© ISSN: 1307-9905 Sayı Issue 22, Cilt Volume 8, Yıl Year 2017-2, 396-422 Between the Urban and the Natural: Green Marketing of Istanbul’s Gated Community Projects * Alparslan Nas Marmara University Abstract The increasing concern towards environmental issues across the globe led to the production and the marketing of goods with ecological features or connotations. In this regard, green marketing emerged as an effort, which promotes environmental consciousness in the consumption of nature-friendly commod- ities and the pursuit of greener lifestyles. On the other hand, neoliberal ideology of urbanism has been considered as a phenomenon, which performs destructive effects on nature. As one of the significant sites of this neoliberal logic, gated communities occupy a significant position in the housing market, promoting lifestyles with security, prestige and happiness. Based on a research of branded gated com- munities constructed in Istanbul in recent years, this article points out that green marketing serves as an important effort for the promotion of gated communities. As a brand identity element, the emphasis on green provides a distinctive status to these gated communities and differentiate them from other projects. Furthermore, green marketing discourses also reveal new ways by which green-gated commu- nities offer an anti-city lifestyle by providing green alternatives, but not an anti-urban one since they continue their ties with the urban life. With the analysis of 19 different green-gated communities con- structed in Istanbul recently, this article aims to point out the ways in which green marketing narratives communicate the brand promises of gated communities and serve as a strategy for neoliberal urbanism to expand its market with the green discourse. Keywords: Branding, Green Marketing, Gated Communities, Istanbul, Nature, Urbanism. © Kent Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Urban Studies) http://idealkentdergisi.com Geliş: 10 Nisan 2017 Kabul: 21 Temmuz 2017 © ISSN: 1307-9905 Sayı Issue 22, Cilt Volume 8, Yıl Year 2017-2, 396-422 Kentsel ile Doğal Arasında: İstanbul’da Kapalı Site Projelerinin Yeşil Pazarlaması * Alparslan Nas Marmara Üniversitesi Öz İçinde bulunduğumuz çağda çevresel problemlere yönelik farkındalık küresel ölçekte ivme kazanırken, bu durum ürünlerin ekolojik niteliklerini ön plana çıkaracak şekilde pazarlanması sonucunu beraberinde getirmiştir. Bu bağlamda yeşil pazarlama, daha yeşil yaşam tarzlarının tercihi ve doğa dostu ürünlerin tüketimi noktasında çevresel bir duyarlılığı ön plana çıkarmıştır. Diğer yandan, kentleşmenin neoliberal ideolojisi, doğa üzerinde yıkıcı etkilere neden olan bir olgu olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Söz konusu neoli- beral mantığın önemli bir uygulama alanı olan kapalı siteler (gated communities), konut pazarının önemli bir bileşenini oluşturmakta ve güvenlik, prestij ve mutluluk gibi duygular üzerinden yeni yaşam tarzlarını vaat etmektedir. İstanbul’da son yıllarda inşa edilen markalı kapalı siteleri inceleyen bu ça- lışma, yeşil pazarlamanın kapalı sitelerin tanıtımında önemli bir araç olarak işlev gördüğünü ortaya koymaktadır. Bir marka kimliği unsuru olarak yeşil vaadinin, inşa edilen kapalı sitelere ayrıcalıklı bir statü sağladığı ve bu siteleri diğerlerinden ayırt edici bir noktada konumlandırdığı gözlenmektedir. Ay- rıca, yeşil pazarlamanın söylemi, kapalı sitelerin, kentin kaotik ve bireyi insanlığından uzaklaştıran olumsuz etkilerine karşı kendilerini konumlandırma biçimlerini de ortaya çıkarmakta, bu açıdan kente bir alternatif sunmaktadır. Bununla birlikte kapalı sitelerin kentsel alan ile olan bağlantısını vurgulayan yeşil pazarlama söylemi, kentsel alanın gereksinimlerinden kopmadan bir anti-kent hayatı deneyimi önermektedir. İstanbul’da son yıllarda inşa edilen 19 farklı yeşil kapalı site projesinin incelemesiyle bu çalışma, yeşil pazarlama anlatılarının kapalı sitelerin marka vaatlerini iletme biçimlerini çözümlerken; bu anlatıların, kapalı sitelerin kentsel ile doğal arasında dönüşen sınırlar ekseninde kendilerini anlam- landırma biçimlerini ortaya çıkarmayı hedeflemektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Doğa, İstanbul, Kapalı Siteler, Marka, Yeşil Pazarlama. © Kent Araştırmaları Dergisi (Journal of Urban Studies) http://idealkentdergisi.com Received: April 10, 2016 Accepted: July 21, 2016 Alparslan Nas 1. Introduction At times we wish to stop time under the shadow of a tree just to catch our breath… Sometimes we dream of places that would make us feel secure… We always wish the very best for our family and loved ones… We imagine moments when we attain our dreams without giving up our hopes… Life, at this moment in time, is when everything we pictured to be lacking has come together. It is starting again at Resim Istanbul… Are you ready to take your place in this picture? A new RESIM in Istanbul: The heart of the Anatolian Side is at Sancaktepe, and moreover at the center of Sancaktepe…1 Urbanization is usually considered as a threat against the preservation of nature and environmental resources. The more human beings invest in and enlarge the urban space, the less remains of green areas. Nevertheless, what happens when environmentalism becomes a public discourse and leads to the emergence of demands that favor environmentally adapt ur- ban spaces? How does capitalism, particularly marketing, respond to this demand and turn nature into one of its commodities? The website of “Resim İstanbul”, a gated community project in one of Istanbul’s periph- eral provinces Sancaktepe, welcomes its visitors with a view inside the forest where the sun rises above behind the trees as the camera moves through a trail. The moving image introduces the viewer with the experi- ence of nature; raw, inhabited and far away from the chaos of the metro- politan life. The project is named “Resim” (Picture), as the moving image almost provides a picturesque representation of how it feels to participate in nature. The project calls for the viewers to take part in the picture by provoking their hopes and desires, which are filled by a dream place of ultimate peace. The website further includes views from Aydos Forest, one of Istanbul’s largest forests that survived and surrounded by densely populated urban areas of Pendik, Sultanbeyli, Kartal and Sancaktepe, of- fering a “dream-like life with cherry trees” and promises a wake up in the midst of nature by the view of Aydos Pond in “a painting like atmos- phere”. “Resim İstanbul” has been described as “A Project Within Na- ture”, further accompanied by other brand elements such as a logo con- sisting of a green typography of the project’s name and a tagline of “Nefes”, in Turkish “Breath”. 1 Resim Istanbul Website, https://www.resimistanbul.com/en/a-new-resim-in-istanbul/, acces- sed on 31.01.2017 398 Between the Urban and the Natural: Green Marketing of Istanbul’s Gated Community Projects In today’s world, the neoliberal logic of urbanism urges its residents to compete and contribute to the production of wealth and capital in most efficient way. It is almost impossible for metropolitan residents to leave the urban space and continue a secluded life in a remote village sur- rounded by nature. However, there is an increasing disillusionment from the dehumanizing chaos of urban life. Resim Istanbul is one of the gated community projects with a marketing effort showing how nature becomes part of a neoliberal discourse in contemporary society. These communities offer a grey zone within city limits that does not altogether abandon the facilities provided by urban life, most especially the business opportuni- ties, while providing its residents with the chance to enjoy nature by re- sisting the chaos of the city. The emergence of these communities makes possible an “anti-city” position, rather than an “anti-urban” one.2 This ar- ticle investigates the kinds of green marketing discourses that facilitate this position Istanbul’s several gated community projects. With countless references and representations in marketing, popular culture and the media, the emphasis on “green” became a major discourse in contemporary society. Destinations and places particularly in urban set- tings have been one of the most significant areas where green discourse has been applied and communicated to the public (Walker & Hanson, 1998). The rapid growth of urban centers with the effect of global neo-lib- eral economy led to the enlargement of the cities, which resulted in certain socio-economic and environmental problems. The segregation between central and peripheral regions of urban spaces along class lines due to neo- liberal urbanism led to the increasing social and economic divisions among residents. Problems of urban spaces were furthered by environ- mental issues with an increasing concern towards preserving ecological balance and natural resources for the good and the future of human life. Eventually, the city has been a conflictual setting characterized by a con- tinuous dynamism, which tends to generate solutions for the problems that it encounters and reproduces. 2 For a discussion of anti-city vs. anti-urban distinction, see (Genis, 2007, p. 773). In her analysis, Genis suggests that gated communities offer alternative life settings for Istanbulites with a certain isolation from the city that provides their residents with peace, prestige and status. According to her, this makes urban communities anti-city, rather than anti-urban, since they continue their close ties with the urban center. In this article, I aim to build on Genis’ analysis by suggesting that the
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