I 1 Hoag & S ons 3ook Bindery Inc. Sprlngport. Klchlgan 49284 / piaindealei: SINGLE COPY30' One Hundred Tenth Year c a p y r ig M . i m 4. conibtw P tm ^ h w . CHAT8WORTH. ILLINOIS (60921), THURSDAY. MARCH 15. 1984 1 f l : . I .3 / -V. (•*. ■Jt.' -y.; M .4l- MMM r . p s | - t NICHOLS-HOMESHIELD, a part of the ANTA announcement of the impending sale of a large block of corporation, will be a section of the parent company ANTA stock. undergoing possible reorganization as a result of • Anta schedules corporation liquidation Anta Cocporation (NYSE: ANA) has Tolbert added that Anta expects to close number of distributions to its stodcholders over the next several months, with the announced tM it has signed a definitive the sale of Four Seasons to Manor Healthcare THE CHARLOTTE Farmers Grain Company held its 250 served for dinner and a large turnout for the business distributions falling into more than one tax agreement to sdl its Four Seasons Nursing Corp. of Silver Spring, Md., in mid-April. He 76th annual meeting Saturday at the CHS gym, with about meeting in the afternoon. Centers, Inc., subsidiary and that it has said disposition cf the company's other assets year. For those stoddiolders who have an scheduled a special meeting of stockholders, will take place over a 12-month period appropriate holding pniod, the distributions for April M to approve a plan of liquidation of thereafter. will be considered capital gains for tax At 76th meeting., . Anta Corporatian. "The decision to sell Four Seasons was purposes. made because Anta's board of directors felt Under the definitive agreement covering the Four Seasons sale, Manor Healthcare will Anta Corporatioo, which was listed on the such a sale was the best way for the company pay Anta approximately |S7 million in cash; New York Stodc Exchange in November, 1981, and its stockholders to realize the full value of Charlotte Farmers Grain returns dividends Anta will be relieved of consolidated debt has three odwr operating subsidiaries: the underlying assets of this subsidiary," The 7fitli annual meeting of Farmers Grain Total refunds and stock dividends paid local cooperatives. He also introduced John totaling approximately $18 million; and Four Nkbola-Homeatitfld, Inc., an aluminum Tolbert conunented. "With the signing in Company of Charlotte was held on Sat., March were about $27,000.00. Roth who gave the fertiliser report.* bnOdlng products manufacturer; Bonray January of an aereement in orinciple to sell Seasons will pay Anta approximately $5 10, 1984 at (."hatsworth High school. Members Gene Weber, ag instructor at Chatsworth Energy Corporatioa, an oU and gas Four Seasons to Manor Healthcare, the board million of inter-company debt. Manor of the Charlotte Homemakers Extension High school, introduced Brett Bayston and exploration and production company, and further considered the future of Anta Healthcare will also assume a guarantee ser\ed 250 at the noon dinner. Don Rich, seniors at the high school, who gave Bob Hub(y, Jim Elliott and Irv Wilken Bonray DrlUiag Corporation (NASDAQ: Corporation and how the company could best made by Anta Corporation covering $2.7 U'onard Kerber. President of Board of reports and a slide presentation on their served on the nominating committee. The BNRY), owned by Anta and 80% publicly utilize the proceeds of the Four Seasons sale to million of debt owed by CTiallenge Ministries, (directors presided at the business session. attendance at Youth Leadership Camp at entire board was re-elected as foUowe: owned, which la e n g a ^ in domestic onshore benefit its stockholders. for whom Four Seasons manages IS nursing Reports were given by Secretary Lloyd Voss Kansas City in the summer of 1983. They were Leonard Kerber, Clair Zorn, Uoyd Voes, Dun contract drtIUng of oil and gas wells. homes. At the same time, Anta has agreed to on the financial condition; Mgr. Jim Flessner sponsored by Farmers Grain of (Charlotte and Kyburz, Don Frieden, Duane Flessner and "The board concluded that the interests of purchase, for $2S.29 per share, approximately on the past years operation; and vice Farmland Industries. Ron Deany. The propoeed plan of liquidation calls for the stockholders would be served best by a 1,005,000 Anta Corporation shares acquired by president (Uair Zorn on building and Weber also introduced Charlie Strube, cash di^butions to Anta stockholders of the planned liquidation of Anta Corporation.” Major Healthcare Corp. in a recent tender maintenance report. student ag teacher at the high school. proceada from the sale of Four Seasons and Tolbert said the effect of the plan of offer. Stock dividends of seven percent were paid Entertainment was provided by the At the dose of the meeting a drawing was win involve the sale or spin-off of Anta’s other liquidation would be to allow Anta to pass along with patrgnage refunds of one cent per Peavine Brothers, a barberdiop quartet from held for door prizes. Winners were: Bill through the proceeds of the Four seasons sple three operating auhaidiariea. James R. After repurchase of the Manor Healthcare bushel on grain, two percent on fertilizer Pontiac. Krooes, Louise Flessner, John Hall, Beryl Toihert m , Chairman and PresidenL said. and the results of the disposition of its other shares, the company will have approximately purcha.se.s. one percent on seed, feed, Manager Jim Flessner introduced Rich Irvin, Tom Gecth, Virginia Haren, midred subsidiaries and assets to stockholders free of P n ty matwiala wU be eent to stockholders 3,115JN0 shares outstanding. Anta reported chemicals and other merchandise and one Sipe, representative o( Farmland Industries, Baystao. BerdpU .G|iUg«ay..QEMigigMltlUte eb approxlmataly Maich 81 corporate tax. He said Anta wUl make* a total assets of |139,880,000'at Dec. 31,1983. percent on .ser\’ices. who gave some comments on the strength of Murphy, and Larry Gerdes. Bloomer development may be just around the bend by Jim Roberta The "Bloomer Line” short line railroad During introductory remarks, Stevens in Livingston and the final two in Ford may be back In operation by July, if the am- pointed out that When Congressman lyiadigan county.) btUotts hopes expressed during a $3 million sponsored legislation to make the money It was pointed out Uut the $3 million is a funding preseidation Monday noon at the available under an earlier Railway U.S. grant but not a gift, and there is also a Palamar restaurant in Pontiac are realixed. Redevelopment program, “Ed planted the mortgage, which was caOed “a rationa] ap­ In order to addeve operatkxis “by July,” a seed." proach.” The line must run for five years, faid-leltkag for track renovation is expected Madigan, with a grin, retorted “Mr. Riley's after which the mortgage is forgiven. If it eometime next month, with work required to bringing the fertilizer!” fails, the U.S. reclaims the assets. get underway in May. Riley commented that "The people who Riley concluded that “If we didn’t have The now abandoned trackage is the former carry the money and get the credit are not the confidence in your ability to make this work, Bloomington dhridon of the Dlinois Central- people who do the work. Ed Madigan nude the we'd never have signed that document.” Gulf railrond, running nortbweet to Kankakee. difference; he is the building block. It aenrlced primarily grain elevators, sg “And Kevin McCarthy's adherence to this chemical plants, lumber yrards and one cause is almost a religious belief! manufacturer at Chatsworth. "Your final success” Riley noted "depends As part of the signing session, Stevens After a four-year court battle with those on conununlty support. If you work as hard to and J.F. Eberwine, director of Traffic for patrons, the I&G was suooesaful in shutting make this run as you did to preserve it, you'll Growmark, the Farm Bureau service firm off service in 1877 and ofBdally dosing it in succeed.” headquartered in Bloomington, and Bloomer 18H. Riley pointed out the chances for success, vice-president, signed the mortgage The reincarnation is the work of the uying “You’re right where the action is, in documents. Bloomer Shippers RaOway Redevelopment the center of it. The '70s was the decade of Laogne, with Dwight Stevens of C o i^ ss mergers among Class 1 railroads; the '80s are praddeot and SprtogfMd Attorney Kevin Mc­ Also present for the ceremony were State going to see a resurgence of the short-tines.” Carthy aa the chief engineer. Sen. John Maitland, Rep. Tom Ewing, Merle Monday, prior to what was a “victory” lun­ Travis, chief of the Illinois Department of cheon of e o f^ John H. Riley, chief rail ad­ Transportation; Ray Peterson, deputy ministrator In the U.8. Department of (In the area served by The Combelt Press director of the Illinois Commerce Tlraa%wrtatioa in Washington, and Con- newspapers, the line serves CooksviUe, Col­ Commission, all of whom were involved ir, a •M B u n Ed MndHwi of this dsbrict, sloi« fax, Anchor, Cnupaty, Risk, Chatsworth, $375,000 Illinois appropriation to the Bloomer wltb Stevons, signsd docomsats making a iO Charlotte, Cullom, Kempton and Chbery. The League signed recently by Gov. Jim mOlifla fodwal frant ofBdaL first three are in McLean county, the next four Thompson. 1C line an 1878 controversy Coifax-KKK a haul according to old tables the Bleomw rail Um begiia A motion was nude to grant rightpof-way to t f m tlOan ttw g h Chataworth, It may cauae the railroad, but the townspeople preaent A hundred yean ago, a journey on the H n a eaatravaniy > bat not aaarly ao much aa protaated, laying they did not want the line In Kankakee and Soothweitern railroad (soon I9M apawaad wtMB the Um waa fin t prepoaad town.
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