Office of the Taldangra panchayat Samity Taldangra : : Bankura PIN Code 722152 Phone,lFar No. 0.12:ll 265t47 F.-mail bclo.taldangra20I7(ilgmail.conr NIT NO.:- o8/EO/Tal /2020-2li BEUp(l6rh AC) D^te,- 0310212021 Sealcd tcrders in prescr.ibed . Tcnde| tbntr,ue hel.cb) ill\ itcJ b1 the under.signed r,.' r,._l',,rr.trt(.11,rtti(.1.,t.: tbr.u.or.ks in .\ tu J,j,tr.r\r.l.tc t,fa.,,,..r. t,,, ,.t,,r.fi,,,i,i Nrue ol the uorl$: See,\nnc\ure 10 this Nl.l. I en(lered Cosl:- Scc Annrrurc to this NI l. Dctails ofschedule:- See Anne\ure to this \l.I (lorrditions:- l. abstol lenderPrper: See Anne\urc_ fhe pa]tnenl $ill be tccei!c,:l incesh_ A conlr_ac1or,r supplicr rvill rollcct lcnJer paper ol erch schentc. l. (r):\pplicurion fir Ierder paper should bc sublnirted in tlrc olllcc o1.rhe Lrn.lersisncd hand rcglncrcd posl br oI hr duri.g thc ot'flce hours ,p to the date as rnentione.l ,b"r" ."";i:";,::;,;, IT R.rurn. CST Regisrlrtion. p. plCC. "1,,,,g,,iii 'rlid ta\ Ilegisrralio.. t,.\N;;,rcl Credcntiai C,.,1iticarc (l'i)nrcnr ae(ilicar., Ct.r,,plclion Ctc.tilicate oi.a single \\ork) ofthe Oliicer in_U.argc. in original & Ittcsted photocop\ thercot'. .lhe -tir" Credcntial Ccrtificate i..r"a Lrv pradhan has to be got countcrcigned bl thc Exc.uti..e Assistant or the concerned cram'panchayat. scpararc rppricitti{)n 1or seprute \\or.t alons all r.lE\rfl ''irh t,. t,(r\ \erl".l i,, .,,, : i;; .,;;jon irg N11,no & SI. No. of the rlorli on tlrc rop of irselfclenrl\ shnll lr:rrc ",, t,r bc subrrrrr(,t. fiL ,r",r,. thc norl( musL b. \upcr scribecl on rhc hod) ofrhe Tcndcr Ctovor. "f (b) I Attestc.lcopl oiCredcntiai. i.e. do!l rurrr ir lir\uur ot.rirchcirharrhcapplicanthas le.'.: , r(...,r....'C \l ,..,r1, ..,,_IIo^ ttlr ..,1,r.,,i.1.",, \ I i\\n rrJnn(\r |e.Lr.r sinrle ir\lnn.e (ciIolc \chcme) during the lastthree\crrs. \houl.l be . r '.r r r ..1. r : rlrrr tl . .rp,rli,..r ., r l' T(rtI P_ ]rcr\ rrill bu isstrcJ ro Lhe qullitied cortraclors,'suppliers o, rhc dalc irn.l Limc as rncnrio.c.l .rborg 1i.,,,n thc ollic€ ofthe undt,rsigned. the undcrsigriJ.l"", ,,,i-ti,,A hjrrscll.ro jssuc rcrrdcr pirpcrs to rllxppricrfls. r)ecisiolr or'trrc un.rcrsigncd r.cgrrrcring ir,,r. nt:t",,.1".' pop.,.r0d \!ork rn\.lisputc is llnal. i. cese .,1. l. lcnLler pxper \\ill havc ro scnd b).Rcgisrcrcd post or b\ hflrd and il shoLrld bc dropped in rhe lcnclcr llox licpt ior dre purposc in the ofjlLr th. irnd.r.si-t,,.,1. "i f.rl., f"p.,:,.c.1r,",1 alie. the schedLried llor hc e,xcftaine,r rh< inL.n,r;n3 r.,,,re,.,. :;ii:,,11,::t|:." ,r,,,1 ,:..,!,.1,, p,.,",,, ,r,e lime oi.op.ninq _\' Lr rerl nroncv (s.c AnncrL|e) shourd be.cposited xron! ,'itr) tencrijr peper ir thc r.ol,. issrre.i in of uanri r)r.,.li. tnlour ofrhc E\ccuti\e Ol.llccr. taldan!ra I,arrJarar Samitr 6. linrc is the cs\ence of cont-xci Iltc ,r.....t"i.""1r,,.1,,, ,,,,,ri ..rrpl." the \\ot1( slrcciticd fir corrptetio.. r.ithin )e tirne No extensi,,n , I rrrrr \\ ill b. ;*.p,;jr:p'".1"t .".". J.r,1.,,.^r r,,trt. It..\..1.\\itr,.r "llr,,.,..l Iirr\ corrr.r*or rlr<.r p.r,.r<.1 ,i,,,..,,,",,11.:,;.], ., ll.ii .d;,_,'.':, i :,r.; lill bc caneellcd \\,iLhoul rs\i"ning an) rctson thcrc tbr rn.l takc n.iiur ils p.l- (;ov1. Rulc. The rndcr-sillrcd nrr arso ,rocccrl r. gct rhe baranee rrurk ..,,,i.1... .r c.,rrrpretctl b) a,) othcr mcans thfoush otrrcr ..\L!\..\r\..r . rr(.,1 .r.rlJr. .rr,..r .,.,.',.;,,1,,'1.,,..:,,r",.,',1. ,;.,'ill. runp.i,.1 bills,'securirl,deposit ot rirc tcnd.rer. ..f-pa,.t ti:o_ tl;., rtr.:LrnJ.i.ir".a ,", rak. rn\ orhcr pcnal nreltsurr-' inclLrdinq hlacli listino ol.thc contractorl srpplier and ti,rtiitLrrc ,ri:tlt. eanlest n,on.y. 7. t hc c rncsr rnone*otc.t againsr the nanrc ot ooil .rri r,r. ,,. ;;r;;; abo'c of rhc \,tue of the rrork rvill ha\e cslimalc(l lo bc ,t<|o\itcrt in rtrc furrn .i rir.i,-uran in fxrour ol.tho u'd€rsigned' r'hc eernesr monc'*'iJr bc conre,tc,-r ;r,0.-,rrirr rJarulrcc g9.; sccLrrilr nroncr \ill bc.lcdLrcled liom ","r.'r]"ti., ".."1'tor.". thc bill to constitulc f0.0,i, a"",,.it, ,rr",,"\,. lhc lccuril\ nron.l \llr'..tJ.,r ..tr.. | | Page I ofi li. Thc ratc should bcquotedir perccnlase both in lig,rcasrell asir$ords. llthc lender proyidcs sucl ratc which deems to be urjuslilred to the undersigned. an anar'sis ofthe lendercd arnount shourcr ha\( to be pro\ idecl. 9. Itolalty. Incomc Tax art 291, ir case of bills abo'c 20,000.00. L.W. Ctess , L. Ccss and con\lruction cess as per c\istin! co\r. Rulc liorn rime tu timc rnd ncccs\xr\ sccurilies will lre deduclccl fionr rhe xr .r t\\ .-| b,l ' ! I .11! t:. 1, " I nht t-( .,:\ t,tt ti,\t t,[t tttt\t h tit,p. 10. lhe spccillcation should be mainrrined and rhe nlcasureme r will ].,c raken as per I,\\D sche.lLrlc ruie. Belo\\ specillc nlnlcrials will be reicclcd fbrrh$irh. Bclir-e usirrs an\ naleri;l apfro\al ol.S\E ir) charge rcgarding qualit\ and quaniil) ofthc sume u,ill have to be obtainecl. U. ulL labour isl 12. (lxn\Assing in connection $ith thc tcnder is stricth.pr.ohibitcd. ll. ,\ll r!ollis rr he ill halc ro done accordirg to spcciJlcation an(l dra*,ing rppr.oved b\ rhe eLLthorjl\ and es pcr dirccrion oflhc undersigned. 1'1. llelbrc sL.r'ting rhe suppry r'r,ork- the site rrLrst be dresscd and clcared b) cuttins rI so{s or..iLr.sr.. shrubsetc-aliergefiingneccssar.ypcmrission.ifneedcd.tbrrvhichnocxLraparmentt\i]l - be ntLlLlc. 15. An) mtc xbove rher thc schedulc rute olwork nla\ not b. crtefiainr.l. l6. Jhc corlractors \\ho \ill nol subrnit rcrrdcr p.,p", ,, .ln l,l (rurn th( sinr( bctbre thc.late & riDrc of druppinr:.rtier rcceir irr.!r the sime will not bc arllor,c.l to pa,1icipxtc in t,"o corseculi\e ten.lers. 17. lh. succcsslirl tcnderer \\,ill ha\c Io stilrl thc work wilhin s*,en clals rr.onr thc date of issuc of \,)r. o.dc.r suppll ordcr- atier cxeclrtion oflbmrar agreenrentasperr'urea,d*iIharetoconprelcthe,..rk \ ilhin the lime ellolved lir| completion. lli Ar,.rigrnr,.lion ofunerrpioyed Enginecrs co opcrati\e rrd Labour co-operali!e in an\ tban shoLrr.l nor bc allowed t!)\\ards counrirrg oleligibilir) in prrricipation ot-tenclcr. 19' Iheproofoi rlcposiri.gRorart)r'(e\stolheconcerincdruthor'irr istu be submittecr rr,hilc procrucins birl undersigfed (rr to casc ofprccurin! r:rrcIiurr tor \ rierr Lrc I{Lrlarr-r or is (io\1. rrss |equir.ecl ro be pnicl ro thc us pcr t.ulc). Ihc Llocunlcnl pr,",t r thi. rc-1rr(l ,tr., I b..tr -, (.UnLersigned b\ lhe corcerncd lrl rhis notice sharrlbnr pafi oIterms & conditions oftcnder and the participants shar be bound to ahide b) thern. ll Bclir.e sLrbrnissio, or-lendcr thc cr)ntr..clo,s,, suppriers ,rus! r'isit thc work site to -iudsc thc rocal condilions liorn ilrr corners ard .o prerrcomprair) iLbo.l site \\'iI bc entcrrrined alten\a..ls. rl \Ir be lc(l thrt thc r8e|c) rrrcsr) ortcred trrc tendcr ar'tcr re!icwins entirc position ()1 rhe uori sire \he|e suppl\ is to bc nradc. 22 llel'orc subrlitting rhe lcnder. rhc tcncrercr rnust get his signatLrrc aticslecr on thc cont..rcl itrrcsi. finn b\ \ tliling $hich Iiis ren.lcr ma\ be lirble tLr be rclected ,, plrnt.rnd nptcmcnts rcquircd tiri the supptr .\1,,1r': lll=-,::,r)." \\or]i arc ro bc al.ansed rnrJ sLrpplicct r- Lt r .LtiiL tr, t t.t,.t. " lrt. J r.oir. 2J. Succcssliri tcnderc| hari: ro rhoLl<.hr will rhr.llru\ . ri \\r\r Bcrqijl Lontfacl Labouf (fel]LrlatioI r..i .lr'iri^r lr, 1... t,-.',.,.,Ll orrr.,-,,<Jt.. , ri .(r.r i ,c :i lcrder \\ irhoul stanrped and sigrulL*c or'rrrc Exccutivc oilrccr. Tardangru pancha).at samitr. \\ bc disqurlilled.'onn iI 26. No pricc cscalarion * ill bcallo$,ed\hrtsoc\et.tltcreasonmavbe -- ' ll<i lr.rr''r ,'r fro\:.'. .r ., : rnit-: 1..,. lhc rendcrs lli' rcceircd aftc. the due.r.rL( rntr rirru rr ir bc sunrnlxrir) rLlEcrL!r. r(.i'or) 'r,lc r'I I rhe olrce u,, not be tr|u... l(r d\ lr^r rrl..dc:_ I t.1....,rr-,i,,. 19. Incorrplctc letr.:ler \r ill be suntrnarih rcjectcd. l()' Acceptancc ol irrc IoN.sl tcrdcr is not obrigetor-r'.rncr trre Lrn,jcrsiLrrcd lcsc|rt,s lhe riuht to reject anr or. all o1'tl)i:iNIl \irhoLrrassilninganl r.er*,rr rh,rr,u.rcr. Thsdc.j-,ro,, .,ii",,i.r.s.t..t;unconrmi,tee i\ ll na l. I l. Aiier complelion ol thc schcnte tltc bill shoLrld bc suLrrritted in thc ollicc ofthc undelsillfetl F ortur-lu Executir e Olfilerl Taldargra Panchayet Samity Taldangra, BanLura ,",.,iffi;gffi,,,, Page 2 ofl Nlcnro No. 50(38) Dated 03/02/2021 ('op) Lr\rrdeJ lo[ irrlornratiou end \\ilh a ..qucst to lilrdl\ nrakc necessaLl arrangenlcllls li)r r irlc pubLicitl to : l.
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