Journal of Tropical Forest Scienc1 e 48 12(3) - 2 :47 FIRE IMPACT ON POPULATION STRUCTURE AND DIVERSIT F TREO Y E SPECIE WESN I S T USAMBARA CAMPHOR ZONE FORESTS S. M. S. Maliondo*, R. E. Malimbwi**, R. P. C. Temu*, E. Constantine* & E. Zahabu** Faculty of Forestry & Nature Conservation, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania Received January 1998 MALIONDO, S. M. S., MALIMBWI, R. E., TEMU, R. P. C., CONSTANTINE, E. & ZAHABU, E. 2000. Fire impact on population structure and diversity of tree species in West Usambara camphor zone forests. A study was carried out in Lushoto, Tanzania, with the aim of comparin burne gunburnth d an t tsam e partth ef s o fores determinind an t economie gth c impact of fire on camphor tree production following an unplanned fire. Two plots of one hectare each were established, one in the burnt and the other in the unburnt part of Magamba forest near Grewal, Lushoto. One hundred percent sampling was done for trees > to 5 cm dbh; trees <5 cm dbh and regenerants were recorded in randomly located quadrants of 5 x 5 m and 2 x 2 m respectively. All trees with dbh greater or equal to 5 cm were identified and measured for dbh and height. Volume, total and relative density, dominance, frequenc hencd yan e importance value index (IVI Shannon-Wiened )an r index of diversity eac r (If)fo h species were calculated totaA . f 104o l 5 stems ha-1 consistin0 3 f go species were obtained in the burnt plot and 1606 stems ha-1 with 38 species in the unburnt one. Basal areas were 36 m2 ha-1 and 42 m2 ha"1 in the burnt and unburnt plots respectively. Ocotea usambarensis (camphor) was the dominant species in both plots with 57% and 33.7% of the total basal area. The frequency of this species was also the highest with values of 13 and 10 in the two plots respectively. Ocotea usambarensis, Macaranga capensis, Trichocladus ellipticus, Rapanea melanophloeos, Syzygium guineense d Ficalhoaan laurifolia wer e mosth e t important species with IVI values of between 106 and 15.3 of 300 possible, O. usambarensis bein highese areasl gth al Shannon-Wienee n i Th t. r indice diversitf so y were 2.12.1d 6an 6 burne i nunburnth d an t t plots respectively indicatin ghiga h species diversit thiyn i s forest community werh .treedb 5 Aboue m burn27 sc 3 ha0 3 t t-1<1 completel stem5 52 sd hayan -1 dea5 52 d e tree th fireo t f diesh O e . hawerdb 1 ddu -1 33 m ,e c witcampho0 h>1 r witha volume of 188 m3 ha-1 of which about 180 m3 ha-1 was contributed by trees > 20cm dbh. Key words: Montane rain forest - unplanned fire impact - biodiversity - camphor zone - regenerants MALIONDO, S. M. S., MALIMBWI, R. E., TEMU, R. P. C., CONSTANTINE, E. & ZAHABU, E. 2000. Kesan kebakaran terhadap struktur populas kepelbagaian da i n spesies pokoi kd huta kapun nzo r baru i Barad s t Usambara. Kajian dijalanka i Lushotond , Tanzania untuk membandingkan antara kawasan yang terbakar dengan kawasan yang tidak terbakar di hutan yang sama dan menentukan kesan ekonomi bagi kebakaran terhadap pengeluaran pokok kapur barus selepas berlaku kebakaran yang tidak dirancang petaa Du .k daripada setiap sehektar ditubuhkan, satu di kawasan yang terbakar dan satu lagi di kawasan yang tidak terbaka i hutad r n Magamba berhampiran Grewal, Lushoto. Satu peratus pensampelan dilakukan pada pokok bergaris pusat aras dad hingga; poko> cm ka5 bergaris pusat aras n regenerada m dadc 5 n< a dicatatka i lokasnd i kuadran secara rambang masing-masing Department* of Forest Biology, P.O. 3010,Box Morogoro, Tanzania. ** Department of Forest Mensuration Managementand P.O. 3013,Box Morogoro, Tanzania. 472 Journal of Tropical Forest Science 12(3): 472 - 481 473 5 x 5 m dan 2 x 2 m. Kesemua pokok yang bergaris pusat lebih atau sama dengan 5 cm dikenal past disukan da i t bagi garis pusat aras dad ketinggiann ada . Isipadu, jumlan hda kepadatan relatif, dominans, kekerapan dan indeks nilai kepentingan (INK) dan indeks kepelbagaian Shannon-Wiener (H1) bagi setiap spesies dikira. Sejumlah 1045 batang ha-1- mengandung spesie0 3 i s diperole i petahd k yang terbaka 160n rda 6 batang ha-1 denga8 n3 spesies di kawasan tidak terbakar. Luas pangkal masing-masing ialah 36 m2 ha-1 dan ha2 4 2petai m -1 d k yang terbaka petai d n kr da yan g tidak terbakar. Ocotea usambarensis (kapur barus) ialah spesies dominan di kedua-dua petak dengan 57% dan 33.7% daripada jumlah luas pangkal. Kekerapan spesies ini juga adalah tertinggi dengan nilai masing-masing ialah petaka du i d . 0 Ocotea1 n da usambarensis,3 1 Macaranga capensis, Trichocladus ellipticus, Rapanea melanophloeos, Syzygium guineense Ficalhoan da laurifolia merupakan spesies yang paling penting dengan nilai INK antara 106 dengan 15.3 daripada 300, O. usambarensis paling tinggi di kesemua kawasan. Kepelbagaian indeks Shannon-Wiener masing-masing ialah 2.12.1n 6da 6 i petad k yang terbaka petai d n k rda yan g tidak terbakar menunjukkan kepelbagaian spesies yang tinggi di dalam komuniti hutan ini. Kira-kira 33 275 pokok ha-1 garis pusat aras dada <1 terbakam 0c r sepenuhny batan5 52 n g ahada -1 dengan garis pusat ara matsm c dad i0 a>1 akibat kebakaran. Daripad poko5 a52 k mati haiala1 -133 ,h pokok kapur barus dengan isipadu 3 ham -1 , 8 denga18 n kira-kir s ham - 1 0 disumbangka18 a n oleh pokok yang bergaris pusat >2. 0cm Introduction e montanTh e rain forest f Weso s t Usambara, whice Easter th para f s c hi o t nAr mountain forests that stretch from Southeast Keny Southweso at t Tanzania wele ar , l known for their species richness and diversity (MLNRT 1989). The moist forests of Usambarae th unusualle sar y ric endemin hi c specie f florfaunso d aan a compared otheo t r Easter forestc nAr s (Hedber Hedberg& g 1987). Sinc e mid-1960sth e , however, these forests have been impacte expansioy db peasanf no t agriculture, large- scale logging operations, and illegal harvest of timber and fuelwood. There is increasing recognition that disturbance is a major force moulding the development, structure and functions of forests. Historically, wild fires were uncommon in the montane forests of Tanzania. In recent years, however, prolonged droughts have resulted in abnormal accumulation of fuel load in the montane forests resula s a td firean s occur more frequentl burd yan n more intensely than under normal non-drought conditions. However impace th , firf montann to eo e forest species compositio diversitd nan unknowns yi . This stud carrie s tako t y wa t e dadvantagou e unplanneon a f d fire which occurre 199n di t Wes7a t Usambara Catchment Forest, in Magamba Forest Project near Grewal, Lushoto, Tanzania. The objectives were to compare the burnt and unburnt parts of the same forest, determin preburnee eth d structur burnee th f eo dforese pardetermind th f an to t e economie th c impac firf camphon to eo r tree production. Material methodd san s Study area The Magamba Forest Project owned by the Ministry of Lands, Natural Resources and Tourism, Tanzania, tends about 350 ha of natural hardwood regeneration series and f catchmeno a h 0 3000 t forest. These forest managee ar s water dgenfo d an r e pool conservation, contro soif o l l erosio somo t d e nan extent timber ,fo r exploitation (Pocs 474 Journal of Tropical Forest Science1 48 12(3) - 2 :47 1988). The major tree species of economic importance in the studied forest is Ocotea usambarensis (camphor). Ocotea usambarensis (Family: Lauraceae n importana s i ) t tree species growing naturall mountain yi n rain forest Tanzaniaf so , Kenya, Uganda, Malaw Zambid an i a (Mwamba 1986, Renval Niemel& l a evergree1993)n a s i t I . n tree which growo t p su (Kimarym 5 1. f attaio oy 4 heighh 1971)0m ma n db specie e d tan .Th s occurs between 90274d 0 an altitud 0m e (Bryce 1967) wit averagn ha e annual rainfall ranging between 115 305d (Mugashm 0an 0m a 1978). Temperature e nevesar r verye higth n hi camphor zone and range between 7 and 27 °C. Soils are generally acidic loams which ma shalloe yb tree deepr wth e o d prefer,an s well-drained areas suc steepes ha r slopes of small watershed ridges separating streams (Pitt-Schenkel 1938, Mugasha 1978). Regeneratio seey b ds ni (but thi unreliable)s si , coppicin througd gan h root suckers (Mugasha 1978). Harvesting is by selection and the wood is one of the best utility hardwoods. Data collection and analysis Two plots of one hectare each were established, one in the burned area and the otheadjacenn a n ri t unburne dsame parth f et o forest . Thes ploto etw s were observed to have the same soil type, slope, aspect and history and gave a matrix of data for comparison. Each plosubdivides wa t . Withid m) int 0 subplot5 n2 o2 eacx 0 h(2 s subplol al t trees and shrubs alive, dead and resprouting > 5 cm dbh were recorded and measured for dbh, and the height of the tree closest to each subplot center was also measured. Trees < 5cm dbh were counted in four, 25 m2 quadrants within each 4 randomly selected subplots. Seedling heighm 1 s< t were counte tota a quadrant 2 fivn df i m l o e4 s in 5 different randomly selected subplots.
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