M NO ROOM? WELL VERSED a i l i n DON’T BUY IT! GHS teacher Scott Hutchison g L is recognized for his poetry. a Clutter Control’s Cindie Graham b e helps you keep clutter at bay. Schools | A9 l Culture | A11 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 2008 GILFORD, N.H. - FREE A fine time at the fifth Forum Fest SARAH SCHMIDT to their Web cameras [email protected] positioned around Lake LAKES REGION — It’s Winnipesaukee. not your usual reunion when “I met so many people (on the people getting together the forums) that I wouldn’t are learning each other’s have otherwise,” said “DRH” names for the first time. But Don Hughes of Alton. “You at the sixth annual Win- can choose whether to read nipesaukee Forum Fest, fo- or take part in discussion.” rum users were able to put a Zimmer said that he orig- face with a “handle.” inally thought the forum The Lake Winnipesaukee would be a sort of “question Forums have allowed people and answer” kind of site. But from all over the Lakes Re- years ago, when the boat gion and across the nation to speed limit issue first came chat with one another on is- up, those posting on the fo- sues as varied as fighter jets rum took up the topic with flying over Center Harbor, energy and heated debate. restaurant reviews, boating “The speed limit issue advice, or the oft-contested dropped like a bomb,” said boat speed limit laws. Creat- Zimmer.“We had to separate ed 13 years ago by Don Zim- it from the other topics. Peo- mer of Boston, the site was ple continue to bicker and ar- PHOTO BY DANIELLE DELISLE originally intended as a place gue about it, but we’ve moved The Gilford Golden Eagles face off against the Winnisquam bears at the Homecoming Day football game on September 20. where tourists could ask lo- back to friendly conversa- cals questions about the tion. It’s been more fun since area. In the years since, it de- it stopped.” veloped into a site where Dave Joyce of Moulton- Conservationists still awaiting completed surveys tourists and residents alike boro uses the Web handle BY DANIELLE DELISLE well as their knowledge on generally respond to surveys. the residents are most inter- could talk about local issues, [email protected] various conservation topics. He said he was surprised ested in so they can prioritize share pictures, and link SEE FORUM FEST PAGE A8 The Conservation Com- The Conservation Com- about the lack of response in their projects. The commis- mission could use some help mission is charged by the this case because people are sion has assistance in com- in its attempts to examine state with the managing, pro- usually excited about conser- piling the information once which of Gilford’s resources tecting and inventorying of vation issues. John Goodhue, the surveys are gathered. With new law, schools residents want to preserve Gilford’s natural resources. chairman of the Conserva- “We want to know what we most; the survey sent out to The commission also acts as tion Commission, said that should be working on,” aid garner such information has the advocates for natural re- the survey has been out for Goodhue. “We want to know plan to help would-be been returned by only three sources in regional and town about three weeks and it is what’s important to the people so far. affairs. really important for people to town.” As of Monday morning, “If we don’t get respons- respond. The Conservation Com- dropouts graduate there were only three replies es,” said John Ayer, director “We have done a good job mission plans to discuss the to the survey that was dis- of the Planning Department, so far preserving our open results at their Oct. 7 meet- BY ERIK ZYGMONT in atmosphere. [email protected] tributed to the town about “we might need to take a dif- spaces,” said Goodhue. “The ing. The surveys, which were “If a kid is significantly be- their environmental con- ferent approach. We really Persons farm as an example, available in last week’s LAKES REGION — With a hind his or her graduating cerns. The survey asks that are trying to get input from butt conservation is so much Steamer and on Gilford’s new law, effective July 1, 2009, class, we let them go down the resident cite which Gil- the people.” more than that.” town Web site, can be turned raising the dropout age from there and work at a different ford features are of special Ayer said that in past ex- Goodhue said the commis- in at the Planning Office in 16 to 18, local high schools say pace,” he said, adding that the importance to them as perience residents do not sion needs a baseline of what the Gilford Town Hall. they have the resources in center also offers program- place to allow students every ming for students who have opportunity to earn the cred- dropped out in the past, but its needed to graduate. have changed their minds Gilford budget looks to be in maintenance mode The law, approved last and are now working toward June, also allows students be- diplomas. BY DANIELLE DELISLE impact on the budget, and we expected.” is always a balancing act tween the ages of 16 and 18 At Inter-Lakes High [email protected] they didn’t make any big The bottom line for the between making sure you some alternatives to a tradi- School, Kennelly said, staff The budget looks to be in cuts. Grant noted that there budget for all the requests save money while at the tional high school situation, and administration are try- lean shape at this point in were still some things to be so far is up about $67,000, a same time meeting the such as obtaining a GED, ing to build a stronger con- time, and the Board of Se- factored into the budget, .58 percent increase. This is needs of the town. Ruggles home schooling, or adhering nection between the student lectmen is pleased with the like the new police station, in response to the request added that the department to an alternative education and instructional techniques. outcome so far. and that will have an effect of the board to keep the heads have been around plan. “Hopefully there’s more of ”I think we have a very on the final numbers. budget as even funded as long enough to know how Area principals say there a connection to what they’re responsible budget,” said “I was very pleased with possible, knowing that to make a lean budget. are many reasons why stu- doing inside the classroom Selectman Kevin Hayes. “I the way it went,” said there were going to be some “The economy is kind of dents may not follow through with what’s going on the think Scott (Dunn) and Ge- Grant, “and the way it was issues. Vehicle fuel is ex- like a cold,” said Ruggles. with a four-year high school world,” she said. off (Ruggles) and the de- presented.” pected to increase $260,000 “You can take care of the education. Several area schools, in- partment heads did a great Financial Director Geoff increase this year.The town symptoms and make things Patti Kennelly,principal of cluding Belmont High School job and we made changes Ruggles said the selectmen is not purchasing as much easier when you feel bad, Inter-Lakes High School in and Winnisquam Regional that will enhance responsi- met with the departments equipment this year and but at the end of the day Meredith, said that to a stu- High School, have an affilia- bility, being mindful of the in a daylong budget review trying to still putt money you have to let it run its dent who has fallen behind on tion with Laconia Academy, taxpayers situation in this session where each depart- away in savings for future course.” credits, graduating may seem wherein students may take economy.” ment presented their budg- purchases. Dunn and Ruggles will fi- like an onerous prospect. night classes to earn credits Board Chair Connie ets, which Ruggles said on- “This is very prelimi- nalize the numbers and “When you’re 15, 16, or 17 toward graduation. Most Grant said that nothing re- ly included what they ab- nary and will probably present a clean copy to the years old, and you have five, schools also have some sort of ally jumped out at her in re- solutely needed. change,” said Ruggles. “I selectmen for review. They six or seven credits, and you online learning program, in gards to the budget, calling “These are still very pre- don’t know if it will change may at this time make ad- need 26 to graduate, it starts which students can pursue it a “maintenance budget” liminary numbers,” said that significantly,but that’s ditional changes and ad- to seem like an impossible their credits on their own, and lauding the department Ruggles. “There are not any where we are. I wanted to justments. Then the budget task,” Kennelly said. outside of the classroom. heads on their presenta- increases in the budget ex- make sure I didn’t point the will be off to the Budget “There’s a million differ- Russell Holden, principal tions. Grant said that there cept where necessary. department managers in Committee. ent reasons why kids can’t of Belmont High School, said were no new initiatives that The biggest increases are the wrong direction.
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