THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newgpaper In Union County YEAR—No. 1 Entered a» Second Clans Matter Published Post Office. Westfleld. K. 1 WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1956 Every Thursday 32 Page.—* CwU )elinquency Problem Is Registration For Adult Westfiety Public United Campaign jerious, Mayor Warns School Set For Monday School Enrollment Hits 6,000 Mark Children, Adults Registration night for the West- Goal Is $132,550 Responsibility Of field Adult School will be Monday Urged to Take from 7:30 to 9 p.m. in the cafe- Figures Reflect Salk Polio Series teria of the Roosevelt Junior High Increase of 537 You Have 2 More Parents Cited In School at 301 Clark street. Coun- Increase of 20 The Wwtfield Board of selors and instructors will be avail- Over Last Year Weeks to Register Heal tit today reminded resi- able to advise students in the se- Juvenile Control dent* th*t all re»trictio»« on ection of proper courses. Classes The largest enrollment in the There was a smart fellow Per Cent Over the use of privately purchased begin Oct. 1 and continue for ten history of the Westfield public called Morrie Tin seriousness of the juvenile polio vaccine have now be«n consecutive Monday nights ending schools was announced today by Who told his young brother i:»nuency problem was pointed removed. All age groups now Dec. 3. Superintendent of Schools Dr. S. named Lorrie: Last Year's Total today by Mayor H. Emerson are eligible to receive theae Booklets wen mailed out this N. Ewan Jr. Classroom enroll- To vote in November onus in a statement urging not injection*. past weekend 1o every home in ment leached 6005 on the fourth By the 27th of September A goal of $132,650 for the 1956 L tfestfleld residents but those Since the full *erie» of Westfield. They ire also being dis- school day of the year and in com- You register—or you will be United Campaign for Westfield parison with last year's figures Social Agencies has been recom- i surroundin g communitieithil1 their sow nto three inoculation* mutt be tributed in tne Westfteid and sorry I L d act •pread out over eight monthi, * Mountainside Public Libraries, to- breaks clown as follows: The League of Women Vot- mended by the budget reviewing Lk end committee and approved by the ci influence in helping to the board noted that "it it gether with the local banks. Reg- This I>st Differ- ers of Westlield tells you what imperative that injections be H. M. PARIINGTON istration by mail will be received Year Morrie forgot to tell his broth- trustees, according to General to it" He particularly empha- started within the next sev- Year enee Campaign Chairman W. Earl Wy- ,ei the parental responsibility up to and including Sept. 14, it Senior High .... i)34 857 -f 77 er: In order to register you eril weeks if they are to be was announced today by Mrs. Junior High must be a U. 8. citizen, 21 man. fol»ed, declaring that "... the completed before the 1957 Reception to Fete 'harleston H. F. Smith, registrar. years old, who will have lived "This goal represents an in- il basis for proper correction, •879; Jr. High d polio season begin*." + 138 in New Jersey one year and crease of 20 per cent over the itrol a" prevention ljes in the Mrs. Helen R. Stout will return Annex, 475 ..1254 121 fi Observing that the vaccine to the staff of the adult school for Columbus 370 307 + 3 in the county five months by total amount raised last year," ne." it now in adequate supply, H. M. Partington 659 Nov. (i. Well, don't just sit Chairman Wyman stated. "The In his statement he said: sixth season to teach "Piano- Franklin 847 the board hai urg*d children ranging." She trained at Syracuse Franklin Annex 337 — 49 there! Do it or you'll be achievement of this goal," Wy- "The rise in juvenile delinquen- and adulti to avail themselves C'hell Kriimcim sorry! man added, "challenges each of us j WestSeid and surrounding Principal To University and has been associ- rant 247 23S + 8 n of the protection afforded by ated with Ed McGinley in his HELEN R. STOUT Jefferson 077 486 + 191 Register at the office of the to reappraise his community ob- reis during the past year • has this vaccine. Leave Westfield ligation. ned me " Breat deal of con- pianoranging workshops, a divi- Lincoln 516 614 -f- 1 Town Clerk in the Municipal I,,, probably roost citizens do sion of the Fred Waring Music McKinley 283 275 + 8 Building any timo between 8 "What is my fair share of giv- The Lincoln School PTA' is Workshops. Mrs. Stout studied Washington .... 361 241 + 120 a.m., and 9 p.m., Monday ing'?" is a question asked many It realize that there has been holding a reception Wednesday at Musical Club [ch an increase and on such an Council Approves keyboard harmony at Columbia Wilson 417 377 4- 40 through Friday, through Sept. times by Westfleld I'esidents who 8 p.m. in the auditorium to honor University this summer, and has 27. want to accept their responsibility gd scale- The actions of the Hillis M. Partington for his 28 Mil* »re not *n so many cases her own studio in Short Hills. Plans Auditions 6005 6468 + 637 to their community, Mr, Wyman Colonial Signs years of service to Lincolh School. It was also announced that in noted. For the benefit of those who it mischievous but of a serious Mr. Partington has resigned ef- Pianoranging ia a unique system ,arel it is the type of activity of keyboard harmony designed to accordance with the Board of Ed- would like guidance, he said, the fective Oct. 1 to accept a position ucation's established policy of re- Jewish Holidays following suggestions have been A i'. net curbed can lead to as associate professor of elemen- enable the playing of folk, tradi- Opening Luncheon ioiu crimes resulting iri diigrace Will Be Installed tional and popular tunes accord- ducing the size of any elementary submitted: For persons with «n- -avy education at Gordon College Date Announced grade with an enrollment over 35 mial income up to $7,500, a pledge d imprisonment. By Patriotic Groups in Beverly Farms, Mass. ing to individual taste and abil- To Be Observed 'As»public official, I feel it an ity. Practice keyboards will be by either dividing the grade into of Vfc per cent to % per cent of Mr. Partington came to New two sections, where rooms are annual income; from $7,500 to ligstion to point out the fact The Westfleld DAR and SAR provided in this workshop course, Mrs. Henry Loges, president of it it really is a serious matter Jersey from Litchfield, Conn,, in where each student will take a available, or by sending pupils to Local Temple $12,500, a pledge of 1 per cent were granted permission by the 1921. He taught in the public the Musical Club of Westfield, has another school where classes are to 1% per cent) from $12,600 to .. .should be of concern 'to every Town Council Monday night to in- turn at the piano. The suggested Sets Services ten of Westfteld as well as the schools of Leonardo,, Port Mon- textbooks will cost $3 and each announced that auditions for se- smaller, transfers have been made, $15,000, a pledge of 1 Mi per cent stall ornamental signs at the vari- mouth and Nutley before coming nior active memberships will be from Giant anil Wilson schools to 2 per cent; over $16,000, a Bounding communities. In talk- ous entrances to tnwn. John H. course will continue in thec spring ! with those coming in closest' to Westneld as teaching-principap l to make possible a total' of 20 held Wednesday, Oct 8 at 11 a.m. to Washington School, from Yom Kippur (the Day of Atone- pledge of 2 per cent or more, aa Frazee, past president of the SAR, of LincolLil n School in 1928. H Fianklin School to Wilson School, ment) and Sukoa (tho Feast of circumstances permit. it&rt vltH the problem auch as said the cost will be approximately He lessons. To allow for individual at the home of Mrs. Charles Hans, Booths) will be observed during j chief of police, the municipal was pprincipal of Lincoln and attention each class will be lim- and from Lincoln School to Jefferv - He also Mated that, "since it $1,600. h 643 Norman place and for (,he I J, V , X , " " '"°*" the coming week by Jews through- Igistrtte, school officials, mem- Washington schools from 1930 to ited to 12 students. out the world, with services to be might he inconvenient tor noit isottht court appointed Juven- In describing the signs, which 1943, principal of Lincoln and Co The beginning course will be . , . , . ,, , ! son smalSchooll a. s Gradepossibls ear ien thuorders kep, tot people to pay their pledge in one ' will show *- picture of a minute- rovida maximum iutructiona' held locally at Temple, Emanu-El, single payment, tha United C»m- Council Committee and church umbus schools from 1943 to 1952 given from 8-9 p.m. for a fee of junioday, r Septclu.b 2membershi6 at 8 p.mp .W<idne at thse Yom Kippur, the holiesti day of ile, they all stress the fact that man with the block letters "Colo- and principal of Lincoln School to $9. It will be for those who have home of Mrs.
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