Scotch Plains and Fanwood Since JL Jrir_j SCOTCH P! TAWWOOO Sc ch Plains - Fanwood OUR J8th YEAR - ISSUE NO. 9-97 USPS 485IIKI al - PosUfe Paid al Scotch Plains, N.J Thursday, February 27,1997 PuMMwd Ettry Thursday 232-4407 FIFTY CENTS Township Council Agrees THREE INCVMBFJVTS FA ry FIVE To Release Funds to Pay Eight Candidates Seek Berwyck Chase Developer Three Available Seats By JEANNE WHITNEY On a different matter, final adop- SlH'cmllw Written for The Times tion of an ordinance to sell a 600- The Scotch Plains Township square-foot piece of irregularly- Council said Tuesday it would re- shaped commercial property on On Board of Education lease over $73,000 held since 1991 Route No. 22 in the township was BySUZETTESTALKER School elections will take place on aspartofSaugatuckAssociates'per- unanimously approved. The sale is Specially Written fur The Times Tuesday, April 15, when residents , formance guarantee for the devel- limited to property owners whose Eight candidates will vie for three wi 11 also vote for or against the 1997- opment of" Berwyck Chase Subdivi- lots are adjacent to the sale property. available seats on the Scotch Plains- 1998 school budget. The deadline for sion despi te four years of complai nts Sealed bids will be accepted at a Fan wood Board of Education this school board candidates to have sub- by a neighboring homeowner that date to be announced, officials said. spring, including all three incumbents mitted their petitions was Monday at his front yard "floods" since work whose current terms are due to ex- 4 p.m. Another ordinance allowing pire. School district spokeswoman on the subdivision began. raffles in the township on Sunday, A township resident for 37 years, Kathleen L. Meyer confirmed on Mrs. Dettmar, who liveson Algonquin According to Councilman Dr. June 1, was adopted unanimously Monday that this is the largest pool of Martin Marks, "We've spoken to on its final reading by the council. Drive, was first elected to the board candidates to run forthe school board in 1981. During her tenure, she has our lawyers. Legally, we can't hold A different "clerical error" in the in several years. Saugatuck's bond." $7 million-plus temporary township been named as board Vice President budget was fixed by unanimous reso- All three incumbents seeking re- five times and has served as Chair- Dr. Nicholas Melillo, whose prop- election to the nine-member body are woman of the board's Policy, Ath- erty is on Rahway Road, asked the lution of the council. If all goes as from Scotch Plains. They include letic, Community Relations, Staff council not to release Saugatuck's planned, the council said it will in- board Vice President Lillian M. Appreciation and Legislative Com- money after he told the council that troduce the actual 1997 budget next Dettmar, who is seeking her sixth mittees. She also has been a member hisdriveway has been underas much Tuesday, March 4, and send it off for term on the board; August A. of the Budget, Finance, Buildings as 30 inches of water at times. He state review. At last check, the pro- Ruggiero, whose membership on the and Grounds and Negotiations Com- showed the council photographs that posed budget weighed in at board dates back more than 20 years, mittees. he said showed the pooling water $ 15,345,937 with hints of apossible and Theresa Larkin, who is running She and her husband, both retired and what he called "residual gar- tax increase. ONTHESCENE..Arullcomple.nentorequipmentr^ for her second term. teachers, have two grown children bage" that washes up. Downtown merchant Rose Marie Department responded to a blaze at 228 Watchung Terrace Monday afternoon. They will be challenged by new- who were educated through the local "The storm water management Dutter of Rosie's Treasures Bou- Flames were confined to the living room or the split-level home, but there was comers Jean McAllister, Thomas school district. Mrs. Dettmar, who system for the subdivision is inad- tique was denied the use of a flag smoke and water damage throughout the structure. Russo, Frances Gonzalez, Kristen received a Bachelor of Science De- equate forthe amount of water," Dr. outside her store to display the store Croag Paparellaand Norman A. Ross. gree in BusinessEducation from Tren- Melillo said. name. The council explained that ton State College, taught accounting Councilman William F. the "special use permit" will allow and other business courses in several McClintock, Jr. told Dr. Melillo, "We her request for temporary display of Scotch Plains Planning Board Grants school districts including Scotch want to solve this problem." Plains-Fanwood, Union County Re- mannequins outside the store doors, gional, Rahway and Bridgewater- He said other residents in the area but not allow flags that function as a Raritan. complain of similar water problems. sign. Ms. Dutter questioned why Clothing Mannequins for Boutique The council said it will seek to meet she was allowed to fly a flag last The candidate has served on the with the affected residents, the build- year when her store was in a differ- By BRIAN CAROVILLANO were the wire clothes-rack type. "In breach Scotch Plains zoning require- executive boards of the Parent- Specially Written far The Times Teacher Associations at McGinn El- ers and the engineers in order to ent location. Officials indicated the my opinion (the mannequins) are very ments in any significant way. The Discussion at last Wednesday's tastefully done," he said. board members seemed to be in con- ementary School, Terrill Middle resolve the issue. Mr. McClintock special use permit changed in March Scotch Plains Planning Board meet- School and Scotch Plains-Fanwood added that bond guarantee lnonc) is of last year. Board Chairman George Tomkin currence. High School, und her resume also ing centered mainly on the prospect added, "I would rather be on the side "This is a very simple application released by the township only when of clothing mannequins on Park Av- includes having been President and In other action, the council re- of granting a little too much leeway for us," explained Mr. Tomkin, who Vice President of the Parenl-Teacher the requirements of the original solved to deny the assessment of enue and an impending Mount Lau- than having an empty store." agreement are met. added that the variances requested by Association Council, ;i>; well i>« r>n Parker's Greenhouse on Terrill Road rel development that straddles the In the end, Mr I auro was won over the developer would most likely He ;u;iive member of other community In other business, the council de- as "farmland" for 1997 based on Plainfield border. by tticf>ru-muiiiiw>4i;'.- tuiulngclil, t>ul granted on tirsi reading. not Mr. DiFrancesco, and the permit organizations. rided by ordinance Tuesday to ap- evidence stemming from a separate Rose Marie Dutter, owner of ( Mr. Woodruff went on to explain Mr. Ruggiero, a township resident propriate $37,500 in Community Rosie's Treasures Boutiques on Park was granted for the mannequins sans that it would be foolish to waste court dispute. banner by a five-to-one vote. for 24 years who lives on Pearl Place, Development Funds to build a play- The council recognized students Avenue, had been seeking to display Scotch Plains taxpayers money on a has served four consecutive terms on ground in Farley Park that meets the two clothing mannequins and a ban- The rest of the evening's agenda meeting to discuss an issue that is from the township's middle schools focused primarily on the Woodland the school board and previously had Americans with Disabilities Act ner outside her store's new location. only pertinent to Plainfield. And if been appointed to a one year term for as part of March's National Middle Her previous site, also on Park Av- Avenue development which lies only (ADA) standards. Additionally, last Level Education Month. Plainfield's Planning Board ended 1984-1985. Prior lo that, he was a enue, had featured the mannequins partly within Scotch Plains' limits, up turning down one or all of the week the township said it received a As part of the council's recogni- and thus this is the only portion sub- member of the board from 1976 $78,000 grant from Union County adorned with seasonal attire. The ' variances requested, Scotch Plains through 1979. He served as President tion of February as Black History banner stipulation was removed from ject to Scotch Plains' zoning require- could be dragged into an ensuing Development Office towards the im- Month, Professor of Humanities and ments. of the board for four years between the permit request as it does not com- lawsuit, he added. 1989 and 1993 and also held the provement of Green Forest Park and ComputerGraphics at Essex County ply with townshipordinance,butthere Robert H. Krause, a lawyer repre- the Senior Citizen Housing parking "For us to get involved in position of Vice President during College, Dr. Robert C. Spellman, was some discussion as to the fate of senting The Reserve, the Hovananian Plainfield's problem is not in our best lot. The township originally asked development planned for the Donato 1987-1988. He and his wife have two presented a slide show highlighting the mannequins. interest," said Mr. Tomkin. grownchildren, both of whom gradu- for a total of $215,000 in funds for golf pro John Shippen, Dr. Martin Board members Sal Lauro and property, had sent a letter to Town- The discussion of the Woodland the two projects. The council indi- ated from the Scotch Plains-Fan wood Luther King, Jr.
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