AUGUST 2016 Leadership Changes in the Atlantic Union Conference insideAUGUST2016 4 4 Leadership Changes in the Atlantic Union Conference The 30th constituency session of the Atlantic Union Conference was held on Sunday, June 19, in Machlan Auditorium on the campus of Atlantic Union College in Lancaster, Massachusetts. 8 How God Paid for My College Although there were tough times in my academic career, I kept moving forward because I knew I didn't want the life I lived as a child to be my future. 8 9 9 Caring Heart Award Recipients 11 Eight students from the eight academies in the Atlantic Union are the recipients of the 2016 Caring Heart Award. 11 Conference Executive Committee Votes Departmental Directors The newly-elected Northeastern Conference Executive Committee met to select conference departmental directors who will serve for the next quadrennium. 3 President’s Perspective 11 Northeastern 18 Southern New England 7 Atlantic Union College 12 Greater New York 21 Bulletin Board 8 The Big Picture 14 New York 21 Obituaries 10 Bermuda 16 Northern New England 22 Classified Ads Cover: The cover design includes photos of the officers and departmental directors who were elected to serve the Atlantic Union Conference constituents for the next five-year term. August 2016, Vol. 115, No. 8. The Atlantic Union GLEANER is published monthly by the Atlantic Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®, 400 Main Street, South Lancaster, MA 01561. Printed by L. Brown and Sons Printing, Inc., 14 Jefferson Street, Barre, VT 05641. Standard postage paid at Montpelier, VT 05602. Annual subscription price, $10.00. NEW OR RENEWAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: Mail new or renewal subscriptions to Atlantic Union GLEANER, P.O. Box 1189, South Lancaster, MA 01561. Adventist® and Seventh-day Adventist® are registered trademarks of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists®. 2 Atlantic Union GLEANER, August 2016 Visit the Atlantic Union Web site P resident Change God never changes — “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.” Hebrews 13:8. ’ s P n our world we experience changes. The Atlantic Union Conference has This is also true in the Seventh- experienced a radical change in its lead- ers Iday Adventist Church. On June 19, ership. Along with these changes come 2016, at the Atlantic Union Conference fears, concerns, and even disappoint- Quinquennial Session in South ments. However, in the cause of God we P ective Lancaster, Massachusetts, we experi- must remember that He has the church enced major changes in the elected lead- in His hand and whenever we submit “It is my prayer ership of our union. our lives to Him, He will always direct The constituents of the Atlantic our paths. God, who is the same yes- Union are extremely appreciative of the terday, today, and forever, never makes that we remain leadership given by Donald G. King, a mistake. He loves this church as His former president, Carlyle C. Simmons, bride and will see us through to the end former executive secretary, and Leon when the faithful will reap their reward. united, as the D. Thomassian, former treasurer. We As we move forward into the future, are also very grateful for the dedicated we face many uncertainties, but we serve and enthusiastic service given by Astrid a God who has led us in the past, is here word ‘union’ Thomassian, former education director, with us in the present, and will continue and Ryan Simpson, former youth minis- to lead us into the future. As long as tries director. He is in the vessel, we can smile at the suggests, and As the new administrative officers, G. storms of life. Earl Knight, president; Pierre O. Omeler, It is my prayer that we remain united, executive secretary; and Elias Zabala, as the word “union” suggests, and focus focus on the Sr., treasurer, we are indebted to these on the mission to which God has called dedicated men and this woman for their us. There is much to be done, and, as a service of love and commitment to the team, we are ready to get to work and mission to cause of God. We will forever be grateful continue to fulfill the call of God to this for the contributions they have made. church. Along with the changes we expe- United we stand! The Pentecostal which God has rienced among the officers, Dionisio experience of Acts was the result of the Olivo was reelected as Hispanic and unity of the disciples and the outpouring Portuguese ministries vice president, of the Holy Spirit. Let us be united with called us.” Jose Joseph was elected as Haitian and a common goal so that Pentecost will be African ministries vice president, Trevor repeated once again in our lifetime. Forbes was reelected as the undertrea- May God continue to bless us as we surer, Jerrell Gilkeson was elected as the work together for His cause! education director, Marlene Alvarez was elected as the education associate direc- G. Earl Knight is president of the Atlantic tor, and Andres Peralta was elected as Union Conference and chairman of the Atlantic Union College Board of Trustees. the youth ministries director. at www.atlantic-union.org Atlantic Union GLEANER, August 2016 3 Leadership Changes in the Atlantic Union Conference he 30th constituency session of the Atlantic Union Conference Tof Seventh-day Adventists convened on Sunday, June 19, in Machlan Auditorium on the campus of Atlantic Union College in Lancaster, Massachusetts. The theme for the session was “Faithful to the End.” Delegates from the six conferences in the Atlantic Union gathered to elect officers and committee members, and to receive reports on the work of the church in the Atlantic Union territory for the five-year term, 2011-2015. Daniel Jackson, North American Division president, was the devotion- al speaker for the session and he used 1 Corinthians 3:16 and Acts 2:44- 48 as his scripture texts. Jackson The five Atlantic Union Conference administrative officers who will serve for the 2016-2020 quinquennium are, from left, reminded the delegates that Jesus is Dionisio Olivo, Hispanic and Portuguese ministries vice president; Pierre O. Omeler, executive secretary; G. Earl Knight, the one true north in the Seventh-day president; Elias Zabala, Sr., treasurer; and Jose Joseph, Haitian and African ministries vice president. Adventist Church. “Until you can put Jesus in the center of your message, don’t preach it. We are all broken and in need of the Holy Spirit and the saving grace of the Holy Spirit. We must be the people that uphold Jesus,” Jackson said. Delegates voted changes in admin- istration and three new officers were elected to serve for the next five-year term: G. Earl Knight, president, Trevor Forbes, undertreasurer Jerrell Gilkeson, education director coming from the Greater New York Conference, where he served as presi- dent; Pierre O. Omeler, executive sec- retary, formerly serving as Haitian and African Ministries vice president; and Elias Zabala, Sr., treasurer, coming from the New York Conference, where he served as president. Other individuals elected to serve the Atlantic Union are Jose Joseph as Haitian and African ministries vice president, coming from the Marlene Alvarez, education associate director Andres Peralta, youth ministries director 4 Atlantic Union GLEANER, August 2016 Visit the Atlantic Union Web site Cover Story Northeastern Conference, where he challenge of moving forward with the van ministry in the Greater New York served as Haitian Ministries coordi- work in the Atlantic Union made up area, and other entities in the Atlantic nator; Jerrell Gilkeson as education of six conferences, with more than Union territory. director, formerly serving as education 118,600 members who worship in associate director; Marlene Alvarez as 584 churches and 69 companies; 54 Ednor A. P. Davison is assistant to the education associate director, formerly elementary schools, eight academies, president for communication in the serving as education assistant director one college; many community service Atlantic Union Conference and editor of and certification registrar; and Andres centers, summer camp programs, a the Atlantic Union GLEANER. Peralta as youth ministries director, coming from the Greater New York Conference, where he served as youth ministries director. Reelected to serve were Dionisio Atlantic Union Conference Olivo as Hispanic and Portuguese min- Committee Members 2016-2020 istries vice president; and Trevor Forbes as undertreasurer. All other positions Executive Committee Delores M. Richardson, NEC will be appointed by the newly-elected G. Earl Knight, chairperson Sheena Smith, Bermuda Atlantic Union Conference Executive Pierre Omeler, secretary Dwight Sommers, NNEC Committee at its first meeting. Tina Advani, SNEC Glorimar Teixeira, SNEC Reports were presented by the presi- Jose R. Alarcon, SNEC W. DeJaun Tull, Bermuda dent, secretary, and treasurer, as well as John K. Amoah, SNEC Elias Zabala, Sr., Union the Disabilities Ministries, Education, Henry Beras, GNYC and Youth Ministries departments. All Jean Bernadotte, NEC Association Board of the agenda items were completed Will Comley, NYC G. Earl Knight, chairperson by the delegates, including electing Miguel Crespo, NYC Pierre Omeler, secretary members to serve on the executive Robert Cundiff, NNEC Ebenezer Agboka, GNYC committee, the constitution and bylaws Carveth DeLeon, NEC Daniel Battin, NNEC committee, and the association board. Salvador Demallistre, NEC Edson Bovell, NEC The delegates also voted minor changes David Dennis, SNEC Priscilla English, NYC to the constitution and bylaws. Oswald Euell, NEC Trevor Forbes, Union The outgoing officers and the depart- Yeury Ferreira, GNYC Silas McKinney, AUC mental directors were recognized and Trevor Forbes, Union Lester Primus, NEC thanked for their leadership and service Yves Francis, SNEC Lloyd Scharffenberg, GNYC to the Atlantic Union Conference. They J. Kendall Guy, NEC W. Aaron M. Spencer, Bermuda were given the opportunity at the end Avis Hendrickson, AUC Joel Tompkins, Jr., SNEC of the session to share their thoughts Daniel Honoré, NEC Elias Zabala, Sr., Union with the delegates.
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