>pec/a/ Section Starts On Page 7 ii S Postage PAID Bronx, New York Permit No 7608 NonProlil Org. Thursday, October 30,1980 Volume 62 FORDHAM UNIVERSITY, NEW YORK Number 25 Lombardi Team Dissent: Fee May Be Track Head Coach Resigns by Matt Wagenhals and Chris Keating have an axe to grind." In Tuition Head cross country and track coach Steve An interim coach might be named "in ten Lurie resigned suddenly last Thursday after- days" and the frrst coaching interview will be byBobTulini noon amid controversy and allegations. held Friday October 31, according to Rice. The University is considering a proposal "I feel I have let down a large group of Rice added that Lurie is "suggesting names" thai would increase the Rose Hill full-time athletes that I recruited," the 40-year-old of coaches for him to interview. undergraduate tuition to include the cost of Lurie said, when reached at the Hewlett, Lurie, who said he does not know whether membership to Lombardi Center. Long Island home where he lives with his par- he will ever coach again, said, "I'm trying to The University's Administrative Council is ents. "I wasn't planning to leave at all." get two or three people for Dave to interview. currently reviewing this proposal, which Greg Pacheco, Lurie's assistant coach for 1 will spend time with the newcomer." would then go before the budget committee five months last year, said, "I never expected According to Lurie's resignation letter sent of the Board of Trustees. Executive Vice- him to resign. It was very sudden." One pres- to Rice, Lurie resigned because he must work President and Administrative Council mem- ent member of the team said, "The situation full time at opening his new athletic equip- ber Paul Reiss said, "We think it might be is getting ugly. I can see that some people ment store in Fort Lee, New Jersey. As a re- advisable to think of the Lombardi Center as wanted Steve to go." Many members of the sult, he will "no longer have sufficient time one of the facilities one gets with full-time team preferred to remain anonymous, citing to do justice to both the growing track pro- enrollment." the fear of losing their scholarships. gram and my growing business interests." On United Student Government President Dean of Students Joseph McGowan said Friday, Rice accepted the resignation for the Vince DeMarco, noting the financial factors - he called one runner into his office on Mon- stated business reasons. involved in the proposal, said, "To run Lom- day October 20, to discuss allegations he re- Several current and former team members bardi Center, it takes more than just the fee it fused to make public! McGowan held anoth- believe the business investment was not the costs to join [$25 per semester}. As a matter er meeting with athletic director Dave Rice main reason why Lurie resigned. One runner of fact, it takes almost twice that amount." and the runner the day after Lurie resigned. said that other allegations are "definitely the At present, the rest of the cost of running the Neither McGowan nor Rice will publicly reasons why he left." The Ram could not in- center comes from each student's tuition. z comment about the meetings. Both Rice and dependently confirm the allegations and the DeMarco feels that although students from I Lurie, however, contend that there is "no runners who were allegedly involved have £ correlation" between the allegations and Lu- all three campuses contribute to this subsidy, refused to comment officially. J rie's resignation. which totals nearly $100,000 annually, the Two days before Lurie resigned, one run- people most likely to take advantage of the > Lurie said, however, "I'm quite sure who ner said, "We're scared to death to talk to Center's benefits are Rose Hill undergradu- S the problem leak on our team is. Our whole anyone because our scholarships could get ates. According to DeMarco, 75 percent of U.S.G. President Vince DeMarco team now thinks it's the same person. But I pulled away." Rose Hill undergraduates belong to Lombar- can't prove it." He added, "Some people Another runner said, "I just don't want to di Center, while "the least amount of mem- see my future ruined becauseof thisincident." bers come from Tarrytown and Lincoln Cen- Rice said, "I know nothing about nothing. ter, even though an equal amount comes 1 can only believe what he's [Lurie] telling from their tuition." Athletic Director Dave Rice me." He added, "Nobody's trying to protect Dean of Students Joseph McGowan has anybody's tail." created three plans which he presented at last Some of Lurie's past and present runners week's USG meeting. McGowan's proposals Plans To Sue University expressed delight at his resignation. "Thank are to leave the fee system as it is, to incor- God," said Steve Foody, FC'83. "Now may- porate the fee into the Rose Hill tuition, or to by Chris Keating of a soccer game between Fordham and Ar- be I'll start running again." He added, "Last increase the membership fee to a more feasible Athletic Director Dave Rice is in the pro- my on Edwards Parade when assistant ath- year, Lurie was an hour and a half late for level. DeMarco has formed a USG Senate cess of suing both Fordham University and letic director Tom lannacone told him his car practice three or four times a week. He didn't committee to examine McGowan's proposals. IBI Security for damaging his 1975 Mercedes was being towed up the ramp near the Lom- have any idea how to deal with people. I'd DeMarco favors the incorporation of the Benz 450 S.L. when it was being towed away, bardi Center overpass. ask him something and he'd want nothing to Ice into the tuition payment. He remarked, according to Rice's attorney, Edward Lam- do with me. He'd pretend that I was physical- "If the student pays the cost at tuition time, bert FC'71, LS '75. ly not there. He didn't have common decen- the increase in fee will be felt less than at The law suit is "not a threat, it's real," cy." Foody added, "Many people received other times in the semester." He hopes the said Rice. "My bumper was scratched. I injuries because he didn't know a thing about fee will be placed on a separate line in the tui- would like a new bumper." track. It's great that he's gone." tion breakdown. This would ensure that the Executive Vice-President Paul Reiss said Former runner Jim Jurgens, FC'82, said, money is going directly to Lombardi Center. the University has not yet taken a position on "1 came out for the team this year, but decid- Lombardi Center Director Martin Zwiren the situation. Director of Security Thomas ed to quit because I knew the coach and I enthusiastically supports the University's Courtney said, "When it gets down to the would continue to come in conflict." proposal to incorporate the fee into tuition. nitty-gritty, there's no case." "Maybe now I'll enjoy track. Behind my He saicl, "We want the Lombardi Center to On Tuesday afternoon, October 21, IBI back, Lurie said I had a bad attitude and he be a part of college activity and a part of the called the Dart Towing Company of 4318 w was looking for reasons to take my scholar- mainstream of college life." He called the Bronx Boulevard to tow Rice's illegally ship away," said George Mansfield, FC'83. proposal "a great thing" and foresees "no parked car from the parking lot between the • 1g Another current runner said, "I'm kind of problems with student acceptance." He feels Lombardi Center and the back of the Cam- 5 happy it happened. Overall, probably most lhe new system would bring about greater use pus Center. "IBI knew it was my car," said ^ people had a negative opinion of him [Lurie]. oflhe Center since students "would have the Rice, who admitted that he was illegally £ Anybody they bring in is going to be more idea that they already paid for it." He also parked. "Why was this car singled out? I Athletic Director Dave Rice understanding than he is." hopes that increased use of Lombardi Center never saw a car towed away from here." After he resigned, Lurie said, "1 feel would enable him to expand programs and Rice added, "My favorite car. My beauti- Rice said he then sprinted to the parking there's no dissension on the team. The person activities. ful car. It only took me 40 years to get it." lot and told the tow truck driver, "Put the who says his scholarship was threatened is car down." DeMarco is hoping to persuade the Univer- He said, "You just don't tow a $37,000 car." lying." s>ty to incorporate other fees into the tuition. Lambert, also president of the Ram Club, Rice said the IBI guard replied, "Pay the Some of the runners disagreed with Lurie's He wants the University to allow Fordham said, "Personally, it's shocking that an ad- man and he'll put it down." training techniques. "Last year, he had us on students to attend all athletic events free of ministrator could be treated in this way." Rice responded, "No way. Wait until 1 gel the Lombardi track every day. You can't do charge.
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