Educational Directory, 1

Educational Directory, 1

DEPARTMENT OF THEINTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION BULLETIN, 1922, No.50, EDUCATIONALDIRECTORY 1922-1923 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1923 A u ADDITIONAL COPIES OP THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE PROCURED rams THE SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON, AT 115 CENTS PER COPY PURCHASER AGREES NOT TO RESELL 1SR DISTRIBUTE THIS COPT TOR PROT1T.-P1111. RES. S7, APPROVED MAY 11, 1923 IL CONTENTS. I. The United StatesBureau of Education Page: II. Principal State school officers 1 III. County and other local 3 superintendents of schools.- 13 IV. Superintendents of prIblic schools in cities and towns. 46 V. Presidents of universities andcolleges VI. Presidents of junior 67 77 VII. Heads 9f departm nts ofeducation 78 N111 I. Presidentsor deans of schools of theology 87 IX. Presidents or deans of schools of law 90 X. Presidents or deans of schools of tiielicine 92 XI. Presidents or deans of schools of dentistry 94 Presidents or deans of schools of pharmacy.. XII I. Presidents of schools of 94' osteopathy 96 X IV. Presidents or deans of srliools of veterinary medicine 96 XV. Presidents, etc.. of institutionsfor the training of teachers: 1. Presidents of teachers' colleges. 96 II. Principals of normal training schools: 1. Public normal sclu 99 2. Private normal selfols 104 'III. Directors of kindergarten training incolleges, normal schools, and kindergarten training 84110eild 105 XVI. Directors of.summer schools 109 XVII. Librarians of Public and society Librai 126 XVIII. Executive officers of State library 151 X IX. Directors of librafy schools 152 X X. Educational boards and foundations X X I. Church. educational boards and 152 societies.. 153 XXII. Jewish educational organizationt . 154 X XIII. Superintendents of Catholic parochial schools. 155 X XIV. Directors of schools for social workers 156 -XXV. International associations of edOcation 156 XXVI. American educational a4k4ociations 157 X XVII. Lear0ed and civic organizations 171 X XVIII. National Congress of Mothers andParent-Teacher Associations 173 XXIX. State Federation of Women's Clubs.. 174 XXX. Educational periodicals 176 cu EDRITIONAL DIRECTORY,1922-1923. 1. UNITED STATER BUREAUOr, EDISATI0N. Comaiiaptortfr of Education. John .1. Tigert. Theo. Honour, secretary to the commis.umer.. OnIrenkthe chief clerk: Lewis A. Nallach, chief clerk. !Amp' A. Ilytoneo, assistant to the chief Hints and Fite Set-hoa flick. r:tinierW. t 'tut is, in charge. Mrs. Lottie ration, clerk. R. Frank Morrison, elect. Stenographic Section Mrs. Manliest* Whipple Wolcott, in Mrs. Lucy M.IManning. Mrs. Mabel Hile Smiih. Mrs. Glad% s G. Chaney. Andrew II. Alfred Mrs. Merle W. Hersey. Mrs. Edna N. Donahue. Mrs. Cletos M. Robinson. Mrs. Elisabeth D. unaNent. Julia F. Barr. .Mrsatiteers William Newman. messenger. George W. Johnson. assistantmessenger. (liverC. Pugh, nessenger boy. .1511105C. Boykin. chief. Allen E. Miller, editor. Henry R. Evans. Birdie B. Hill. Edith A. Wright. Sarah L. !loran Margaret F. It van. John R. liendley. Edward T. Dyer. Joseph U. Richardson. ratiatun/ Section: Florence 1)u Itois, statistician. Nathalie Leveque. Mrs. Pearl Woolverton. lAila M. Comstock. Mrs. Mary Ella W. Ilanfield. Mrs. Margaret G. Boykin. IVilliain I. liars. Mrs. Marie L. N/igh. airs. Cornelia A. Wiuneke. Freda L. Sesuberlich. Ltheary Derision: John I). Woloatt, director, library Miltenberger N. brnull. extension. Martha It. McCabe. Agum I. Lee. Mrs. Nora It. Tatum. 'bah A. Gray. ' !Alden I). Collins. Eva 11. Hutchinson. Bow MarathonSection: Ellen C. Lombard, director. AlaskaDivision: Ilitskington(D.('.)offce William Hamilton, acting chief. David E. Therms, accountant. Seattle(Wash.) office- William T. Lopp, suterintendent of education Julius C. He wig, secretary to the superintendentof natives of Alaska. Harry C. Sinclair, supply agmt. of education of natives of Alaska. Chauncey C. Restor, special disbursing agent. James 0. Williams. Mrs. Ivy M. Knox. Mark Taylor. Du ision o/City School Systems: Walter 8. Deffestbat4i, specialist in city schoolsystems. Alice Barrows specialist in industrial andeconomic relations in education. Julia Wade Abbot,'specialist In kindergarteneducation. Nina C. Vandewalker t in kindergarten education. Florence C. Fox, sr{ t in edUcational systems. Mrs. Florence IC.IC vans.- Bertha Y. Hebb: Mabel R. Thawley. Ditiloopsof Higher Education: George F. Zook, specialist In highereducation. Walton C. John, specialist in rural andtechnical education. EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOU.Y, 1922-1923. .Dfrisrnn fThgtr.AiwaM-4.sntumrd. Llubt F. )IL*ut, IJwci*lIstW C11iUøof IA5Id.gr1t cllsis stsUsta2s. Ella U. RaLdille, elvrk. iVr R*r'al EJucs1ion Mrs Iattnrine M. tuk. sptallIn rwJ uoUi. J C.i1rnmsn. nwrsMisl In runI MucUon. Edith A. L.iiIrop. s;.s'ialhi in rurd cdueutun. Jncss F. Abel. sttsnt in narni eclueaticm, la4u1ti,. %ebsirr,,I.'.s%(g,%1 IIInrd4'(Ii4('4tUQfl. F.ii.Laec' F. '. iwItt. a.iiaiiI in curde,ln'i1'n. Akx.Isnsi."rs, c'etor snd c'!ikrut ..t it i-i Florcn'e F. RevnolI.. Dos-isis. of P*p'walMu4'QIioo Old lItletr: %IUTICII.. ,'..Igwnncl, jitn$tW esi-IUlin iIiiei',n ('honl hienet. I)s-oihy lIulchinoa. junlq ioeIthi in c-lu-il in i '.4 Iisi,'n . JuU* L. Puic-r. YIc-schs'r 8. IroIar, s;wnd aient.4.wpl'e*budy (oLkc1ut Tess-hera, Nes.hviIIe, Tfnn. Arthur Mwd,nald. Service DivI''vl: IndiudrMlIJigcSldli Srn'4- ViIIiam 'F. 11aw4.n.wc-'saIl.i in inihi-IridVIIK'IiIflfl. Srdlm of i'orsaqs f4vspsf'v '.V. A. larks-v. -i.'Lh..t iii fsi'ugn. IMII,41l(1ttI,.y,.( i's-hr II. P.'.*r.s*i, irazihl.r. Frisks-. 4 . 1,'LU:il,I,'. ,vics-s-i,i i.: .14.5 (.h'n 1.44111 itgt! I. 91C5'lt%li'lin c-nit,-'ti cdurilesil. saooi 1,tyiüslisa .si15t - Vdhtun U. Iloiwl, li.? in is-hool hi'.tstiuo. Sped.I f borld'lrc IS F*M i.s-r,: . - 1. Repras1sI1t,a 0fSfu14 f)tpat'VrsrivIIc-f Jtesfisn- J. WAb.rcromk'is-,t.i.'aps-rni.-o1.w't isiWic- indpsc-slnn. %Innlrnnwrv:AIa. VAUhsin Arthur ILI.S. chief s-Irk.$l.lU *leu-iins-nt uf .'.Ii-nt un. N i.di'. tile. Tesia. Eros-st'iv.Ihuttc-t-fl! 1.1, iats- '.i.'nnlcuhnt 1 tillic in-tl;*s-1I'd. S,,ntnrd, N. Ii. ('hsr1e ('*rvc.U. Slit. 4,rl ui-ntef5-Iuilte in. ns.-Ilou, l'r.s itten itI Juftu.. A. ('IiurhlIl. ii. itsenr.lvn,t.-nI-f,itt'Iic irt.Thri un. ' sb-ni. iis-s- Fw lug X. ('oils-tie. artrn.'ffl st cditr,tion. ik dutinia ('liv)klj lA', M.)'avrut. a'l-tntrir-il-'.i-t. Iu;.'rvtSr.i-i ii''I,'ttu-nt fidel 1444, liii on Rsigs-. L*. LA'44'r 14. lIendir..ts, tuuii'u n.r l.f t.ttI'luitiI.Stint. lia iii. ltu,t n, chic I .'Iuk,t itcIs-5;irtnu-nI ti public- intncn. .0. Laui.un. Fit-an .4.. Norton. cIe5)t.1 Vttit4' -oups-nil s-nh-ut of l(ut.lir 141-1 rd 'fl, '!t I. uk &uy. t'(4i. V. I. Pit I inafl, cluu-f c-lurk. -tilt. dcj'ri iuu-ttt of I.uultiu' iil ruCt u-n. ltakitta, N. SIr'.osc-Ihin(' 1'. )s-y I'S it Cti P'rifl(1uutts-fli if .titiI*' iIt-t 1Sc-I 1-fl. (il'tIltla. V ails. Eth-I. R4fl'lI. '-iai' 'ui;s-nnucnuh-ni of public tllstfli('ti,fl, Ibis. Id..lus,. Fl I.. t-haw, ttalo .uerinIends-nt ut 5(.tthc lntrivl4,un. herri', 1'. INik. l'ilv.snn Snuith, c.uuuuni' of oiliiratinn, Ib,.rInn, las. JOhn F. SWc-t1l'iil4Z.Z). SLUIc- SIIfiNffllt'fl(ll'iut if 1uld&s- iult.Iiluili,ill, ('.4unhltlI. S.C. AisgisluS 0. TI&(ItUOt. 'tItus-ulueruntcnvlt iii 4 'iii lit' in (1l. II.Aigi-li, lie. Tnsmper. 'tate 'tilps-fLnlsuudu'ilt of tuuttlie ilu-lrt.dl i..'tu, It -itt. Mu,sit VIII C. %sitI 51*1St SullOJifits-bidetlt of Iuuuldc in-truu'udI l-jir.uIs-iO i, ('sill. '2. IIi Miscglloss-' ' C4sarlss H. Ifiu-d'rhin, profc-.Mur,_c-f modern lunvisn-. I'l.di l'n,vc-r4.015'. Oxfr4, Ohio. 3.. Cll &kr4 Syi(4tu.i .('hii'ns-t II. KlgJev, su1.e-rvt'orf ...'ccwVljg ' .Ite,iu, -Ii. ti (till, l's-,..o'-t.fl, 3aatI. Rubs-rI l,SUlrtI*.., dues-mr ,f'eetuuu&wl' iiu,rtc, tuAogu.n. I). C. - 4. Rutrui P,Iiorfnn- FrtI,rick %V. iliniin, .r.I't'oit' tueoOfltiifli's.yrac'uc uti44's-rdty.5yrv-itie. N. Y. 5. (ivsutc'ruusS Mucc-ti", J. 1). ('as-rH tier. oc-htsetI o c-mIners-c-, ('nit's-s--it v of N-.rth,('.u.din.i, ('lapeL liii, N. C. Steern I.tids-, dull, t'hu'f ul s-4nIfilefVi, titivcroil v of WasStln'ttnn. (is-org K OLson dc-an '.eh sit of ho-ins-aluninu it'ad inI.>I "uith (..uroluuutAu'zihsa S. C. Fredeulek B. Robinsin ('s-liege of the-City of New York, New 'V.ik. N. 'a'. 3. M. Walters, dean. ecluuol ofeunims-ree, ieurgIa Sc-hunt of Trvluau&ugy, Athizit., G. 6. Jk'orrck- Usorge K: SchWr, Uqit's-roily dl kvadIauuv Bloomington, lad... Ihonuas Whilternurn, Cambridge, Mass. -. 7. lisms P4uuvJa,n - Waflin S. Bitters', assecists- director, extension dit'iston. !nullaos Unit's-rally, Rhiominglan, hid. Dan F. Clark. istislant director, sxUe*sinn dlvWon, Liniverity of Oregon, TUu1s-fle. teg. D*VId I.. Ceswtoed, dirctor, aateai*jn ier.vkui, University of Rawauli Ilonoluilu ltaiwuiu Arthur M. Uturding, dire'tor, general eats-ads-n division, University of Acksn-a, Fayelics-ille, 0. F., Xlingaunuia, dir'tor, extensIon dlviIcn, University of Iowa City, Iowa. CharI(I. MahLc, prflfssor otss-.andary education. University of-Virginia, Charlottiiville, va. F. F. NaMer State College of Wastainrluun, l'ullrnan, WaiL.

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