Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLIX No. 3 February 7, 2018 www.philippinerevolution.info Offensives against State terrorism MILITARY ACTIONS OF the New People’s Army in North Cotabato, Kalinga, Quezon and Bukidnon on the second half of January were the answers to the intensifying military terro- rism of the US-Duterte regime. North Cotabato. Red fighters of the NPA-Far South Mindanao (Mt. Alip Subregional Operations Command) raided the 39th IB-CAA detachment in Sitio Garing, Makilala, North Cotabato last January 21 in the evening. They seized two M14 and M16 rifles, 5 rifle grenades, bullets of assorted caliber and military equipment. The Red fighters also torched a portion of the camp. A Red salute was offered by EDITORIAL the Valentin Palamine Opera- tions Command to three Red Resist and frustrate fighters, Raymart Rusiana (Ka Rocky), Roger Labajo Jr. (Ka the US-Duterte regime's Reden) and Ka Tomas, who became martyrs in the firefight. Bukidnon. The 88th IB sus- reign of terror tained 13 killed and six wounded when Red fighters under the odrigo Duterte has become a mad dog attacking and deriding NPA-South Central Bukidnon people left and right, after his minions in Congress failed to Subregional Command set off railroad his latest federalism scheme through charter change command-detonated explosives Rlast January. against the operating soldiers He froths in the mouth with people who are not cowed by his last February 6, about 3:00 p.m. frenzied threats and profanities strong-man tactics, threats and in Sitio Trocat, Barangay against the revolutionary move- intimidation. Cawayan, Quezon. ment, progressive organizations Using the armed forces and his Kalinga. Two tactical of- and individuals, his political en- authority as president of the reac- fensives were launched by the emies, members of the media and tionary state, Duterte is intensify- NPA Red fighters of Kalinga other sectors who fight against his ing his reign of terror in the entire (Lejo Cawilan Command or LCC) crude manipulations to empower country. After he attacked press last January 18 and 24. About himself as a fascist dictator and freedom, he threatened to suppress 6:30 a.m. of January 18, a unit make his would-be fascist dictator- the right to assembly and expres- of the LCC carried out a har- ship appear legitimate. Duterte is sion of the protesting youth. He . continued on page 3 desperately trying to suppress the implemented a crackdown in the cities by successively filing fabric- their communities to clear out sus- has propelled protests from various ated charges and attempted arrests pected guerilla bases and open classes and sectors. Protesters a- of activists and leaders of progress- these to plunder by foreign com- gainst charter change have inc- ive organizations. He is bullying his panies. reased, from constitutionalists and rival political factions. He suspen- He relentlessly attacks and senators to students and academics ded an official of the Office of the slanders the revolutionary move- to other democratic sectors. These Ombudsman who exposed his fam- ment. Despite existing agreements, protests have been carried out in ily's millions in secret bank ac- he had Rafael Baylosis, an NDFP tandem with protests against neo- counts. He threatened to file consultant, arrested and is threat- liberal policies such as the TRAIN charges against justices who re- ening the others. He spews disin- law which caused prices of goods fused to testify against Chief formation and fake news which the and services to skyrocket, as well as Justice Ma. Lourdes Sereno. He AFP's machinery of paid trolls churn protests for other social services uses people's issues like Dengvaxia out to portray the CPP and NPA as and welfare. and Mamasapano to blackmail offi- terrorists and use these to justify In the people’s resistance cials of the previous regime. In the nationwide imposition of martial against charter change, two camps name of his fake anti-corruption law. These attacks and slander are have emerged: Duterte and his su- campaign, he is booting out one by sure to intensify now that the permajority on one hand and the one state officials appointed by the timorous Supreme Court has con- broad Filipino masses on the other. said regime. firmed his martial law extension up Thus, Duterte is only fooling himself In the countryside, his fascist to the end of 2018. with his high popularity ratings and rule reigns supreme. He harasses, Duterte's fascist schemes will in believing that he still enjoys detains and kills activists from the continue to be thwarted. He has credibility among the people. barrios, relatives of suspected Red long been exposed as a fascist liar It is only right that bigger and fighters and even revolutionaries greedy for wealth and power. He is more frequent protests are launched who have retired, to sow terror isolated due to his arrogance and against Duterte's intensifying ter- among the movement's supporters. contempt for the people. rorism. The people's collective anger He has deployed hundreds of sol- In the case of his fake federal- against the puppet, corrupt and op- diers in “priority areas” to carry out ism, his own haste and crude ma- pressive regime should be channeled brutal and continuous military op- nipulations to monopolize power to these protests to hold him res- erations. He dislocates people from and extend the terms of his cohorts ponsible for his growing crimes. Call for the immediate end to martial law ANG Contents in Mindanao and frustrate the wars of death and destruction. Let the call to overthrow Duterte echo in Editorial: Resist and frustrate the US- schools, factories, markets, com- Vol. XLIX No. 3 | February 7, 2018 Duterte regime's reign of terror 1 munities, barrios and other popula- Ang Bayan is published NPA offensives 1 tion centers. in Pilipino, Bisaya, Iloko, Arrest of Baylosis 3 Further broaden the anti- Hiligaynon, Waray and English. Duterte alliance. Various classes Ang Bayan welcomes Worsening human rights violations in and sectors should take the initia- contributions in the form Mindanao 4 tive to launch campaigns and of articles and news items. protests to condemn the regime's Fake news, part of all-out war 5 Readers are encouraged oppressive policies. The youth and to send feedback and Operation Pacific-Eagle Philippines 6 student movement is in the position recommendations to make their voices louder than for improving our newspaper. Sell-out of national sovereignty 7 ever, just as during the First instagram.com/prwc.official Quarter Storm. Duterte clan corrupt to the core 8 The call to overthrow Duterte @prwc_info Dengvaxia: corruption and profiteering 9 must be spread overseas. Since the fb.com/cppinfo beginning, various sectors and or- Attacks on the mass movement 11 ganizations have expressed alarm [email protected] over the Duterte regime's wide- People's protests 12 spread killings and harassment. Condemn his subservience to im- Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee perialist chief Donald Trump's war of the Communist Party of the Philippines machinery. Further isolate him in 2 February 7 , 2 01 8 ANG BAYAN the international community. Most importantly, the New NDFP denounces Baylosis arrest People's Army must carry out sig- LUIS JALANDONI, MEMBER of the Executive Committee of the National nificant tactical offensives to rock Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP), strongly denounced the Duterte's fascist reign. His fascist illegal arrest of Rafael Baylosis by agents of the Government of the troops must not be allowed to lord Republic of Philippines (GRP) and called for his immediate release. over the countryside. The revolu- Baylosis, an NDFP consultant to the peace talks between the NDFP tionary movement should resol- and GRP, was arrested by the combined forces of the Criminal utely face relentless military oper- Investigation and Detection Group-Philippine National Police and the ations and frustrate destruction Intelligence Service of the AFP in the afternoon of January 31 along and pacification of mass organiza- Katipunan Avenue and Aurora Boulevard, Quezon City. He and his tions and local Party units. The companion, Guillermo Roque, Jr., had just alighted from a tricycle when enemy's encirclement campaigns he was collared. must be frustrated by expanding The illegal arrest is a brazen attack on the Joint Agreement on Safety and deepening guerilla fronts to and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG), according to Jalandoni. The JASIG create wider areas of maneuver for remains in effect whether or not there are negotiations. NPA units. According to Atty. Rachel Pastores, managing counsel of Public While the revolutionary move- Interest Law Center (PILC) and Baylosis' legal counsel, no warrant of ment in Mindanao perseveres in arrest was shown by arresting officers, contrary to the PNP statement to resisting the combined all-out war the media. They were also banned from calling their lawyers, and from and martial rule, NPA units in visits by families and friends. Luzon and Visayas should launch Baylosis, 69, has a heart ailment and is now confined at Camp Crame, bigger attacks to force the AFP to Quezon City. overstretch itself. "Tactical offensives". from page 1 assment operation against the good defense of the Red fighters, sula, the 85th IB sustained two CAFGU Active Auxiliary detach- they seized the initiative and killed and six wounded when an- ment in Barangay Allaguia, Pinuk- wounded a trooper. other unit of AMC set off explos- puk. This was followed by an am- Quezon. Last January 15, at ives against the headquarters of bush last January 24, about 10 least five soldiers of the 85th IB Bravo Company in Barangay a.m., against troops of the 50th IB were killed after active defense Bagupaye, Mulanay last January patrolling in Turod Bongod, in the was executed by the Red fighters 19.
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