a4 SHORT COMMUNICATIONS short distances and at low altitudes. Females, on the pines and demonstrate a similar kind of sexual dimor- other hand, were usually in the upper extremities of phism in foraging. Males and females of each species the trees and made longer flights. forage in different portions of the trees, and beak- Males and females appeared to forage in the same length dimorphism is not pronounced. This method way, and uncommonly did feed close together. Prob- of differential foraging is unlike that found in arizonae ing and peering were the primary means of food in southern Arizona, where the sexes differ in beak searching, although the birds tapped the trunk and size and utilize the same foraging sites in different larger limbs as they moved along them. Birds of both ways (personal observation). -D&is (Auk 82:566- sexes scratched bark from the trunk with the feet, 567. 1965. figs. 6 and 7) oresents measurements using both feet simultaneously. I also saw a male demonstrating-that Arizona ’ populations of arizonae scratch bark loose with one foot while retaining his are much more dimorphic in beak length than either grasp to the tree with the other. On one occasion a stricklandi or borealis. male flew vertically up from branch to branch, several The single nest site of stricklandi, in a dead limb of feet away from the trunk. Both sexes often foraged a living pine, seemed to me to be most like that of upside down on small limbs. These observations, like pubescens. Both arizonae (personal observation) and those of Davis (Auk 82:548, 1965), indicate that villosus (Bent, U.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 174:14, 1939) searching for food is primarily by means other than often excavate nest cavities in living trees, although vigorous hammering or drilling. the site of excavation may be weak internally. Borealis The birds foraged primarily on pines, but also excavates its cavities in living pines (Bent, U.S. Natl. visited oaks. Of 25 consecutive trees in which a forag- Mus. 174:74, 1939). ing male was observed, three were small or medium- Of these comparisons, only the means of territorial sized oaks and the rest were pines. fighting may be useful in determining relationships Hairy Woodpeckers (D. oil20sus) were common in within the genus. This suggests that the affinities of this area, but the two species appeared to take no strickhdi are indeed with the arizonae-villusus group notice of each other. On several occasions individuals than with the ladder-backed group of North American of both species were seen in the same tree. Dendrocopos, as indicated by other lines of evidence. Differences between stricklandi and arizonae are COMPARISONS WITH OTHER SPECIES greater than those between arizonae and villosus, and OF DENDROCOPOS suggest that stricklandi probably is not conspecific The fight between the two male stricklandi differed with urizonae, as most recently suggested by Davis from conflicts of villosus, pubescens (Kilham, Auk (Auk 82:537590, 1965). 77:259-270, 1960; Condor 64:126-139, 1962; Wilson This study was supported by the National Science Bull. 78:251-265, 1966), and arizonue (personal Foundation Training Program in Systematic and observation), in that in these species there is much Evolutionary Biology (GB-3366), through the Uni- bill-waving as the heads are swayed back and forth, versity of Michigan Museum of Zoology. I wish to and the tail of the aggressive__ bird is suread. In all four thank B. G. Murray, Jr., R. W. Storer, and H. B. species each sex is aggressive only toward intruders Tordoff for reading and offering constructive criticism of the same sex. Contrastingly, in borealis both mem- of the manuscript- (Present address: Department of bers of a pair actively attack a single intruder (per- Biology, Idaho State University, Pocatello, Idaho sonal observation). This also appears to be true for 83201. ) scalaris. Both stricklandi and borealis feed predominantly on Accepted for publication 23 January 1967. THE DIURNAL ACTIVITY OF THE its large home range, it was usually difficult to keep track of a Roadrunner for extended periods. Limited ROADRUNNER, GEOCOCCYX observations of nest-spacing, a boundary dispute, and CALIFORNIANUS hunting sorties suggested that the territory of an adult pair in this habitat might be about one-half mile in diameter. Thus continuous day-long surveillance was W. A. CALDER not feasible, and data from shorter observations were Department of Zoology pooled to obtain an index of activity (observations Duke University Durham, North Carolina 27706 oer hour afield). In all. 87 observations were made during 164 ho&s in thk field. These ranged from brief -roadside sightings to long periods of hunting The Roadrunner is a well-known ground cuckoo of the observed from a hillside vantage noint. Observations deserts, chaparral edges, and arid grasslands in the of Roadrunners that were flu&ed- from the shade or southwestern United States and northern MBxico vegetation thickets were excluded from the index ( Dobie 1956; Sutton 1940). Information on the because it was not possible to ascertain whether they activity of the Roadrunner in relation to the time of had been resting 0; active. day or environmental temperatures is virtually non- The-official maximum air temperature recorded at existent. Cursorial habits in hot and open locations the ran& headquarters (elevation 1310 m) during would seem to place a large burden on the tempera- the study &$od (10 June-5 July 1965) was 38.8” C. ture-regulation abilities of this bird. The following This was s.i%ilar to the average high temperature for observations were made as an adjunct to laboratory this period (Smith 1956). The Roadrunners were studies of the roadrunner (Calder 1966). observed at elevations of ca. 950-1280 m where air The study was made at the Santa Rita Experimental temperatures were slightly higher. The maximum air Range, located in desert and desert-grassland vegeta- temoerature in the shade recorded in the field was tion at the eastern edge of the Sonoran Desert, south 4O.f” c. of Tucson, Arizona. (For a discussion of the vegeta- The Roadrunners reduced their activity by slightly tion, see Lowe 1964.) less than one-half during the hottest hours. The data Because of the furtive habits of the species and from hourly intervals (and longer intervals before SHORT COMMUNICATIONS 85 .8 .6 A .2 TIME FIGURE 1. Frequency of observation of wild active Roadrunners, an index of activity, as a function of standard zone time. The histogram shows the mean frequency of observation for the time periods indicated. The broken lines depict the mean values for morning (05:00-10:30), midday (10:30-15:30), and afternoon (15:30-20:00) periods. LN = local noon. 0630 and after 17:30) seem to fit into three groups This reduction in activity at midday would reduce (fig. 1). Mean activity indexes for morning and the demands for heat dissipation and the consequent afternoon periods did not differ significantly (0.6 < expenditure of water for evaporative heat loss during P < 0.7), while a t-test of morning and afternoon, the hottest part of the day. When studied in the on the one hand, compared with midday, on the laboratory, the Roadrunner was very similar to the other, shows a highly significant difference (0.001 < Domestic Pigeon in its abilities to tolerate high air P < 0.005). temperatures and to dissipate heat by evaporation Individuals observed for longer periods in midday (Calder 1966). This finding suggests that the Road- seemed to divide their time between hunting activity runner relies upon behavioral and ecological means and cooling in the shade. Under mesquite trees, the rather than special physiological capacities for surviv- Roadrunners would gape, flutter the gular region, and hold the wings out from the body, presumably ing desert conditions. More extensive ecological to expose the lightly feathered axillary regions. One studies of the Roadrunner might show that the pro- bird in obvious heat stress did not flutter the gular portion of the time spent resting and cooling at mid- region, but did gape, as if utilizing a strong wind day is directly related to ambient temperatures. blowing at the time to move the air for evaporative I am grateful to S. Clark Martin and the U.S. cooling. Forest Service for use of facilities at the Santa Rita Miller and Stebbins (1964) observed a reduction Experimental Range, and to Charles H. Lowe, Univer- in the activity of Roadrunners in the Mojave Desert sity of Arizona, for making arrangements for this at midday. Mojave and Sonoran patterns also seem to be similar in midmorning activity peaks: “Food study. Financial support was provided by a National consists largely of lizards and small snakes, and the Science Foundation graduate fellowship. (Present former, especially, need to be hunted in mid-morning address: Department of Biology, Virginia Polytechnic at the peak of their activity.” Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia 24061. ) LITERATURE CITED CALDER, W. A. 1966. Temperature regulation and respiration in the Roadrunner and the pigeon. Doctoral dissertation, Duke University. DOBIE, J. F. 1956. The roadrunner in fact and folklore. Newsletter Tex. Omithol. Sot. 4:1-14. LOWE, C. H. 1964. The vertebrates of Arizona. Univ. Arizona Press, Tucson. MILLER, A. H., and R. H. STEBBINS. 1964. The lives of desert animals in Joshua Tree National Monu- ment. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles, Calif. SMITH, H. V. 1956. The climate of Arizona. Arizona Expt. Sta. Bull. 279. SUTTON, G. M. 1940. Geococcyx californianus (Lesson) : Roadrunner. Pp. 36-51, in Bent, A. C., Life histories of North American cuckoos, goatsuckers, hummingbirds, and their allies. 1J.S. Natl. Mus. Bull. 176. Accepted for publication 23 January 1967.
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