- 1ER. Isiotd W<fU7tjEnttriil 'as Batond-Clais Itattar at tha Poit. E L, NO. 7.. offlei *t Bad Bank, N. J., undtr tit A«t oi Much I, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY," AUGUST 10, 19^27. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 1 •Jd- this urn long ago disappeared. The the year will not mature and Mr. YOUNG FIREBUG JAILED, PHILIP FRENEAU'S GRAVE. Inscription on the front of the COMING FAIR. RAISING POTATO, SEED. Martinson does not •wa.it them to PET SHOW AT RUMSON. NEIGHBORS IN A nGffli shaft reads as follows: matuie. The host potatoes for HE .TRIED TO BURN BUILDING REAL ESTATE, DEVELOPMENTS votvs GRAVE. COMMITTEES HAVE BEEN AP- AN INTERESTING EXPERIMENT planting aio immatuu, thin-skinned, IT WAS HELD LAST SATURDAY ROUBLE STARTED ' ON DAIRY FARM, Philip Freneau, Died Dec. ISth, 18S2, POINTED BY INDEPENDENTS. tubers. ENCROACHINGJDN THE PLOT. aged 80 years, 11 months and IS days. ON A HOLMDEL FARM. „ AT' VICTORY PARK. LY OVER BOUNDARY LINE, Tha Propartjr lit Freneau it Now He was* a native of New Vork -hut for John Dtnaf rib, After Working Two many rears a realdent of Philadelphia and Their Annual Event .Will be Held William Martinson Doos Not Pro- FORMER RESIDENT KILLED. The Show Was Given For the Play, 'hree Leonardo Persons Were Ar» Si^ Days on Christian Brodtrson's. Owned by Cl«ranca Wire and New Jeraey. Hla benevolent character ia August 19th to September 3d, In- pose to Buy Potatoes for Planting ground Children and There Were Albert C. Treadwcll Victim of Air- Kited—They Are Scheduled to Plac. at Shrewsbury, Attompted Hlitorical Soctetici Havo FIril In tha memory of many and will remain clusive—Old-Fashioned Attrac- Next Spring—He Planted Pota- Many Kinds of Pets—Doll Show.. Have Hearings This_A/t«rao*a _ when thla inscription is no longer legible. plane Accident at White Plains. to Burn\Hia Employer'. Barns. Call on III Purchase. > tions to be Featured, toes Laat W«eU for Next Season. Baby Parade and Other Events. Befor.e Justice Wainnght. ,ffi| Heaven lifts Its everlasting portals high Albert C. Troadwell of White John Dcn'nfrlo of Eftrt Orange, 'Here is a paragraph which ap- And bide thsipuu in heart behold their. All major arrangement)! for the William Martinson, who'recently The annual pet show for the Several months ago'Mrs. E, Mar* Plains, New York, formerly of Red who (s eighteen yean, 1B in thopeared in a recent issue of .the New- Ood. annual fair- of Independent fira succeeded James Hickcy as operator children of the Victory park play- garet Kappoch anil Mrs. Helen, Bank, was killed in an airplane ac- . county Jail at Freehold on a chargo ark Sunday Call: On the reverso side of the shaft company of Bed Bank have been of Theron McCampbell's Ramanes- ground at Rumson was held Sutur- aroa, who are next door ncighbora-v fl 1 cident a few days ago at White of having tried to burn tho <out- Thi grave of Philip Fre.neau, drat truly la an inscription to Philip Frcneau's completed. The fail will be held sm farm at Holmdel, planted be- day and marked the first of a ser- at Leonardo, got Into .i dispute a«* ; buildings on Christian Brodcraon's Amarlfcan 'poet; «Md one o{ NawJeraetf) August 19th to September 3d, in- tween four and_ five acres of land Plains. He was employed at a ies of khows and contests to be held (limbus men. li for lale, Ihf farm it mother, as follows: to the location; of the boundary Una, Meadowbroolcdalry farm, at Shrews- Freneau, *»m»r Matawan, on which Freneau I AGNES, f clusive. The committee in charge with potatoes last week to rnisn pn- private flying field and had been at the park. There were many between their two properties. There' bury. Dcnafrloigot a Job on thalivid and'(lied,-la In th« bawla of.real-ea- Relict of Peter Freneau and mother of of-the festival intends that it shall toes for planting next spring. This taking lessons in flying an airplane. kinds of pets at the show and six was a difference of seven Inches be* Philip Freneau, and late wldow-of Jamea form two days, before he was ar- lit. agents. The arava llai on a hillock differ from ordinary fairs in a num- is an experiment which will prob- He and an aviator went up in tho prizes were awarded. twocn the place whorri Mrs. Garoi' ; rested, aoutlvof.tht barn beneath a tree and. ac- Kefrtey, Died October 18th, 181", In the cording1 to our. recollection, -la marked 01st year of her ngc. ber of respects. ably be watched with great interest. machine for Mr. Treadwell's final Rita Sammon, who brought a said the fence rightfully should bo , Tho Shrewsbury flro^compony was biftMonmouth county farmers, near- lesson to make him eligible to be- "Poet'a Grave,"'with .an'InacHptlon re- The burlnl plot is about twenty For/ one thing no one -will bo police dog-, won the firs*, prize lor located and the place where Mrs. called out last Wednesday after- gardlnir the dates of Frcneau's birth anil come a pilot. When tho plane was feet square and JB eriViosed'by a asked to give more than $1 in cash ly all of whom buy their potato the prettiest pet. Second prizo in Kappoch said thu fenco rightfully noon by a flro in a pile of lumber .death. The epot where he waa burled la 1,000 feet in. the air one o£ the noon by a fl p Bald to have been the place h« lov°ed to fence? It is on a tract about 135 or to give an article worth more seed' at. the present time in tho this class was awarded to Jano Van- should be located. Tho case went eai jrj . BdBroderson ' b rn.T hThe than $1. This rule will apply to southern part of the state or inwings broke and the plane fell to neai 'jr. Broderson's barns. The •It in nil declining- yeara, looking QfTl over feet wide which ftctends from the Tries, who exhibited a Persian cat. to the-courts Ho decidej Each ppartyy AZM has soon put out Evidence th« Monmouth country towirda the tea business men as'well as to other in- Maine at a cost about twice as great- the ground. Both men were killed M h t out Eid concrete road southward 1.S00 feet In the group for the best ai-rangcr had an engiifEcr w orroborated- to- g : -as- Mr—Martinson -will-snend-to-oh -ment_Eattiei: i,—whn wn hi ln ~~'Tho r»BulUd-,tu- firemen and the ladies' auxiliary of tain potatoes for planting next MrTTreaawell was 128 years old. dressed in yellow and who brought a victory for" Mrs. GaraV The fence, i about five acres. Mr. Ware holds Bpring. He leaves a widow, who was form- the plot at $10,000, which is a the company will do all the work a yellow canary, won the rirst prize. at the direction of the court, Was he had etaivid the blaze. purehas*/ it and* Safeguard It from any erly Miss. Helen Chamberlain, little-Jess per acre than.the price he themselves, The fair will not be run For the past three scasohs'Frank Ruth Schlenger, wi.th a kitten in amoved in such a manner that the> one.-who-kiiew-tiothlna^and-cftrodOeie- about: byrsn-outslde concerny For another- Joncsra fcrrmer-iiear-Frceholrh~har ; Ffeheku. 'for tl tracts Alt ••'1,B 'II 1 *»_- buildings!, .The-first one was un- thing, the • dancing one night each raised his own potato seed and heof Branch avenue, Red Bank, and ond prize. In the novelty group Philip Freneau was the poet of which he recently sold. He, prefers creased seven inches and the width, , | successful. In >Jiia; second attempt week will be devoted exclusively to reports that he has used it with a son Albert. Mr. Treadwell's par- the first prize was awarded to Jtho Revolution. His poetry of that that the tract should be bought by of Mra. Kappoch's land was do-, Denaf rlo took some gasoline from old-fashioriod dances, with violin better results than from high-priced ents, Mr. and Mrs. David Treadwell Gladys Wier, who brought a creased seven inches. period inspired the Revolutionary some society as a memorial to P"hilr tha tank of a tractor owned by Mr. and piano nilusic by Mr. and Mrs. certified seed. It was Mr. Jones's of White Plains, also survive him. squirrel, and the second prizo to soldiers and was one of theaids to ip Freneau and he has thus far de- At about the same time this case pBroderaon. ; ', I George Gramman. The firemen ex- success which caused Mr. Martinson David Trcadwell was superintendent Helen Hawkins, who brought a the winning fit the Revolutionary clined--to''sell the tract for develop- was settled there was a wordy battla pect-to-have-a—different class of to conduct- his - experiment The .of the Straus ostato on Riverside guinea pig. war.' He WBB the personal friend of ment purposes. TheTh" " mansioi n iis between tho two women and Mrs. on the'complaint of Mr. Broderson. gbods for sale from those sold—at field which ho planted last week drivo several years." Rev. Arthur A. McKay presented Garoa made a complaint against Washington and of several subse- near tho grave. Mr. Waro .antici- Policeman Harold Matthews and the fairs of the company in the past.
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