Bridgewater State University Virtual Commons - Bridgewater State University The ommeC nt Campus Journals and Publications 1938 Campus Comment, May 31, 1938 Bridgewater State Teachers College Volume 11 Number 8 Recommended Citation Bridgewater State Teachers College. (1938). Campus Comment, May 31, 1938. 11(8). Retrieved from: http://vc.bridgew.edu/comment/76 This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. CAMPUS COMMENT VOL. XI NO.8 BRIDGEWATER, MASSACHUSETTS, TUESDAY, l\IA Y 31, 1938 PRICE TEN CENTS Last Senior Social Event Best College Band Greetings From President Kelly Class Prophecy Gives New York Art Trip Being Planned by To the Class of 1938 Capable Faculty Committee Chosen for Prom You have completed four years AGlimpse of the Future Leaves Vivid Memories as a member of the student body of this college; four years in prep­ The Senior Sunset Supper and Re- The senior men are reading Emily aration for entering one of the most Because of the great influx of men With Enthusiastic Seniors cepUon, one of the most important Post tlO :find out the correct attire for important, most engaging profes­ Bridgewater has become entirely and enjoyable e-vents of Senior Week city night life and the girls are plan­ sions which one may choose for male. Recently the class of '39 were Down to the big city of New York is the occasion on which the faculty ning their gowns so there will be no his contribution to the social, cul­ called back to help lay the corner went the members of the senior his­ members entertain the graduating duplicates !-and everyone has put in tural, economic and spiritual life stones of several new men's dormitor­ tory of art class under the physical. seniors. This year it will be held in his or her bid for the evening of June of the individual. ies. In the crowd we noticed: mental, and moral guidance of Miss the Albert Gardner Boyden, Thursday, sixth. It all means that plans are be­ In your work at this college I am Perky who received Hie gavel from Nye and Mr. Reynolds. The sail down June 9, at 7: 30 o'clock. ing made for the big event-Senior sure you have developed a guiding those in charge. Later, while we were was quite smooth, and the Cape Cod Tempting refreshments at a U- Prom-which is to be held in the Roof philosophy, both of education and talking over her operatic endeavors Canal was reached at dusk. There a shaped table served by the faculty anod Eallrcom of the Parker House in Bos­ of life. in Woodward, we found she still number of the ones left behind were Juniors-a witty toastmaster to intro- ton. A philosophy of education should viewed life cynically. waiting to bi<d final farewell. The duce students and faculty farewell Polly Kuchmeister is the general be founded upon the historical de­ Rita Murphy and Alice Blanchfield prize winner in this field was Jimmie speecheEt-a well-known IQrchestra to chairman in charge of the dance. Ben­ velopment of education and an in­ arrived together-Alice laughing at Peebles who started at one end of the supply concert and dance music-an jamin Bump and his committee se­ tegration by each prospective Rita's jokes. The biggest joke was passage and said goodbye all the way excuse for the girls to wear "the" cured the hall, Moira Kispert and her teacher of the many phases of his that even though they still acted sil- down to the other end, 'only stopping prom dress and men their white fian- committee interviewed favor sales­ or her professional preparation and ly, they were dressed as befitted the because of lack of pontoons. Right uels-all assure us of an evening long- men, Justin McCarthy's committee especially of his w01'k in the fields new matrons of the men's dorm. La- behind him, however, were Jeannette remembered. has chosen the music, and Doris Den- of government, psychology, educa­ tel' they IQrdered ice cream at Rexall's Martin's three brothers. If all the The impressive scene when the sen­ nison's committee has made program tional theory, sociology, and eco­ and we found that Alice still prefers brothers she recognized were really iors march over to the lower campus arrangements. Helen 'Vebber's com­ nomics. This philosophy should "Jimmie" with hers. hers, she had fully twenty-three. under lighted lanterns held by under­ mittee has been planning invitations enble each student to .adapt his Mary Sullivan was there but looked The following morning apparently classmen to sing songs, ending with and Rita Murphy and her committee work more readily to the type of a little wan. Incidentally she has everyone was up and doing with a the always impressive Alma Mater, will be in charge of hospitality. school in which he may be placed, taken over the Waldorf system of res- cheery good morning for the steward will conclude the e-vening. The class voted to have oval silver and to realize ways in which the tam'ants. She got her start at B. T. when he came knocking on doors at The capable committee is heade'd by pendants for the girls and black pin 30. school ill which he works should C. Remember the Christmas dinner? 6: A breakfast was gobbled and Miss Graves, chairman; assisted by seal zipper key cases for the men. I be improved. Barb Polsey, even after eating heav- all were on deck fIQr the sail up the Miss Decker, hospitality; Mr. McGur­ The programs promise to be attract­ A philosophy of living should be ily at the banquet, was not full. rain-swept harbor, but many of the ren, invitations; Miss Packard, enter­ ive. They are white leather bound cased upon the total set of ex­ Al ·Weldon and Marilyn Francis girls soon retired. tainment; Miss Lutz, refreshments; with leather thongs. periences in your preparation for came puffing in-they were late and By 9: 00 they were on their way to Miss Vining, clean-up; Mr. Reynolds, The dancing will be from nine to teaching. These should result in Al reported that she had to wait an Greenwich Village for a bit of brows· decorations; Miss Rand, music. one \vith Val Jean's orchestra furnish­ development of a well-rounded, pro· haul' for Marilyn. My how times have ing until they visited the Whitney ing mnsic. The novelty arrangements fessionally efficient teacher with a changed! lVIuseum at 10: 00. There Mr. Rey- Baccalaureate Services should be good since this orchestra is growing philosophy of living Amy FelTY is president of the Home nolds' enthusiasm rose, and they were the winner of a contest for the best which should provide for desil'able Makers' Club-make them or break soon in the sanctum sanctorulll, a college band. them. top·floor containing forty fine Renton Are Planned for June 5 en thusiasms, wholesome, a 11 d healthful habits, hobbies, vibrant Connell is now Eng- murals. In addition they viewed the this year in ba-ving ~ll:]cesident, Geraldine John McGo-vern has gone into the F. ·Alexanoder Magoun of the Massa- Behan', fil'st V1.-c~-president, Katherine 1938, abundant happiness and'suc- chusetts Institute of Technology to cess in your work? truckin' business-that's the ice cream School of Social Research, a very jn- L'ahey; second vice president, Ruth trucking business. formal type of graduate school which gi-ve us the address. Chadwick; treasurer, Norma Twom- Jack Rappaport not only demon- is completely modern in its set-up. The program will include: ala; assistant treasurer, Winnifred Outstanding Senior strates' but has a Russian oil business The classroom chairs are actually Processional-HIn Heavenly Love Taylor; corresponding secretary, Mar- of his own in connection with his gas comfortable, the library has truly non- Abiding." jorie Fiske; and financial secretary, Girls Are Classified station. He has also gone in for sollQ glare lighting, and counterparts of Opening Exercises. Lillian Franics. The 4S award com- tap dancing to the. tune of the Hun- Miss Ha,dley and Miss Vining go about "Where'er You Walk" Hendel mittee was chosen to be Olive Day, garian Rhapsody. their duties with cigarettes danger- Glee Club Mary McCann, and Ruth Penley. The Virginia Chadwick - poker-faced Franc Jagello is now instructor in a ously close to the edge of their desks. Scripture. active athletic season will close with teller of tall tales; first member of school for crashing dances, having Some of OryclQ's monochromatic mur- Panis Angelicus Franck the annual banquet on May 25. class to be placed in a teaching posi- learned the art at 'SIQuthie". als were seen in one of the lecture Glee Club DRAMATIC CLUB tion.... we en-vy her location for next George Johnston is presMent of the rooms here while more of Benton's The Lord's Prayer. Dramatic Club officers for next year year (so much closer to Robert Tay- "Old Men's Club." When he came work were also on -view. A beautifully Response, "Like As a Hart" Novello will be as follows: president, Rosalie lor than we'll ever be). Midge Carl- back to the dedication he rode right appointed lounge study l~oom at­ "PJ:'lotect Us Through the Coming Lynch; -vice-president, Louise Sweini- son-bright little blonde, . , . we by the school and continued to the tracted many of the group so that Night' Curschmann mer; and secretary, Rita Kellher. nominate her for our own Hall of State Farm-his absent-mindedness is they 'almost had to be hauled bodily Glee Club .
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