PUBLZSHED DAILY under order of THE PRESIDENT of THE VNITED STATES by COMMITTEE on PUBLIC ZNFORMATION GEORGE CREEL, Chairman * * * COMPLETE Record of U. S. GOVERNMENT Actialties IoL. 2 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, OCTOBER 21,_1918. No. 442 WORK OF AMERICAN AVIATORS BRITISH SUBJECTS INAMERICA NEW METHOD FOR HANDLING ON BATTLE LINES INFRANCE TO RECEIVE QUESTIONNAIRES ALL CIVILIAN APPLICATIONS REVIEWED BY MAJ. GEN. KENLY The War Department authorizes the FOR COMMISSIONS INARMY following from the office of the Provost QUOTES LETTER FROM PERSHING Marshal General: IN CHARGE OF ONE CENTRAL OFFICE The time within which British subjects, including Canadians, resident in the the Right Man in the Right Efficiency and High Morale of the United States may enlist or enroll in the "Putting Service Praised by U. S. Com- military forces of their own country un- Place" Object of Placing All der the terms of the conventions between mander - Training Civilians at the United States and Great Britain and Officers Recruiting Under Per- Canada having elapsed, Provost Marshal Home for Work as Observers. General Crowder has directed that ques- sonnel Branch of General Staff. tionnaires shall be mailed by the various The War Department authorizes the local boards to all British and Canadian The Chief of Staff announces the fol- following: registrants and the classification of these lowing: Maj. Gen. Kenly, director of military men proceed at once. The application of the principle of aeronautics, makes the following state- placing the individual in the military ment: machine strictly according to his qualifi- The agreement made between the allies 2 Million Model Rifles cations is being extended to cover the se- for the air offensive against the central lection and assignment of those in civil powers prevents my speaking fully on the Produced for the Army life desiring commissions in the Army. subject of interest to us all. I can say, The procurement of officers for the va- however, that our airmen from the United The Chief of Ordnance announces that rious staff corps and departments is now States are evidently giving a good ac- the 2,000,000 mark has been passed in centralized in the personnel branch of count of themselves. I can show you a the production of United States Model the General Staff and the separate re- letter from Gen. Pershing to the chief of 1917 rifles. The total of Model 1917 cruiting endeavors of individual staff our air forces in France which explains rifles produced up to and including Oc- corps have been discontinued. itself. tober 12 is 2,033,638. In the week end- Personnel Branch Agencies. Gen. Pershing's Letter. ing October 12, 40,814 rifles of this type The personnel branch is establishing "AMERICAN EXPEDITIONARY FORCES, were accepted by ordnance inspectors. The total of rifles produced since the agencies in various cities in the country "OFFICE OF THE COMMANDER IN CHIEF. and has been assured the hearty coopera- " Please accept my sincere congratula- United States entered the war is 2,591,- 631. This total -includes 277,944 Model tion of the Military Training Camps As- tions on the successful and very im- sociation, chambers of commerce and portant part taken by the air forces un- 1903, or Springfield rifles, and 280,049 Russian rifles. It does not include the other civil organizations which have der your command in the first offensive splendidly cooperated with the Army in of the first American Army. The or- 600,000 Springfields on hand when war was declared. the past in securing commissioned person- ganization and control of the tremendous nel. Those desiring commissions can concentration of the air forces, including hereafter be saved the Inconvenience of American, French, British, and Italian British Furnish20,000,000 coming or writing to Washington and will units, which has enabled the Air Service be provided through the local Dress of the first army to carry out so success- Rations For Belgian Relief throughout the country with all necessary fully its dangerous and important mis- information relative to their availability, sion, is as fine a tribute to you personally Mr. Hoover stated Saturday that the and procedure to be followed. as is the courage and nerve shown by Belgian Relief Commission had arranged Information will also be published your officers, a signal proof of the high n ith the British Quartermaster General from time to time indicating qualifica- morale which permeates the service un- for 20,000.000 emergency rations to be tions of applicants most urgently needed. der your command. furnished to the rescued civil population All applications will be carefully clas- "Please convey to your command my in Belgium from the stores of the British sified in Washington by experts. In fill- heartfelt appreciation of their work. I Army in Belgium, to be paid for by the ing vacancies every effort will be made am proud of you all. Relief Commission. to make selections according to qualifi- "Sincerely, yours, cations with a view to finding the right "JoHN J. PERSHING." Call is Issued for 2,000 man to fill each vacancy. You probably know that we are train- Central Recruiting Section. ing pilots and observers in the United Porto Rican Registrants Under the new plan no applications for States in so-called reserve brigades and commission should be made directly to sending them overseas as fast as we can The War Department announces the the Quartermaster Corps, Ordnance De- in squadrons, fully organized and equip- following from the office of the Provost partment, Sanitary Corps, Engineer ped. The first reserve brigade, which is Marshal General: Corps, Military Intelligence Division, to consist of 36 squadrons is located on Tie Provost Marshal General announces Motor Transport Corps, Construction Long Island on nine different flying fields. a call for 2,000 Porto Rican registrants Division, Department of Military Aero- The second reserve wing, consisting of to go to Las Casas, P. R., in the latter nautics, Bureau of Aircraft Production, four squadrons, is located at Park Place, part of October. Signal Corps, Chemical Warfare Serv- Tex., and the third wing will probably ice, or Adjutant General's Department. be located in New Jersey or some other Italy Gets $200,000,000 Instead, all applications will be made district within close proximity to the through the recruiting subsection of the Atlantic coast. Credit, France$100,000,000 personnel branch of the General Staff. We have got to even better this. Ur- Procedure in applying for a commis- gent calls have been received from Gen. The Treasury Department has extended sion will be as follows: The civilian de- Pershing for more observers. additional credits of $200,000,000 to Italy siring to offer his services will watch the (Continued on Page 5,) and $100,000,000 to France. standard announcement of needs for offt- 2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1918. T cers published periodically in the news- papers. These announcements will be ASKS THAT THlE MANUFACTURE FEDERAL RESERVE BOARD'S issued from the Washington headquar- ters of the recruiting subsection and will OF GASOLINE STOVES STOP WEEKLY BANK STATEMENT be based on full descriptions of each need-type of man wanted and duty to Makers Advised to Use Materials Liquidation of discounts, chiefly war be performed-furnished by the various Allotted Them in Making Gas paper, by the three eastern reserve banks branches of the Army requiring officers. In conjunction with considerable with- As all publicity on officer needs will IHeating Appliances. drawals of Government deposits and fur- come from one source, there will be no ther increases in note circulation are in- contradiction, conflict, or competition on B. M. Baruch, chairman of the War dicated in the Federal Reserve Board's calls for men. Industries Board, authorizes the follow- weekly bank statement issued as at close ing: of business on October 18, 1918. Investments.-The New York Procedure for Applicant. "Discontinuance of the manufacture Reserve is made of a need at this time of gasoline Bank reports net liquidation of 42.4 mil- When annoineement stoves, because lions of war paper and of 9.8 millions of for which the civilian considers himself of the heavy war and industrial uses of communi- gasoline is advised other discounts. Acceptances on hand in every way qualified, lie will by the War Industries increased 81.5 millions, nearest office of the Mili- Board. all the banks ex- cate with the cept Dallas showing substantial addi- tary Training Camps Association and " The Priorities Division in granting tions on to the holdings of this class of pa- there obtain complete information priority to the oil and gasoline heating per. New York, If found qualified, he will and Cleveland, and Chicago how to apply. cooking devices and appliances in- report also Increases in their holdings of be given a standard application for com- dustry requires a pledge of the manufac- United States Government short-term se- mission in the United States Army, turers to reduce consumption of iron, curities, largely one-year Treasury cer- which he will need to fill out carefully steel, brass, copper, and aluminum used Training tificates, to secure Federal Reserve bank- and return to the Military in the manufacture of their products to note circulation. Total investments were Association office. Camps a basis of not exceeding 50 per cent of ,82.9 millions less than the week before Later he will be interviewed and ex- six-twelfths of the 1917 consumption." amined. In case the requirement which Withdrawals By Government. Priorities Division Statement. attracted him has already been filled or Deposits.-Net withdrawals of Govern- his qualifications make him more suit- In reference to the discontinuance of ment deposits for the week totaled 51 able for some other service, his applica- the manufacture of gasoline stoves when millions; members' reserve deposits de- tion may be transferred or held, properly present stocks are exhausted, the Priori- clined 1.6 millions, while net deposits classified and available for use, in a de- ties Division says: show a decrease of 57.4 millions.
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