Public Notices PAGES 25-128 PAGE 25 FEBRUARY 8, 2013 - FEBRUARY 14, 2013 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY LEGAL NOTICES FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE UNDER FICTITIOUS NOTICE OF PUBLICATION NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE NOTICE OF ACTION written defenses, if any, to it on Chris- NAME LAW PURSUANT NAME LAW PURSUANT OF FICTITIOUS NAME U-Stor Tampa East and United Mini IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF topher C. Lindhardt of Kass Shuler, TO SECTION 865.09, TO F.S. §865.09 NOTICE is hereby given that the Self Storage sales will be held on or THE THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL P.A., plaintiff’s attorney, whose address FLORIDA STATUTES undersigned Byron Walton of 1304 thereafter the dates in 2012 and times CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, is P.O. Box 800, Tampa, Florida 33601, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Wilkinson Dr. Plant City, FL 33566, indicated below, at the locations listed IN AND FOR (813) 229-0900, on or before March NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, desiring to engage pursuant to the requirements of the below, to satisfy the self storage lien. HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY 18, 2013, (or 30 days from the first the undersigned, desiring to engage in business under the fictitious name Florida Department of State Division of Units contain general household goods. CIVIL DIVISION date of publication, whichever is later) in business under fictitious name of of First Choice Obstruction Lighting, Corporations is hereby advertising the All sales are final. Management re- Case No. 29-2012-CA-018668 and file the original with the Clerk of Florida Discount Drug Card located located at 120 N. 20th Street, in the following fictitious name: Lightspeed. serves the right to withdraw any unit Division N this Court either before service on the at 3710 Corporex Park Drive, Suite City of TAMPA, County of Hillsbor- It is the intent of the undersigned to from the sale or refuse any offer of bid. GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC Plaintiff’s attorney or immediately 215, in the County of Hillsborough in ough, State of Florida, 33605, intends register Lightspeed with the Florida Payment by CASH ONLY, unless other- Plaintiff, vs. thereafter; otherwise, a default will be the City of Tampa, Florida 33609 in- to register the said name with the Department of State Division of Corpo- wise arranged! JOSE B. GLIHA A/K/A JOSE entered against you for the relief de- tends to register the said name with Division of Corporations of the Flor- rations. Dated: February 4, 2013 BERNARD GLIHA AN, YESENIA manded in the Complaint. the Division of Corporations of the ida Department of State, Tallahassee, February 8, 2013 13-01492H United- Tampa, 5002 W. Linebaugh GLIHA A/K/A YESENIA RIVERA, If you are a person with a disability Florida Department of State, Tallahas- Florida. Ave., STE “D”, Tampa, FL 33624 on et al. who needs an accommodation, you are see, Florida. Wednesday, FEB 27, @ 2:00PM Defendants. entitled, at no cost to you, to the pro- Dated this 31 of January, 2013. Reudiger Schult 112 TO: JOSE B. GLIHA A/K/A JOSE vision of certain assistance. To request Dated at Hillsborough , Florida, this 30 FIRST INSERTION Clifton Lewis 163 BERNARD GLIHA such an accommodation, please con- day of January, 2013. ROPE CORP. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Bernadine B. Boyd 198, 199, 86 CURRENT RESIDENCE UNKNOWN tact the ADA Coordinator, 601 East 120 N. 20th Street IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR Tiffany Harris 69 LAST KNOWN ADDRESS Kennedy Boulevard, Tampa, Florida Envision Medical Solutions, Inc. TAMPA, FL 33605 HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, 13252 EVENING SUNSET LN 33602; 813-276-8100 ext. 4205 February 8, 2013 13-01283H February 8, 2013 13-01387H FLORIDA U-Stor, (Tampa East) 4810 North 56th RIVERVIEW, FL 33579 and (email ADA@hillsclerk.com) within 7 PROBATE DIVISION St. Tampa, FL 33610 on 12337 VILLAGER CT working days of the date the service is FILE NO. 13-70 Tuesday, FEB 26, @ 1:00pm. TAMPA, FL 33625 needed; if you are hearing or voice im- DIVISION: A Dionne Jenkins D19 You are notified that an action to paired, call 711. Horace Daniels III F13 foreclose a mortgage on the follow- Dated: February 5th,, 2013. NOTICE OF SALE FIRST INSERTION IN RE: ESTATE OF SHARALYN RUTH BENNETT Tamika Newsome F19 ing property in Hillsborough County, CLERK OF THE COURT Public Notice is hereby given NOTICE OF PUBLIC AUCTION A/K/A SHARALYN R. BENNETT Marcus Harden F23 Florida: Honorable Pat Frank that National Auto Service Cen- Pursuant to Ch 715.109 FS and/or DECEASED. Ira Porter F24 LOT 8, BLOCK 2, SOUTH 800 Twiggs Street, Room 530 ters Inc. will sell at PUBLIC 83.801 and/or 677.210 FS etal United The administration of the estate of Shara- Millie P. Singletary I17 COVE PHASE I, ACCORDING Tampa, Florida 33602 AUCTION free of all prior liens American Lien & Recovery as agent lyn Ruth Bennett, deceased, File Number Jennifer Overstreet I20 TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF (COURT SEAL) By: Sarah A. Brown the follow vehicle(s) that remain w/ power of attorney will sell at public 13-70 is pending in the Circuit Court for Ricardo McPherson K2 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK Deputy Clerk unclaimed in storage with charg- auction the following property(s) to the Hillsborough County, Florida, Probate Hilda Diaz N26 96, PAGE 67-1 THROUGH Christopher C. Lindhardt es unpaid pursuant to Florida highest bidder; owner/lienholder may Division, the address of which is Clerk of 67-6, PUBLIC RECORDS OF Kass Shuler, P.A. statutes, Sec. 713.78 to the high- redeem property(s) for cash sum of the Circuit Court, Hillsborough County February 8, 15, 2013 13-01514H HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Plaintiff’s Attorney est bidder at 2309 N 55th St, lien; all auctions held in reserve Courthouse, 800 E. Twiggs Street, Room FLORIDA. P.O. Box 800 Tampa, Florida on 02/22/2013 at 206, Tampa, Florida 33602. The names commonly known as 13252 EVENING Tampa, Florida 33601 11:00 A.M. Inspect 1 week prior @ lien facility; and addresses of the personal represen- SUNSET DRIVE, RIVERVIEW, FL (813) 229-0900 cash or cashier check; 18% buyer prem; tative and the personal representative’s FIRST INSERTION 33569 has been filed against you and File #:1211299 2002 BMW any persons interested ph (954) 563- attorney are set forth below. you are required to serve a copy of your February 8, 15, 2013 13-01499H NOTICE OF SALE 5UXFA53592LP53604 1999 All creditors of the decedent and oth- The following vehicle will be sold at er persons having claims or demands public sale to satisfy a lien, per Fl Stat Terms of the sale are CASH. NO Sale date February 22, 2013 @ 10:00 against decedent’s estate, including 713.585, at 10:00 AM on February 26, FIRST INSERTION REFUNDS! Vehicle(s) are sold “AS am 3411 NW 9th Ave #707 Ft Lauder- unmatured, contingent or unliquidated 2013 at C & S Transmission, 314 W NOTICE OF SALE the following described property as set IS”. National Auto Service Centers, dale FL 33309 claims, on whom a copy of this notice Ball St, Plant City FL 33567, phone IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE forth in the Final Judgment, to wit: Inc. reserves the right to accept or is required to be served must file their 813-754-0568. No titles, as is, cash THIRTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT LOT 4, IN BLOCK 30, OF SUM- reject any and/or all bids. 2459 1972 Jami VIN#: 52121783 Ten- claims with this court WITHIN THE only. 2004 Ford Focus 2D, VIN 3FAH- IN AND FOR HILLSBOROUGH MERFIELD VILLAGE 1, TRACT ant: Charles W Westover and Michael LATER OF 3 MONTHS AFTER THE P395X4R127283. Cash sum to redeem COUNTY, FLORIDA 2 PHASES 3, 4 & 5, ACCORD- NATIONAL AUTO SERVICE Charles Williams DATE OF THE FIRST PUBLICATION vehicle $2075.00. Notice to owner or CASE NO.: 29-2011-CA-010511 ING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, CENTERS, INC. OF THIS NOTICE OR 30 DAYS AF- lienholder as to right to a hearing prior CITIMORTGAGE, INC. AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 2309 N 55th St Licensed Auctioneers FLAB 422 FLAU TER THE DATE OF SERVICE OF A to sale date by filing with clerk of court Plaintiff, v. 107, PAGE 228, OF THE PUB- Tampa, FL 33619 765 & 1911 COPY OF THIS NOTICE ON THEM. and to recover vehicle by posting bond JAMIE L. PERKINS; ANY AND LIC RECORDS OF HILLSBOR- February 8, 2013 13-01425H February 8, 15, 2013 13-01402H All other creditors of the decedent in accordance with Fl Stat 559.917. Pro- ALL UNKNOWN PARTIES OUGH COUNTY, FLORIDA and other persons having claims or ceeds of sale exceeding lien amount will CLAIMING BY, THROUGH, Any person claiming an interest in the demands against decedent’s estate, in- be deposited with the clerk of court. UNDER, AND AGAINST THE surplus from the sale, if any, other than cluding unmatured, contingent or un- Interested parties, contact State Filing HEREIN NAMED INDIVIDUAL the property owner as of the date of the liquidated claims, must file their claims FIRST INSERTION FIRST INSERTION Service 772-595-9555. DEFENDANT(S) WHO ARE Lis Pendens must file a claim within 60 with this court WITHIN 3 MONTHS February 8, 2013 13-01493H NOT KNOWN TO BE DEAD days after the sale. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS AFTER THE DATE OF THE FIRST OR ALIVE, WHETHER SAID This is an attempt to collect a debt IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR (summary administration) PUBLICATION OF THIS NOTICE. UNKNOWN PARTIES MAY CLAIM and any information obtained may be HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR ALL CLAIMS NOT SO FILED AN INTEREST AS SPOUSES, used for that purpose.
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