No. 157 3609 •.. ~'} 13SEP 1984 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE Published by Authority WELLINGTON: THURSDAY, 6 SEPTEMBER 1984 CORRIGENDUM Retention qf the Title "The Honourable" Setting Apart Maori Freehold Land as a Maori Reservation His Excellency the Governor-General has advised that Her Majesty The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve the retention of IN the notice with the above heading published in the New Zealand the title "The Honourable" by: Ga:::e/le of 12 July 1984, No. 119, page 2688 for the description "Part Tunapahore 828, being part of the land comprised arid Sir (John) Richard HARRISON; E.D. described in certificate of title. Volume 40, folio 201" which appears in the Schedule, read "The north-western severance ofTunapahore lately Speaker of the House of Representatives of New Zealand, B2B lying between State Highway 35 and the Bay of Plenty. being and part of the land comprised and described in certificate of title. James Kenneth McLA Y, M.P. Volume 4D, folio 201". William Francis BIRCH, M.P. Dated at Wellington this 27th day of August 1984. James Brendan BOLGER, M.P. Hugh Campbell TEMPLETON B. S. ROBINSON, Warren Ernest COOPER, M.P. Deputy Secretary for Maori Affairs. Venn Spearman YOUNG, M.P. (M.A. H.O. 21/3/5; D.O. Appln. 27711) Mervyn Langlois. WELLINGTON, M.P. Manuera Benjamin Riwai COUCH 6/IAL/2CL Anthony George MALCOLM Dr Ian John SHEARER Robert Leslie Gapper TALBOT, M.P. CORRIGENDUM Jonathan Herbert ELWORTHY Declaring Land to be Acquired for Road in Grey County John Howard FALLOON, M.P. Anthony Peter David FRIEDLANDER, M.P. on their resignation as Members of the Executive Council of New IN the notice with the above heading dated 10 August 1984 and Zealand. published in .Veil' Zealand Ga:::elle of 16 August 1984, No. 143 at page 3167, for the description of the area of 1859 square metres Dated at Wellington this 31st day of August 1984. secQndly described, read"Part Section 86, Square 119; marked "B" on plan", which words and figures appear in the original notice DA YID LANGE, Prime Minister. signed on behalf of the Minister of Works and Development. · · 40 (P.W. 72/6/12/0: Ch. D.0. 40/72/6/12/33) 14/1 Declaring Land in a Roadway Laid Out to he Road in Block /, Rangiriri Survey District, Raglan County CORRIGENDUM Dec/aralion That Land is a Resen·e DA YID BEATTIE, Governor-General A PROCLAMATION IN the notice with the above headirig published in the Ne\\' Zealand PURSUANT to section 421 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953, I, The Ga:::et/e. 2 August 1984. No. 132. page 2927 in the Schedule,.for Honourable Sir David Stuart Beattie, the Governor-General of New "Sectjon 239" read "Section 329". Zealand, hereby declare the land described in the Schedule hereto and comprised in a roadway laid out by the Maori Land Court by (L. and S. H.O. Res. 6/4/11; D.O. 13/184) an order dated the I st day of December 1981 to be road, and to 3/1 be vested in The Raglan County Council. 3610 THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE No. 157 SCHEDULE State Forest Land Se! Apart as Slate Forest Park.for Addition to Mount Richmond State Forest Park-Nelson Conservancy SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT ALL that piece of Ian<;! containing 749 square metres. situated in Block L Rangiriri Survey District, being part Allotment 6482. DA YID BEATTIE. Governor-General Whangapc Parish; as shown marked "A" on S.O. Plan 50873. lodged A PROCLAMATION in the office of the Chief Surveyor at Hamilton. PURSUANT to section 638 (I) of the Forests Act 1949 (as substituted Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ by section 19 of the Forests· Amendment Act 1976), I, The General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, Honourable Sir David Stuart Beattie, the Governor-General of New this 29th day of August 1984. Zealand, hereby set apart the State forest land described in the F. M. COLMAN, Schedule hereto as State forest park, which shall hereby form part Minister of Works and Development. of the Mount Richmond State Forest Park. [LS.] Goo SA VE THE QUEEN! (P.W. 34/3788; Hn. D.O. 18/7/116) SCHEDULE 16/1" NELSON LAND DISTRICT-WAIMEA COUNTY 36.3205 hectares; more or less, being Section 13, Block l, Rintoul Land Taken for Soil Consermtion and River Control Purposes in .· Survey District. (S.O. 3770). Block IX. Aroha Survey District, Piako County and the Borough 38.8000 hectares, more or less, being Section 39. Block I, Rintoul of Te Aroha Survey District. (S.O. Plan 12203). 7.6540 hectares. more or less, being Section 40, Block I, Rintoul DA YID BEATTIE, Governor-General Survey District. (S.O. Plan 12203). A PROCLAMATION 45.9670 hectares, more or less, being Section 41, Block I, Rintoul PURSUANT to the Public Works Act 1981, I. The Honourable Sir Survey District. (S.O. Plan 12203). David Stuart Beattie, the Governor-General of New Zealand hereby 22.6570 hectares, more or less, being Section 42, Block 1, Rintoul declare that the land described in the Schedule hereto is hereby Survey District. (S.O. Plan 12203). New Zealand Gazette, 1983, page taken for soil conservation and river control purposes and shall vest in The Hauraki Catchment Board and Regional Water Board on ~221. the 14th day after the date of the publication of this Proclamation All the above as known on plans N28/15, 16, deposited in the in the Gazette. Head Office of the New Zealand Forest Service at Wellington. Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ SCHEDULE General, and issued under the Seal of New Zealand, this 30th day of July 1984. SOUTH AUCKLAND LAND DISTRICT K. T. WETERE, Minister of Forests. ALL those pieces of land situated partly in the County of Piako and partly in the Borough of Te Aroha described as follows: [LS.] Goo SA VE THE QUEEN! Area (F.S. 6/4/2) ha Being 18 1.4200 Part Section 14J, Block IX, Aroha Survey District; marked_ "B" on plan. 1.5170 Part Section 148 I, Block IX, Aroha Survey District: marked "C" on plan. Appoiiuing a Afember of the National Roads Board 0.4300 Part Section 148 I, Block IX. Aroha Survey District: marked "D" on plan. DA YID BEATTIE, Governor-General As shown as above mentioned on S.O. Plan 51414, lodged in the · office of the Chief Surveyor at Hamilton. ORDER IN COUNCIL Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 27th day of General. and issued under the Seal of New Zealand. · August 1984 this 23rd day of August 1984. · Present: F. M. COLMAN, Minister of Works and Development. THE HON. ,GEOFFREY PALMER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL [LS.] Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! PURSUANT to section 3 of the National Roads Act 1953, His Excellency the Governor-General, acting by .and with the advice (P.W. 96/092530/0; Hn. D.O. 96/092530/0) and consent of the Executive Council hereby appoints 16/1 Derek Ernest Homewood of Wellington, Secretary for Transport to be a member of the National Roads Board in place of the former Declaring Land Used as a Roadway to be Road in Block IX. Secretary for Transport, Arthur John Healy from and after the I st Waitohu Survey District, Horowhenua County day ofSeptember 1984. P. G. MILLEN. Clerk of the Executive Council. DA YID BEATTIE. Governor-General (P.W. 62/25) A PROCLAMATION 10 PURSUANT to sections 421 and 422 of the Maori Affairs Act 1953. I, The Honourable Sir David Beattie. the Governor-General of New Zealand. hereby declare the land described in the Schedule hereto. and used as roadway, -to be road and to be vested in The Declaration that State Forest Land Ceases to be Part of Cat/ins Horowhenua C~unty Council. State Forest Park-Southland Conservancy · SCHEDULE DA YID BEATTIE. Governor-General WELLINGTON LAND DISTRICT ORDER IN COUNCIL ALL that piece ofland containing 56 square metres, situated.in Block IX, Waitohu Survey District, being part Topaatekaahu No. 2: as At the Government Buildings at Wellington this 27th day shown coloured sepia on S.O. Plan 27572, lodged in the office. ·of of August 1984 the Chief Surveyor at Wellington. Present: Given under the hand of His Excellency the Governor­ THE HON. GEOFFREY PALMER PRESIDING IN COUNCIL General, and issued · under the Seal of New Zealand. this 30th day of August 1984. · · PURSUANT to section 638 (2) of the Forests Act 1949, His Excellency, the GovernorsGeneral, acting by and with the advice and consent F. M. COLMAN. of the Executive Council, hereby declares that the area of State Minister of Works and Development. forest land described in the Schedule hereto, having been set apart (Ls.] Goo SAVE THE QUEEN! as _part of the. Catlins State Forest Park by a Proclamation dated the 26th day of February 1975 and published in New Zealand (P.W. 41/339; Wn. D.O. 19/2/8/0/10) Gazette, 6 March 1975 at page 424, hereby ceases to be part of 16/1 Catlins State Forest Park. as from the date of publication hereof. 6 SEPTEMBER THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE 3611 SCHEDULE .·lppointing Inspectors in Respect o(AII and Any Local Railways al Weka Pass, Waipara Operated by 1-Veka Pass Railway SOUTHLAND LAND DISTRICT-SotiTHLAND COUNTY Incorporated 24.899 hectares. more or less. being part Section 27. Block X. Waikawa Survev District (to be known as Section 39. Block X. Waikawa Survey District).
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