·Schlesinger: buck stops at voter .. By JOHN RAMOS "Despite the drcumstaru:~ by v.ttlch a , peclal prosecutor lllcc Leon will do little good." Jawon1d or a judge like John Sertca? RJp Edltor,ln.Quef · Ford att.lined of~. tho fact that ho Schlesinger offered u a 10\utlon to . Nlxon and hiJ bunch would have been "H.my Truman wed to keep a sign ,"".ls not chostn by the people through an overpowerful Executive Branch tiding high up until a few weeks ago. on h4 desk which read, 'The Buck increased accountability for a And heaven help tho,e of who were Stops Here,' but it Is in the will of the us president's actioru ...And by th.at I on the enemies list." voten, not the preudent's desk that .'\ .. enough to make mean a good deal more th.an jwt According to Schlesinger, another the buck Clnally stops." holding a president responsible for his These remarks, made by Arthuc M. even a weak man cause for the emergence of "imperial actions_ every four years at the polls," Schlesinger In his spe«h last Tuesday presidents" is the fact that Congress is he uld. According to Schlesinger, the . very powerful." · so willing to surrender its pov.-er. He in the BC Theatre, tended to sum up president should be forced to roruult his feeling· th.at It is the people'• stated there are two main reasons why psychological ''worshlp" of a president C-Ongres.5, e.ven a hostile Congress,· is which leads to the "imperial the electoral process, the very nature generally willing to back a president in presidency." According to the former of the office enabled him to do a anything he does-I) Congress lacks " ... structural surgery Kennedy aide, "The · reason for number of things," he stated. "For the staff, expertise and Information to instance, he vetoed more bills in his oppose the Executive Branch and 2) it presidential supremecy Is· that the will do little good." two yean than Nixon dld In six. And ls lw risky politically to back the average person views the president a, larger than life, a sacred figure." despite th~ fact that he was working president than to oppo~ him. with a so-<:alled opposition C-Ongrcss, But the real heart of the problem, more with the Congress and other 80 per cent of his vetoes were Schlesinger pointsout, il--tnat everi .If agencies before taking any major " ... average person swtained." Con'gress got all the staff, expertise action. "Of course, th ere are al ways "If Gerald Ford could override and infomutlon ii needed it would.n't emergencies .....-hen a president mwt act views the president Congressional legislati-0n. with do any good because "they don't have immediately without consulting impunity. could commit ~erican the \liill to use the power they now Congress. But since Hiroshima, there a_s _l~rge! !~a_n _I ife... " forces. to comb.at. ~1thout have." Furthermore, Schlesinger has only been one other emergency Congressional - authonzauon, could --1ndicaied that constitutional ·action t<r -- :- situation - requiring- i mme di ate - preserve the CJA as an _Instrument of increase Congress' power·. to control . presidential action-the Cuban miS3)e ARTHUR M. SCHLESINGER addretted I crowd of about 160 people Tuttday \li1ille Schlesinger said he felt the clandestine intervention, we have to crisis." · lllaht ln the BC Theatre. During the speech, ·entitled "tbe Future of the president should h.ave the respect of wonder what a stronger and abler man, Presidency," Schlesinger discussed the Importance of presidential accountablllty the ·American people, he should be with his 011,n party in control of both One final way suggested by to th.e people (Photo: Forest Phinney). "Heaven help given "only the respect that his words · · houses of Congress, can do \liith the those Schlesinger to increase accou.ntability and actions earn him." · One of the presidential office." of us who were on of 'the president is by hGlding regular wont dangen of our syst_em, according In discussing the overly-powerful frequent press conferences. "Press Black History Week to Schlesinger, is when· a president is president, Schlesinger warned the enemies list." conferences are not just a means for a ' . wonhiped merely for the jolfhe holds Americans against taking too. much president to tell things to the country, and not for the job he does. security in what happened to Nixon. but also a means for the country to shows, speakers set In discussing the presidency, "Suppose for a moment that Nixon the president is n"ot the answer either. tell things to a president," he a1Serted. Schlesinger pointed out the had not kept the tapes. Or suppose he · "[f the will exisis, structural surgery is "How Carter handles them will help av.-esomeness of the office is enough to had taken John Connelly's advice and . not necessary," he m.aintaineii. "If the determine his accountability to the Black History Week, a myriad of ·To~ at•I0:30 a.m. and 8 p.m., make even a weak man very powerful. burned them? Suppose we hadn't had will doesn't exist, structural surgery people." · · social, cultural and educational events, Tuesday, and will meet with students · gets underway at 10:30 a.m. when Dr. In .the Fireside Room at 11 :30 a.rn. Harry Edwards speaks in the' Indoor Rounding:out the day's activities will ·Theater. be the showing of "Nothing But a Sponsored by the Black Studies Man" in Forum East at 12:30 p.m. department and the Black ·student A student variety show will be Union, the wuk-long program. will pr~nled Wednesday at 11 :30 a.m. present speakers Edwards and actor and 8 p.m: in the Indoor Theater, and Ossie Davis, question-and,answer ·according to Richard Robinson, · session.,, films, music, a variety show, representing BSU, it will consist of and a dance. gospel groups, a talent show, fashion Another hlghllghf of Black History ' Week will be the presentation of a show, skits, and a "Laugh-[n ..·lype · . portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King ·to comedy sketch. Richard Armour BC . Presid_ent Dr. John Collins, A day of music is scheduled for ·-~ ~cording.. -'tt> coordinator Jesse Thursday in the Fir~ide Room. with · Bradford. )if~' bands. performing the music .which. personifies the black Noted author, satirist to.speak F.dwards, is a professor at UC culture-gospel, jazz and soul. Music Berkeley and formerly of San will be nonstop from 9:30 a.m-1:30 Satirist, author, lec!urer Richard . Satirist at Work" as part of the Started . with Columbus," "[t All selling over 120,000 hardcover copies, Francisco State, where he was once p.m. Armour has written more than 50 C-Omrnunlt)'. Service Lecture Series. Started v.ith Marx," "Twisted Tales · and more than a nil.lion in paperback. dismused by onetime president Dr. books, contributed over 6,000 pieces The BC presentation begins at 8 p.m. from Shakespeare," · "The Oassics . Now, Armour writes two boob a SJ. Hayak.ilwa, now US senator from The last event on the Black History of light verse and prose to the leading Tickets, SI,· will be available at the Reclassified," "American Ht Relit," year in addition to about 200 articles California. Edwards is probably best" We!k slate will be a dance, featuring magazines of -the U.S. and England, door. A free student body and "Going Around in Academic and poems for publication. Seven days known, . however, for · his 1>3:rt in the band· "Soul Production" in the and writes a weekly feature syndicated presentation v;ill be held at 1l :30 a.m. Circles." A recent book, "A Diabolical · a week, Sundays and holidays helping organize the boycott of the . cafeteria Saturday at 9 p.m. Ticket in some 300 newspapen: A great favorite on rollege and Dictionary of Education," is another included, he writes at least three pieces 1968 Mexico Qty Olympic Games. prices will be S2.SO general admission At Bakersfield College next university campuses, Armour is kno'Ml satire in his inimitable style. Many of . of".'erse or one article or some pages of After spealcing in the Indoor Theater; and S2 for ASB card holders. · Tuesday, Armour will present "A by students for such books as "It All his books ha,·e been best sellers, have a book. Edwards will move on to the Fireside been condensed in The Reader's On the subject of humor Armour Room, where he will be queried by Digest, and have been translated in to states, "Someone once said . that students before he returns to the many foreign languages. · ~laughter is 'feeling good all over and . theater again for a repeaflecture at 8 Career Days debut with ag ·meet Besides havfng lectured at sho~ing it in one place.' I don't think _p.m numerous colleges and universities, Dr. you have to show it. Some of the best, Armour (a Harvard Ht. D.) has been most lasting humor brings not a laugh A film, "The Uaming Tree" will Agriculture will be the subject of students and other interested persons programs to suit their goals_," "in residence" at rmny campuses, not but a smile--0r no respo~ at · also be presented Tuesday at 12:30 in the first of. a series of eight Career with first-hand information from Tomorrow's opening program was . only gi,ing pubUc le,tures but tmng · all ... \\bat I am trying for is a sense Forum East. Days at BC, beginning tomorrow in business and industry representatives. put together by Lloyd Holdt, over classes and leading .,..ide-ranging of pleasure, .
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