College Avenue magazine’s sex issue hits stands today | Pa g e 7 Pa g e 8 a n d 10 Pa g e 6 Rams clip Falcons’ wings Food columnists bake up treats CSU men’s and women’s basketball blew out Air Force at the Cupcakery Madeline, Mike put spotlight on batter, icing, sprinkles THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN Fort Collins, Colorado Volume 118 | No. 102 Wednesday, February 10, 2010 COLLEGIAN www.collegian.com THE STUDENT VOICE OF COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY SINCE 1891 CEREMONIAL TEARS Co-creator of Def Poetry Jam visits CsU By Joe e. GoinGs The Rocky Mountain Collegian The lights in the Cherokee Park Ballroom shut off at 7 p.m., the only one left on being from a projection screen in the cen- ter of the room. A hush fell over the crowd and the only voice heard was that of Bruce George, co-creator of Def Poetry Jam. “Poems have been and al- ways will be the strength of the people,” said George, the lights now returning to a dim glow. “American critics try to stifle poetry,” George said, “revolu- raChel DemBrUn | COLLEGIAN tionary poetry.” Initially influenced by Mus- Bruce George of Def Poetry lim ideology he became famil- Jam speaks about historical iar with in his 20s, George put figures and their contribu- himself on a “focused path,” tions to poetry and writing in choosing politics as his focal the Lory Student Center on point. George says poems are Tuesday night. George was brought to CSU on behalf of revolutionary in nature because the Associated Student of CSU poems are “the voice of the peo- and Black Definition, as part of ple,” a voice you are either for or Black History Month. against. Extending his views to black ing a maid and Forest Whitaker history, George provided exam- portraying a dictator in “The ples of what he defined as “insti- Last King of Scotland”. tutional racism” in fields other He referenced the movie than poetry. He said prominent “The Pursuit of Happiness,” a male actors such as Jamie Foxx film in which Will Smith played and Tyler Perry have “degraded” the role of a man that went from themselves by dressing up as being poor to a success on Wall women, and no one seems to Street and the hip-hop group care. Three 6 Mafia winning an Acad- George spoke of the “de- emy Award for a song titled “It’s meaning” roles in which black Hard Out Here for a Pimp.” actors have won Academy “They won Oscars for Awards: Denzel Washington playing a crooked cop in “Train- See GeorGe on Page 3 ing Day,” “Hattie McDaniel” be- GED Testing Service steps up new, digital age By sara miChael ColoraDo’s GeD ProGram The Rocky Mountain Collegian For more information about The GED Testing Service Photos By samantha Baker | COLLEGIAN Colorado’s GED program, has announced a new pilot pro- visit: http://www.cde.state. After the memorial for senior mechanical engineering major, Devon Arnold, fraternity brother and Alpha gram that will bring the test, co.us/cdeadult/GEDindex.htm Tau Omega President Mark Johlgren (center), embraces with Arnold’s parents, Thomas and Beth Arnold, equivalent to a high school de- in the Lory Student Center East Ballroom Tuesday night. gree, into the digital age. Starting in April, Colorado “There’s not the same kind will be one of 11 states across of setting as walking in a room, the nation to participate in trials sitting down and using a No. 2 Community remembers of a computerized testing pro- pencil,” Naugle said. gram. The goal, officials said, is The program will pilot on accessibility –– the war of paper a volunteer basis. Anyone who fallen CSU student and pencil vs. technology. takes the new test on the com- GED State Administrator puter, which is not yet con- Alpha Tau Omega bonds over Arnold’s death Chalmer Naugle said the cur- sidered valid, will then get a rent method of testing limits the voucher to take the real, paper mechanical engineering By alexanDra sieh number of tests people can take test for free, sparing them the major and Alpha Tau Ome- The Rocky Mountain Collegian because of room space and the $89 charge. ga member whose body surveillance necessary to proc- “With the paper-based test, was found on a set of train A group of friends and tor the exams. there’s a lot of paperwork, sur- tracks northeast of Denver family appeared on CSU’s Tuesday night, students gather outside the Ad- The advantage of a comput- veillance, logs; inventory,” Nau- Thursday morning. Oval Tuesday night car- ministration building for a candlelight vigil in erized system is that students gle said. Quoting one of his col- rying candles in honor of honor of senior mechanical engineering major, See memorial on Page 5 can come any time of day, sit leagues, he said, “It doesn’t Devon Arnold, a senior Devon Arnold. down at the computer and sim- ply take a test, he said. See GeD on Page 3 A man walks past a fountain FoCo nominated one of 12 distinctive destinations located in Old Town Square By ryan sheine ture, cultural landscapes, sus- architecture that we have pre- Jim Clark, of the Fort Collins on Tuesday The Rocky Mountain Collegian tainability and revitalization served in Fort Collins, in our Convention and Visitor’s Bu- afternoon. Fort ––, and Fort Collins is now Downtown, fits perfectly with reau, said Fort Collins is exactly Collins is part Recognized for its historic among those. their criteria of historical pres- what the NTHP is looking for in of the National Downtown and preservation of “We meet so many criteria,” ervation, dynamic downtown a distinctive city. Trust for Histor- prairie architecture, Fort Col- said Mayor Doug Hutchinson, and attractive architecture.” “Fort Collins fits like a glove ic Preservation’s lins was named one of the Doz- lauding the city’s Downtown as In fact, ‘Main Street, USA,’ a for what they want as a distinc- Dozen Distinc- en Distinctive Destinations by one of the best in America and themed section within Califor- tive place,” Clark said, “It’s a tive Destination program and is the National Trust of Historical highlighting Fort Collins’ com- nia’s Disneyland, was modeled great distinctive city with his- mitment to historical preserva- after Fort Collins, Hutchinson torical sustainability, walkable participating in Preservation (NTHP). a contest where Since 2000, the NTHP has tion. said. sidewalks, bicycle friendly and people can vote awarded cities and towns that “Fort Collins Downtown has “When Walt Disney was a diverse culture. We are very for 12 of the top offer a unique experience for some of the few remaining ex- building Disneyland around deserving.” destinations tourists –– through cultural amples of prairie architecture,” 1960, he sent architects and en- within the US. diversity, attractive architec- Hutchinson said. “The prairie gineers to Fort Collins,” he said. See foCo on Page 3 raChel DemBrUn | COLLEGIAN 2 Wednesday, February 10, 2010 | The Rocky Mountain Collegian Weather Calendar is pleased to present French Campus eye Film Night. The film is free and Today open to the public. Today “La Grande Vadrouille” is in Free Cholesterol Screening color, in French, 120 minutes. mostly sunny 8 a.m. There are no subtitles, but CSU Health Network at the there is so much English and Lory Student Center (Next to farcical comedy in this film that 40 | 21 the cashier’s office) this should not be a problem Celebrate Heart Month with for most spectators. Thursday a free cholesterol screening. Healthy Campus 2010 recom- Theatre: ‘One Flew Over the partly cloudy mends all students age 20 Cuckoo’s Nest’ and older know their numbers. 8 p.m. You must preregister by calling University Theatre, University 42 | 24 (970) 224-5209. Center for the Arts The School of the Arts Friday Women at Noon: ‘Healing presents “One Flew Over Your Body Image’ the Cuckoo’s Nest,” by Dale partly cloudy Noon Wasserman, adapted from the novel by Ken Kesey, directed Lory Student Center, Rm by Laura Jones. 45 | 28 214-216 Media has an enormous Thursday impact on our body image, as Getting to Year 2 @ CSU does our everyday environ- 9 a.m. ment. How do they influence Lory Student Center CAMPuS Calendar you? Do you take care of This one-day conference is yourself inside and out, or do held for first year students To submit calendar you promise to do better once (in their second semester). entries go to http:// you lose five pounds? Learn Students select sessions to collegian.com/ to filter negative influences, attend throughout the day. campuscalendar. explore myths about weight and health, and confront your ASAP presents ‘Twilight: own prejudices about size. New Moon’ 7 p.m. Ultimately, a healthy lifestyle Lory Student Center Theatre is critical, so let’s discuss how Join ASAP for “Twilight: you would eat and move differ- New Moon” starring Kristen ently if you started loving your Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and body now. Taylor Lautner. 4 p.m. See what becomes of Bella, Nate ‘Connect Mind, Body, Spirit’ Edward, and the Cullens as Fair this next chapter of the Twi- 9 a.m. light series continues. 7 p.m. Lory Student Center The Training Show The sixth Annual Mind, Body, Friday Spirit Fair: “Connect Mind, Black History Month Movie - 9 p.m. Body, Spirit” is free for all CSU ‘Love Jones’ Thrash and Burn and Colorado community Noon members. “Connect Mind, Lory Student Center, Rm 204 Body, Spirit” is designed to Join the month-long celebration rachel DEMBRuN | COLLEGIAN enhance CSU and the Fort of Black History Month at CSU Collins community’s knowl- by attending the weekly show- Judy Berganini, a Fort Collins resident, looks for chocolate covered goodies for edge of complementary and case featuring four critically ac- the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday on Tuesday afternoon in Kilwin’s.
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