EZTI a.V m-- y yrci TS sk4uwMmWi . THE -- WASHINGTON HERALD. TUESDAY. AUGUST .10, 1915. Detroit Tigers Win the Opening Clash Which does Thirteen Innings Parker-Bridg- et & Co. Rally in the Thirteenth HERE'S THE TIGERS' WRECKING CREW. Tigers Do Not Impress "What's Doing ns for Jungaleers As Pennant Claimants at P-B-'s Today" IUST Na- fecu yew eye kere fer Hard-foug- Detroit Club Has It on the a Detroit Puts Over ht ' few sMBMBts, anr yo.'l ht IS THIS BEAL SPOET? COBB LEADS LEAGUE 5 to 3 Victory in STILL tionals Only in Its Offensive flid yea leeketi. Opening Game of Series. Sillier Hoggins asked Pitcher ICew York. An, t Jtr Caaa Strength. ResaemW, tkk k tie tate cl Appleton to let htm see the ball till Is the premier bataaiaa. Be P-- tae B MdiMMMer Sale, am. Id Saturday's game between the m S ? EaaaiW4e? .ssstsamssW JTZ ? W& Is leadlaa the American Leasa 'Ty yoH Had IN LACKING Superbas and Cardinals, and swatters with a percentage of JOHNSON WORKS TODAY HIT PINCH when the Brooklyn boxman In- .401. Jackson, af Cleveland, to nocently threw the pill to the St. second with .330, and Eddie Col- aay $4, $3 or Louis jnnnagcr, who stood on lins, af Chicago, third with .331. Griffmen nnQBaTiP-- B Straw Nationals Fail to Land Dauss Likely to Show Decided Re qiaStr or the coaching; lines, the latter la the JTatloasl League Larry stock. ' When Opportunities Present. stepped aside and the leather Doyle, af the Glaats, leada with versal in Form Other. Sport rolled to grand stand, two Louis, P-- the .330, Syader, of St. Betas News and Gossip. CAB B Tropical Slits Ty Cobb Shines. St. Loula mnnera crossing; the secoad with .327. aad Daafccrt, plate before the ball ceuld be .333. Pah. Beack, Mokair, Cool ef Brooklya, third with Qotk By WILLIAM FEET. retrieved. As the Cardinals not The Detroit Tigers yesterday, and In are REDUCED IN by a score of to 4, their victory fact all season, have not shown PRICE. Jennings Detroit Tiers had the old Just cause ma entirely dne to the trick mssvBBaBBBBi9tmEu92 mssaasaaw 9BBBnss: ! as to why they should be In the running punch yesterday the Griffmen didn't played by Hugglns. which, ssaBwr x1? P-- B of K ? jt m LIND AND KEMPF TO for the championship. CAM Brae Serge aad two that's why Detroit won the opening coarse, was applauded by parti mev SpssVtssKecjHasBaBaIl "vr ii''' Jennings has kept his club up there and aid tkree piece saaaer saw. game the series 5 to 3; also why an spectators and critics. of it Bat ou REDUCED required thirteen innings to settle the as a matter of fair play, Hus-gln- PLAY IN THE FINALS must hand it to him. but If he had IN PRICE. controversy. been through the misfortunes fol- wna guilty of methods nikiioW which TFull Dre There are certain rabid tans who will In world spurt. The lowed the Suite REDUCED you errors the af clran Nationals early in the spring, la price. tell that but for McBrlde's rnle makers should set busy with a different story might be written. In the sixth Inning the game would have Earn Right Meet Beadle and Brown Sale would RSaPiyA. a to As the Tigers and Nationals shaped up ? of Lisle Half Hnset ended 3 to 1 In favor of the Nationals. legislation that prevent a meaalarm'-- LSfcWsBarWWwl 'irfLJ'jf Jvv repetition such petty and yesterday there Is little to choose be- iar Z3e quality. Per pair. It might be pertinent to ask these ef business. by Defeating Anrdews tween them: 15c why the Griffmen could not but with Washington's su- SIX PAIRS for 75c. AU colors. Kims fans Wells. perior pitching staff the Griffmen surely score with the bases full in the fifth, have edge, TTECK Oxfords reduced la or knot the count in the thirteenth with the. and it would not be at all price. surprising If the local club finished ahead second and third loaded: also who saved EIGHTH-INNIN- semi-fin- al G RALLY The round of the men's of the Jungaleers when the final points two hostile runs possibly more from are one-ha- doubles In the tennis tournament of counted next October. splashing over with a sensational Jennings' stab of a line drive In Detroit's the Home Club, was finished yester- team Is not only weak In the box. but also-- half of the fifth. WINS FOR BUFFALO day, Dr. Llnd, and Dr. E. J. at third base, while he is SeCb when J. game tough none too well fortified at first and second. It was a tough to lose, Kempf, Hospital is more ways than one, but those who of the Government The Nationals have a better defensive B. T. An- club than Detroit pitchers, The Ave. at Ninth are heaping blame on McBride for his for the Insane, eliminated - better and over Pittsburgh Rebels Lose Game to the partner are only- Just a little weaker offensively. costly error had better look their Cft&w?sr sBsaaV drews, of Education, and his score cards again follow the prog- abbbbbbT sBsaas VBVA!aw C. Geological Survey, Therefore, It would seem De- and Bisons by 6 to 3 R. Wells, of the pennant that ress of the game, play by play. 5, 4. troit's claims are no more Justified "than Washington's, L0C4L PRINTERS ARE The pitching for Washington was Count. X SSK The fact that Doctors Llpd and for the VL jOBBBBBv'ak jBBBBBBBa9t BBBBSa season still has many weeks to run. good enough to win any old kind of a BjaBas, B7 assaBBVaB'aVssamsMssMssssaBBSsas BM Kempf won in straight sets would game. Both Joe Boehllng and Doc bbbbI give the impression that they won eas- Ayers were In fine form. George Dauss, Buffalo, Aug. S. An eighth inning ily, but such was not the case, as the There was only one excuse for los- AFTER DIAMOND TITLE the Tiger slabman, was hit harder than rally during which the locals put over victory was only earned after the ing yesterday's game weak hitting In cither of the local hurlers, but when It half a dozen runs and forced two twirl-er-s kind of tennis, in which both the pinches, for opportunities galore gai'e the Buffeds hardest presented put came to the pinch and a base hit was from the mound of the contesting pairs exhibited a to over runs, with the Expect needed Dauss Invariably put on the the decision over Pittsburgh today, 6 to brand of play which has not been ex- old wallop not In evidence. to Land Baseball Honors in screws. 3. Dickson allowed but three hits in the celled In the tourney to date. Since the Griffmen have been home Series at Philadelphia Boehllng was benched after working first seen Innings, but weakened In the By winning yesterday. Doctors Llnd from the West yesterday's game was six Innings, what for nobody but Man- eighth, and Knetzer was sent to the and Kempf have battled to the final the only 'one which went by the August 2. ager Griffith knows. Ayers twirled shut- rescue. The latter was ounea unaer an rung, where in order to capture the board because opportunities were not out ball until two were down In the avalanche of hits which reached Its cli doubles they have but to defeat Beadle grasped, and sometimes a poor begin- Tigers' half of the thirteenth, when a max when Chase knocked a homer. and Brown, of Reclamation. As both ning tends to make a good ending. TVashlneton's r.nr,..ntati. 1. k. single, double and triple salted away driving in two men ahead. BALL of these men are expert racqueters, National Printer's baseball League, tht game for the Jungaleers. B.H.E. DODGERS POUND SPEAKER'S CLOUTING Walter Johnson is slated to pitch for Columbia 101 team, managed by Billy the o--j n l MEETING OF CANOEISTS. the task is no easy one and It is hard Cobb Crawford were not Pitubutrh. ., 10 coampion-shi- p Ty and Sam I- - 7 1 to predict the winner. the Nationals today, and he will be ciiiccis win tne ar- Rn!lo iiiniii00000006 in the comlne. ! ,.. In evidence with their famous heavy O'Connor; opposed by either Cavet or Boehler. Batteries Dickson, KseUer, ind Rain yesterday prevented any other eight tillery, but Cobb helped to enliven the Schultz. Anderson. Bedient, Allen, snd Blair. AND TRIM CHICAGO A meeting; of canoeists aad LANDS FOR BOSTON matches being played, but the tourna- Walter has enjoyed three days' rest cities, which opens on Aug. 22. afternoon with a triple in the sixth, fol Umpires Messrs. Finneraa and Uullls. today. and should be In the "pink." not since tne local printers captured others Interested In the problem ment will be continued the pennant lowing this up by causing Chick Gandll of cutting doim the death toll The pairing for today In the Home at Cincinnati in 1913 have to look like a young busher. Brookfeds Beaten. Club tennis tournament are as follows: "A clean sweep here In Washington-- all their Drosnects bean halt., ..! 1. a. Pfeffer Shows Class. While Brooklyn caused by drownings on the up- Outfielder Is Main Asset in Red Sox games Is way predicted Griffmen Score Tiro. Brooklyn. Aug. 9. field- Mixed doubles Mr. and Mrs. Beadle vs. four In a walk." the that the other clubs will have Sensational per rlier will be held la the the Detroit players size up the situation.
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