2Cnu Hampshire The Official Organ of the University of New Hampshire Volume 18. Issue 28. DURHAM,.N. H., M AY 22, 1928. Price, 10 Cents KEENE WELCOMES N. H. REGIMENT Military Club FAMOUS MAIN STREET LINE Bids Seventeen OF MARCH AS R. 0. T. C. UNIT HEADS FOR ’28 CAMP Eight Engineers Bid By Scabbard and Blade Presentation of Commissions to Graduating Cadet Officers Comes This Evening at Final Review for College Year—Outfit Paul Hunt Captain of New Hamp Breaks Camp and Returns to University To­ shire Chapter of National Mili­ morrow Morning Via Special Troop Train tary Fraternity Formed here in 1926 At the regimental review held at from the arrival in camp to the com­ Camp Spaulding, Keene, this after­ mencement of the review, during Seventeen members of the R. O. T. noon, forty cadet officers who have which tents were erected, beds made, C. regiment of New Hampshire univer­ qualified for their positions as second grounds cleaned, and inspection made, sity who are taking the advanced lieutenants in the Organized Re­ was short enough to do credit to any regular army outfit. Supper follow­ course in Military Science have re­ serves of. the United States Army re­ ceived their commissions. After this, ed immediately after the review. ceived bids to Scabbard and Blade, the non-commissioned officers com­ After the posting of the guard, the national military fraternity. manded the regiment as it passed the rest of the students were free for Of this number eight are students reviewing stand, while the newly com­ their evening and scattered in various in the College of Technology and the missioned officers were in position at directions for their own amusement. the stand. others members of the Liberal Arts This morning the program con­ This review was witnessed by sisted of a field problem, in which college. The present officers of the Governor Huntley N. Spaulding, as one battalion was lined up against New Hampshire chapter of Scabbard well as at large group of citizens another. In the afternoon, general and Blade are: Paul Hunt, captain; from Keene and the surrounding camp tactics were in order. A dance Edward Necker, first lieutenant; Wil­ towns. Much interest was displayed last evening, under the auspices of liam Greenough, second lieutenant; by the on-lookers at the efficient and the Keene Chamber of Commerce, well-trained actions of the student was held for the benefit of the en- and Francis Sargent, first sergeant. military unit. Competitive drill and the general Scabbard and Blade was founded in The program of the sixth annual routine of campi occupied the time to­ 1905 by five members of the cadet spring encampment of the University day, while a dance tonight to be given corps of the University of Wisconsin. of New Hampshire R. O. T. C. unit by the students of the Keene It is a national honorary military started at 11:30 A. M., on Sunday Normal School, will provide a of May 20, when the special train to welcome diversion from duty. fraternity made up of 67 chapters and carry the students to Keene arrived This dance will be held in the having a membership of approximate­ at the Durham Boston and Maine school gymnasium and music will be ly 7,300 men. railroad station. Soon after the ar­ furnished by the “Isle of Blues” or­ The primary function of Scabbard | rival of the special train the 700 stu­ chestra from the university. and Blade is to raise the standards dent soldiers arrived at the station The results of the competitive drill in platoon formation from the uni­ yesterday are as follows: of military training in American col­ Delegates Sent Reserve Officers Training Corps Gala Prom On versity gymnasium, where they had Seniors— 1st place, Richard Daland; leges and universities, to unite in assembled. A steady rain at the time 2nd place, John B. Reed; 3rd place, closer relationship their military de­ Friday Evening caused many pessimistic remarks to To Convention Established at Durham in 1916 Arthur L. Somers. Juniors — 1st partment, to foster the essential qual­ be made as to the prospective success place, Randolph Chapman; 2nd place, ities of good efficient officers, and to of the camp. This rain prevented the The Reserve Officers’ Training FROSH OUTRUN TECH Robert Adams; 3rd place, Robert promote intimacy and good fellow­ Elaborate Preparations band from playing before the en- Corps regiment of the University Starke. Sophomores— 1st place, Rob­ ship among the cadet officers. Fur­ L. S. Brooks and C. N. Elliot, IN SEASON’S FINALE, trainment of the regiment, but did not which is encamped at Keene this week Promise Sure Success ert Callahan; 2nd place, Danforth thermore, the society stands for virile prove to be a detriment to a crowd of Representatives at Smith |is in its thirteenth year of existence. Googins; 3rd place, Christenson. Americanism and through its alumni Take Nine First '•‘Icv'es in Last Ap­ co-eds and townspeople who assembled The regiment is trained under regu­ Morey Pearl to Appear With His Freshmen— 1st place, Francis _Hor- it tries to stimulate interest in a sane pearance This Spring— Wealth of at the station to witness the regi­ lar army officers assigned to the Uni­ Orchestra—No Stone Left Un­ degree of preparedness for the coun­ Future Varsity Material Dis­ ment’s departure. rigan; 2nd place, James Robinson; 3rd Present Political Opinion of New versity by the War Department and turned in Effort to Make try. closed place, Joseph Ennis. Hampshire Students at Eastern headed at present by Major Hugo E. Dance Best in Years After the special baggage had been The qualities for membership are loaded and all were safely aboard, Pitz of the Coast Artillery corps of The 1931 track team literally ran not based on a display of military ef­ Intercollegiate Convention— The Junior Prom Friday night will the train of eleven cars left Durham the United States army. away from the M. I. T. Freshmen in ficiency alone, but qualities of char­ Leading Colleges of East formally usher in the annual Prom at about 12 o’clock for Keene. Once Four Places In The R. O. T. C. unit of the Univer­ a dual meet here Saturday, scoring acter and manhood are given equal and Midwest Send week-end. The greater part of the in the cars, any dreary outlook that sity of New Hampshire officially be­ 92 1-3 points to the Engineers 33 2-3. importance, it being considered that men’s student body will have barely the student soldiers might have pos­ Speakers gan with the passage of an act by The Freshmen showed the best form New Englands the man who aspires for a commis­ returned from the comparative hard­ sessed seemed to disappear under the Congress providing for the training of the season with the advantage of a sion must possess, together with a ships of the Mil Art encampment to combined forces of dryness and com­ of men in the colleges of the country track in perfect condition. thorough knowledge of military sci­ the gayety and festivity of this event. panionship. Card games immediate­ Lester Brooks, ’28, of Durham and as the nucleus of a potential army. The running of Benedict was the Captain Toolin Makes ence and tactics, all the attributes of This act was the result of a realiza­ To start off the entertainment right, ly sprang into existence throughout C. Ned Elliott, ’28, of Contoocook left feature of the meet; he ran the mile no stone has been left unturned in New Record in Hurdles a gentleman before he can become a tion brought about by the World War with beautiful form in the fast time the entire length of the train. After here Friday morning for Smith Col­ making the dance an unparalleled successful officer. that a group of well trained junior of 4.33 and 2-5, and then returned to cards had become tiresome, general lege where they represented the stu­ success, according to Ralph Garlock, The University of New Hampshire officers prepared to lead troops in win the half mile in 2 min., 3-5 sec., horseplay was resorted to as a means Atkins Takes Second in 440 for New ’29, chairman of the committee in is designated as F. Co., 6th Reg. of dent body of the University of New event of a great war was a vital four-fifths of a second slower than of amusement. Time passed quickly, University Mark— Noyes Fourth c-harge. Morey Pearl’s orchestra of Scabbard and Blade and is the 66th Hampshire today and tomorrow m the necessity. the college record. Richardson, an­ and at the end of a four hour ride, in Mile Boston has been engaged for the mu­ company to be formed. The chapter Prior to this act New Hampshire other yearling distance runner, made the regiment arrived at Keene. Eastern Intercollegiate Progressive sic, and for those who have already here was started as an officers’ club had maintained a detachment in ac­ an excellent performance in placing Placing four men in as many final Convention. The political views of heard them perform, it is sufficient to By the time the regiment reached in 1923. A petition to become a cordance with the provisions of the second in the mile and half with as Keene, the rain had stopped. At the events, the Varsity track team ran up the New Hampshire students were de­ say, that the music will be good. chapter of Scabbard and Blade was Morrill Bill, which was accepted difficult man as Benedict for a pace station a large delegation of Keene a total of ten points to clinch a fifth The lovers of the Terpsichorean art termined at a miniature convention July 21, 1862, by the New Hampshire maker.
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