MQJUIOUW CO .HiSTORl -Pftcet»tp II 4 ‘ Drivers h Mishaps Reeves Again Head Of School Board One Runs Into Keyport Body Formed Monday; Diner; Others Into Member National Editorial Association — New Jersey Press Association — Monmouth CountyPress Association Promotion Limitation Bridge Abutment, Pole, Cited; Need For Audit Highway Guide Sign . 81st YEAR — 34th WEEK MATAWAN, N. J., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1950 Single ’Copy-Six Gents Discussed Route 35 between S ix . C orners Clifford F. Reaves was chosen to and-_Luppatatong. Creek. Bridge, head Mntawan Township Board of Kcyfwrt, has proved a bad spot for SOME OF THE ENDMEN WHO WILL STAR IN “ 50'S NIFTIES" Two Cars Hit Man Parking Ordinance Education for u second timo ot tho drivers in the past fortnight. Five organization. meeting Monday. W ill • acciddnts iu»ve occurred. ° lam M. Strother wna renamed as Tuesday afternoon- Louis Altcom In Fatal Accident Asked In Township vica president. Mr. Rodvea, Haris aris, Bradley Beach, ran off the Krimmcl and Daniel J, Mancini highway and smashed into thc w ere sw orn in to fu ll term s as guard roil of the cntroncc way to Farm Worker Killed Kalieta Told Blanket members, the Keyport Diner. The driver ap­ On Route 35 While Ruling Is Barred; To Mrs, Christine E. Lamborn .de­ parently escaped injury. Keyport Trying To Cross Road; Survey Atlantic Ave,, manded thc new board do 6ome* policc charged him with failing to Hearing Friday thing about a building program give a proper hand signal when ClifTwood P.O. Areas without delay, Discussion of UUa turning onto the diner property. problem, was set for a Bpccial meet­ Two drivers, one a'Keyport resi­ A . blanket parking. ordinance He paid £3 fine and $3 costs, ing Mur. fl. ' dent, will face a hearing tomorrow which iould be applied anywhere Russell Ii. Furgeson, Highlands, Kaii 11, Garrison, grammar school night before Holmdel Township in the township "in cuse conditions was so badly injured when, his car principal, stated he wished it Magtstratc Stanley Stllwell on arise” was asked by Committeeman ran of! thc road and struck the clearly undcridood by parents pro­ charges of technical manslaughter Stephen J .. K'ulieta at Thursday's abutment of Lupalatong Creek motion from Junior Arid grade to as thc result of an accident _ about meeting of thu Matawan Township bridge, Sunday, he had to be. taken second grade could only- be per- 6:10 p.m. Friday in which Anthony PhHinvim. John M«r« *“ to tho oflice' of -a -Keyport physieiun initteil for pupUtj[..who. proyo them;- ^lYnmoViniitir tT 'fiirtu 1 Worker, Ih - fell the matter, w.oittd 'jnvnlvo and then to Hazard Hospital by selves "socially mature and able to was killed on.Koutc 35. "too much red tape" and never Keyport First Aid Squad. He faces Ho ahead.*' Otherwise advancement Keyport State Policc reported get, the npprovui of tin' State Motor a carcless driving charge by Key­ w ill he to tho regular Ural grade. that Mr. /Zimmerman wns rtinnVfig Vehicle-Commlfisloner, • port Potice. across Route 35 near thc Center­ Children are given tests for their ■Mr. Kalieta llieu Insisted that . O n Frid a y a collision took placc ville School when struck by a car apptUucte, - t something be done-nbout an ordl* at thc bridge between cars driven going south, and driven by John Suggestion was made tho scfiool mmce to cover junking near the by William J. Hutcheson, 45 Or­ Leon Schanck jr., 30, of 18 Jackson accounts bo audited, Mrs. Qcorgi- Jultnson properly on Atl.mtlc Ave. clerK, chard St., Matawan, and Waltqr L, St., K eyport. T h e forcc of thp 'im­ Ho'held violalions persisted, at this joxplained tho no*called audit by . Rcnz,--Tott^iviHc. Jrhfi -Hutchesoa. pact-threw - Mr,—Zimmerman inta point and police could only give car pulled from the curb ln a west­ the path of a car proccding in thc warning nullccs. Miv Marz'deetared bound direction and struck thc Rcnz opposite direction driven by Will* ii Jihrvey'would have to be m ade at - vehicle passing in .the westbound lam G. Dolan, 24, of Springfield. <his and other spots eoihjdalned of lone.- There was considerable '•dam­ According to the police report, the to determine If any 'ordinance could age to both cars, but no injuries Dolan aulo ran' oyer Mr< Zimmer­ be justlhed,. Township Attorney were reported nor ’complaints' filed. man. r lS/.ra W. Kaikus will be consulted D rivers Pay- Eines Trooper— Julian—-W Ilchmoney The interlocutor and end men who will star in Friday and Saturday4*annual" Lection production.-J,50‘i Niftios.'^jJose-in all lhelr-gaudy lifter.. ,hiiL_roturii_ from- Florida ..... A fourth driver to have suffered is$uod surpmonscs to each driver ralnmeni for The Matawan Journal cameraman. With Borough Attorney Leo Wointtoin, who will (ill tho rolo of interlocutor in tho center, A parking ordinance was onto mishap in thc area wus arraigned for causing death by auto. Both the others, left to right, are Fred Forman, Georqe Butch, Al LaMura. Cliff Brower, Blit Buum, John Jastrab' nnd Tom Walling. Ralph Dolan, prepared but never acted on by. Monday in the “court of Keyport drivers. were summoned, state Bob Cornell and Merrill Werwlck were nol present when the plcturo Wai taken, - the eommlttce. - . Magistrate Herbert R. Rothenberg. polico said, becausc It was impos­ Nathan thunbs, Cliffwood, wanted O n Feb. 3, A n th o n y J. C alzia, sible to determine w hich car act* Members of the cast of this ycar’a DiBiase, Kdlth WNsmuth, Mury parking banned near the Cliffwood Highlands, lost control ot his car ually caused the death............... unnyal ah.ow of. Matnwan Post 170, Brower, Florence Sturt, Barbara Swanson, Shirley Baker, CllfT Post Office, He pointed out car*. after running under thc Route 35*36 ' Had Skull Fracture American Legion, "50*!* Nifties, parked in the Binall stretch between underpass. T \ )c vehicle turned over The Keyport First Aid Squad Red Cross Drive Reeves, Sul llughe.H, Bob Cornell, Loading Time Limit * have completed rehearsal?} for wimt the post office buiHling and tho and smashed ofT a highway sign. He rushed Mr,.-Zimmerman to the Key­ Ken Henderson, Tommy llaruett railroad eomititute a hazard to did not report injuries. He was port ofTice of Dr. Fran cis W . H o l­ promises to.be one .of the most und Al LaM ura.. •■ .. Opens Wednesday In Little St. Area molorlstfi crossing'tho trncks. He fined $7 and $3 costs. man who pronounccd him dead. entertaining productions of It'jLJypu The revue will ho highlighted by ever stayed In the Matawan High •vocal and dance tfpecijd.ijkuuire.sent- noted a ilre hydrant Js fiituated 1() Another driver to pay a fine for State policc reported his injuries School auditorium. • 'ed by Arlene Gold, flie Tour Flush* feel the olher side ot lhe pout a highway accident was Nicl Pana- included a fractured skull. Workers Meet Friday One Truck At Time Can Thc regular show dates ure Fri ei-rf, Barbnnr'ltftig, .Dominick Cor- office, which further complicates ricllo, Neptune, He turned his )flr. Schanck, who was accom­ For Materials And day and Saturday, nights, but a ralo, Marilyn Fln.n, Marilyn Homer, Enter Block; Get Capo the . problem, Mr, Mar/, said he truck oyer and smashed off a panied by his wife, Norrinc,. was Campaign Instructions; special performance will be given, Lorraine McCarthy, Sal Hughe,*., would have Police Chief Adolph utility pole at Six Corners on Feb. enroute to Long Branch w.hcrc they For Policc; Dogcatchor this (Thursday) evening for chil­ Peggy Devlin, Artjmr Soraei, Al Mcn/.el see what could be dono 13. 11c w as fined $5 and $3 costs intended to visit friends. ‘ One Week Allotted At Work ln Borough dren. i( ' LiiMurn and Shirley Baker. about the’ situation, on each of tw o-Counts, one for Mr. Timmerman was employed on During thc week productloir The first act w ill be on old- < Warm Of Open Welli careless driving and a second for thc farm of Peter Genovese, who The 1050 Red Cross campaign In _ New I nitric.* nw iiiilloHB for I.lltlc Me, Gum bs o|ho served warning said that the farmhand evidently Mntawan will start next Wednes­ details of the final act of the two- fmhloned type inliiKtrol w hich Is. St., bid ween Main and Jackson *S|,n„ having no registration Cor thc ve­ there were open welts on the Byen had crossed the highway to pick up 'act minstrcl-rcvue have been reported to have a plentltudo of have been established by Mntawan hicle he was driving in his pos­ day and will be concluded within property oil Delawaio Aviv nnd also CLIFFORD F. BEEVES apples from a roadside stand. Mr. Ironed out nnd thc .result, those excellent numbers, Including sev- police, on order of tin* police coin­ session. one week’s time. F, Howard Lloyd on lti»se St. in front of tho Austin Genovese reported that no one on who have witnessed reheursnls suy, em l of the old favoriteH. mil tee of the borough council, ac­ Louis Pnsqualc, Elizabeth, passed properly, Mr.' Mar/, promised thes.iu ,,xu ,n,n rr cnvci'B only tho the farm had seen the aecidc/it. sr. is serving as, chairman of the is a smooth-llowlng, guy extrava­ , A special feature for the IntoT* cordion to announcement made at' a red light ot Broad St. and Route matter of closing (hem an u safety not tho hand* M r.’Gcnovcse said that Mr. Zirn drive.
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