写真or店舗一覧 広告 表紙 店舗一覧 Souvenir The Whole Area of Taito City Restaurants serving Halal or Muslim-friendly menu Muslim Friendly Map in TOKYO A Osamado Honten B otaco Icon Guides 3 All menus are halal and no alcoholic drinks. 王様堂本店 オタコ Prayer space 2 All menus are halal. Cakes B-5 C-7 Free Wi-Fi available Tax 1 Halal menu is available. (not all) Free Tax free CARD Credit card available None Pork free menu is available. (not all) 10:00-18:00 10:30-18:00 Closed on Sun, Pub Closed on Sunday 2-6-8 Senzoku Taito-ku 3-5-1 Asakusa Taito-ku Please ask the staff if it is a Halal/Muslim-friendly menu ! when ordering. C Asakusa Umegen D Don Quijote ASAKUSA / UENO / YANAKA あ さくさ 梅 源 ドンキホーテ浅草店 TOKYO C-5 Souvenir For Muslims D-6 1 Uosho 2 Naritaya Asakusa 魚昇 Halal麺亭 成田屋 浅草店 Weekday 11:00-18:30 Fugu B-6 C-6 Sat 11:00-18:00 Open 24 hours Sun, Pub 11:00-16:00 Daily open MAP FOR MUSLIMS 11:00-22:00 Closed on Monday 03-5826-2511 12:00-14:00, 17:00-24:00 Daily open 3-10-5 Nishiasakusa Taito-ku 2-10 Asakusa Taito-ku ムスリムおもてなしマップ in 台東区 Closed on Monday 03-4285-9806 5-10-2 Asakusa Taito-ku 2-7-13 Asakusa Taito-ku Lunch : ¥1,500 Lunch : ¥1,000 E Kameya F Hyobando Ver. 3, Valid from May 2016 Avg. Price Avg. Price Dinner : ¥5,000 Dinner : ¥1,000 亀屋 評判堂 Japanese Sweets D-7 Rice Cracker D-7 3 IPPIN Asakusa 4 Sushiken Asakusa 下町食堂 いっぴん 浅草 浅草 すし賢 Ramen C-5 Sushi D-6 9:30-19:00 9:30-20:00 台東区 Irregular holiday Daily open TAITO 11:30-22:00 Mon-Sat 12:00-14:00, 17:00-24:00 03-3844-7915 03-3841-8557 Daily open Sun, Pub 11:30-15:00 , 17:00-22:00 1-37-1 Asakusa Taito-ku 1-18-1 Asakusa Taito-ku CITY 03-5246-4660 Daily open 3-16-11 Nishiasakusa Taito-ku 2-11-4 Asakusa Taito-ku Lunch : ¥1,000 Lunch : ¥1,000 Avg. Price Avg. Price Masjid Dinner : ¥1,000 Dinner : ¥3,000 Richmond Hotel Premier 5 Asakusa International 6 Taj Mahal Asakusa As-Salaam Masjid リッチモンドホテルプレミア浅草インターナショナル タージマハル 浅草店 アッサラーム・マスジド Breakfast Only For Guests D-6 Indian D-6 E-3 Weekdays 11:00-15:00, 17:00-23:00 Railway Map MAP No. Ⅰ Reservation required Sat, Sun, Pub 11:00-23:00 Four-storied masjid nearby Daily open JR Okachimachi Station. Breakfast only for guests 03-5806-3155 03-3844-7371 2nd floor is for women, 3rd 1-12-10 Asakusa Taito-ku and 4th floor are for men. 2-6-7 Asakusa Taito-ku Lunch : ¥1,000 Avg. Price Avg. Price ¥2,500 Dinner : ¥3,000 03-3836-3533 4-6-7 Taito Taito-ku 7 SEKAI CAFE 8 Masudaen8 Sohonten セカイカフェ 浅草店 増田園総本店 Sightseeing Cafe Restaurant D-6 Japanese Tea Soft Ice Cream E-7 9:00-18:00 8:30-19:30 Mar.-May 9:00-21:00 Ⅰ Kaminarimon Gate Ⅱ Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center Tue 8:30-18:00 Viewing Deck Daily open Irregular holiday 雷門 浅草文化観光センター 展望テラス 03-6802-7300 03-3841-0840 1-18-8 Asakusa Taito-ku 1-1-17 Asakusa Taito-ku Lunch : ¥1,000 E-7 E-7 Avg. Price Kaminarimon Gate is the There is an viewing deck on the Dinner : ¥2,000 Avg. Price ¥500 outer of two large entrance 8F. You can enjoy breathtaking 19 gates that ultimately leads to view of Asakusa. the Sensoji. 9 Kaemon Asakusa 10 Samurai Kitchen 9:00-22:00 14 Daily open かえもん 浅草本店 サムライキッチン 03-3842-5566 Vegetarian Vegan D-7 Lunch Box B-7 2-3-1 Asakusa Taito-ku 8F, 2-18-9 Kaminarimon Taito-ku 11:00-15:30, 17:30-21:00 Tue Lunch time only Reservation required Ⅲ Kappabashi Kitchenware Town Ⅳ Imado Shrine 03-6231-7920 Take out only Visioncenter Asakusa 3F, 03-6458-1699 かっぱ橋道具街 今戸神社 1-9-1 Hanakawado Taito-ku Kataoka Bld. Tourist Information Lunch : ¥1,000 5-2-13 Asakusa Taito-ku C-5 B-8 MAP No. ⅱ MAP No. Ⅳ Avg. Price Kappabashi Dogugai-dori, a Imado Shrine is the birth Dinner : ¥2,500 Avg. Price ¥1,500 unique one kilometer stretch place of the fortune cats. The of wholesaler street. All sorts fortune cats is one of the -1 of equipment and utensils, good luck items for Japanese. Asakusa Culture Tourist Information Center 11 Chicken Man 12 VEGE HERB SAGA both modern and traditional, Especially, in this shrine, the E-7 for restaurants and home fortune cats brings great 浅草文化観光センター チキンマン ヴェジハーブサーガ kitchens can be found here. luck. Address : 2-18-9 Kaminarimon Taito-ku Admission : Free Chicken D-2 E-2 3-18-2 Matsugaya Taito-ku 1-5-22 Imado Taito-ku 11:15-15:00, 17:15-23:00 Open : 9:00-20:00 Tel : 03-3842-5566 Daily open Ⅴ 2k540 Ⅵ Shitamachi Museum 9:00-21:00 03-5818-4154 Daily open Torei Bld. B1F, 2k540 下町風俗資料館 -2 Tokyo Tourist Information Center Keisei Ueno Branch Ameyoko Center Bld.1F, 5-22-1 Ueno Taito-ku 4-7-8 Ueno Taito-ku Lunch : ¥1,000 E-2 D-2 D-2 東京観光情報センター 京成上野支所 Avg. Price 2K540 is a “street” which Shitamachi Museum recreates Avg. Price ¥500 Dinner : ¥3,000 promotes new living styles in the atmosphere of Shitamachi Address : 1-60 Uenokoen Taito-ku a row of stores that combine (old downtown Tokyo) and sales shops and craft studios. its customs and life style in Open : 9:30-18:30 Tel : 03-3836-3471 13 VEG KITCHEN 14 Yakiniku Panga 1860`s to 1940`s. ベジキッチン 焼肉ぱんが 新御徒町店 9:30-16:30 11:00-19:00 Closed on Monday -3 E-3 Wagyu E-3 5-9 Ueno Taito-ku 2-1 Uenokoen Taito-ku Yanesen Tourist Information & Culture Center A-1 ツーリストインフォメーション & カルチャーセンター YANESEN 11:00-15:00, 17:00-23:00 Mon-Sat 11:30-14:30, 17:00-23:00 Ⅶ National Museum of Western Art Ⅷ Yanaka Ginza Daily open Sun, Pub 17:00-23:00 Address : 3-13-7 Yanaka Taito-ku 国立西洋美術館 谷中ぎんざ 03-5817-8165 Daily open Open : 9:30-17:00 Tel : 03-3828-7878 3-44-8 Taito Taito-ku 3-27-9 Taito Taito-ku Lunch : ¥1,000 Lunch : ¥1,000 C-3 A-1 Avg. Price Avg. Price This Museum is the premier Yanaka Ginza is a small street Dinner : ¥2,000 Dinner : ¥4,000 public art gallery in Japan market supplying commodities specializing in art from the for local residents; some 70 Western tradition. shops retain the warm 9:30-17:30 atmosphere of Shitamachi. Free Wi-Fi Spot Closed on Monday Admission Adult JPY430 3-13-1 Yanaka Taito-ku website & app (C)NMWA 7-7 Uenokoen Taito-ku No.1 Japan Free Wi-F i for Halal and Muslim friendly URL : http://japanfreewif i.jnto.go.jp restaurants in Japan! Taito Free Wi-F i There are 600+ restaurants! 台東区無料公衆無線LAN presented by URL : http://www.city.taito.lg.jp/index/kusei/johokasuishin/wifi.html MAP No. Ⅷ MAP No. ⅲ www.halalgourmet.jp Tel : 0570-015-152 Produced by: 台東区 <Taito City> Supported by: 浅草観光連盟<Federation to Operate Special Event Planning in ASAKUSA> 宗教法人アッサラームファンデーション<Religious Corporation As-Salaam Foundation> メイドインジャパン・ハラール支援協議会<Made in Japan Halal Support Committee> Supervised by : ハラールメディアジャパン株式会社<HALAL MEDIA JAPAN Co., Ltd.> ฐĂޛࢷɩȤɊĘ ଷᐖܥઌȗ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Yanesen Tourist Information & Culture Center ツーリストインフォメーション & カルチャーセンター YANESEN UENO & YANAKA / 上野 & 谷中 ASAKUSA / 浅草 Legend JR Line -3 Tokyo Metro Ginza Line Ⅷ Ohtori Shirne Yanaka Ginza Asakura Museum Toilet Tokyo Metro Hibiya Line 谷中ぎんざ of Sculpture JR Nippori Sta. 鷲神社 JR 日暮里駅 Toilet for handicapped person Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line 朝倉彫塑館 A A Tourist information center Toei Oedo Line KS Keisei Nippori Sta. 02 京成日暮里駅 Toei Asakusa Line Okakura Tenshin Hotel / Guest house Memorial Park Remain of Tsukuba Express Halal food store 岡倉天心記念公園 Five-story Pagoda Negishi Sanpei-do Keisei Line C Sendagi Sta. 五重塔跡 ねぎし三平堂 15 千駄木駅 Police / Police box Tobu Skytree Line Tsuiji-bei Wall Daienji Temple 築地屏 Calligraphy Museum Yanaka Graveyard 書道博物館 大圓寺 谷中霊園 Shikian Zensyoan Temple 子規庵 全生庵 1 昭和通り A Ichiyosakura Komatsubashi-dori St. Jomyoin Temple Showa-dori Ave. Sengen Shrine Imado Shrine 浄名院 浅間神社 一葉桜・小松橋通り 今戸神社 10 JR Uguisudani Sta. Ⅳ B JR 鶯谷駅 B Daimyo Clock Museum Shitamachi Museum Annex H Iriya Sta. 大名時計博物館 下町風俗資料館付設展示場 18 Ξ入谷駅 Kan-eiji Temple 寛永寺 千束通り Senzoku-dori St. Shingenji Temple (Iriya Kishimojin) 眞源寺 ( 入谷鬼子母神 ) Kototoi-dori Ave. 吉野通り 言問通り Kototoi-dori Ave. 言問通り Tokyo National Museum 馬道通り Ave. Yoshino-dori 東京国立博物館 Lifelong Learning Center Umamichi-dori St. 生涯学習センター Kototoi-dori Ave. Matsuchiyama 言問通り Khaosan Tokyo ORIGAMI Shoden Temple C Nezu Sta. 待乳山聖天 અΞ 根津駅 B カオサン東京オリガミۀ14 Statue of Dr. Noguchi Hideyo Edo Shitamachi Traditional Asakusa View Hotel Crafts Museum 野口英世博士像 浅草ビューホテル 江戸下町伝統工芸館 C Ueno Zoo (East) C 上野動物園 東園 Ⅶ Sensoji Temple Five-story Pagoda ⅱ 浅草寺 Asakusa Shrine of Former Kan-eiji Kappabashi-hondori Ave. C 旧寛永寺五重塔 National Museum of Western Art Ⅲ Hanayashiki Amusement Park 浅草神社 国立西洋美術館 かっぱ橋本通り 浅草花やしき かっぱ橋道具街 Khaosan Tokyo Samurai Capsule カオサン東京サムライカプセル Kototoi-bashi Bridge Ueno Zoo (West) Ueno Onshi Park Khaosan World Asakusa Kappabashi Kitchenware Town 3 2 上野動物園 西園 上野恩賜公園 JR Ueno Sta. カオサンワールド浅草 言問橋 JR 上野駅 Kappabashi-hondori St. Main Hall 本堂 江戸通り Cormorant Pond ⅰ Edo-dori Ave. Taito City Office Richmond Hotel Premier 鵜の池 かっぱ橋本通り 5 Bronze Statue of 台東区役所 4 Asakusa International Saigo-Takamori リッチモンドホテルプレミア 浅草インターナショナル 西郷隆盛像 Five-story Pagota D 五重塔 TX Asakusa Sta.
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