BLUMEA Supplement 8 (1995) 1-161 Checklist of the Araceae of Malesia, Australia, and the tropical western Pacific region A. Hay P.C. Boyce W.L.A. Hetterscheid N. Jacobsen J. Murata and J. Bogner Summary A checklist of Malesian, Australian and Tropical Western Pacific Araceae is provided, giving generic names, specific and infraspecific binomials and trinomials (generally not below the level of variety), and lower and lower basionyms, synonyms at generic levels, protologues at specific levels, type specimens or equivalent elements and their locations, distribution of accepted taxa and status (native, status introduced or unknown), coded revision of accepted genera and nomenclatural notes where nec- essary. In total 1,437names are listed. Thirty-six genera are currently accepted. Introduction to The checklist is a precursor revisions of Australian, Tropical Western Pacific and Malesian Araceae, to the Flora of Australia, Flora Malesiana and sub-regional flora accounts and to subsequent monographic work which may eventuate. As such, it is intended be aid work in is to an to progress. It arranged alphabetically by genus and species. Accepted names (i.e., valid names accepted by the most recent reviser and those in published since) are bold print; synonyms and invalidor illegitimate names are in italics. Nomina nuda, in particular those from the horticultural literature, are generally not included. followed their when entire Accepted generic names are by synonyms (but only an generic concept has been subsumed - no partial generic synonyms are included). Then = there is a coded indicationof revision status: A recently revised or currently under active revision at an advanced stage, B = partially revised recently, C = not revised for 40 years or more. Accepted specific and lower ranking names are followed by synonyms (incl. basio- - of then nym): then a reference being the earliest known valid publication the name; the - than element is is that is type where more one cited, it implied lectotypification 1 1 Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney, Mrs Macquarie's Road, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia. 21 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB, United Kingdom. 3 ) Chrysantenstraat 28, 1214 BM Hilversum, The Netherlands. 41 Institut for Botanik, Dendrologi og Forstgenetik, Den Kgl. Veteriner- og Landbohpjskole, Ro- lighedsvej 23, DK-1958 Frederiksberg C, Denmark. 51 Botanical Gardens Nikko, Faculty of Science, University ofTokyo, 1842 Hanaishi-cho, Nikko, Tochigi Pref., Japan. 6 ) Menzinger StraBe 63, D-80638 Munchen, Germany. 2 BLUMEA Supplement 8 (1995) required; material has not necessarily been seen by us but is presumed to be extant unless otherwise indicated [significant Araceae material at B survived World War II (Sleumer, Kew Bull. 1949: 172)]; locations of types are indicated by standard her- barium acronyms - they should not be taken as necessarily the only location(s) of a given collection; next, distributionis coded: AUSTRAL = Australia and associated small islands, BORBRUN = Brunei, BOR1ND = Kalimantan, BORSABAH = Sabah, = BORSAR = Sarawak, CELEBES = Sulawesi and associated islands, JAVA Java and associated islands, LSI = Lesser Sunda Islands, MALPEN = Peninsular Malaysia, of MOLUCCAS = Halmaheraand other islands the Moluccas, NGIND = Irian Jaya or West New Guinea and associated islands, NGPNG = Papua New Guinea or East New Guinea plus the Bismarck Archipelago and other associated islands but not Bougain- ville, PACIFIC = the island groups ofPolynesia, Micronesia and Melanesia excluding New Guinea, PHILIP = the Philippine islands, SINGAPORE = Singapore, SUMATRA = Sumatra and associated islands, OUTSIDE = elsewhere; the letters I, N or U between brackets following the distribution code signify, respectively, introduced or native to the area, or status unknown. Entries for include and in entries for synonyms protologue type as accepted names, but no data for distribution. Entries for basionyms include only the protologues where of the will be found they are basionyms accepted names (where types cited). Types of synonyms that have basionyms are to be found cited under those basio- nyms. Misapplications of names are not dealt with. Unpublished new species are not in- cluded unless in at the timeof this list. i.e. auto- they are press compiling 'Typical', nymous, varieties are included where one or more segregate variety(ies) is/are ac- avoid varieties cepted. To duplication, autonymous are not listed separately from their species. It should be understood that they are validated at the time of valid pub- lication of first of the segregate and not at the time first publication of the species (ICBN Art. 26.2). Authors checklists - supplied for the following genera Bogner & Boyce: Aridarum, Bucephalandra, Heteroaridarum, Hottarum, Phymatarum, Piptospatha. - Boyce: Amydrium, Epipremnum (W Malesia), Hapaline, Rhaphidophora (W Malesia), Scin- dapsus (W Malesia). - Hay: Aglaodorum, Aglaonema, Alocasia, Anadendrum, Colocasia, Cyrtosperma, Epipremnum (not W Malesia), Furtadoa, Gymnostachys, Holochlamys, Homalomena, Lasia, Lazarum, Nephthytis, Pedicellarum, Pistia, Podolasia, Pothoidium, Pothos, Remusatia, Rhaphidophora (not W Malesia), Schis- matoglottis, Scindapsus (not W Malesia), Spathiphyllum, Typhonium (not W Male- - sia). - Hetterscheid: Amorphophallus. - Jacobsen: Cryptocoryne. Murata: Arisaema, Typhonium (W Malesia). Checklist of Malesian, Australian, and tropical western Pacific Araceae 3 Checklist AGLAODORUM Schott Revision status - C Aglaodorum griffithii (Schott) Schott Syn.: Aglaonema griffithii Schott, Aglaonemapalustre Teijsm. & Binn. Ref.: Gen. Aroid. (1858) t. 58 Type: Griffith (K) Distr.: BORSAR (N), MALPEN (N), SUMATRA (N) AGLAONEMA Schott Revision - A: Nicolson, 1969. revision status D.H. A of the genus Aglaonema (Araceae). Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 1: 1-69. Aglaonema alpinum Elmer = Aglaonema simplex Blume Ref.: Leafl.Philipp. Bot. 10 (1938) 3611 Type: Elmer 16520 (BO, CAL, GH, NY) Note: invalid (no Latin). Aglaonema angustifolium N.E.Br. = Aglaonema simplex Blume Ref.: Kew Bull. (1895) 18 Type: N.E. Brown s.n. (K) undulatumRidl. = Blume Aglaonema angustifolium var. Aglaonema simplex Ref.: MaterialsFl. Mai. Pen. 1 (1907) 21 Note: nom. superfl. pro var. typ. Aglaonema borneense Engl. = Aglaonema simplex Blume Ref.: Pflanzenr. 64 (IV.23Dc) (1915) 22 Type: Engler s.n. (B) Aglaonema brevivaginatum Alderw. = Aglaonema simplex Blume Ref.: Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg 111, 4 (1922) 324 Type: Bunnemeijer 7044(80, L) Aglaonema commutatumSchott var. commutatum Syn.: Aglaonema marantifolium var. commutatum (Schott) Engl. Ref.: Syn. Aroid. (1856) 123 Type: drawing, Schott Aroideae No. 38 (W) Distr.: CELEBES (N), PHILIP (N) Note: varieties. The natural distribution of the is unknown. The see type variety species is widely naturalised, as are the varieties. Several cultivars are recog- nised in Nicolson, Smithsonian Contrib. Bot. 1 (1969) 52. The species is highly variable and the botanical significance of the varieties that Nicolson recognised is not certain. 4 BLUMEA Supplement 8 (1995) Aglaonema commutatum var. elegans (Engl.) Nicolson Syn.: Aglaonema elegans Engl. Ref.: Baileya 15 (1967) 125 Type: Pflanzenr. 64 (IV.23Dc) (1915) fig. 11 Distr.: PHILIP (N) Aglaonema commutatum var. maculatum (Elook. f.) Nicolson maculatum f. Syn.: Aglaonema marantifolium var. Hook. Ref.: Baileya 15 (1967) 125 Type: Chelsea, Royal Exotic Nursery (no collector cited) (K) Distr.: PHILIP (N) Aglaonema commutatum var. robustum (Alderw.) Nicolson Syn.: Aglaonema robustum Alderw. Ref.: Baileya 15 (1967) 125 Type: van Alderwerelt van Rosenburgh 358 (BO) Distr.: JAVA (?I) cultivated Note: based on material at Bogor of unknown origin. Aglaonema commutatum var. warburgii (Engl.) Nicolson Syn.: Aglaonema warburgii Engl. Ref.: Smithsonian Contrib. Bot. 1 (1969) 50 Type: Warburg s.n. (B) Distr.: CELEBES (N) Aglaonema cordifolium Engl Ref.: Pflanzenr. 64 (IV.23Dc) (1915) 29 Type: Warburg 14604 (B) Distr.: PHILIP (N) Aglaonema costatum N.E. Br. Syn: Aglaonema costatum var. foxii Engl., Aglaonema costatum var. maculatum Engl. Ref.: 426 Gard. Chron. ser. 3, 11 (1892) Type: N.E.Brown s.n. (K) Distr.: MALPEN (N), OUTSIDE (I, N) Note: Nicolson recognises a number of forms mostly originating outside Malesia (see Smithsonian Contrib. Bot. 1 (1969) 23). Aglaonema costatum var. foxii Engl. = Aglaonema costatum N.E. Br. Ref.: Pflanzenr. 64 (IV.23Dc) (1915) 17 Type: Curtis s.n. (7SING) Note: a dubious taxon with errors in the citation of the type locality. Aglaonema costatum var. maculatumEngl. = Aglaonema costatum N.E.Br, Ref.: Pflanzenr. 64 (IV.23Dc) (1915) 17 Type: Curtis 2813 (K, SING) Checklist of Malesian, Australian, and tropical western Pacific Araceae 5 Aglaonema crispum (Pitcher & Manda) Nicolson Syn.: Aglaonema roebeliniiPitcher & Manda, Schismatoglottis crispa Pitcher & Manda,Schismatoglottis roebelinii(Pitcher & Manda) Pitcher & Manda Ref.: Baileya 15 (1967) 126 Type: photograph labelled Schismatoglottis roebelinii, p. 141 in Pitcher & Manda, General Illustrated Catalogue of Plants (1895) (Neotype) Distr.: PHILIP (N) Aglaonema? cuscuaria (Aubl.) Miq. = Scindapsus cuscuaria (Aubl.) Presl Ref.: FI. Ned. Ind. 3 (1856) 217 Aglaonema densinervium Engl. Ref.: Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37 (1906) 134 Type: Copeland 418 (B, US) Distr.: CELEBES (N), PHILIP (N) Aglaonema elegans Engl. = Aglaonema commutatum var. elegans (Engl.) Nicolson Ref.: Pflanzenr. 64 (IV.23Dc) (1915) 28 Aglaonema elongatum Alderw. = Aglaonema simplex Blume Ref.: Bull. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg III, 4 (1922)
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