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ROM CARD NON-VOLATLE COPROCESSOR INTERFACE MEMORY HOST UNIT MASS INTEFACE CONTROLLERON-CARD seise STORAGE NTERFACE PROGRAM MEMORY DATA CARD PROCESSING SYSTEM UNIT DATA CARD UNIT U.S. Patent Aug. 26, 2008 Sheet 3 of 5 US 7418,344 B2 HOST START CARD START 312 CONFIGURE CONFIGURE 322 ENABLE CARD DATA PROCESSENG DATA PROCESSING ENABLED 332 STORE DATA DATA IS PROCESSED ON CARD AND STORED IN FLASH 342 READ DATA FESSED FROM CARD PROCESSED 352 FIG.3 HOST STOP CARO STOP 401 402 HOST START CARD START 411 412 CONFIGURE CONFIGURE 422 ENABLE CARD DATA PROCESSING DATA PROCESSING ENABLED 432 DATA IS PROCESSED SFNERSA AND STORED IN BUFFERS 442 DISABLE CARD DATAPROCESSING DATA PROCESSING DSABLED 452 READ DATA DATA IS READ FROM FROM CARD THE CARD BUFFERS 461 462 FIG.4 (HOST STOP CARD STOP U.S.
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