MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library http://legislature.maine.gov/lawlib Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) Public Documents of Maine: BEING TBE ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE VARIO US PUBLIC OFFICEP~ AND INSTITUTIONS FOR THE YEAR 1880. VOLUME I. .AUGUSTA: SPRAGUE & SON, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. 18 8 0. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE STA.TE OF MAINE, FOR THE YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1879. Published agreeably to a Resolve approved February 23, 1865. AUGUSTA: E, F. PILLSBURY AND CO., STATE PRINTERS: 1880. ST.ATE OF M.AINE. Adjutant General's Office, } Augusta, December 31, 1879. To Hi's Excellency, ALONZO GARCELON~ Sm :-I have the honor to herewith transmit my report as Adju­ tant General, Acting Quartermaster and Paymaster General, for the year ending this day. Very Respectfully, Your Obedient Servant, S. D. LEAVITT, Adjutant General. REPORT. The Legislature, January 10th, 1879, elected Joshua L. Cham­ berlain Major General of Militia. The failure of the Legislature of 1878 to elect a Major General, practically abolished the former organization of the militia. By General Order No. 4, issued from this office November 1, General Chamberlain was assigned to the command of the Volunteer Militia. The force of High School Cadets has been increased one com­ pany, Rockland High School Cadets, armed by the State. Many new companies have been formed. The Lewiston Light Infantry and Frontier Guards have been armed and equipped by the State. Others have purchased arms of the State under order of the Governor and Council. The Inspector General's returns hows the condition of the organized force and State property in their hands, and condition of armories. LAW. The militia law should be repealed entite there is so little of it worth retaining, this would be the wisest course. A commission of competent persons should be appointed to digest and submit to the Legislature of 1880, a "practical code." This is a matter of too much importance to be longer delayed with credit to the State· They should at least authorize uniforming two companies.in 1880, one addition in 1881, and the fourth in 1882 (including overcoats.) The neglect and refusal of the Legislature of 1878 and 1879 to make the nec.essary appropriation for uniforms for the organized militia, justly merits the condemnation that it receives at the hands of every man who would see a well disciplined militia that would be a credit to our State. G ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT. ARSENAL. Upon inspection of arsenal buildings at Bangor they were found to be sadly in need of repairs. I recommended to the Governor and Council that such necessary repairs be made as would preserve the property. In accordance therewith the Governor and Council authorized the repairs to be made. The work was done under the supervision of Hon. John B. Foster. The arsenal building and fence inclosing same are now in good order. PENSIONS, By order of Governor and Council this department was removed from the Adjutant General's office, and established in a room m the rotunda with Benjamin Bunker, Esq., Pension Agent. HISTORICAL MEMORANDA of the war of 1861, as provided for in resolve, approved February 23, 1876, has not reached that state of completion to bear fair criticism. No memoranda has been forwarded to this office dur­ ing the year. ROLLS OF THE WAR OF 1812. The purchase by the State of the rolls of the militia and regular service in the war of 1812, in 1877, proves of great value to the soldiers of that war and their widows during the year. The index has been completed and substantially bound. About two thousand inquiries have been answered from these rolls, materially increasing the labofs of this office. vVoRK OF THE OFFICE. Letters received •...• , . , .•..••.••..•..•...••••..•• 1,940 Letters sent •••••...•.• , ..•..•••••••• , .•••••••••• 2,448 Miscellaneous letters and documents received .•••••.• 48 From departments at vVashington for transmittal. •••• 109 Certificates of military service ••••••...••.•••..•••. 173 ,Certificates to departments in Washington .•.•••••••. 24 'Testhnonials issued ...••......•..••••.•. , •.••..••• General orders issued ...•..••.••••••••..••..••..•• 9 Special orders '' •.•••...••.•••.•••.•.•••••.•. 45 Comrnissions '' •.. ,, .•••..•••••••..••..•.•..• 31 Answers to inquiries concerning 1812 rolls ••.••••..• 1,804 ADJUTANT GENERAL'S REPORT, 7 CLERKS. Mr. S. ] . Gallagher remained as clerk in this office until July 1st, performing the duties acceptably. Mr. E. W. French was then, appointed who has since that time performed the sole duties of clerk, and who has by his faithful per­ formance of every duty devolving upon him as clerk in this office, well merited the liberal compliments paid him by those having business with this department. <>:FI..G-.A..N"XZE::J::> F<>~CE. 00 ,- L.;.i [fl O ~ ~ "C,ttj~ > >I ~ g, t §. ~ > ~ e: ~ Q t: ~ > ~ [ t ~ ~) .p ~ ~ ~I ~ ;!:,.P.~~C.= ?- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ b g C. ~.· ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ S m Er ~ S· S:~ . s· ~· .. "'-<~~~~~co:=~~-·~·~ t: %" °c% ,g ~- CJ~ ;,.:, m- ~(0 f 0 ~~ ~ o Q~ w SS a. § ~ 0 ~ ;::. Ja? w g' ~ ~ 5· @ c § ~ ~- g (b ~ ::J<'.O·'"'! g~i;i CO~o .-,.1"?,:o::lR::!i>-scoC Ul ~ p. ; . ? ~ ~ 7' :-- aq -~~ ~ . £ § . ~- crj ~ 1 ~~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ?5 9' §? (D • ;1 ~ ;1· P? J-1-1--1--1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-i-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1-1--1--1-1--1--1--t--1--,-- > 11 1 11 41 1, .. 10 ..s 11 11 .•... ·1 · ·1· 1·1-.·1· 2 .. ·1· 1·1· 1·1· ·1·• ·1. ·9... 1·. .. I.. ·1. ·... ·1·.. •. ·1. ·..• ·1·. .. ·· . 1·... ·. 1·. ... ·1·. .. .. .·1 9 c:: (Company A .. :.·· .. ·············•··· ··I· ·l··I: :::1::: :j:::: .................... 1114411475760 ......~ ::::::::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1::1 ~ ~ ~ g i 2 1 :g gi ~~ z gg~f:~;~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :::: :::: :::: :: :f 1 1 1 4 5 1 51 61 64 ~ Company E .•••.......•.•...•..•.............•............. 1 1 1 4 7 2 1 44 58 61 Company F ............................................... 1 1 1 5 8 1 32 46 49 Q 1st Regiment Inf. jCompany G •. .. ...... ... .•... ..•.. .. .. ............... 1 1 1 n 5 1 33 44 47 trl Maine Volunteer Company H.. ... ...... .•... ...•.. ..... ................ z 1 1 1 4 8 1 43 [J(j 5\l trl Militia••••.••.... I gg:~:~rf:::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :: :::: :::: :::: :: :r 1 1 1 4 8 2 1 60 71'i 7K ::d 1 1 1 5 7 2 36 50 53 > - - ---------- - - - t:"',.. 10 10 10 45 67 13 4 433 562 612 Ul Portland Montgomery Guards •....... 1 1 1 5 8 2 ... 56 71 74 Biddeford Light Infantry .•...••..•... 1 1 1 5 8 2 ... 35 50 53 ::d Richards Light Infantry •. 1 1 1 5 7 1 ... 32 45 48 trl - - - -- - -- - - - - "C 13 13 13 60 90 18 4 556 728 787 0 Androscoggin Light Artillery............................. , .. , .. ~ - 1 - ] 1_ 1 4 3 24 32 35 _J.:.:..:. :-'.l Total.............................................. 1 11 1 1 1 4111.. 1 1 .. .. 1 2 .. 1 1 .. I.. 2 14 14 14164 93 19 4 580 760 822 Company A ................................................... ·1· ... 1 1 1 4 8 ... .. 50 62 65 1st Regiment High Schoof Cadets ) Company B .....•..................... · 1 · · 1·. 1 1 1 5 5 27 37 40 l Company U •. , .......• , • . 1 1 1 1 . • . 36 37 40 Cadets ~·otal ••••••.•••.•••••• , •.•••••••••••••••• , ..... I........................... ,.. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3 3 al 10 13 ... , .. ll3 136 145 STATE OF MAINE. ROSTER OF THE GENERAL STAFF. GovERNOR ALONZO GARCELON, Commander-in- Chz'e.f. STAFF. Lieut. Col. CHARLES B. MoRTON, Lieut. Col. ELBRIDGE GERRY, JR., l Lieut. Col. W. R. G. EsTES, JAids-de-Camp. Lieut. Col. CHARLES H. OsGooD, Brig. Gen. SAMUEL D. LEAVITT, Adjutant General, Acting ~uartermaster, Paymaster and Commissary General. Brigadier General S. CLIFFORD BELCHER, Inspector General. Col. GEORGE CARY, Assi'stant Surgeon General. CoL. BENJAMIN F. SMITH. Assistant Judge Advocate General. Cql. JOHN F LYNCH, Assz'stant Commissary General. Major SETH B. SPRAGUE, Milz°tary Secretary. ROSTEJR OF MILITIA. FIRS1' REGIMENT OF 1NFAN'rRY. Fz"eld, Staff and' Non- Commz"ssioned Staff. Name. Rank. Date of Rank. Residence. -- --- ..........•...•. Colonel ..............•. -- •....••..... -- Daniel White ........••...•.. Lieut. Colonel. ••••.... April 11, 1873 ...••... Bangor. Melville M .. Folsom ....•...•. Major .................. January 29, 1874 ....• Oldtown. ----- ......•..••..... Adjutant ........••.•.. -- ••••........ -- ----- •...•.........•. Quartermaster ........ -- .........•.. -- -- --- ........•....... Chaplai:rr ............•. -- ..........•. -- George W. Martiu .••••••.... Surgeon .......•....... July 2, 1873 .......... Augusta. Howard L. Briggs ...•.•..... Asst. Surgeon ........• January 1, 1876 ...... Bangor. Charles W. Bray • . • . • • • • • . " " ...•..... July 11, 1877 .•..•.. ,. Portland. Edward M. LeProhon .••..•• Sergeant Major ..•..... August 22, 1876 ..•. ,. Portland. Thos. P. Shaw ............... QuartermasterSergt .. July 1, 1877 .......... Augusta. fr~~i~ls~i,::~~~~~~: =====Chas. W. Bean :::::::::::::::: ........•••..• Principal Musician ... ==August, 1876 ::·::::::::: ......... ==Portland. Willis H. Pearson .......... Principal Musician .... ,July 31, 1877 ......... Portland. COMMISSfONED OFFICERS. COMPANY A. Name. Rank. Date of Rank. Residence. Clarence A .. Weston ......... Captain ................ November 25, 1879 ... Portland. Henry A. McDonald ...••... 1st Lieutenant••.•••... November 25, 1879 ... Portland. Benj. A. Norton •••.••••••••• 2d Lieutenant ........• November 25, 1879 •.. Portland. COMPANY B. Charles W.
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