydney 4-Sep 24.09 +1.6 Joshua Phongkham A 2006 1 Canberra 28-Jul 24.16 +0.9 Jeff Douce W 2006 1 Perth 3-Nov 24.22 +1.1 Ronghao Chen V 2006 1h1 Melbourne 16-Oct 24.25 +1.8 Dylan Heath Q 2006 qual Cairns 20-Oct 24.27 -1.4 Ryan McCann Q 2006 2 Cairns 21-Oct 24.29 +1.9 Liam Kapsalis N 2006 qual Sydney 4-Sep 24.35 +0.3 Chanachai Kankratok V 2006 3 Melbourne 3-Nov 24.37 -1.4 Max Berry A 2006 1 Canberra 12-Oct 24.43 -1.4 Tyler Hine Q 2006 3 Cairns 21-Oct 24.48 -0.5 Harris Kontobassis N 2006 qual Sydney 27-Sep 24.52 -0.2 Zachary Flynn N 2006 1 Sydney 24-Sep 24.53 +0.9 Caylon Seelander W 2006 2 Perth 3-Nov 24.55 +1.3 Jean Marie S 2006 qual Adelaidde 27-Oct 24.59 -0.5 Liam Gordon N 2006 qual Sydney 27-Sep 24.60 -0.9 Jesse Souter V 2006 qual Melbourne 2-Nov 24.61 -1.4 Saxon Blair Q 2006 4 Cairns 21-Oct 24.74 -1.3 Tommy Breen V 2006 1h2 Melbourne 16-Oct 24.77 -1.4 Cody McCaig Q 2006 6 Cairns 21-Oct 24.81 +0.4 Arno D'Andrea V 2006 qual Melbourne 2-Nov wind-assisted 23.64 +2.3 Liam Coles N 2006 1 Sydney 27-Sep 23.65 +2.3 Jacob Taylor N 2006 2 Sydney 27-Sep
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