Annual Report 2012-' 13 Centre for Earth Science Studies ~ tD 0(,41}, ~ 0(,41}, F~ .-" (I) (I) "CoW e: .... VI .e: a. c: VI 0 Q) Z R:I Q) Q) VI VI en VI Q) en en ::J .::.t. 0 I... N E 1'0 \j e: 0 0 R:I Q) I... E ::J I... ::J Q) 1'0 VI e: \j ,_ .... .J:.CI' 0- .,_ II-- VI '-- e: !jo- .... "0 .e: R:I .e: 1'0 ::J E - l- .... e: I... en \j c: t VI :.:::; (I) 1'0 1'0 ~ ~ 0 -0 Q) c( R:I w 0 .... 0 E u (f) u:: :e U > .... :i:i ..I u .... R:I e: VI 0. >- VI VI C iii oW .... -Q) e: en E e: Q) .2 0. .....c '0 2E .~ 1'0 0 C Q) 1'0 "0 .... VI ...... (I) e:VI ::J ...... VI c( Q) 0. VI Q)VI e:VI 1'0 e: C E I'OQ) .... Q)Q) Q) >- Q) u'_ VI u VI r+ E Q) E~ VI ..... VI ,__E=i5_ 1000- CCI' e: e: ::J 0. Q) x W cn-g 0« 0 o iO Q) R:I .: o6J 0. .... u o ._e: .... VI I... ...... :;:; ._ > VI 1'0 0 U .!: C > u ::J en ....... R:I ~ e:1'O c: (f) E 0 > '- w Q) (I) Z 1'0 wo. (5 ..... (5 wC E a.. (.9 c:t: Q) W u ....E to 'u .... C R:I U) U ~ III VI (I) Q) VI :s w u ..... >- 1'0 III .. 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(f) Centre for Earth Science Studies Akkulam, Thiruvananthapuram - 695031, india Editorial Board Dr. N P. Kurian Dr. D. Padma!a! Dr. D. S. 5 uresh Babu Secretarial Assistance Mr. 5 reekanth Pai D. Mrs. Reda Rqj s. R Mrs. Rdani R P. Contents Preface v 1. Earth System Dynamics 1.1. Crustal Evolution and Geodynamics 1.1.1 Metasedimentary rocks 0/ the Kerala Khondalite Belt: petrology and geodynamics 0/ their formation . 1.1.2 Mafic dykes 3 1.1.3 Tracing source to sink link in placer deposit formation 0/ Kerala 5 1.1.4 Paleofluids in the petroliferous basins 0/ western offshore, India 6 1.1.5 Graphitization process in Kollam District, Kerala, India 8 1.1.6 Quaternary geology and geomorphic evolution 0/ the coastal lands, Kollam district and its a4foining areas, SW India 9 1.1.7 Investigation 0/ landslides and land subsidence 10 1.1.8 Monitoring Indian shield seismicity with 10 BBS to understand seismotectonics of the region using VSat connectivity................................................................................................. 12 1.1.9 Geophysical studies for locating tunnels near S ree Padmanabha Swami Temple 13 1.1.10 Quaternat:y evolution studies 0/ Eranakulam District 14 1.2. Atmospheric Processes 1.2.1 Measurement 0/ cloudparameters and cloud modelling 15 1.2.2 Rainfall validation and characterization: cloud physics studies using megha-trophiques data 15 1.2.3 In-situ bioremediation 0/ landfill pollutants: maximising the remediation potential of selected indigenous and exogenous micro-organisms..... .. 16 1.3. Coastal Processes 1.3.1 Shoreline management plan for Kerala coast 16 1.3.2 Sediment budgetting studies for mining sites 0/ Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd., Chavara 17 1.3.3 Monitoring 0/ sea level rise and shoreline ana!Jsis 18 1.3.4 Tsunami and storm surge inundation modelling and mappingfor the coasts 0/ Kerala, Kamataka, Goa, and Lakshadweep 20 1.3.5 Establishment 0/ wave gauge stations along the coastal waters 0/ Kerala 25 2. Natural Resources and Management 2.1. Water Resources 2.1.1 Appraisal 0/ drinking water potential 0/ springs in Pathanamthitta, Kottayam and Idukki districts 27 2.1.2 Water and sediment quality monitoring and assessment 0/ estuaries 0/ Kerala: a case study from Kochi estuary and Periyar river....... 27 2.1.3 State 0/ drinking water resources in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala 28 2.1.4 Assesment 0/ water sourcefor the Vandichira RWSS, Parasuvakkal, Thiruvananthapuram 29 2.2. Terrain Ana!Jsis and Landuse Studies 2.2. 1 Study 0/ landuse / land cover changes as linked to climate change in Kerala 31 2.2.2 Vallry formation and geomorphic processes under tropical wet and dry climate: examples from Kerala 31 2.2.3. Assessment and monitoring 0/ land quality for sustainable agriculture: a GIS based approach coupled with technology implementation 32 2.2.4 Geomorphic evolution and terrain characteristics - A case study 0/ Achankovil River Basin, Kerala 33 2.2.5 Land system ana!Jsis 0/ Kabani river basin in Wayanad district, Kerala 35 2.2.6 River bank atlas of Karamana and Ithikkara river. 35 2.3. Environmental Assessment 2.3.1 Effect 0/ urbanization on the buildup 0/ urban heat island in Kochi 37 2.3.2 Exploring inter-relationship between environmental degradation and poverty: selected micro-level case studies across Kerala 37 2.3.3 Study 0/ urbanization between Kochi and Thrissur. 38 2.3.4 Stucfy on Environmental effects of human interventions in the Periyar river basin, Central Kerala 39 2.3.5 Environmental management plan for Alappuzha-S herthalai canal and Kar!fikuzl?J Grama Panchqyat 39 2.3.6 Socio-economic stucfy of impact on traditionalftshing community particularlY due to operational stage-I of Rajiv Gandhi Combined ycfe Power Pro/ect (RGCCPP) and Stage-II, Phase-I in Kerala 39 2.3.7 Coastal Ocean Monitoring and Prediction System (COMAPS) 41 2.4 Coastal Zone Management 2.4.1 Integrated Island Management Plans (JIMP) for Lakshadweep islands 43 2.5 Biophotonics 2.5.1 Inactivation of pathogenic bacteria in periodontal diseases-Fluorescence Diagnostics and Photocfynamic Therapy 45 2.6 GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Natural Resources Management 2.6.1 Glimpses of Kerala through Maps 47 2.6.2 Wetlands of Kerala 47 2.6.3 Digital Resource Atlas of Kerala 48 2.6.4 Soil based plant nutrient management plan for the agro-ecosystems of Kerala 48 2.6.5 Geographic Information System of the ParticularlY Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PTDs) of Kerala 49 2.6.6 Setting up of Kerala State Spatial Data Infrastructurefor spatial data dissemination through interoperable OGC compliant web service 50 2.6.7 Updating the natural resource and environmental data base covering the coastal agro ecological units of Kerala 52 3. Consultancy Programmes 3.1 Coastal Regulation Zone Status Reports ........................................................................................................55 4. List of Projects 4.1 External Grant-in-aid Prqjects 57 4.2 Consultancy Pro/ects 61 4.3 Plan Pro/ects 64 4.4 R&D Plan Laboratary Infrastructure Pro/ects 67 4.5 R&D Plan Building Infrastructure Prqjects 68 5. Honours, Awards & Academic Activities 5.1 Honours &Awards 69 5.2 Membership in Committees 69 5.3 Visits Abroad 71 5.4 Ph. D Students 72 5.5 Post Graduate S tudentship Programme 73 5.6 M.Sc / B. Tech / M. Tech Dissertation Programmes 74 5.7 Internship / Summer Training 75 6. Library 77 7. Publications 7.1 Research Papers 7.1.1 In Journals 79 7.1.2 In Conference Proceedings/Books 80 7.2 Pro/ect Reports 82 7.3 Books / Edited Volumes 85 0 8. Conference, Seminar, Workshop 11 8.1 Institute of Indian Geographers 34th Meet and National Conference on Natural Resources Mangement and Decentralised Planning 87 8.2 Prof C. Karunakaran Endowment Lecture Series 88 8.3. Invited Lectures 89 8.4 Paperspresented in Conference/ Workshop / Symposium / Seminar 90 9. Extension 9.1 Earth Day 20 12 95 9.2 National ScienceDay 2013 95 9.3 Exhibition 96 9.4 Lecture.rfor students 96 9.5 Earth ScienceForum 97 9.6 Campus Green Committe 97 9.7 Earth Watch Centre 97 9.8 Recreation Club 98 10. Committees 10.1. Statutory Committees 99 10.2. Internal Committees 100 11. Staff Details 11.1. Director's Office 103 11.2. Atmospheric SciencesDivision 103 11.3. Chemical SciencesDivision 103 11.4 Central Geomatics Laboratory 103 11.5. Environmental SciencesDivision 103 11.6. GeosciencesDivision............ 103 11.7.
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