DIRECTORY.] WORCESTERSHIRE. SHELSLEY WALSH. 1045 the year 1538. The living is a rectory, yearly value, tithes Pariah Clerk, William Linton. .£780, with 54 acres of glebe land, in the gift of the Earl of Coventry, alld held by the Rev. Henry WiIliam Coventry, POST & MONEY ORDER OFFICE & SAVINGS BANK.­ JI..A., of Pembroke College, Oxford. Here is a National WilIiam Linton, sub-postmaster. Letters received through mixed school, supported by 8ubscriptions. The Earl of Worcester at 6 a.m.; disflatched at 6.40 p.m. LETTER Coventry is lord of the manor and principal landowner. Box, Clifton, cleared 6.50 p.m. sundays included The soil is loam and clay; SUbsoil, clay. The chief crops National School, Thomas Bovington, master; Miss Alma are wheat, barley, and beans. The area is 3.269 acres; Faville, mistress rateable value, £7,192; and the populationin 1871 was 737. KINNERSLEY is a large hamlet, I mile south-east; Sand­ County Police Station, Andrew Gordon, constable ford is 1 mile north; Clifton is 1&miles north; Birch Green, CARRIER. -John Castle, Kinnersley to Worcester, on 1 mile north-east. wednesday & saturday Allsep Joseph, Kinnersley Drinkwater Thomas, farm bailiff to Scott William, blacksmith, Sandford Bagnall Richard, Severn tank Richard Bagnall, eSI}. High house Seabright James, wheelwright, Clifton Coventry Rev. Henry William, M.A. Evans Thomas, farmer, Dunstall Shepherd Francis, butcher & farmer rrector], Rectory Hadley John Henry, farmer & borse Shepherd Henry, farmer, Clifton Hunter Mrs. Springbank trainer, Kinnersley Smith ·Harriet (Mrs.), beer & cider Kent Ernt'st, The Hill Hill J hn.steward to the Earl ofCo~entry retailer, Clifton Weston WiIliam, Sandford villa Howsbip Joseph, Boar's Head inn, Taylor Louisa (Miss), dress maker, COMMERCIAL. & baker & grocer Kinnersley Andrews James, farmer, Kinnersley James WilIiam, mason, Kinnersley Turberville Jas.beerretailer,Kinnersley Andrew8 William, farmer, Kinnersley Linton WilIiam, post office, & registrar Vaughan Wm. blacksmith, Kinnersley Barnett William, head gardener to of birtbs & deaths for Kemsey district Waltord J obn, market gardener Richard Bagnall, esq Morris George, farmer, Clifton court Walton Chal!. tailor&draper,Kinnersley Brooke George, maltster & farmer Mytton WHliam, farmer White Samuel, farmer, Sheepcott Broomhall John, butcher Newman Arthur, farmer, Clifton White William, farmer, Birch farm Castle John, carrier&shpkpr.Kinnersley Pitt Henry, head gardener to the Rev. Williams William, hay & coal dealer Colwell John, beer retailer & shopkeepr H. W. Coventry Wilson Alfred, head gardener to Mrs. Compton WiIliam, gardener Redding Alfred, painter Hunter, of 8pringbank Corbett James, farmer, Kinnersley Rosser Robert, farmer, Clifton Woodward Mrs. farmer, Parkfarm SHELL, formerly extra-parochial, is now a parisl), in tbe croft, esq., is lord of the manor and owner of the land. Tbe parliamentary borough of Droitwich, situated about half a soil is mixed; subsoil, clay. The chiefcropsare wheat, beans, mile north-north-east from Himbleton, 5 miles south-east and barley. The area is 249 acres; rateable value, .£398; from Droitwich, and 7 north-east from Worcester in the and the population in 1871 was 52. Letters are received Eastern division of the county, hundred of Middle Oswalds- by foot post through Droitwich, which is the nearest lOoney Iow, and union and county court district of Droitwich: it oruer office. consists of two farm-houses and a few cottages. E. Bear- Green John, farmer &; miller I ~rerril1 James, nrmer, Manor farm SHELSLEY BEAUCHAMP (or GREAT SHELS­ held by the Rev. Melsup Hill, M.A., of Jesus College, Cam­ LEY), including the hamlet OfSHELSLEY KINGS, is a parish bridge. Here is a National school, liberally endowed, and 10 miles north-west from Worcester, and 8 south-west from there is also an Infant school; entirely supported by W. H. Stourport, on the east bank of the river Teme, in tbe West­ Cook, esq. Joseph Jones, esq., is lord of the manor, and the ern division ofthe county, Hundred-house division, Martley Earl of Dudley is the prineipallandowner. The soil is clay union, Worcester county court district, rural deanery of and red mar!; subsoil, gravel. The chief crops are wheat, West Worcester, arclldeaconry and diocese of Worcester. barley, and hops. Tbe area is 2,196 acres; rateable value, Shelsley Beauchamp is in the hundred ofLower Doddingtree, £3,471; the population in 1871, of Shelsley Beauchamp, and Shelsley Kings in Upper Dodllingtree hundred. The was 298, and of Shelsley Kings, 275. church of All Saints is a stone building in the Perpendicular Parish Clerk, Joseph Thomas. style, and was rebuilt in 1846, except the tower, which is old, and has 6 bells: tbe church consists ofcbancel, nave, and Letters through Worcester; dispatched at 4 p.m. Clifton- aisles, and was restored in 1859. The register dates fi"om the on-Teme is the nearest money order office year 1538, and is one of the few specimens found intact up SCHOOLS :- to the present day. The living is a rectory, yearly value National, Edward Lucas, master £450. with residence, in the gift of the Earl of Dullley, and Infant, Mrs. Sebra Phillips, mistress BuryThomas,The Bank,Shelsley King'S Colebatch Edwin,frmr. BrockHill court Moss Thomas, farmert Little Blakes Cook WiIliamHyde, The Green,Shelsley Delahay Richard, farmer, South wood Paggett JoJm, farmer, Wallfields Kings • Fowler GOOI"ge, f'armert Pard bouse Perry Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper Dunderdale John Gardener Edward,farmer, Lower bouse Reformatory for Boys (Rev. Theo· Flintoff Rev. Theodore, M.A. [rector of Griffiths Thomas, farmer, Fetterlocks dore Flintotf, M.A. chaplain & resi- Shelsley Walsh] Hoddinott lsaae, farmer, Church farm dent mannger), Wood bury hill Hill Rev. Melsup, M.A. [rector] JamesJohn, farmer, The Pound Rogers Alfred, farmer, The Birch Hill Misses Jones Charles Smith, Bridge inn Thomas Joseph, farmer COMMERCIAL. Leyland John, farmer Valiant Frederick, farmer, Biukhill Benbow William, blacksmith Marks John, grocer Wall Jobn, shopkeeper Bedford Edward, farmer, Camp farm Martin Susan (Mrs.), farmer, Hocketts Wcbb Edward, farmer Butler Richard, shoe maker Money John, farmer. Hill side Webb George, farmer SHELSLEY WALSH is a parisb, in the Western yearly value £100, in the gift of the Earl of Dudley, and division of the county, Upper Dodding-tree hundred, Martley held by the Rev. l'beodore Flintoff. M.A., of Emmanuel union, Worceilter county court district, rural deanery of College, Cambridge. The Earl of Dudley is lord of the West Worcestershire, archdeaconry of Ludlow, and diocese manor aud sole landowner. The whole of the parish is in of Hereford, on the west bank of the Teme, 10 miles north- the occupation of Montague Charles H. Taylor, e&q., ofthe west from Worcester, and 10 south-west from Stourport. Court House, formerly the residence of Sir John Walsh, The church of St. Andrew, which is built of travertine, is hart. The soil is a light loam and clay; subsoil, loam and an old building, and was restored in 18.54: it has a chancel, gravel. TIle chief crops are barley, some wheat and hops. nave, and tower with 3 bells: a beautiful old carved oak The area is 468 acres; rateable value, £846; the population screen separates the nave from the chancel: the east window in 1871 was 59 was presented at the restoration by the Rev. David Melville, Parish Clerk, John Hardiman. M.A., rector of Great Witley; and on the south side is a ' memorial window, the gift of Mr. Josepb Smith. The Letters through Worcester. Clifton-on-Teme is the nearest register dates from the year 1729. The living is a rectory, money order office Taylor Montague Charles H. Court house.
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