American Mineralogist, Volume 96, pages 936–945, 2011 New Mineral Names* GLENN POIRIER,1,† KIMBERLY T. TAIT,2 AND RALPH ROWE1 1Mineral Sciences Division, Canadian Museum of Nature, P.O. Box 3443, Station D, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 6P4, Canada 2Department of Natural History, Royal Ontario Museum, 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C6, Canada ADRANOSITE* to SO4 tetrahedra in spiraling chains parallel to [001]. NaO4Cl2 F. Demartin, C.M. Gramaccioli, and I. Campostrini (2010) square tetragonal pyramids are linked by Cl atoms on their cor- ners. The ammonium molecules occupy voids in the structure and Adranosite, (NH4)4NaAl2(SO4)4Cl(OH)2, a new ammonium sulfate chloride from La Fossa crater, Vulcano, Aeolian are bonded to atoms in the structure by hydrogen bonds. Islands, Italy. Can. Mineral., 48, 315–321. The name is for the ancient god of fire, Adranos. The name and the mineral were approved by the IMA CNMMN (2008-057). The Adranosite was discovered in a medium-temperature fuma- holotype sample is held in the collection of the Dipartimento di role (250 °C) in a pyroclastic breccia in the La Fossa crater, Vul- Chimica Strutturale e Stereochimica Inorganica, Università degli cano. Aeolian Islands, Sicily, Italy. It is associated with aiolosite, Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy, specimen number 2008-06. G.P. alunite, anhydrite, bismuthinite, sassolite, dimicheleite-(Br), ARISITE-(CE)* dimicheleite-(Cl), and another new mineral (IMA 2009-049). Adranosite occurs as aggregates of acicular crystals up to 300 P.C. Piilonen, A.C. McDonald, J.D. Grice, R. Rowe, R. Gault, G. µm in length. The crystals are white to colorless. They have a Poirier, M.A. Cooper, U. Kolitsch, A.C. Roberts, W. Lechner, tetragonal habit with pointed terminations. The most common and A.G. Palfi (2010) Arisite-(Ce), a new rare-earth fluorcar- forms are {100}, {110}, and {111} with no observed twinning. bonate from the Aris phonolite, Namibia, Mont Saint-Hilaire Adranosite has a white streak and a vitreous luster. Cleavage and and the Saint-Amable sill, Quebec, Canada. Can. Mineral., fracture where not observed. No fluorescence was observed in 48, 661–671. short or long wavelength ultraviolet. It is non-hygroscopic and stable at atmospheric conditions. Optically it is uniaxial negative, Arisite-(Ce) was initially discovered in miarolitic cavities ω is 1.55(1) and ε is 1.54(1) at 589 nm. The observed density is in the Aris phonolite quarry, central Namibia. It was confirmed 2.15(1) g/cm3 and the compatibility index is superior. as an unknown mineral in 2000. The material from St Amable The composition of adranosite was determined by electron and Mont Saint-Hilaire were recognized as new species in 1990 microprobe except for ammonium, whose presence was veri- (UK60) and 1998 (VUK11), respectively. Comparison of XRD fied by the Nessler reaction and water whose concentration was patterns proved that the Namibian material (NAM) was the same determined from crystal structure considerations. The average species as the material from Mont Saint-Hilaire (MSH). These localities are regarded as co-type localities. composition of adranosite (wt%) (n not given) is Na2O 5.88, The Aris phonolite is a dike that intrudes metasedimentary Al2O3 17.40, K2O 0.90, (NH4)2O 16.52, SO3 51.31, Cl 5.68, rocks of the Paleoproterozoic Hohewarte complex. It is a fine- H2O 2.99, –O=Cl –1.28, for a total of 99.40. This gives an em- grained aphyric rock, composed mainly of sanidine, nepheline, pirical formula (on the basis of 19 anions) of [(NH4)3.89K0.12]Σ4.01 and aegirine with minor haüyne, leucite, monazite, and zircon. Na1.16Al2.09S3.93O15.99 Cl0.98(OH)2.03. Powder diffraction data were obtained using graphite mono- Arisite-(Ce) occurs in 0.1 mm to 10 cm miarolitic cavities that chromated CuKα radiation. The ten strongest reflections in the often contain residual hydrothermal fluids. Minerals found in the cavities include villiaumite, aegirine, labuntsovite-group pattern [dobs in Å (Iobs%,hkl)] are: 2.980(100,152), 2.265(87,080), 4.530(86,040), 6.398(80,220), 3.020(65,060) 3.202(47,440), minerals, tuperssuatsiaite, natrolite, analcime, manganonep- 1.902(44,482), 2.739(36,352), 2.864(29,260), and 4.052(28,240). tunite, apophyllite-(KF), fluorite, and makatite. Arisite-(Ce) The crystal structure of adranosite was determined using from this locality occurs as euhedral hexagonal plates up 1.5 data collected with a 2K CCD detector and MoKα radiation. mm in diameter and as rare hexagonal tabular prisms. Crystals The structure was solved by direct methods and refined using are vitreous and transparent and range in color from beige, beige-yellow, light lemon yellow to pinkish. Forms include a the SHEL97 program. RFinal was 0.355 for 596 reflections where dominant {001} pinacoid with a minor {100} prism; twinning [I > 2σ(I)]. Adranosite is tetragonal with space group I41/acd; a = 18.118(3), c = 11.320(3) Å, V = 3715.5(13) Å3, and Z = 8. of an undetermined form is observed. Associated minerals are aegirine, analcime, apatite, fluorite, manganoneptunite, micro- The structure of adranosite consists of AlO6 octehedra linked cline, natrolite, sphalerite, tuperssuatsiaite, and the unnamed * All minerals marked with an asterisk have been approved by Fe-analogue of zakharovite. Replacement of arisite-(Ce) by the IMA CNMMC. fine-grained yellowish bastnäsite is observed. † E-mail: [email protected] The Mont Saint-Hilaire alkaline intrusive complex consists 0003-004X/11/0506–936$05.00/DOI: 10.2138/am.2011.576 936 NEW MINERAL NAMES 937 of nepheline and sodalite syenites, with associated alkaline Ce2O3 30.71 (30.32–30.98), Pr2O3 3.03 (2.90–3.15), Nd2O3 8.12 pegmatite dikes, xenoliths, and igneous breccias and is part of (8.03–8.22), Sm2O3 0.69 (0.65–0.75), Gd2O3 0.54 (0.34–0.77) the Monteregian hills petrographic province. Arisite-(Ce) from CO2 20.92 (by stoichiometry), F 9.62 (9.46–9.80), less O=F = MSH occurs in small alkaline pegmatite veins and lenticular 4.05, total 97.90. This gives an empirical formula (on the basis of patches within syenite and syenite sodalite xenoliths. It occurs seven negative charges) of (Na0.70Ca0.30) 1.00(Ce0.90La0.49Nd0.23Pr0.09 as pale pink to silvery to very pale brown micaceous plates with Sm0.02Gd0.01Ca0.16Sr0.13)Σ2.03(CO3)2[F1.43(CO3)0.28]F. TGA-DTA an irregular hexagonal outline or as thin strips that narrow to thin analyses of arisite-(Ce) from MSH shows a two step mass loss; fibers. Other forms include isolated crystals rosettes, irregular 1 wt% at 205.8 °C and 16.5 wt% at 382.0 °C. Both losses are clusters, and as spherical aggregates 0.1 to 2 mm in diameter. attributed to CO2 loss on heating. Forms include a dominant {001} pinacoid and a minor {100} Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of arisite-(Ce) from prism. In alkaline pegmatites it is associated with aegirine, al- NAM and MSH exhibited the following structures: a sharp band bite, a clinoamphibole, a eudialyte-group mineral, microcline, at 1790 cm−1 attributed to C-O stretching, broad bands at 1485 −1 mosandrite, natrolite, gonnardite, and fluorapatite. In sodalite and 1483 cm attributed to CO3 asymmetric stretching, a sharp –1 syenite xenoliths, it is associated with aegirine, “tetranatrolite,” band at 1075 cm attributed to CO3 symmetric stretching, sharp polylithionite, fluorite, sodalite, serandite, microcline, catapleiite, peaks at 884, 856, and 802 cm–1 attributed to out-of-plane bend- –1 pyrite, pyrochlore, pyrrhotite, goethite, an alkali feldspar, and ing of CO3 and a sharp peak at 716 cm attributed to in-plane –1 an astrophyllite-group mineral. Arisite-(Ce) is one of the last bending of CO3. OH stretching bands in the 3450–3200 cm minerals to crystallize in the sodalite syenite xenoliths. region are attributed to the presence of minor H2O substituting The Saint-Amable phonolite sill (STA) is genetically related for F. Raman spectroscopy of arisite-(Ce) from MSH supports to the Monteregian Hills petrographic province. The sill is the re- the interpretation of the FTIR spectra. sult of multiple injections of phonolite magma and is 0.6 to 1.2 m Powder diffraction data were collected for samples from thick. The phonolite is fine-grained (average grain-size 40 µm), NAM, MSH, and STA. Data for NAM and STA were collected dark gray in color, and composed of phenocrysts of nepheline using a Bruker AXS D8 Discover microdiffractometer with a in a trachytic matrix of sani dine, aegirine and natrolite. The sill Hi-Star area detector and CuKα radiation. Data for the MSH contains many mineralized cavities and seams that contain well material were collected using a Debye-Scherrer camera using formed postmagmatic and hydrothermal minerals. Arisite-(Ce) Ni-filtered CuKα radiation. The strongest 11 lines of the powder in these mineralized cavities occurs as thin, flexible, rounded to X-ray diffraction pattern for NAM [dobs in Å (Iobs%,hkl)] are: irregular micaceous plates up to 0.5 mm in diameter. The plates 4.439(100,100), 4.352(52,002), 3.103(87,102), 2.561(38,110), are pearly and silvery white and form rosettes or spherical ag- 2.424(21,103), 2.171(12,004), 1.9748(42,202), 1.9501(16,104), gregates. Associated minerals include natrolite, aegirine, albite, 1.9169(12,113), 1.6547(11,114), and 1.5640(13,212). The manganoneptunite, rhodochrosite, sphalerite, astrophyllite, and strongest 11 lines of the powder X-ray-diffraction pattern for a beige-to-brown unidentified mineral.
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