©Lonely Planet Publications Pty Ltd INDEX Aransas National Wildlife Best Friends Animal A Refuge 247-8 Sanctuary 38 Abajo (Blue) Mountains 292 archaeological sites 106, Big Bend National Park 242, Abajo-Harts Draw 292 120-1, 158, 300, 331 243 Abiquiú 156-7, 161 Arches National Big Spring 256-7, 259 Park 289-90 accidents 343 Big Spring State Park 256-7 Arches Trail 275 accommodations 25, 343 Bill Williams National Wildlife Arizona History Museum 60 Refuge 114 Acoma Pueblo 208, 209 Arizona-Sonora Desert Billy the Kid 174, 211, 213, Airport Mesa 82 Museum 97 214 Ajo Mountain Drive 100 Ashiwi Awan Museum & Bird Cage Theater 62 Alamo, the 229, 262 Heritage Center 205 birdwatching 71, 98, 150, Alamogordo 182-3, 185 Aspen 324-5, 327 247-8, 250, 317 Albuquerque 42-3, 45, 51, 57, Aspen Center for Bisbee 62-4, 64, 65 150, 153, 168, 169, 220-1 Environmental Studies 325 Bisbee Mining & Historical Albuquerque Museum of Art Audrey Headframe Park 79 Museum 64 & History 221 Austin 29, 231, 260-1 Bisti Badlands 160 aliens 90, 212-13 Aztec 159-60, 161 Black Range Museum 190 Alkali Flat 182 Aztec Ruins National Black Ridge Trail 308 Alpine 241, 243 Monument 159 Blanding 298, 301 Amarillo 50, 57, 258, 259 Blue Hole 231 American International Bluff 297, 301 Rattlesnake Museum 220 B Bluff Fort 297 Anasazi State Park Museum Balcony House 313 282-3 Ballroom Marfa 240 Blumenschein Home & Museum 173 Ancestral Puebloan people Bandelier National 298, 313 Monument 165, 169 Bob Bullock Texas State History Museum 260 Anderson Freeman Visitor Barker Reservoir 323 Center & Museum 214 Bear Creek Falls 315 Bob Wills Museum 257 Angels Landing Trail 38, 273 Becker Butte 92 Boca Negra Canyon 168 Animas River 313-14 beer 23 Bodhi Manda Zen Center 166 Antelope Canyon 69 Bell Rock Pathway 108 Bonita Canyon Scenic Drive 64 Aquarium at Rockport Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art Harbor 248 336-7 Bonito lava flow 122 Aquarius Plateau 281 Berthoud Pass 323 books 56 Boothill Graveyard 61-2 346 border crossings 341, 343 Carlsbad 183-4, 185 cliff dwellings 106, 120-1, Bosque del Apache National Carlsbad Caverns National 189, 313 Wildlife Refuge 150, 153 Park 19, 184 Cliff Palace 313 bottled water 39 Carrizozo 216 climate 24 Boulder 282-3, 285, 323, 327 cars, see driving Cloudcroft 185 Boulder City 117 Cassidy, Butch 275 Coconino National Forest Box Canyon Falls 317 Castle Dome Mine 112-13 105 Boyce Thompson Arboretum Catwalk trail 198 Coke Ovens Trailhead 308 92 Cave Spring Trail 292 Cold Springs Pony Express INDEX Bradbury Science Museum Cedar Mesa-Grand Gulch Station 332-4 165 primitive area 300 College of Eastern Utah B-D break-downs 343 cell phones 24 Prehistoric Museum 308 Bright Angel Trail 43, 84 Centinela Traditional Arts Collegiate Peaks 326 Bryce Canyon City 280-1, 285 140 Colorado National Bryce Canyon National Park Ceremonial Cave 165 Monument 308 275-6, 277 Cerrillos 152 Comb Ridge Sauropod Trackway 305 Bryce Museum 280 Chaco Canyon 158, 161 Comfort 229, 235 Buck Canyon 289 Chaco Culture National Buckhorn Museum 262 Historical Park 158 condors 71 Buddy Holly Center 258 Chain of Craters Córdova 141 Buena Vista 326, 327 Backcountry Byway 208 Corpus Christi 250, 251 Bullhead City 115-16, 117 Chapel of the Holy Cross 82 costs 25 Butler Wash Ruins 298-9 Chapin Mesa 313 Cottonwood 79-81 Butterfly Pavilion 322 Chautauqua Park 323 Crestone Needle 326 Chesler Park – Joint Trail Cuba 161 C 292 culture 22 children, travel with 23, 342 cycling 108, 116, 290, 323, Cactus Theater 258 Chile Festival 150 324 Cadillac Ranch 50 chiles 21 Camino Real 147-53 Chimayó 139-40, 145 D Canyon 258 Chinati Foundation 240 Davis Mountains State Park Canyon de Chelly National Chiricahua National 240 Monument 20, 124, 125 Monument 64 daylight savings time 25 Canyon Pintado National Chloride 191-2, 193 Historic District 305-6 Dead Horse Point State Park Christensen, Albert & Gladys 289 Canyonlands National Park 290-2 288-9 Delicate Arch 289 Church of San José de Cape Final 40 Denver 322-3, 327, 338-9 Gracia 141 Cape Royal 72 Denver Art Museum 339 Churchill County Museum 331 Capitan 214 Desert Caballeros Western Cimarron 174, 177 Museum 77 Capitol Gorge Trail 284 Civic Center Park 339 Desert View Drive 83 Capitol Reef National Park Cleveland Roller Mill 284 Devils Garden 282, 289 Historical Museum 176 Capulin Volcano National Devils Kitchen Trailhead 308 Cleveland-Lloyd Dinosaur Monument 176 Devil’s Rope Museum 49 Quarry 308 347 Dinosaur Journey 305 Elgin 97-8 Dinosaur National Ely 334, 335 G Monument 306 Ely Renaissance Village 334 Gallery 408 216 dinosaurs 304-5, 306, 308 Emerald Pools 273 Gallup 51, 204-5, 209 Dixie National Forest 280-1 emergencies 24 Gallup Mural Walk 51 Dixon 144, 145 Emory Pass 189-90 Galveston 246-7, 251 Dr Wood’s house 214 Escalante 281, 285 Garner State Park 254 driver’s license 340 Estes Park 323 gas 24, 342-3 driving 340-3 INDEX Eureka 334 Gates Pass Scenic Overlook car hire 24 Eureka Sentinel Museum 334 61 D-G car rental 340-1 Explore Navajo Interactive Georgia O’Keeffe Museum documents 340 Museum 123 42 fuel 24, 342-3 extraterrestrials 90, 212-13 Geronimo 188, 190 insurance 340 Geronimo Springs Museum maps 341 F 190 Ghost Ranch 157-8, 161 parking 342 Fairbank Historic Site 61 Gifford Farmhouse 284 road rules 340, 342 Fallon 331 Giggling Springs 166 safety 341, 342, 343 family travel 23, 342 Gila, the 200 Durango 313-14, 319 Farmington 161 Gila Cliff Dwellings National Durango & Silverton Narrow festivals 141, 318, see also Monument 189, 193 Gauge Railroad 314 individual festivals Glen Canyon Dam 68-9 Dwan Light Sanctuary 176 Fiery Furnace 290 Glen Canyon National Flagstaff 54-5, 83, 85, 130-1 Recreation Area 69 E Flagstaff Ale Trail 83 Glendale 273, 277 Earp, Wyatt 62 food 21, 22, 25 Glenwood Canyon 324 Earthships 173 Fort Apache National Glenwood Springs 324, 327 East Mesa Trail 272 Historic Park 91 Globe 93 Echo Canyon Trail 64 Fort Concho National golf 323 Edge of the Cedars State Historic Landmark 256 Goliad 247 Park Museum 298 Fort Davis 238-40, 243 Goose Island State Park 248 Eiffel Tower Experience 337 Fort Davis National Historic Goosenecks State Park El Camino Real 147-53 Site 240 Overlook 300 El Camino Real International Fort McKavett State Grand Canyon Caverns 55 Heritage Center 149 Historical Park 254-5 Grand Canyon Lodge 72, 73 El Malpais 206-8, 209 Fort Sumner 214 Grand Canyon National Park El Morro National Monument Fossil Discovery Trail 306 12-13, 45, 75-85 206 fossils 304-5, 306, 308 North Rim 39, 72 El Paso 238 Four Corners Monument 41 South Rim 43-4 El Paso Holocaust Museum Fredericksburg 229-30, 235 Grand Canyon Railway 43 238 Fruita 305-6, 309 Grand Canyon Village 84, 85 El Paso Museum of Art 238 Fruita Paleontological Area Grand Lake 323 El Rancho de las Golondrinas 305 152 fuel 24, 342-3 Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument 281-2 El Santuario de Chimayó 140 Fulton 248-9 348 Great Basin National Park Horsecollar Ruin 300 Kerrville 229, 235 334, 335 Horseshoe Bend 39, 69 Kerrville-Schreiner Park 229 Great Sand Dunes National hot springs 166, 176, 190, KiMo Theatre 51 Park 326 318, 324, 326 Kingman 56 Green Frog 78 Hotel Monte Vista 130-1 Kingston 192 Grimes Point Archaeological Hovenweep National Kitt Peak 100 Area 331 Monument 297-8 Kitt Peak Observatory 100 Gruene 233-4, 235 Hubbard Museum of the Kodachrome Basin State Gruene Hall 233-4 American West 214-16 Park 273 INDEX Guadalupe Mountains Hurd-La Rinconada Gallery Kolb Studio 43 National Park 183 213 Kolob Canyon 271 G-L KTAO 173 H I Hackberry 55 Indian Cave 273 L Harpers Corner Scenic Drive Indian Pueblo Cultural Lake Havasu City 115, 117 306 Center 168 Lake Mead 116 Hatch 150 Inscription Rock 206 Lake Mead National Head of the Rocks 281 insurance 340 Recreation Area 116 Healy House Museum and International UFO Museum & Lake Peak 139 Dexter Cabin 325-6 Research Center 213 Lake Powell 68-9, 284 Heard Museum 120 internet access 24 Laredo 254, 259 Hermits Rest 84 Island in the Sky District Las Conchas Trail 166 Hidden Cave 331 288-9 Las Cruces 148, 153, 180-1, highlights 12-21 185 hiking 23, see also individual J Las Trampas 141-3 hikes Jacob Lake 71-2, 73 Las Vegas, NM 174-6, 177 Hillsboro 190, 193 Jemez Mountains 163-9 Las Vegas, NV 26, 37-8, 45, history 22 Jemez Pueblo 166-8 336-7 Native American 119-24 Jemez Springs 166, 169 Laughlin 115-16, 117 Route 66 50 Jemez State Monument 166 Lavender Pit 64 Holbrook 57 Jerome 79, 85 Leadville 325-6 Hole ‘n the Rock 290-2 Jerome Artists Cooperative Leakey 254 Hole-in-the-Rock Road 282, Gallery 79 Lees Ferry 70-1, 73 284 Jerome State Historic Park 79 Lightning Field 197 Holly, Buddy 258 Jersey Jim Lookout Tower Lincoln 213-14, 217 Honanki Heritage Site 106 313 Lincoln State Monument Hoover Dam 20, 44, 116 John Bremond House 261 214 Hopi House 43 Johnson City 231 Living Desert State Park Hopi Museum 124 Johnson, Lyndon 230-1 183-4 Hopi Nation 123-4 Jornada del Muerto 148 Lockhart 234 Hopi Reservation 125 London Bridge 115 Horse Springs 198 K Lookout Mountain 216 horseback riding 158, 273, Loretto Chapel 219 290, 324 Kanab 38, 45 Kelly’s Brewery 51 Los Alamos 164-5, 169 349 Los Alamos Historical Millennium Bridge 338 Museum 165 Millicent Rogers Museum N Lost Dutchman State Park 144 Narrows, the 273 92, 93 Million Dollar Highway 315 National Hispanic Cultural Lowell Observatory 83 Miss Hattie’s Bordello Center 168 Lower Calf Creek 282 Museum 256 National Museum of Nuclear Lubbock 258 Mission San Xavier del Bac Science & History 150 Luckenbach 230 100 National Ranching Heritage Lyndon B Johnson Ranch Moab 14, 290, 293, 304-5 Center 258 INDEX
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