Contents Introduction 1 Introduction 5 Spatial Portrait 2 Spatial portrait 9 Vision 3 Vision 22 Objectives 4 Objectives 26 Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development 5 Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development 34 Planning for Growth 6 Planning for growth 37 6.1 Scale of Growth 37 6.2 Distribution of Growth 46 7 Sites for Employment 52 8 Sites for Mixed Use 56 9 Sites for Housing 59 Addressing Climate Change 10 Addressing Climate Change 70 Flooding and Water Resource Management 71 Renewable and low carbon energy 77 Managing Growth Calderdale Local Plan Publication Draft 2018 Calderdale MBC - 2018 Contents 11 Managing Growth 83 11.1 Managing Growth 83 12 Health and Well Being 84 13 Infrastructure and Master Planning 90 14 Employment and the Economy 108 15 Retailing and Town Centres 112 16 Housing 123 17 Built Environment 139 18 Historic Environment 151 19 Green Belt and Rural Areas 154 20 Green Infrastructure and Natural Environment 157 21 Environmental Protection 171 22 Minerals 175 23 Waste 193 Annexes 1 Car & bicycle parking standards 202 2 Space About Dwellings 211 3 Trees on or adjacent to development 219 4 Glossary 223 5 Saved policies 242 Appendix 1 Site allocations - Supporting Information 243 Policy Policy SD1 Presumption in Favour of Sustainable Development 34 Policy SD2 Sustainable Development 36 Policy SD3 Housing Requirement 38 Policy SD4 Provision of Land for future Employment Use Requirements 46 Policy SD5 Allocated Employment Sites 52 Policy SD5 Allocated Employment Sites - Brighouse 52 Policy SD5 Allocated Employment Sites - Elland 53 Policy SD5 Allocated Employment Sites - Halifax 53 Policy SD5 Allocated Employment Sites - Mytholmroyd 55 Policy SD5 Allocated Employment Sites - Ripponden 55 Calderdale MBC - 2018 Calderdale Local Plan Publication Draft 2018 Contents Policy SD5 Allocated Employment Sites - Sowerby Bridge 55 Policy SD6 Allocated Mixed Use Sites 56 Policy SD6 Allocated Mixed Use Sites - Brighouse 57 Policy SD6 Allocated Mixed Use Sites - Elland 57 Policy SD6 Allocated Mixed Use Sites - Halifax 57 Policy SD6 Allocated Mixed Use Sites - Hebden Bridge 58 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites 59 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Brighouse 59 Policy SD7 Allocated Garden Suburbs - Brighouse 61 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Elland 61 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Halifax 62 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Hebden Bridge 65 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Mytholmroyd 66 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Northowram and Shelf 66 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Ripponden 67 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Sowerby Bridge 67 Policy SD7 Allocated Housing Sites - Todmorden 68 Policy CC1 Climate Change 70 Policy CC2 Flood Risk Management (Managing Flood Risk in New Development) 73 Policy CC3 Water Resource Management 75 Policy CC4 Catchment Management 76 Policy CC5 Supporting Renewable and Low Carbon Energy 78 Policy CC6 Assessment of Renewable and Low Carbon Energy Development Proposals 81 Policy HW1 Health Impacts of Development 85 Policy HW2 Health Impact Assessment 85 Policy HW3 Well Being 86 Policy HW4 Safeguarding Community Facilities and Services 87 Policy HW5 Sustainable Local Food Production 87 Policy HW6 Hot food takeaways 89 Policy IM1 Strategic Transport Interventions 93 Policy IM2 Transport Investment Decisions 94 Policy IM3 Safeguarding Transport Investment 95 Policy IM4 Sustainable Travel 98 Policy IM5 Ensuring Development Supports Sustainable Travel 100 Policy IM6 Telecommunications and Broadband 102 Policy IM7 Master Planning of Housing Sites 103 Policy IM8 Piecemeal Development 105 Policy IM9 Safeguarding Aerodromes and Technical Sites 106 Policy EE1 Safeguarding Existing Employment Areas, Land and Premises 109 Policy EE2 Economic Activity Outside the Main Urban Areas 110 Policy RT1 Calderdale Retail Hierarchy and Town Centre Uses 113 Policy RT2 Primary Shopping Areas and Shopping Frontages 115 Policy RT3 Sequential Test and Retail Impact Assessments 117 Policy RT4 Local Retailing and Servicing Provision Outside of Centres 119 Policy RT5 General Town Centre Principles 120 Policy RT6 Cultural and Leisure Provision 121 Policy RT7 Residential Use in Town Centres 122 Policy HS1 Non Allocated Sites 123 Policy HS2 Residential Density 125 Policy HS3 Housing Mix 126 Policy HS4 Housing for Independent Living 128 Calderdale Local Plan Publication Draft 2018 Calderdale MBC - 2018 Contents Policy HS5 Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding 129 Policy HS6 Affordable Housing 132 Policy HS7 Houses in Multiple Occupation 136 Policy HS8 Meeting the Need of Gypsies and Travellers and Travelling Showpeople 137 Policy BT1 High quality, inclusive design 142 Policy BT2 Privacy, Daylighting and Amenity Space 143 Policy BT3 Landscaping 145 Policy BT4 The Design and Layout of Highways and Accesses 145 Policy BT5 Designing Out Crime 148 Policy BT6 Access for All 149 Policy BT7 The Provision of Public Conveniences and Baby Facilities 149 Policy HE1 The Historic Environment 152 Policy GB1 Development in the Green Belt 155 Policy GB2 Development in the Area Around Todmorden 156 Policy GN1 Securing green infrastructure provision 157 Policy GN2 A joined up green infrastructure network 158 Policy GN3 Natural Environment 160 Policy GN4 Landscape Character 163 Policy GN5 Trees 164 Policy GN6 Protection and Provision of Open Space, Sport and Recreation Facilities 165 Policy GN7 Allotments 167 Policy GN8 Protection of Local Green Spaces 170 Policy EN1 Pollution Control 171 Policy EN2 Air Quality 173 Policy EN3 Environmental Protection 174 Policy MS1 Minerals Strategy 178 Policy MS2 Mineral Safeguarding Areas 179 Policy MS3 Safeguarding Minerals Infrastructure 181 Policy MS4 Proposals for new or extended mineral sites 181 Policy MS5 Mineral Allocations 182 Policy MS6 Restoration of Mineral sites 184 Policy MS7 Land Based Oil and Gas Extraction (Conventional and Unconventional) 186 Policy WA1 Planning for Sustainable Waste Management 199 Policy WA2 New Waste Facilities 200 Policy WA3 Safeguarded Waste Sites 200 Policy WA4 Proposals for New Waste Management Facilities 201 Calderdale MBC - 2018 Calderdale Local Plan Publication Draft 2018 1 Introduction PLEASE NOTE : THESE INTRODUCTORY SECTIONS DO NOT FORM PART OF THE PRE-SUBMISSION LOCAL PLAN Introduction The Local Plan, formerly known as the Local Development Framework (LDF), is a major project that all Local Authorities are required to undertake, as set out in the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 (as amended). Work on Calderdale's LDF commenced in 2008 under the requirements of this Act, taking into account the provisions of the Regional Spatial Strategy for Yorkshire and Humber and the national guidance provided Planning Policy Statements (PPS), and Planning Policy Guidance (PPG) notes. The LDF was being prepared as a Core Strategy and separate Land Allocations and Designations Plan (LADPlan). The Council released the Preferred Options for the Core Strategy in November 2012, and was commencing early work on the LADPlan, with a number of workshops on potential sites. The introduction of the "Duty to Cooperate" together with the revocation of the Regional Spatial Strategy that was brought about by the Localism Act 2011 also fundamentally changed the relationships and linkages between the documents and with other authorities within the region. These changes delayed aspects of plan preparation. During March 2012, the Government withdrew all the existing Planning Policy Statements and many Guidance Notes, replacing these with a National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and a separate planning policy for Traveller sites. The NPPF recommends that Local Authorities produce a single Local Plan rather than a suite of documents and its purpose is referred to later in the NPPF. With delays to plan preparation the Council responded positively to the advice of the NPPF and agreed in early 2014 to move towards the production of a single Local Plan combining the strategic aspects of the Core Strategy with the land allocations and designations that would have been in the LADPlan. This document sets out the Council's Publication version of the Local Plan for pre-submission comments under Regulation 19 of the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning)(England) Regulations 2012. Regulation 19 gives stakeholders and local people an opportunity to put forward their final comments and reasons regarding the "soundness" of the Local Plan and whether it has been prepared in accordance with the procedures governing Local Planning - set out in the Town & Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012 and complies with the Duty to Cooperate. All comments received during this representation period will be presented to the Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State to undertake the Public Examination into the soundness of the Local Plan. To help in assessing the policies and the allocations, supporting documents are also released for consultation including: 1. Sustainability Appraisal including Strategic Environmental Assessment of the draft plan; 2. Habitats Regulations Assessment. Evidence supporting the preparation of the Local Plan can be found on the Local Plan pages of the Council's web-site: https://www.calderdale.gov.uk/environment/planning/planning-policy/evidence-base/index.html Standard Questions to Consider Regulation 19 requires that stakeholders and local people are given the opportunity to make representations about the Publication Draft of the Local Plan. A number of specific matters should be considered as these will assist
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