Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale Vi^^^Vk'^ :^ *• ^^1 Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale I I Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale : Illustrated Price List No. 66 WSUlff 1828 ,W»,\ STOVES / 1915 The D. Moore Company Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. Largest Manufacturers Exclusively of Stoves and Ranges in Canada. General Offices and Works Catharine and Robert Streets. Wholesale Agencies : Winnipeg:, J. A. EVANS, Market and Princess Sts. Vancouver, JOHN BURNS, 329 Railway St. Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale >. 'Muu-J!: CJ DiiirDiililV. Our price is no higher than asked for other equal grades of stoves and ranges, and "TREASLRES" possess qualit\ "vnd advantages not to be found in other goods of their kind. Bear in mind that only the HIGHEST GRADE and PLRF.ST PIG IRON are used in the manufacture of Treas- ure Stoves. TREASURE NICKEL is whitest, brightest and longest lasting, is pvit through a special process before and after electro plating. TREASURE STOX'ES and RANGES made in Hamilton and sold all over the Dominion of Canada. -r^ ttt*-^ OFFICE AND WORKS AT HAMILTON. Catharine and Robert Streets, Where "TREASURE'" Stoves and Ranges are made. The D. Moore Company, Limited HAMILTON, CANADA. I^P^All former Price Lists hereby cancelled. .m~ For Telegraphic Code use this list only. September, 1915, Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale a 'Tlhs ID. M-jd-d'ss ^^w '"S©:!!! pa 21^ Telegraphic Code Customers Telegraphing orders or niakiiig enquiries will find the following code of advantage, instead of writing out lengthy telegrams. For other code words refer to the price list. Code Telegraphique Les clients qui telegiaphient des commandes ou font quelques demandes. trouveront qu il est avantngeux de se servir du code suivant, plutot que d'ecrire de longs telegrammes. Pour autres mots du code, voyez les pages Liste des pii.v. Ship Vjy G. T. R. at once • vacant E.xpediez par G. T. R. immediatement i Ship by C. P. R. at once ... ... ] Valance Expediez pas C. P. R. immediatement ' Ship ii.\ M. C. R. at once ) Vale Exjjediez pas M. C. 11. immediatement / Ship by Dominion Express at once > ^ <i"se Expediez par Dominion Express immediatement » Ship by Canadian Expi'ess at once I », .. , Expediez par Canadian Express immediatement / '^ " Ship by American Express at- once i ,, , vaior Expediez pas American Express immediatement ^ Ship by rioat at once ' Valiatvnciuint Expediez par bateau immediatement * Ship by Freight, direct to 1 Expediez par Fret direct a / Value Add to our order I Valley Ajoutez a notie commande ( If our order has not yet V)een shipped I Van Si notie commande n 'a pas encore ete expediee ' If our order has been shipped / apid Si notre commande a ete expediee < ^ Change our order to read ' I .' ^ f^por Changez notre commande pour lire . S Quote prices by wire on the following \„ ^ anish Cotez les prix par telegramme sur ce qui suit J At what price and how soon can you furnish 1 ,, * ^^'• A quel prix et quand pouvez vous nous fournir avec ' Have you shipped order of i ,, , endor .Vvez vous expedie la commande du » When can you ship / , , , , ^ eroai Quand pouvez vous exp^dier < Send tracer immediately for shipment of ) ,. ... \eiii\ Placez traceur immediatement pour I'expedition de ( Can you furnish from stock, if not, how long will it take to make Vessel Pouves-vous nous fournir de votre assortiment, si non. (<. combien de temps faut-il pour fabriquer TIave you in stock, if not, wliat quantity of f .\vez vous en assortiment, si non quelle quantite avez- veto vous Can you sui)ply us from stock >. y^^. Pouvez vous nour fournir de votre assortiment avec i Will particulai-s I send by mail \-j;j,]n,.t Xous enverrons les details par la poste / Please answer our letter of ' Victor\' Veuillez rSpondre a notre lettre du * Please .answer our telegram of ) ^,. 'S<>r V'euillez repondre h notre telegramme de t ^ We can furnish them (or it) at I ..... '"'' Xous pouvons les (ou le) founir h i ^ We have in stock and can ship at once ) Nous avons en assortement et nous pouvons exp^dier - Violet immediatement • We have none in stock / ,,.., , N(jus n' en avons pas en assortiment * We can furnish i A'ocal Xous pouvons foiiinir * Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale a'iii 'IJ. ^M^^j!: uiLV^^^'iry. Draft Check. Mifili Grailc "TUl^ASLRl-V ' Ranj^cs, Hif;h Closets arc now equipped with our new. Patent Draft Control Device. (Patent applied for.) By a series of notches the Handle is moved from Fiij^ht to Left, movinj* automatically inside Check Damper up and down. Treasure Draft Check can be adjusted to suit any draft. It will stay set at any anfjle. When the Handle is moved from Rij5ht to Left the Damper is automatically lowered, and while it checks fire by obstructing passage like '\n ordinary Damper, it, at the same time leaves an opening above to let a current of air into Pipe, and thus more effectively check the fire and incidentally take odors from Top Cooking. V\'hen the Handle is at the right side the Damper is shut tight, and the heat, ami the stnoUe go u\> the (.himne)' uninter- rupted. A regular Stove I'ipe Damper is located below the Check Draft at the correct ilistance fronA the fire, so as to hold heat ot the Oven w hen a \ery strong chimney draft is encountered. This Patent Device gives belter results than any other Draft Regulator on the market. Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale ) SOVEREIGN TREASURE Glass O. D. Res., N.P Tile and Tile Pipe --^ SOVEREIGN TREASURE Left Res. and H. C. (Left Res. only supplied when specified. Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale WsiB ^Ij. 'Mdoxb O'DTnpsmjt "SOVEREIGN TREASURE" Square and H. C. SOVEREIGN TREASURE" Glass O. D.. Res. and N. P. Tile Property of www.StoveBook.com(i- - Not for Resale 'Jfll 'd, LDj iVI DO j:' ri ^'DlrnpiiirlJ/'ci "Sovereign Treasure" Range Six Holes For Coal or Wood With (Burnished) or Polished Tops. Patent interlocking 3 sections Front and Back, 2 of which in each are interchangeable Ventilated Fireback and Firefront. Price includes special Wood Shaking Grate and Thermometer. No. 9-220-Oven 20 x 20 x 13K inches. Length of Wood 28 inches. - Made with Right or Left Hand Reservoir. Specify when ordering Stove List Selling Code No. Price Price Word 9 220 Square and High Closet % 86 30 l^uojant 9 220 Square and N. P. Tile, H. C. 96 85 Buchrane 9 220 Square Glass O, D. and H. C. 90 52 Buddler 9 220 Sq. Glass O. D. and N. P. Tile 101 04 Bedivil 9 220 Reservoir and High Closet. 97 88 Burden 9 220 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C .. 108 42 Bustling 9 220 Res. Glass O. D. and H. C . 102 10 Buttock 9 220 Res. Glass O. D. A: N. P. Tile 1 12 62 Belgrave 9 220 Left Hand Res. and H. C .. 96 85 Burlap 9 220 Left Hand Res. i^c N. P. Tile 107 36 Busk Tile Back only on Regular H. C ex. 6 30 Fiuxom Flat Tile Pipe with Tile H, C. extra. 4 21 Byssus Cast Base instead of Legs, extra. ... 1 05 Eiuskin Waterfront, extra 5 80 Buzzard Wood Range, Special Linings, extra; 3 16 Sovereign Treasure Wood Range Fire Box 9 x 9 x 28 ins. 9 220 Square and High Closet 82 10 Buccan 9 220 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. 92 62 Bystantl 9 220 Square Glass O. D. and H. C 86 30 Buzzer 9 220 Sq. Glass O. D. ^- N P. Tile 96 85 Buccinal 9 220 Res. and High Closet 93 68 Burmese 9 220 Res. and N. P. Tile H. C. .. 104 20 Buffit 9 220 Res. Glass O. D. and \\. C. 97 88 Buhl 9 220 Res. Glass O. I), i^' N \\ Tile 104 42 Bulchin Lt. Hd. Res. deduct from regular Res 1 05 Bui lace Extras same as Coal and Wood Range. Other prices page 21. Abbreviations explained page 20. Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale PREMIER TREASURE w Square and H. C. Res., N. P. Tile H. C. and Tile Pipe Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale T:tm ID. mv UT3 ^^^ 't Property of www.StoveBook.com - Not for Resale 'iVi u o-^'^ oTiipasi J. Til ii 'Sj. ^^u ^ iJ^fm0 WESTERN TREASURE Square and H. C. Either Drop Down ^^) or Roll up Door Closet \ High Supplied. Res. and H. C. Property of www.StoveBook.com10 - Not for Resale Th.<MlDamuuTi (n ©impmrnja "Western Treasure" Range Six Holes For Coal or Wood Price includes Polished Top, Wood Shakings Grate and Thermometer. Nos. 8-18 and 9-18- Oven 18 x 20 x 12', inches. No. 9-20—Oven 20 x 20 x 12>2 inches. Length of Wood 26 inches. Stove List Selling Code No. Price Price Word 8-18 Square and High Closet . $71 35 Bill 9-18 Square and High Closet 71 35 Bite 8 18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. 81 88 Binervate 9-18 Square and N. P. Tile H. C. 81 88 Bionom\ 9- 1 8 Res. and High Closet 81 88 Bizet 9-18 Res. and N.
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