There is not a truth existing which I fear, or would wish unknown to the whole world. – Thomas Jefferson Vol. 8, No. 7 & 8 July-August 1997 The Myth of Diversity Seldom have so many domestic consumption. In a 1996 will discover.” pretended to believe speech before the Australian parlia- Diversity has clearly become one something so absurd. ment, President Clinton noted that of those orotund, high-sounding senti- both the United States and Australia ments with which politicians lard their by Jared Taylor speeches. Of course, the idea that di- versity—at least of the kind that Mr. T he idea that “diversity” is one of and Mrs. Clinton are promoting—is a the country’s great strengths is now so great advantage for America is one of firmly rooted that virtually anyone can the most obviously stupid propositions evoke it, praise it, and wallow in it ever to see the light of day. without fear of contradiction. It has Nevertheless there is one kind of become one of the great unassailably diversity that is an advantage. A con- American ideas, like democracy, patri- tractor, for example, cannot build otism, the family, or Martin Luther houses if he hires only electricians. He King. needs carpenters, plumbers, etc.—a The President of the United States diverse work force. However, func- glories in diversity. In May, 1995, in a tional diversity of this kind is not what message recognizing the Mexican the Chief Executive is on about. He is holiday, Cinco de Mayo, William talking about largely non-functional Clinton said, “The Fifth of May offers were becoming increasingly diverse, differences like race, language, age, all of us a chance to celebrate the cul- and added, “And, yes, we [Australia sex, culture and even whether some- tural diversity that helps to make our and America] can prove that free so- one is homosexual. One might call nation great.” A few days later, when cieties can embrace the economic and this status diversity. he designated May as Asian/Pacific social changes, and the ethnic, racial What advantages would a contrac- American Heritage Month, he said, and religious diversity this new era tor get from a mixed work force of “With the strength of our diversity and brings and come out stronger and freer that kind? None. What are the advan- a continued commitment to the ideal than ever.” tages the United States gets from a of freedom, all Americans will share Hillary Clinton feels the same way. racially mixed population? None. in the blessings of the bright future In February, 1995, she spoke to the The idea that status diversity is a that awaits us.” In his 1996 speech strength is not merely a myth, but a accepting the nomination for Presi- Diversity has become one particularly transparent one. Explain- dent, he asked the audience to look of those high-sounding ing why diversity is bad for a country around the hall and take heart in how is a little like explaining why cholera varied the Democratic party was. sentiments with which is bad for it; the trick is to understand In his 1996 Columbus Day procla- politicians lard how anyone could possibly think it mation, he said, “The expedition that was good. Columbus . began more than 500 their speeches. In fact, diversity became a strength after the fact. It became necessary to years ago, continues today as we ex- students of her former high school in perience and celebrate the vibrant in- believe in it because skepticism would the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge. be “racist.” Otherwise intelligent peo- fluences of varied civilizations, not She noticed there were many more only from Europe, but also from ple began to mouth nonsense about non-whites among the students than around the world. America is stronger diversity only because of the blinding when she was a student, 30 years ear- power of the race taboo. After diver- because of this diversity, and the de- lier. “We didn’t have the wonderful mocracy we cherish flourishes in the sity began to include sex, mental dis- diversity of people that you have here abilities, perversions, and everything great mosaic we have created since today,” said Mrs. Clinton. “I’m sad we 1492.” else that was alien or outlandish, to didn’t have it, because it would have Appeals to diversity are not just for been a great value, as I’m sure you Continued on page 3 American Renaissance - 1 - July-August 1997 imposters who foolishly try to reverse God's scattering of the races will never banish interracial hostility out- side the church. Aren't white vices bad enough? Then why force us to mingle with black vice? John Taylor, Royal Oak, Mich. Sir – In a June "O Tempora" item you refer to The New York Times' re- cent apology for a headline that re- ferred to affirmative action as "bias" (" `Bias,' as a term for affirma- tive action, was neither impartial nor accurate. It should not have ap- peared," the Times wrote). This has people who have an influence on inadvertently handed the paper's crit- Letters from Readers shaping the way we think. But why ics – i.e., anyone with an honest Sir – I disagree with Sam Dick- do professors think the way they do? mind – a useful weapon. son's May article on one point. Al- Perhaps the most important reason In the future, whenever the Times though there has always been a liberal is that some 85-90 percent of Ameri- runs one of its usual stories suggesting strain in Western society, I don't be- can professors depend on government that such phenomena as low black test lieve that our current problems are sources for their salaries. That has a scores or a lack of blacks in profes- due to either a genetic or cultural tendency to make them advocates of sions are due to "bias," alert readers flaw. Rather, I believe, along with big, redistributive government which, should flood the Times with letters Peter Brimelow, that the current dena- for a multitude of reasons, has a stating: "The Times' use of `bias' as an tured, post-racial, post-national con- vested interest in egalitarianism. Also, explanation for black underperfor- sciousness – which might be called academic salaries are low. This mance was neither impartial nor accu- "international universalism" – is a vi- causes jealousy and resentment to- rate. It should not have appeared." rus we contracted while fighting wards people in other professions Lawrence Auster, New York City World War Il. It is Hitler's revenge on who have much higher incomes. the victors. His pathological racialism There are even professors who find has given even the most attenuated sadistic satisfaction in creating psy- Sir – In the June cover story, Tho- expressions of racial consciousness a chological conflict between sons and mas Jackson basically says that blacks bad name – except for certified the fathers who pay their tuition. Fi- do not take part as subjects in medical "victim groups," i.e., all non-whites. nally, at a more subtle level, lies the research because they are too selfish There is room for hope in that no importance professors like to attribute to care about future benefits for generation lasts forever. Future gen- to their own efforts. They would like strangers. I wonder. erations not trained in the verities of to think that the intellectual environ- However, I do note a recent report the MLK civil rights movement – a ment they create is far more important in the Detroit Free Press (4/26/97) hustle that can be perpetrated only than genetically transmitted ability. confirming Mr. Jackson's statement once – will be less diversity-besotted Charles Weber, Tulsa, Ok. that blacks make their organs avail- and less likely to sacrifice their own able for transplant less often than interests in the name of abstract egali- whites. But there is a further problem. tarianism. The main threat here is im- Sir – Sam Dickson states that only Even when people agree to let their migration, because it can destroy the liberals "outperform Christians in the organs be harvested, their families nation in the interim. I would like to business of guilt." often refuse to permit it. In Michigan, see more in your newsletter about the St. Paul murdered Christ's friends, whites refuse about half the time, but need to curb immigration. but did he wallow in guilt? No; he in some black communities they re- Name Withheld, Norristown, Penn. writes "I press on" (Philippians 3:12), fuse 80 percent of the time. "forgetting the past" (v. 13) because Why? It is probably not possible to Christ died for Paul's true moral guilt say, but I would prefer to think the Sir – Sam Dickson asks "How is it and gave him courage to admit it. It is reason is some distinctive black atti- that the leading minds of our people wicked for modern "Christian" lead- tude toward organ donation rather have succumbed to the fallacy of ers to incite and exploit guilt trips in than brute selfishness. egalitarianism?" He then speculates their people because of their fathers' Is there really any evidence that on some sort of "genetic weaknesses" racial sins. personality traits like selfishness or on our part. Having taught for nearly God created ethnic groups by scat- persistence or gregariousness differ a third of a century in various univer- tering them at the Tower of Babel, yet from one race to another? sities, I am inclined to lay the blame interracial hostility has no place Roger Davis, Dearborn, Mich. on institutions of higher learning, within the Christian church which educate just about all of the (Colossians 3:11).
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