r f ■ ■■ . ' : ] • \ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, ,19M[ ATOKfo DaiIjrNct Pfaat R n ^EIGHTEEN Fbr the Week Baded Jam. sa. IMS Tho Weather fiahrlirstfr lEo^nittQ 1§(ralii ( -I Fbreeaet of V. S. Weather Barea ^ ■ --------' ' ■ i!l - Bajw toalght, becomiag mixed Miao 'Llna Hendrickson, former­ 11385 ly associated with a local beauty Member ef the AudH' with Meet aad freeMag rala, About Town saloa is now manager of Totvln's Bureau ef OlreutoUeu ehiuigtag te raia on Suaday. Not: Beauty Shop in Willimsntic. lUanche$ter-^A City o f Village Chtirm ao eoM-tonight. Warmer Hnnday, Mrs. Msi. John Ptekup w ill ts ^ s olsu at lS>ysuM)ld boyi Miss Helen Bates of the faculty VOL..LXXV, NO. 106 SJid girls. In the ofticers' IpisrUri. of Manchester High School is a (TEN PACES) MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY. FEBRUARY^!. 1956 directly after tho 10:30 am. Sun' member of the teachers, commit­ (ChueUM Adverttslag e« Page g) PRICE FIVE CENTS day school session, using the clasi tee on methods of evaluaUng ex- book for tdcnagers. It is expected ^ i tiltory o r y writinga-ritlng which willwiii re- Bsany of them will be ready to e n - |^ r t at the second annurt jraie JC ’HeroiBm Honor roll ss ssnlor. soldlors st ths Bdst- Conference on the Teaching of sr nomlng strvlcs. English, scheduled for March 33 and' 34. The problem of teaching Offer of $2,500 To Columbia Man A mooting of psronU snil tosch* high khool students to wrlU will j m of Uto Socond Oongrsgstiohol be emphasised at the conference. New Haven, Feb. 4 (.Pi— Church is csllod for Tuoodsy st 8 Henry Raum of Columbia la p.m. to discuos preoont condltldno Group participation night will one of aix Jayceea honored to­ U> tho church school. It is hoped be enjoyed by (he Green Thumb day for . acta ef heroiam per­ sll parents who hsvo boys and group, sponsored by the YWCA, Perils Gas Bill formed In haaardoua reacua girls in the different clssses will at its meeting Mondsy night at 8 work during laat Auguat'a mako an affort to bo present. O'clock at the/Community Y. Alf TO ^^,,c I Washington,'Feb. 4 <;P)—A flooda. amateur gardeners of the com­ reported money -offer al- Raum, along with Ralph U Tho marriage ceremony of Miss munity are welcome Pearaon. Baat Hertford, and Mary h. Morrison and Martin T. c/ kgedly designed to influence Fr»nk W. Speetjena, Willi- o n Danahy, both of Manchester, will The home economics committee a Senator to vote for the mantle, waa cited for heroism bo solemnized in S t Patrick’s of Hillstown Grange, No. 87, Is natural gas ' bill threatened in rescuing a 14-year-oId boy Catbodral, Npw York City, tomor­ sponsoring a pliblic card party tO' today to derail plans for final V from drowning. On their way row s t 2 p.m. night at 8 o'clock in the Grange from Hartford to Bristol to Hall, 617 Hill St.. East Hartford, action Monday on the closely- help Jaycee rescue teams, the Tho February mooting of the for Uu benedt of the building fund. contested measure. men «ncQuntercd a boy atrand- Oismlnkdo Club will be held Mon­ Monte Carlo whist Will be played It aleo throw deeper In doubt ! ed In a awift current a- half day night, baginning w itt a pot- prises awarded and refreshments the^ventual fate of the Houad- ‘ mile from land. They launched Ike^ Eden Opposed luck supper at 8:30, In the Robbins served. paaaod bill to exempt producer a email boat and reached him R om at Center Church. Meml^rs N pricoe Npf gaa from direct federal in time to save hla life. are rhmlndod to bring their own control. The six Jayceea received the ^ n a and silverware.' Ivor Hugh, VALEIsiTINE Ben. Ftuncia Cam (R-SD) told Connecticut JCC Ufe Saving To Peiping Proposal musical director of WOOC.In Hart­ Minor AccidciitB a Rtartled Senate yeiterday he had Award during an all day meet­ m lik-sJl.’ ford, aetlvo in radio and television rejected theNS2,500 campaign con- ing of Jayceee of eight atatee. work and an authority on record­ LiBlecI by Police tribuUon. He baid he had been dla- Othera c i t e d were Edward ings, win bOL tho guest artist The CARDS poeed before tosvou for the bill- Polanski, Wallingford; and Wafihinffton, Feb. 4 (fl*)—-Red'China has formally propoDedf diorps rehearsal for tho May con­ hut that he noW plane to vote ^ * rl* s and Donald Seccome, to Britain and Ruesia the calling of a full dresa conference on cert win be held in the Federation state Police at the Colchester For all ages in wide assortment., againet it. 'The money. came, he Ansonia. ............... Room after tho program. * Indochina. This would bring Premier Chou En-lai and Secre­ barracks -said tw6 .drivers were aald, from A tawyeiNwho "was not tary of State Duller to ithe same conference table. ar. opponent, of the >111." He did B br^ St Hartford Hospital on wamki yesterday, .followng one- 5 / to 2 5 / each not name him. Th*e Chinese proposition was; discussed during the Eisen- Jan?Sl included a daughter to Mr. car aecidehFs in sioUdn and Oolum Alarmed Senatora Who have I^ope Braces hower-Eden conference here earlier this week and it is under­ and Mra Martin Ihickaon,, 88 bla. • been fighting for enactm&t of the / stood that British officials agreed with United States offidRle Relaine R4.. and d son to Mr. and Trooper Richard Powers, who legialation auggeated thk poa- Mrs. John Jason, 116 Lockwood S t to oppose it. « ---------------------^ . investigated both crashes, said aibility the reported offer t^Caae F o r More of The propoaal waa mad* io Brit Phyllis G. Schmidt, 31, of Coven waa a maneuver to "take^awaXthe knd Ruaaia a* co-ohaimen of try, was wamfd for. following too vote, of S,natora" who were tka Geneva conference on Korea Soviet Bombe SBN. FRANCIS <CASB ^ FQR PROMPT close and B. H. Shepard, S8, of dined to vote for ppaeage. T1 Giant Blizzard and Indochina whlel) waa held In Bridgeport, was waniv,d for driving were demand, for an Inveatiga^ the spring and aummer of 1954. It too fast for condiUonsx tlon of what Sen. Fulbeight (D- andled the gas bill. Such an in- London. Feb. 4 (>P)~Blt{ng Si­ waa at that conference that the Now Rep0rted REFRiaERATION The Schmidt car, traveling west Ark) called "a adrioua charge of iry almost certainly would force berian bllazards kept Europe-In a Indochinese atat* of Viet Nam was on Rt. 6, in Bolton, skidded into «tempted brihdry." Fuibright la -a delay In the voting. deap freest, today and weathermen divided between Communist and SERVICE a highway fence after a car in ' the blll’a apon.br. itil yMterday, Senate bcbate warned that fresh Masta would anti-Oommuniat group* after the In- il Hands CAlXWlLUAMa front slowed for. a right turn, po­ .Senate TIcmocratic leader had (^lied along for three weeks. French govommimt decided It had lice said. Powers said there were keep the Continent Icebound for at M IM SU Lyndon B. Johnaon of Texaa and Thek Case stood up and related l*aat. another three or four days. to end the j|.aag Indochina war. XVabhlnitoib Feb. 4 (i^\^ Diplo­ BO injuries...... hla Republican counterpart. Sen. that the. dnnamed lawyer bad left . N*\MM(Uig« Yet . The car Shepard was driving Menacing ice floes were report­ matic aourm aald loday^. Bnrpt Knondand of California, were ex­ ^ith a Shiith Dakota fAend of the ed building up Ih the North Sea Tha agraoMiit provided for con- has roeeivaa from' Coinn\Hnl*t_ rda off Rt. 6 in Columbia at .noon pected to confer today on what to Senator> Wn envelope ’ containing ■ulUtion -iM ueCUona t* b* kald yesterday after it skidded on an do in the aituafion. •aa the death' toll' oveT"the froxen lid* -4o RtiaalaiT'-jlndlf- Ibfr- 25 8100 blr continent rocketed to 113'in five throughout Vi^ Nam, both the liyiiahl^' bomber*—aome at fk m coi^cnoN icy curve, according to police. Senate aourcea aald the leader, CMe said'he learned of this cTeye. / free and Coqittunlat aecttona, in plr**(^ flying. ' Powers Skid the car was extensive­ Wide assortment of new spring jewelry in pastel were con.ldering taking for an im­ week ago in aXtelephone talk with ^ i e s t fatality report! from mld-1966. Th* ooi^lUtitma were nesa of thia new capatoiuV^ I Lma MUi Cured Smoked ly damaged and thgt Shepard was shades. Also sparkling rhinestone n^klaces, ear mediate inveatigation, perhaps by supposed (b begin Mat year. So far _ _ _ _gBwn Loan Fresh tha Commerce committee which Europe'! ,wor.'t atorm In the 20th was aald, waa a factor la ' treated for minor injuries at the rings, bracelets, pins. (ConUnned Page Nine) Century' showed France hardest ^ ^ Two New Voters at Gettysburg^ Pa, the parti** have not mat urgent call by President Blaan- Windham Memorial Hospital. Officiala hara beltava that the Tear CRelce m • .Uh, a s c hit with 31 dead!, Britain reported M«mle, hold UB th«r voting registration cards ai they ’*r and British Prim)* Miniatar 26 deaths, Italy 12, Denmark 11, teth roglstered aa yotera in thp Adame. County Court Iteuae, Gettysburg, Pa., aa votars Fsb 3. C3tln*aa Communlata hava aelied Bdeh thia week for new eCforta ta ■at 3Se as laeern cHy ‘ Germany and the Saar 10. Turkey Tha Preaident owns a farm near Gsttysburg, (AP Wirephoto), on thia Rtuatlon to try to get preserve peace in tlMi Middl* 10, Austria 4, Netherlanda 4, IDgh laytl Far Haatern oenfarai East.
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