858 BUI SHEFFIELD TRADES. BciLDERs-contmued. Atkinson Henry Geo. Shude hill, 8 1 :BULLION DEALERS. 1 Snell Robert, Station road, l\Iasbro', R Carr .John & Co. Hailway depot, Barber & Co. Ximrod works, III Eldon Stacey Charles Horace, 95 Derbyshue i Drontield I street s See advert lane, l\Ie~rsbrook,' S . , Catchp_ole John, 57 Ball rd. Hil1sboru',S OakesE.'w:&co.Lim.2.7oRockingham st ~tamlan~ C.·eorge S. 53 V1ctrma_ st. S 01 Chadw1ck& ~o. r6 ~o r8 College rd. R Sheffield Smelting Cn. Limited (The), ~taveley f~omas (exors. of), Be1ghton,S Contract & \\ o:ks S~pply _C~. (The) ~T. · Ho~·ds ~Iill street; branches, 95 Amn- Sto~kton \\ Il~mm. 9~ :\farshall r~ad_ Parry), 55 fosters bmldmgs, H1gh. del street, s.; & London & Birrning- Stnngfcllow George Henry, 98 Ch1ppmg- street, S barn. ~ee ad\oert house road, S Coupe Brothers, 19 Carlisle street 0 0 Summers Seth, 33 Balaclava road, S I east, S Turner Wllllam & Co. 75 to 79 Swann John, 24 The Xook, Barber rd. S Eadon T. A. Hoole chambers, Bank st. 8 Eyre atreet, 8 Sykes Henry, Beighton, S flanagan Henry, 218 & 220 A tter- - Taylor Joseph H. 7 Sitwell road, S cliffe common, S 1 Johnson, l\Iatthey & Co. Limited, 74-81 Taylnr \Villiam, Grenoside, S 1Furniss Thomas, 2 & 3 Park Station I Hatton garden, London E c Teanby Jn. S. & Son, r 5 Crummock rd. S arches, Furnival road & 2 to 5 Norfolk BUSINESS TRANSFER . Thirsk Jabez, IIS·IIJ Petre street, S :VIarket Hall arches, Exchange st. S AGENTS. Thompson Chas A.89IlunterHouse rd.S • Hodkin & .Jones Limited, Have- Thornton Vt'illiam & Son, 53 Glass- lock Bridge works, Queen's road & 51, (See Agents-Business Tran,del·.) house street, H 53, 55 & 57 Blonk st. S Thorpe Benjamin, Beighton, S ! Holland Thomas, 23 Hroomball st. S . BUTCHERS. Tommason John, 37 Normandale rd. S :\Iolloy P. & J. 15 & 17 Hollis croft & Ablett John J. 846 Penistone road, 1 Torry George Thos. 11 Pickering rd. S . Broad lane Owlerton, S ;rrehernWi!!i~mHy Wellgate,Canklow,R Monks William, 250 EdmundAblett John Joseph, 113 Penistone rd. fruman \hlham, 26 Rock street, S road, S I Wadsley Bridge, S Tugby Bernard, 53 Queen st. Swinton,R Parker J. & Sons, Silver Street! Abson Harry, 195 Broomhall street, S Tune VVilliam John, I 13 Attercliffe road ; : head ; Corporation street ; Langsett i Adams J oseph, Cnstone, Shetfield, S Greystock st. & 12 Hampton rd. S road, S. & 19 Canal wharf, S. See Adlington George, 567 Attercliffe road,S Turner Fretlerick, 261 Rockim!ham st. S 1 advertisement Aizlewoocl George F. I I Shambles, R. ; Turner Wm. ~arket pl. Wooclbouse, S ! Tune William .J, II3 Avtercliffe rd. ; IIS Masbro' street, M. & Wickersley.R Twibey J. & Sons, Holywelllane, Conis- i Greystock road & I2 Rampton rd. S 1 Allcroft George, 94 Worksop rd. Attrclffe brough, R 'Wilkinson T. & Sons, Woodbine works, Allen George, 314 Shalesmoor, S Twigg William, 53 ~Iontfort street, S Guernsey road, S I Alien Saml. I Hallowes lane, Chesterfield Tyas & Guest, H.owms lane, Swinton, R \Vragg Thomas & Sons, St.anley ~tt·eet, road, Dronfield, S Tyas & Son, The Glen, Doncaster road, S. & Loxley street, S · Andrew Wm. Edwd. 183 Brook hill, S. 'Me_xboro', S ,. I [.t1J Full lists of this trade in & 229 Upper Allen street, S U n~m Job~ \\ ilham, 18 Marshal! road, United Kingdom, see Building Andrews ~lbert _Edwd. 569 London rd.S ~o.rton.. \,_oodseats, S , Trades Directory. Price a os.], Anthony FrederiCk, 375 London road, S [nwm0 WIII1am Hobert, Ecclestield,0 S Armttage Fredk. Hv. 2ro Howard rd. S Yarah Thomas R, Woodland grove, Armitage Joseph, 3l Chesterfield road, \\"ickersley, R "\1eersbrook, S Vasey John & Son, 87 London ruad, S BUILDING & QUANTITY Armstrung Jarnes, 483 London road, S Waddington George E. 42 Roek st. S SURVEYOR. Armstrong Joseph, 61 Broad st. Park, S Walker Fred, 71 Frederick street, R ,Ash Herbert, 75 Leadmill road, S Walker Step hen, 69I Ecclesall road, S I Cartwright Fred (TA I'Quantities"; i Ashley George, 25 High street, R Walker Stephen & Son, 10 Hunter T N 57 x), 15 North ·ChurchiAshmore Arthur, 66 Grookes, S House road. S street, S Ashmore John, 13 Crookes, S ·ward Charles, 8o Langdon street & 4 Askew Arthur, roo Broad st.Parkgate,R Priorv terrace, S Askew Charles C. 2 Cobden View rd. S Ward George, 41 Aistlwrpe road BUILDING &c. SOCIETIES. Atmore James, Sothall, lleighton, S Watson John Arthur, Snaithin"' lane, . : Atter Wm. W. 379 Attercliffe c>ommon,') Carsick road, s "' :County Permanent Benefit Bwldmg i Bacon Fredk. 227 Attercliffe common, S Watts Herbert, 1g Ranby road Socie_t~·. 17 Bank •street, S.; Cooper Badger Richard Henry, So Wortley rd. ·webster Fredk. Haywoods, Deepcar, S Corbi?ge, sec · . .:\Iasbro', H Weston Percy, s6 Jessop street Economtcal Permanent Benefit ~-mldmg Badger Tom (wholesale), 3o Deepdale White Henry, s1 Washington road & 6o Soctet~·, Gresh~m chmbrs. ,6 hg Tree road, ~Iasbro',o R . Franklin street S lane, S.; C. S1mpson, sec Baker Ea. ward, ::'\ew Comsboro, R White James & S~n Burton road s First Hotherham Economic Building Bannister James C. & John, xor-roS White Wm. Gpperflaugb, Rawm~rsh,R Societr {C!1a:les. Br_ompton, sec.), Gower street? S . ·whittingham Thomas, 92 Main road, s Masomc bUlldmgs, Htgh street, R BarberHy.22l\1tddlewO?d rd.HJ!Isboro',S Whitworth John a Penis tone road Fourth Sheffield Model (Thomas Jubb_, Barber James H. 61 Walkley Bank road 44 1 Owlerton s ' ' sec.), 4 Independent bldgs. Fargate, S Barker Frank, 666 Brightside lane, S · Wilkinso~ Albert M, :o~ 2 I City road, Fulwood Freehol~ Land S~iet~, CairnSjBarker Frank A. 92 Trippet lane, S . s. See advert chambers, 19 St. James st. ~- ; \Vm.! Barnard James Banks, 4II Atterchffe Wilkinson Jas. 40 Carter Knowle rd. S Brining? sec j common & 95 Darnall road, S ''oilkinson Tl!ornas & Suns Woodbine Hallamsh1re ~Iortgag-e & Investment 1 Barratt Wiiliam Jones, 53-5 Club Garden · works Guernsev road s ' Co. Lim. (The) (Edwin Richmond, 1 road & ns South street, Moor, S · Will den'Henry' 72 High'ton st. W alkley ~anagi~g directo; ), G lads~one build- i Barrott Willis E. 350 Langsett road, S. Wilson & Kennington, 273 City road, S · mgs, .I St. James street, S & I r I South street, Par~ Wilson Matthew, 47 Tal but street, S Provident Association o'f Lon-1 Batty George A. Stock~bm1ge, S \Vinter John W. Handsworth, S don Lim. (The) & Provident Batty James, 453 1\hddlewood road, Wise James & Son. 482 Glossop road Free HomesAssurance Co.Lim. Wadsley Bridge & 46 to 48 Spooner road, S (The) ( Jarnes Wragg, district snpt. ), Batty :\lrs.)Iary E. Tree ton & Catcliffe,R Wood Reginald, Sandygate, S 5 Paradise square, S Baxter George, 749 Ecclesall road, S 'Vood Robert, Woodhouse, S Provincial Homes Investment Co. Beamer Frank L. 173 & 175 Attercliffe Wood William, 69 Bolsover street, S Lim. (John Thos. Leese, divisional common, S Woodhead Albert S. 43 Brook road, inspector), Haymarket chambers, Beard James, 5 Main road, S ~Ieersbrook, S Haymarket, S Beard Wm. 5 Station rd. Chapeltown, 8 W oodthorpe Fredk. Wm. 44 City rd. S Rotherham & District Perfect Thrift Beardow Mrs. Annie, 73 W e..'lt street, S Wright William, 63 Firth Park road Huil~ing Society, R. M. Davies, sec. •Beaumont )lrs. Annie, 13 High stroot;, "'right William, 226 Staniforth road,. 30 H1gh street . · · I ~1exboro', R , Attercliffe S Second Rotherham & D1stnct Perfect 1 Beckett Ernest, 142 Ecclesall road · ' Thrift Building Society, 30 High st. Beckett Thomas E. 89 Meadow street, S [lar Full ll~ta of this trade In i R. ; R. l\1 Davies, sec Bedford Tom Sugden, 46 Barber road, S United K1ngdom, see Building 'Se<·ond Rotherham & South Yorkshire Beech Albert James,343 Bra.malllane, S Trades Directory. Price 3 os.] I Permanent Building Society' 22 ~Ioor- Beech Ern est, 13 I Staniforth road, s gate st. R.; Wilfred H. Copley, sec BeechFredk.393Staniforth rd.Atterclifte ;Second Sheffield ".:\lode! " Building Beech George, jun. 124 :\Ia.tilda street, S :BUILDERS' IRONMONGERS. Society (C. J. Collier, sec.), 14 St. Bennott Georgc, Thornwell hill, Thul'pe See Ironmongers. James' street, S I Hesley, R . I Third (The) Sheffield ~fodel Building Benuett J?hn, C:hnrc~ stl'eet & Htgll BUILDERS" MERCHANTS. Societv ( Ed ward )lanning Keer' sec. l', street, Jo>ccleslield, ~ ' 1 · h b St J , t ..., ' :Ben nett Th(•mas, ro ,~hambles, R Allt R. 17 Rawmarsh hill, Parkgate, R l \ u can c am ers, . ames s . "' .
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