March 14, 1925 The Billboard 63 AT LIBFBTy FOR INDOOR CIRCUSES. CARTOONIST—Eipert. Charaiter acnsi. Une-etrlnK t«ir- i'ark» or luiloor ind outdoor cel^bra- fliklle. ete. I^perienrrd. Will >olo luod act or Agents — Make 500*70 Profit Have Philadelphia Address — ..n, of any kind. Thr Tarmton (I^dy-tirntt. tho*. Write AUTIBT. 26u W. 21al St.. New Fork City. Helling mr new “Three Popular Games'*. I*.*),: SHUMWAY, 2816 N. 28th. m.irtl I ,r*'« fiT't i la** dlffoh nt and rompU-t^ oirciia retail. ROMAN ARNDT. Sii.'Ci Townsend. He. K<>' pr <c and di-m-rlptlno of act a. THE trolt. Mich. rAKCNTOS. Tidioutc. rmnxylrania. The Agents and Buyers* Guide GBOTH BROS.—FOUR BIO FEATURE FREE At Last! — A Perfect Knife •ti lls where to buy eTerythlng. Copy 50 cer s a, .ind a tialloon for faira and ccirbrattona. CLASSIFIED Tk WILSON. Uux 74. Yladlsoa Square Statie. \V film -111 entire pmaram. Write for liu-ra- ShariK'ner. RetalN $1.00. Guaranteed life¬ New York. Iii-e. rhurter Oak. Iowa. aeptS time. Lib,TaI prcifita. Protected territory. Write. CONAWAY A CO., ChaDipaign. III. GAY LOR BROS. Four free arti; filrt. relehratloni; .... .1. riiiiiilr fri>a>. Kuropein hand-head balanrera. Wonderful Invention' Elimin¬ .. Ii..\rlty r<)ullthrl>t. Comedy troupe of Itnaa. Big Money in Formulas — ates Needles for Phnoogrtphs. PreBerv«-s |v i;iti St.. Drliull, Mlrhlcan. jiine;!7 rex'ords. .\bolishes scratchiug. Day’s supply COMMEROAl 10.000 Helected manufacturing formiilaa One in iH,, ket. $'JO daily. Sample on approval it great IhvA. southern TRADING COMPANY. requested. EVERPLAY, Desk C-3, McCIurg AT LIBERTY ADVERTISEMENTS Dept. 3o, Flushing. N. Y". % DIdg., Chicago. nian2.S PIANO PLAYFRS r Big Money Selling New House¬ $10 to $25 Daily With Free Sr WORD. CASH (FIrit Lina Lar(a Black Tyac) '<( WORD. CASH (Firat Lina and Nana Black Type) hold Cleaning Bet. Waabes and dries win¬ lAitfit. $10 sample raincoat. $5.9.5. to be. ACTS, SONGS AND PARODIES dows, sweep*, st-rnhs, mops. All cc/mp!efe. ginners. WORLD RAINCOAT COMPANY, Ic WOrO. CASH (Small Type) (Na Ad Lata Than 2S<) 64 WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25a. only $2.0.5. Orer half profit. Write HARPER 32ttB-J Third Ave., New Y'ork. murl4 FiBura at One Rata Only—Saa Nata Balt*. Sc WORD. CASH. ATTRACTIVE FIRST LINE. Fiiura at Oaa Rata Only—Saa Nata Belew. BRUSH WORKS, 320 Grimes St.. Fairfield. Iowa mar2^x AGENTS—TWO FAST SELLERS; BIG PROF- Pianist at Liberty After March i's. Samples, ]l)e. MODERN SPECIALTY A Good Act Brings Fame and CO., 315 Bo. Druadway, Bt. Louis, Mo. mar’JS l**. KxiHTlenred In theatre, hotel and dim-e Canvassers, Fair, Medicine « .rli. Ii"«ire work with rr'lltble people onl". fortune. No artist ever achlered aucce«* men. Excellent proposition. WEIL’S IN¬ AGENTS—BE INDEPENDENT. MAKE BIG Will go anywhere. PIANIST, (MW Water St.. with iHMir material. It will put toii to get DIAN TEA. 214 West Stth St.. New York. profits with our Soap, Toilet Art eles and i>..ii*h Krownavllle, l*n. in touch with u« CARSON AND D ARVILLE. \ aiideriiie'a Leading Authors. :<*iO West ITOth, Household Neeessitles. Get free sample ease New Y'ork (’yy. offer. HO-BO-CO, 2704 Dodier, .St. Louis, Pianist—Experienced, Vaude- Earn Big Money Fast Apply¬ Missouri. mar28 ing Gold Initials to autos. Every owner buys. illle. iileturep, dance or concert. Arallable Acts Guaranteed Surefire — $1.3.’, profit on $1.1,0 sal«-s. Par'leiilars and AGENTS—BEST SELLER. JEM RUBBER RE- nf.r \..rll .V A. F. of M MUSICIAN, S Written to fit you w.th p«-p and punch. samples free. Write quick. LITHOGRAM CO., pair, for tires and tubes. Supersedes vul- i.lei.w..,>d .Vve., Dayton, Ohio. Don’t experiment with time-worn material. Dept. 10. Eaat Orange, N. J. esn.zation at a saving of over H(s) per cent. Driginal material Ini-ures suci'eas. LEWIS AND Put it on cold, it vulcanites it-elf in two A-l PIANIST-tEADER—DESIRES CHANGE. BELMORE, ILix Ibl*. T.mea buuare Station. minutes .and is guaranteed to last the life of Kif een .'•nra' exiwrlenee; perfect rumg; ref- New Y'ork City. Earn $20 Daily. Greatest Seller the t re or tube. Sells to every auto owner and (.renre.; |ire-a notlcea; atate aalary. full par- of the age. No talking. Our Silent Sales¬ aecessory dealer. For partieulirs how to make ti.-iilar-.. .VIlow t.me to forward mall. O-BOX ••COMEDY CHATTER’* PUBLISHED NEW men Method does the work. Sample and won¬ big mowy and free sample adilress AMAZOV 76S, • arc ltllll>uard, Cincinnati, Ohio. marld weekly. SfK-; Ylunolngues, $1.00; l.W Sure. derful sell ng plan, 25c (coin). H/iN8£N RUBBER CO.. Philadelphia, Pa., Dept. 706. Fire Gaga. .•MW- Bperlal materia! reasonalile. SUPPLY CO.. 2445 Ballon Bt.. Chicago. mar28x at LIBERTY—pianist AND VIOLINIST, Sarop'e and price lla*. lo,.. 0U8TUS SMITH. diiuMe eax.. experienced and reliable; library Box 22C, Eaai x Station, Iloston, Maaa, marld AGENTS—BIO PROFIT SELLING SEIF- f..r Mcnirei. etc.; cue perfectly; reference!; Large Manufacturer Wants Lighting Gas Lighters. $10 Grons. Sample, iM.pular mutic. M. CLARK, Gatea, Tenn. MONOLOGUES. $1; SKETCHES. $$; ACTS. $3; agents to sell shirts direct to wearer. Ex- 25 cents. RADIO LIGHTER MFG. CO.. 488 inarSl prnfeaa.oral Material, 20 I.ea-wna Stage In- rluslTe patterna easily sold. No capitil re¬ Rockaway Ave., Brooklyn, New York. apr4 atrurtii n. ft. Dancing. Mti-., by mall. CEN¬ quired. Whole or spare time. Experience nn- agents—COINING MONET SELLING LUMIN¬ at LIBERTY-pianist FOR ORCHESTRA TRAL PLAY CO., ITi.'i Jefferson. Grand Rapids, necessary KALENDER SPORTSWEAR CO.. OUS Plate Glass House Numbers and Signs. March 1>*. Eiiwrlemed In Flaher. Schlrmer Michigan. inar2S 5I3B Broadway. New Y'ork. mar28 and l<eIw'Ti llbrarle*. I'n'nn. Location, Weat, Seil on sight. Atiraetivc eommlssions. FOX Ka-t -r N rt- P. 8. Me HENRY, Grand TIh-i A FOX. Box ’’£’’, Great Kills, N. Y. marU ire. Hant-vllle, -Ala. inarl‘1 AGENTS FOR EMBOSSED DISPLAY SIGNS GOOD LADY PIANIST DESIRES POSITION. in brilliant color designs. Storekeepers bny Ad-lziii BOX 6S, Caicade, Iowa. on sight. Protected territory; 2<X)*'J profit. Write for particnlara. ARTISTIC SION ORCHESTRA PIANIST — PLAYED BEST Condensed Operas WORKS, 799 Broadway, New York City. apr4 ; ii"-. tourist hotels, etc. (experienced all Iii.,-i Wanta good engagement State par- agents—LATEST RAGE. 800,000 QUICKLY oulart. Addreas C-BOX 776. care Billboard. No OTHER It.Tlian opera is so xx-ell belox'cd by the public tevday as .4tda. sold. Nickel, gold types. Plain or Fraternal < inc Gi.ati. It t('<>k a quartt-r ct a century for Verdi's xvork to become popular, Emblemed Handy Holder Safety Baxor. Popu¬ but It stands today at the head of operas of its tK-hool. It u.sually lar prices. Liberal proposition. Write today. PIANIST—GOOD READER. DESIRES PLACE rervey D r the b, pinning of the season at the larger opera houses. It has LADIS I,. BUCEK, 95 Munson St., Astoria, n amall orchestra. Comfortable position even achlexed the distinction of being the first to be reduced to tabloid Long Island, New York. marl4 ' Ti.-r Ilian b.gb salarr. POLLY PRANK, fi rm. Atda. as it stood last xveek on the program at the Hippodrome, lu.j'. 1. J.ihnaon City. New York. lahtud only a little more th.-xn half an hour. AGENTS MAKE 50$<ro PROFIT HANDLING Operatic npertoire iViay thus become a fruitful source of supply to .Vuto Monograms. New Pictures, Window Let¬ PIANIST—UNION. OPEN FOR THEATRE EN vaudeville pm*rram.s. The most Important part of operas of the epoch ter*. Trsnsfer Flags. Novelty Signs. Catalog gac-raenf, alone or orchestra; p cturrt onle of Alda are their ’’gems.’* They are the most tuneful and naturally the fre<-. HINTON CO.. 1153 N. WeUa St.. Chi¬ l,;i-»'T and cuea pictures; married. CHAS, most liked numbtrs of the score. YVhat intervenes Is often a weariness cago. X WILLIAMS, MD Water St.. PottaTllle. Pa. marSl to the fle.sh of the ur.acvu.otomed operagoer. Condensation of such works should he simple. La Trnvia>a would be quite well enough represented AGENTS—MEN AND WOMEN. 85 MILLION women are anxiously waDinf to buy tbe AT LIBERTY—Euierlenred young lady ptanirt. to a vaudeville audience by Libinnto. .4 A, fors’ e liif; Di Provrnza and Read and take: rhanga rharactrr and straight; Parifji cam. These are the most beautiful and best knoxxTi arias of the 3-in-l Hot Water Bottle-Icebag-Tountain Sy¬ f'r week; work acta; dreta oo and cff. Wire work. Other operas couM be delivered to their public in equally simple ringe Combination. Commission daily. No delivering. Write for startling money-making l>c,i utarr. sitow elotlng rauta of thla ad. LOIS form. E'-w of these arrangements xx'ould require choruses. AUIRKjUT, Gen. Dsl.. ApBleloo, WU. plan. LOBL MANUFACTURING CORPORA¬ Conden-iiation of operas has not boert altogteher confined to vaudeville. TION, Middleboro, Massachusetts. maySO pianist at liberty—Vtolln apecUlty. AWo In Oernldine Farrar is now singing a talboid Carwtrn over the country, tar.d. n ad an t Uke. Tlrket unteai right partlc- l-.azare Saminsky composed a gloomy one-act ep'-ra called Gagliardo AGENTS—SELL EMBLEM BELTS TO LODGE lUri. Wrlia CASLT, 141S Locuit SL. St. LouU. Mo. of a Jferrij Plagur, xxhich was heard the other night at a concert of the memlHTS.
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