Cardston County Council Meeting Minutes Held at the Cardston County Administrative Building On Monday, March 22, 2021 at 9:02 A.M. Councillors Present: Reeve Randy Bullock Deputy Reeve Jim Bester Councillor Wayne Harris Councillor Roger Houghton Councillor Royce Leavitt Councillor Tom Nish Councillor Kevin Quinton Administration Present: Murray Millward, Chief Administrative Officer Matt Aipperspach, Public Works Supervisor (present for Item 15.1) Joseph l-lutter, Legislative Clerk Joe Thomas, Project Manager/Development Officer (present for Items 1.1-10.2 & 15.1) Also Present: Mike Burla, Senior Planner — ORRSC (present for Items 1.1-5.1) 1. Call to Order l.l Reeve Bullock called the meeting to order at 9:02 A.M. Opening Prayer 2.1 The opening prayer was offered by Councillor Nish. Adoption of the Agenda 3.1 Adoption of the March 22, 2021 Council Meeting Agenda (9:04 A.M.): 86.21 Councillor Quintonmoved that the agenda be adopted as presented. Carried — -— < Rccvc - CIAAOA Cardston County Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 22, 2021 4. Delegations 4.1 Derek Taylor, CPA, CMA - Partner - KPMG (9:07 A.M.): At 9:07 A.M., Derek Taylor from KPMG attended the meeting to present the 2020 Audited Financials to Council. 87.21 Councillor Houghton moved that the Audited Financials ending December 31, 2020 be accepted presented. Carried 5. Public Hearings 5.1 Public Hearings for Proposed Bylaws 763.2021 (Town of Cardston and Cardston County Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw) and 765.2021 (Town of Magrath and Cardston County Intermunicipal Development Plan Amending Bylaw) (9:59 A.M.): At 10:07 A.M., the Council Meeting was recessed for the purpose of holding Public Hearings for proposed Bylaw 763.2021 (Town of Cardston and Cardston County lntermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw) and proposed Bylaw 765.2021 (Town of Magrath and Cardston County lntermunicipal Development Plan Amending Bylaw). 88.21 Councillor Harris moved that the Council Meeting be recessed at 9:59 A.M. Carried 6. Reconvening of Council Meeting 6.1 The Council Meeting reconvened from the Public Hearings and MPC Meeting at 1:28 P.M. 7. Reguests for Decision 7.1 Proposed Bylaw 763.2021 (Town of Cardston and Cardston County Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw) (1:29 P.M.): Council deliberated proposed Bylaw 763.2021 (Town of Cardston and Cardston County Intermunicipal Development Plan Bylaw) for second and third reading. 89.21 Deputy Reeve Bester moved that the item be deferred to the April 12, 2021 Council Meeting. Carried 7.2 Proposed Bylaw 765.2021 (Town of Magrath and Cardston County Intermunicipal Development Plan Amending Bylaw) (1:30 P.M.): Council deliberated proposed Bylaw 765.2021 (Town of Magrath and Cardston County Intermunicipal Development Plan Amending Bylaw) for second and third reading. - Reeve _Lv_»; - C.A.(). Cardston County Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 22, 2021 90.21 Councillor Quintonmoved that the item be deferred to the April 12, 2021 Council Meeting. Carried 8. Adoption of the Minutes 8.1 Adoption of the March 22, 2021 Council Meeting Minutes (1:31 P.M.): 91.21 Councillor Harris moved that the minutes be adopted as presented. Carried 9. Business Arising from the Minutes There was no business arising from the minutes. 10. Development Permit Applications 10.1 Development Permit DP 16.2021 (Division 1) (1:33 P.M.): DP 16.2021 was for a 200 sq.ft. accessory building (pergola) in the Direct Control (DC) land use district. In the Direct Control (DC) land use district, developments are at the discretion of Council, therefore decision on the application was made by Council. 92.21 Councillor Leavitt moved that the application be approved, subject to the following conditions: 1) That this development is located as indicated on the development application submitted February 10, 2021. Any changes to that plan shall require the written approval of the Development Officer; 2) The development must comply with Schedule 2, Direct Control (DC) Land Use District, Grouped Country Residential (GCR), Schedule 4, Standards of Development of Land Use Bylaw No. 443/98; 3) Applicant is to have a minimum distance of 15.2m (50ft) from the front property line; and 4) That prior to any construction on the Accessory Building, a building permit along with any other permits (electrical, plumbing, gas, heating & ventilation, and/or private sewage disposal) that are required in accordance to this application must be obtained from Parks Enterprise Ltd. Carried 10.2 Development Permit DP 21.2021 (Division 1) (1:46 P.M.): DP 21.2021 was for a 1,400 sq.ft single family dwelling with decks and carport in the Direct Control (DC) land use district. In the Direct Control (DC) land use district, developments are at the discretion of Council, therefore decision on the application was made by Council. ( E2 — Reeve 0/3.. - C.A.0_ Cardston County Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 22, 2021 93.21 Councillor Leavitt moved that the application be approved, subject to the following conditions: 1) That this development is located as indicated on the development application submitted February 10, 2021. Any changes to that plan shall require the written approval of the Development Officer; 2) The development must comply with Schedule 2, Direct Control (DC) Land Use District, Hamlet (H), Schedule 4, Standards of Development of Land Use Bylaw No. 443/98; 3) Applicant is to have be at a minimum the standard setbacks for the Hamlet Land Use district; 4) That the development of the dwelling be limited to a maximum size of 1400 sqft for a single Family Dwelling plus the decks and Carports and located as described in the drawings submitted with the application. 5) Provide the County the issued certificate from the Alberta New Home Warranty Program; 6) Developer to purchase £1 Rural Addressing sign from Cardston County; and 7) That prior to any construction on the Accessory Building, a building permit along with any other permits Carried 11. Reguests for Decision Il.l Request to Waive Business License Penalty (1:54 P.M.): Council reviewed a request for a waiver of a business license late payment penalty. 94.21 Deputy Reeve Bester moved that the business license and associated fees and penalties be rescinded, and that the individual be directed to obtain a regional business license from the Village of Hill Spring. Carried 12. Delegations The Honourable Grant Hunter, Associate Minister of Red Tape Reduction & Mr. Joseph Schow, MLA for Cardston-Siksika (2:01 P.M.): At 2:01 P.M., Associate Minister Grant Hunter and MLA Joseph Schow participated in a discussion via Zoom regarding the Municipal Government Board (MGB) hearing process. 13. Reguests for Decision 13.1 Request for Extension on Subdivision File 2019-0-181 (Leavitt) 4 - Reeve % - C.A.(). Cardston County Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 22, 2021 (2:34 P.M.): Subdivision File 2019-0-181 was for the Agricultural subdivision of NW 1/4 5—3—26—W4M(Certificate of Title No. 851 120 259), to subdivide an existing 155.71 acre parcel to create two smaller parcels of 75.71 and 80.0 acres for agricultural purposes 95.21 Councillor Leavitt moved that the extension request be approved. Carried 13.2 Property Tax Incentive Application (2:40 P.M.): Council reviewed an application for property tax reduction under Bylaw 746.2020 (New Agricultural Production and Manufacturing Business Property Tax Incentives Bylaw). 96.21 Councillor Nish moved that the application be approved. Carried 13.3 UID offer to Purchase Assessed Acres on Minimum Parcels (2:42 P.M.): Council reviewed a request from the UID to purchase the assessed acres on minimum parcels located east of the Village of Glenwood. 97.21 Councillor Nish moved that the item be filed as information. Carried 14. Un?nished Business 14.1 Cardston County Regional Emergency Management Partnership (2:44 P.M.): Council deliberated second and third reading of proposed Bylaw 764.2021 (Cardston County Regional Emergency Management Bylaw). 98.21 Councillor Quintonmoved that proposed Bylaw 764.2021 (Cardston County Regional Emergency Management Bylaw) receive second reading. Carried 99.21 Councillor Houghton moved that proposed Bylaw 764.2021 (Cardston County Regional Emergency Management Bylaw) receive third and final reading. Carried 100.21 Councillor Nish moved that Reeve Bullock be appointed to the committee. — Rccvc ‘xx - c.A.o. Cardston County Council Meeting Minutes Monday, March 22, 2021 Carried 15. Public Works Capital Expenditures 15.1 Public Works Capital Expenditures: Council discussed Public Works capital expenditures for 2021. 101.21 Deputy Reeve Bester moved that the Public Works Capitalexpenditures for 2021 be approved as presented. Carried 16. Budget and Mill Rate Discussion 16.1 Budget and Mill Rate Discussion: Council to discuss the 2021 Budget and 2021 Mill Rate. 17. Closed Meeting of Council 17.1 Closed Meeting of Council to be held pursuant to: 1. Section 197(2) of the Municipal Government Act; and 2. Section 2l(1[ii]) of the Freedom aflnformalionand Pl‘()IL’(,'fl()Il ofPrivacy Act. The entirety of Council, Chiel‘ Administrative Officer, and Legislative Clerk were in attendance for the Closed Meeting of Council. 102.21 Councillor Quintonmoved that the meeting be closed to the public to discuss matters related to intermunicipal relations, as per section 21, FOIP, at 4:38 P.M. Carried 103.21 Councillor l-loughton moved that Council return to open meeting at 5:33 P.M. Carried 18. Additional Items 18.1 Farewell to Cardston County Employee (5:34 P.M.): Council thanked Joseph 1-lutterfor his time with the County as he moves on to a position with the Town of Nobleford. 19. Adjournment 19.1 Adjournment of the March 22, 2021 Council Meeting: 104.21 Councillor Leavitt moved that the Council Meeting be adjourned at 5:37 P.M.
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