John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 9-10-1992 The aC rroll News-Vol. 83, No. 2 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News-Vol. 83, No. 2" (1992). The Carroll News. 1042. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/1042 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. •What presidential candidates aren't saying- FORUM page 3 •Where to find classical movie on campus- CAMPUS LIFE page 7 • Roger Waters returns after Pink Floyd, with new album­ ENTERTAINMENT page 9 •Interview with Alma's head football coach. Jim Cole­ SPORTS page 10 Federal law requires security report Tara Schmidtke of reporung cnmes to the police Ed.tortOI Edtror for federal record, ha<; not changed According to John Carroll Campus Secunty's method of University's reccntl}-relcased deahng With cnmmal Instances 1992 Annual Secu11ty Report, on campus. "We'll be domg the there were no reported murders, same thing as we thd m the past," rapes, robbcncs, motor vehicle said McCaffrey. "There is no thefL<>, or arrests for alcohol on the difference m how wc'rcrcacting." Carroll campus m the year 1991. Donna Byrnes, d1rector of Three aggravated assaults and 13 housmg, said that the new law has burglaries were reponed. caused the housing office to alter The annual report IS legally slightly its previous proceedmgs. reqUired by the federal Cnme "We're trying to keep more Awareness and Secumy Act of documentauon on this than we 1990. have in the past," shy sa1d. "In the The Security Report, compiled past we just handled llmternally." by Diane Ward, ass1stant control­ In addition to reporting inci­ ·photo by Dan Ruc.h United States Air Force Thunderbird precision flying team thrills crowds at the Cleveland ler, with assistance from other dents, campuses arc also required National Air Show, held downtown over Labor Day Weekend. campus departments, conSISts of to distribute to the campus com­ campus crime polic1cs as well as munity an annual security report criminal statistics from 1991. containing campus policies con­ JCU bankrolls recycling "The Annual Security Report cerning safety, security, access to IS a publication m compliance with campus facihues, campus law the government law," said Ward. enforcement, and statisucs of the John R. Thorne adminlst.rauve move would total The university will be charged "It's an auempt lO share mforma­ crime rate. Assistant News ditor near~ for purchasmg the alccolSl'.iOeach tirncauumpstcr tion with the campus." Unde r the new federal law , University officials are appar­ plastic trash cans the group wanted is emptied, in additiOn to a ntnmng lbe Crime Awweness and~ colleges and universities are re­ ently providing both the money to place in every office and hall. charge to take the dumpster to the curity Actof l990rcquirescollege qu ired to report instances of and muscle for John Carroll Uni­ According to Reali, the ad­ recycling plant. officials to report campus crimes murder, rape, robbery, aggravated versity students to recycle dis­ ministration has been working on The dumpsters arc taken to to their local police department. assault, burglary, and motor ve­ posable materials. implementing a recychng program Turtle Plastics Inc., m Cleveland Locally, John Carroll w1ll report hicle theft. Also, arrests for liquor According to John Reali, vice since last November. Reali has where the products are sorted. The to the University Heights Police law and drug abuse v1olauons and president for services, a campus­ done research on recycling pro­ company is owned by Tom Department, which then relays the weapons possess1ons must be re­ wide recycling program is under­ grams at Case Western Reserve Norton, a 1958graduatcofCarroll. mformation to the Federal Bureau poned and released to the com­ way with a start-up cost ranging University, Baldwin-Wallace According to Norton, the con­ of Investigation's Uniform Crime munity. between $8000 and $10,000. This College, and Cleveland State tract with Turtle Plastics was Reports. John Carroll now joms the estimate covers recycling bins, University. signed September I, by Reali. Frances McCaffrey, director of 8,000 post-secondary schools in bags and labor costs. SAFE's goal was to get the See SAFE, page 4 Security, stated that th is new policy See CRIME, page 4 While the university's eco­ administration to take over the logical efforts were applauded, one project, but was never informed of leader of the campus group, Stu­ the changes that were taking place Service director arrives at JCU dent Advocates For the Environ­ during the summer. "Uiumatcly ment (SAFE), expressed surpnse this was our aim," said Evans. about the support. SAFE had taken The State of Ohio w1ll begin to Elizabeth McDonald v1ce and is willing to get kids all responsibility for the program enforce House Bill 592 m 1994, News Ed1tor involved," said Lavelle. up until this academic year. which calls for a 25% reduction in In an effort to improve the ex­ According to Lavelle, Falbo's JulieEvans,presidentofSAFE, waste to be met under county solid­ ISting program at John Carroll job may also include working with said she was unaware of any waste management districts. University, Dr. Mark Falbo has Paul Kelly in Campus Ministry to changes that had taken place over "Over a period of time it [gar­ been appointed to the newly cre­ expand some of their service pro­ the summer concerning the pro­ bage] should start reducing itself," ated position of Director of Com­ grams and to place a greater num­ gram unul the start of classes last Reali said. "It starts to balance munity Service. ber of students in various activl­ week. itself out." According to Falbo, the objcc­ ues. "I would be totally thrilled if SAFE, with permission of the uve of his position IS not to take In creatmg th1s position. we didn't have anything to do adm1nistrauon, had placed a over anything, but to Simply pro­ Lavelle hopes to sec the commu­ w1th ll anymore," said Evans. dumpster for recyclables on cam­ VIde more of a focus for the future nity service program expand in "This will give us more time to do pus last year. Evans had been re­ of community service on campus. the years to come. According to what we wanted to do." ceiving bills from Waste Man "I intend to support what is him, this may or may not include Administrative officials, ac­ agemcnt of Ohio and expended a currently going on and to coordi­ making some type of community cording toEvans, had not indicated total of S40 for the dumpster last nate my effort<; into the program," service a requirement for gradua­ any definite plans to take over the year. sa1d Falbo. tion. He stressed that this docs not recycling effort that SAFE had Evans was informed this sum­ A product of Jesuit schooling have to be the case. brought to their auention at several mer that the contract for the h1msclf, Falbo believes commu­ "I don't want to make there­ meetings throughout the past two dumpster had been canceled by nny service was an mvaluablc part QUirements any harder than they years. Tom Wank, superv1sor of house of his education. already are," sa.d Lavelle. "But new pos1uon w11l increase the role At the V1ce Pres1dential Forum kccpmg. Rev. Michael Lavelle, S.J , my hope IS that every stud ...'llt at that community sci'\ icc plays on last Nov. 4.SAFEapproached the S1ncc then, the Univcrsny has president of the univcrsny, 1s con­ John Carroll, m the course of their campus. admm1st.rauon and was told that contracted to have four dumpsters fident that Falbo will do much to four years here, will get involved "Each student at John Carroll the project would cost too much placed on campus. Prcsently,two enhance the program. m some service activ1ty on their has been g1ven a great deal," sa1d money. of these dumpsters arc in place. "I believe he fits in with the own." Lavelle. "J hope that now they At that time, Reali told SAFE Each dumpster will hold 30 square mission of our school, for he real­ Both Lavelle and Falbo are will be even more encouraged to members that costs for such an yards of recyclable material. Izes the need for community scr- hopeful that the creauon of th1s g1ve back to the1r community." .· Page 2 EDITORIAL The Carroll News, September 10, 1992 s udenf commentary Graduating in five years: Is it becoming a trend? Every year mil­ filling a major and decide lO change !.heir l ions of students en­ course of study. That can be a "major" ter an institution of setback (no pun intended). higher learning ex­ Finally, some students take a semester pecting lo receive a off here and there during !.heir academic degree in four years. stay at John Carroll. But Lhe hard reality Some use the time to experience the is !.hal it is now tak­ world and others usc it to make money or ing most students jusl recover from the rough semester before. five years lO o.btain Whatever Lhe reasons, it just lakes some Maria Thomas lhatcoveled degree. longer !.han others, but do not make Lhe Copy Editor Isn't it?! mistake of blaming the institution. I, too, believed Lhe so called "four year After last Friday's graduation, a grand plan" was on its way to becoming obsolete, tot.al of 815 undergraduate students left bul upon furl.her investigation, I found this John Carroll with !.heir respective degrees.
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