BC FRUIT GROWERS' ASSOCIATION 1473 WATER STREET BCFGABulletin KELOWNA, BC V1Y 1J6 PHONE: 250-762-5226 1-800-619-9022 FAX: 250-861-9089 June 2011 [email protected] UPDATE:BCFGA Regional Tree Fruit Annual Working Meetings Group Notice of Meeting In response to the third year of losses for growers in the apple sector in BC, then Minister of Agriculture Ben Stewart appointed a Working Group to “identify and Agenda target the key issues impacting the profitability of the industry in British Columbia, and make recommendations to ensure a strong, vibrant and sustainable industry for1. thisBCFGA and future Update generations”. - President’s Report 2. Resolutions - you may propose resolutions for consideration at the BCF- New AgricultureGA Annual Minister Convention Don McRaein January) quickly affirmed his support for the Working Group.3. Nomination The Working of Groupdelegates is composed of 2 BC Ministry of Agriculture, 1 Okanagan4. Nomination Tree Fruit of ExecutiveCooperative, members 1 BC Tree Fruits and 1 BC Fruit Growers Association5. Election staff. of Regional Officers The Working Group is finalizing its report, which reviews grower, packer, and salesAll meetings agent performance start at 7:00 in thep.m. apple sector. Yields, grading, returns to growers, packing costs, marketing costs, and wholesale prices are being compared with Washington State. The WorkingNovember Group is set23, to2009 repor t to the Minister in the next few days. Okanagan—Shaka Sandman Inn Joe Sardinha, BCFGA President,939 Burnabyand Glen Ave Lucas, West BCFG A General Manager, met with the Board of the OkanaganPenticton, Tree Fruit BC Coope rative on May 19 to discuss possible direction after the Working Group reports to the Minister of Agriculture. Everyone is in agreement that Novembertime is of the 30, essenc 2009 e. The BCFGA will be asking the Minister to take quick actionCentral to assist Okanagan the apple sector in both the long and short term. At its May 19 meeting,Coast the CapriBCFGA Hotel Execut ive discussed the organization of a peaceful, non-confrontational1171 Harvey Ave dem onstration to raise public awareness. It was decided to awaitKelowna, the Working BC Group report and the Minister’s response to the report before making any decision on how to proceed. December 1, 2009 North Okanagan Best Western Vernon Lodge 3914—32ndPostal strike Street Vernon, PC The BCFGA will keep growers informed through newsletters and special mailings of events. In case of an extended disruption by a possible Canada Post strike, we will communicate with growers via e-mail.December Additionally, 2, 2009 the BCFGA is considering a move to email delivery of its newsletter,South replacing Okanagan—Similkameen printing and postage costs. Those on email will be emailed a link to theOliver newsletter Parks onand the Recreation BCFGA we Centrebsite. Others will continue to receive the newsletter by regular36003—79th post. If you rece Streetive email from the cooperative, we have your email. If we do not have Oliver,your email BC addre ss, call today to let us know – contact Elaine at 250-762-5226 extension 21. Page 2 BCFGABulletin Summer LabourAgriStability Orientation Notice Project Local Workers REMINDER TO ALL PRODUCERS Every year, many young people converge in the South Okanagan to seek work picking cherries. Apple thinningAgriInvest and andother AgriStability work, including 2008 sorting program cherries, year is harmalso ofonized interest form to the deadline youth, mainlyis fast from Quebec, but also including many local workers.approaching In Theorder deadline to assist to workers submit and the growers,AgriInvest the and BCFGA AgriStabi is oncelity againharmonized providing form a Summerfor the 2008 Labour program Orientationyear was Program.September 30, 2009. However, it is still possible to submit the form, though a late filing Thispenalty summer, will bethe assessed. BCFGA will If thecontinue 2008 harmonizedto work in par fotnershiprm is submitted with the afterFarm December and Ranch 31, Safety 2009, any andclaims Health for Association the program (FARSHA), year will beOkanagan refused. Tree To parFruiticipatet Cooperative in AgriStability field staff, for and the the 2008 job program placementyear, you services must have at WorkZone previously (unfortunately,enrolled and paid this yo yearur 2008 the funding fee. to Okanagan French Employment Services was cut. We are hopeful that the funding will be restored next year). The AgriInvest and AgriStability forms are harmonized. For individual producers, the AgriInvest Ourand aim AgriStability is to improve forms worker are includedsafety and with productivit the incomy ine taxthe form.orchard, though orientation sessions lasting about 2 hours. Most workers take the sessions prior to the start of the picking season. TopicsIf you covered haven’t atalready the orientation submitted sessions your form, will beyou general can download orchard safety,a form suchfrom asthe proper Publications ladder and use, crop and tree damage prevention, avoiding heat stroke, as well as cherry picking and apple thinningForms techniques.section of the The AgriStability workshops website are a couple at www.agr.gc.ca/agristability hours long, and include a free lunch and transportation for those who attend. Afterwards, the attendees receive a wallet-sized certificate provingor AgriInvest they took website the workshop, at www.agr.gc.ca/agriinvest and come out better educated and prepared to work. Availableor request to be a givenform bythroughout calling Agriculture the Okanagan, and inAgri-F the pastood theCanada BCFGA (AAFC) workshops toll free have at proven1-866-367- to 8506.be a positive experience for all parties. The workshop can also provide some on-site training for your employees while they are waiting to start. Send completed forms to: On the part of the farmer, all we need is to borrow a few ladders, some buckets, and your orchard for a couple of hours so we can doWinnipeg practica Taxl demonstrations Centre of proper ladder use and picking/thinning techniques. We also encourage66 Stapon farmers Road to inform us on their specific preferences and techniques for picking and thinning, personalizing the training specific to your orchard! Winnipeg MB R3C 3M2 If you already have your workers and are still interested, we can come to you and give them the workshop. Even experienced pickers take this workshop. In the past, many farmers hired their workers on site afterwards. We have liability insurance in place. Workshops are available until the end of July, though many orchardists prefer to have the workshop prior to the beginning of picking/thinning season. Available in French, English, and Spanish If you are interested in a workshop, it is free for both the farmer and the workers, and can be scheduled at your convenience! As we have only one facilitator this summer, we may not have the time to get to all growers requesting a workshop. Workshops will be offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Contact Ronald Forrest at: [email protected] 250 859 3358 or 250-859-3354 Page 3 Seasonal AgricultureAgriStability Worker Notice Program For growers who demonstrate a shortage of workers (determined by a lack of response to job ads), temporary foreign workers from REMINDERMexico and the CaribTO beanALL are PRODUCERS available. BC Agriculture Council has posted information on their website. Growers are encouraged to complete their own application forms. However,AgriInvest the BCFGA and AgriStability does offer a 2008service program for those year growers harm whoonized want additionalform deadline help in is filling fast out forms and follow-up with the government agencieapproachings. The fee for the service is $45 per worker. Contact Elaine Miedema at 250-762-5226 extension 21 for further information. The deadline to submit the AgriInvest and AgriStability harmonized form for the 2008 program The yearMexican was consulate September has 30, issued 2009. a “bestHowever, practices” it is stillinformation possible brochure to submit for the those form, growers though who a late filing already have or are preparing to host Mexican workers: http://www.bcfga.com/files/2010%20Best%20Practices%penalty will be assessed. If the 2008 harmonized form20for%20SAWP.pdf is submitted after December 31, 2009, any claims for the program year will be refused. To participate in AgriStability for the 2008 program Mostyear, SAWP you workers must have in the previously Okanagan enrolled are from and Mexico. paid Theyour BCFGA 2008 fee. is encouraging a balance of local, Mexican, and Caribbean workers, as future labour supply will be even more challenging than before, once the economy rebounds. An alternate to the Mexican program, the Jamaican Liaison The AgriInvest and AgriStability forms are harmonized. For individual producers, the AgriInvest Service provides orientation and ongoing support service for both employee and employer when the workerand arrives AgriStability in Kelowna. forms Jamaican are included workers with alsothe incomspeak eEnglish tax form. as a first language, making communications easier for growers. For further information, contact Donna Adams, Deputy Chief LiaisonIf you Officer haven’t by cellalready (250) submitted 869 – 6288 your or emailform, :you [email protected] can download a form from the Publications and Forms section of the AgriStability website at www.agr.gc.ca/agristability One grower provided the following reference on his Caribbean workers: “They work hard, they are honest,or AgriInvest
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