Pine Mountain Lake April 2006 50 cents News Hetch Hetchy AOR Awards (page 33) Family Wellness Faire (page 17) The Offi cial Newspaper of Pine Mountain Lake Property Owners TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) PRSRT STD Administration . 2-9 19228 Pine Mountain Dr. Groveland, CA 95321 U.S. POSTAGE PML Calendar of Activities . 18 PAID Clubs/Activities/Recreation . 11-17 Permit# 213 Country Club/Entertainment . 10 MODESTO, CA Community Corner . 42-54 Change Service Home Improvement Directory . 36-41 Requested Local School News . 46-47 “Homes on the Hill” Real Estate . 21-35 Classifi eds . 55 ADMINISTRATION • BOARD OF DIRECTORS RESIDENT’S MESSAGE By Dennis Scott • Board President The Pine Mountain Lake News, sight, the Board has established new cost Associations throughout the state established July 25, 1973, hours of operation for our Restaurant additional money each year. In addition, is printed monthly for res i dents of effective April 1, 2006. The Restaurant we will also be addressing a proposed Pine Moun tain Lake and vi cin i ty by will be closed Monday, Tuesday, and new County ordnance that puts restric- Pine Moun tain Lake As so ci a tion, Wednesdays. The Restaurant will be tions on outdoor eating at restaurants Groveland, Cal i for nia 95321. open for lunch between 11:00 and 3:00 within Tuolumne County. This pend- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: on Thursdays. On Fridays, the Restau- ing ordnance may have an impact on our Co-owner subscription: rant will be open for lunch between 11: restaurant as well as our Marina Grill. $3 per year n my article last month I made the 00 and 3:00 and then for dinner between We will keep you updated on each of Single copies: 50 cents each statement that at the time I was writ- 5:00 and 9:00. Saturday’s new hours will these items. Single mailed copies: $1.35 each ing the article we were expecting our be 8:00 to 11:00 for breakfast, lunch For non-members: $10 per year I fi rst snow of the month. What I didn’t from 11:00 to 3:00, and dinner from 5: Thank you for your time. SUBMISSION DEADLINE realize was once we got that fi rst snow 00 to 9:00. On Sun- 10th of the month by 4:30 PM it was going to be followed up by what days, we will have a Late submissions not accepted seemed like snow every other day with breakfast/lunch buf- Local Rainfall Visit www.pinemountainlake.com/ rain in between. I would like to take fet from 8:00 to 3:00. pmlnews.html for ad rates and by Jerry Dickson this opportunity to complement our The Restaurant will Date Rain, Inches Season submission guidelines or e-mail: Maintenance Staff for the outstanding remain available for (24 Hr. to 9 AM) Total Inches [email protected]. job that they did maintaining our streets banquets on the days For the mutual benefi t of all property and providing drainage control during that we are open for From July 1, own ers, the Pine Mountain Lake News this unusually heavy period of inclement business in addition 2005 to Feb 17, 2006 21.00 reserves the right to edit all copy sub- weather. You could hear them plowing to the other days, if Feb 18, 2006 0.10 21.10 mit ted for pub li ca tion. The Pine Moun tain the roads during the day and throughout it fi nancially makes Lake News is a pri vate en ter prise, not a Feb 19 0.27 *Snow 21.37 public entity, and as such is entitled to the night. sense to open the Feb 20 0.08 Snow 21.45 reject ad ver tise ments or articles in the This issue of the PML News con- Restaurant for the best judgment of its editor or publisher, tains the Annual Report for the year event. As an added Feb 27 0.25 21.70 despite a prob a ble monopoly in the area ending December 31, 2005. The most comment, there will Feb 28 2.42 24.12 of its publication. Pine Moun tain Lake be some snack items As so ci a tion is not responsible for, nor signifi cant things to point out about the Mar 1 0.05 24.17 does it guarantee the accuracy of, infor- fi nancial performance last year are as available at the Bar mation contained in any ad placed in the follows: The Association’s Operating every day of the Mar 2 0.84 Snow 25.01 Pine Mountain Lake News. Account had a profit for the year of week. Mar 4 0.29 25.30 $468,867 prior to depreciation. The During the next Mar 6 0.73 26.03 SABRE DESIGN & PUBLISHING performance was $218,867 better than few months we will Mar 7 0.20 26.23 Design/layout Budget. We achieved an improvement be discussing some CHRISTINA WILKINSON Mar 9 0.14 26.37 in our working capital position by of the new State Mar 10 0.31 **Snow 26.68 Publishing Editor $441,000. Overall, it was a very solid laws that impact JUDI WILKINSON year for the Association. Homeowner As- Advertising Manager *Will wonders never cease—my rain gauge and snow bucket agreed! Feb 19th Because of patronage trends, labor sociation elections. snow was a very wet 4 3/4”. BARBARA COLDREN cost controls, and management over- These new laws will **This must be the mentioned global warming. Editing & Distribution Pine Mountain Lake News P.O. Box 605 Groveland, CA 95321 On the Cover Tel: 209/962-0342 Fax: 209/962-0774 Computer Repair E-mail:[email protected] BOARD OF DIRECTORS PC or Macintosh President • Dennis Scott viruses removed • computers setup • software updates Vice-President • John Case P Treasurer • Steve Margossian INE M 2006 Secretary • Ron Maguire Director at Large • Rita Hart Bob’s Tip for Today: OUNTAIN PRIL Use http://urbanlegends.about.com/ to verify received e-mail • A GENERAL MANAGER message content claims before you forward it to others. L Joseph M. Powell, CCAM AKE EWS N N CORRESPONDENCE TO DIRECTORS Spring is Here? EWS AKE Pine Mountain Lake Association Recent snowstorm photos and a little hope L 19228 Pine Mountain Drive for Spring to actually arrive. • A Groveland, CA 95321 www.throck.com PRIL OUNTAIN ADMINISTRATION OFFICE 17433 Highway 120 A Collage of Photography by: 2006 M HOURS OF OPERATION Big Oak Flat, CA 95305 Bonnie Phillips, Ethan Thornburg, Heidi 209-962-7308 INE Monday - Friday 8 AM - 4:30 PM P Tel: 209/962-8600 Strope, John Hertle, Since 1988 2 and David Wilkinson. 3 ADMINISTRATION • BOARD OF DIRECTORS descriptions of persons and vehicles, to GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT the PML Department of Safety. SUBSCRIBE to the By Joe Powell, CCAM General Manager 15. If you observe a serious traffic viola- Pine Mountain Lake News PINE MOUNTAIN LAKE which appears suspicious. tion, obtain a description of the vehicle and NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH 7. One or more person’s walking casually license number if possible. Do not attempt TODAY! through the neighborhood looking into cars, to take action yourself. Unfortunately, some Name____________________ As part of the ongoing effort to fight crime yards, and generally acting suspicious. people, including property owners, exceed in PML, a grassroots effort is now begin- 8. Persons running for no apparent reason, the speed limit within PML and intentionally Unit ________ Lot ________ ning to form with members participating especially if they are carrying property, fail to stop at posted stop signs. This disre- in and forming their own Neighborhood and/or exhibiting unusual mental or physi- gard for traffic regulations places others at Mailing Address ___________ Watch Programs. The Association is also cal symptoms and persons taking shortcuts risk with the potential for serious injuries. involved in communicating and supporting through others property. 16. Even though the PML Department of _________________________ these efforts. If you are interested in start- 9. Human traffic to and from a residence Safety, Tuolumne County Sheriff’s Depart- _________________________ ing a program in your neighborhood, please on an unusually frequent basis. ment, and California Highway Patrol, patrol review the following information. 10. Vehicles moving slowly through a the area, each citizen needs to be alert to _________________________ 1. Become acquainted with your neighbors neighborhood, especially if without lights Public Safety matters and be willing to and what seems to be normal in and around on at night, and occupied parked vehicles testify as necessary. NO CHARGE for PROPERTY OWNERS (bulk) your general neighborhood. Note in detail of a suspicious nature. 17. It is suggested that residents take $3/year for Co-Owners (bulk); any suspicious persons, vehicles (attempt 11. A beam of light such as a flashlight, in the initiative to start an informal Neigh- $10/year for Non-Property Owners (bulk) to obtain license plate numbers) or circum- a neighbor’s home or a business. borhood Watch Program in their own stances. Coordinate with your neighbors, 12. Be generally alert to what is normal neighborhood. One person in a neigh- $18/year for PROPERTY OWNERS (1st class) including those who are not full time resi- or not normal in your neighborhood. borhood can simply contact neighbors, $28/year for Non-property owners (1st class) dents, and watch each other’s homes and the including off the hill property owners, general area. Exchange telephone numbers NOTIFICATION: in a logical radius of their residence and Enclosed is my check in the amount of with your neighbors as appropriate. Take the coordinate the exchange of telephone $_______ (PAYMENT DUE IN FULL) initiative to organize your neighborhood into If a routine matter telephone the PML numbers.
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