SPltlNC Q« » " 1 ÌR 5 CATAtOO, « u , «■"*> GEMERAI _ / ' V \ J CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO 1971 -72 GENERAL CATALOG: FALL, WINTER, AND SPRING QUARTERS PRICE: $1 (by mail: $1.25) o Published at San Diego, California Volume 4, Number 3; August 1971 A series of administrative publications of the Univfrsity of California, San Diego P. 0. Box 109, La Jolla, CA 92037 Second class postage paid at La Jolla, CA Five issues a year: one in April, two in August, and two in September. All announcements herein are subject to revision. Changes in listings of curriculum, faculty, and administrative personnel may occur subsequent to the date of publication. ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1971 -1972 Fall 1971 Winter 1972 Spring 1972 Opening dates for filing applications for admission to un­ Nov. 2 — Mon. July 1 —Thurs. Oct. 1 — Fri. dergraduate standing in regular, limited, or special status, in­ (1970) (1971) (1971) cluding applications for second bachelor's degree (file with Admissions Office). Graduates: Final dates for filing application materials for graduate admission including transcripts, letters of recommen­ dation, scores on the Graduate Record Examination, etc.: Foreign Students June 1 —Tues. Sept. 1 — Wed. Dec. 1 — Wed. % (1971) (1971) Domestic Students Aug. 1 —Sun. Nov. 1 — Mon. Feb. 1 — Tues. (1971) Final dates for filing applications for intercampus transfer Mar. 1 — Mon. Nov. 1 — Mon. Feb. 1 —Tues. (file with Registrar). (1971) Final dates for final applications for readmission to under­ Aug. 2 — Mon. Nov. 1 — Mon. Feb. 1 — Tues. graduate standing (file with Admissions Office.) (1971) Administrative Holiday — Dec. 31 — Fri. — Graduates: Application for Intercampus Exchange. Sept. 7 —Tues. Dec. 1 3 - Mon. Mar. 6—Mon. Quarter begins Sept. 27—Mon. Jan. 3 —Mon. Mar. 27—Mon. Instruction begins Sept. 28—Tues. Jan. 3 —Mon. Mar. 27—Mon. Final dates for paying fees without penalty. $25 late-regis- Sept. 28—Tues. Jan. 4 — Tues. Mar. 28—Tues. tration fee will be assessed after this date. Final dates for continuing students to enroll without pen­ Sept. 28-Tues. Jan. 4 — Tues. Mar. 28—Tues. alty. A $10 late filing fee will be assessed after this date. Undergraduates: Final dates for adding courses. Final Oct. 8 — Fri. Jan. 14 — Fri. Apr. 7 - Fri. dates for dropping courses without late fee. Final dates for paying fees without reapplication fbr admission. Graduates: Any graduate student actions/changes after the 1st two weeks of the quarter must be approved by petition. Final dates for filing applications for advancement to can­ Oct. 11 — Mon. Jan. 1 4 — Fri. Apr. 7 — Fri. didacy for the Master's degree to be conferred at the end of the quarter (at least one quarter must intervene between advancement to candidacy and conferring of the degree). Final dates for filing applications for advancement to can­ Oct. 11 — Mon. Jan. 1 4 — Fri. Apr. 7— Fri. 's didacy for the quarter to count toward the time interval for the Ph.D. degree (at least three quarters must inter­ vene between advancement to candidacy and conferring of the degree). Final dates for paying fees (with penalty) without petition. Oct. 11 - Mon. Jan. 1 4 — Fri. Apr. 7-Fri. Students who do not register by this date will be dropped as a graduate student. Final dates for adding or dropping courses without late Oct. 11 — Mon. Jan. 1 4 — Fri. Apr. 7 — Fri. fee and petition. Any changes to study lists after this date requires payment of a $3 fee and the filing of a petition. Final dates for filing approved Leave of Absence. Undergraduates: Final dates for filing notice of candidacy Nov. 1 —Mon. Feb. 4 — Fri. May 3 — Wed. for the bachelor's degree to be conferred at end of quarter (file in Provost's Office). Graduates: Final dates for filing with the doctoral com­ Nov. 5 — Fri. Feb. 4 -Fri. May 1 — Mon. mittee an appropriate draft of dissertation for a Ph.D. degree to be conferred at end of quarter. Final dates for undergraduates to drop courses without Nov. 5 — Fri. Feb. 11- F r i. May 5— Fri. penalty of F grades or to file notice of withdrawal without penalty of F grades. $3 fee, each petition. Graduates: Final date for filing applications for graduate — Feb. 1 —Tues. — fellowships (Office of Graduate Studies and Research). Academic and administrative holidays. Nov. 25-26 Feb. 21 — Mon. May 29— Mon. Thurs. - Fri. Ill ACADEMIC CALENDAR 1971 -1972 continued Fall 1971 Winter 1372 Spring 1972 Graduates: Final date for satisfying all requirements for May 31 — Wed. advanced degrees to be conferred at Commencement and to have name appear in commencement exercise. Instruction ends Dec. 4 -S a t. Mar. 11 — Sat. ^ J u n . 3 — Sat. "Free" Day. No student or faculty-sponsored events are Dec. 6 — Mon. Mar. 13 — Mon. Jun. 5 — Mon. to be scheduled for this day. Final examinations Dec. 7 -11 Mar 14.1ft Jun. 6-10 Tues.-Sat. Tues.-Sat. Tues.-Sat. Graduates: Final dates for satisfying all requirements for Dec. 18— Sat. Mar. 18— Sat. Jun. 13—Tues. advanced degrees to be conferred at end of quarter. Graduates: Final dates for removing incomplete Grade Dec. 18— Sat. Mar. 18 — Sat. Jun. 13—Tues. (E) assigned in previous quarter. Quarter ends Dec. 1 8 - Sat. Mar. 18— Sat. Jun. 13—Tues. Administrative holidays Dec. 2 4 — Fri. Mar. 24— Fri. — Dec. 31 — Fri. IV CONTENTS THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ..................................... 1 THE SAN DIEGO CAMPUS . ................................................ 1 The Institutes — School of Medicine (& faculty) — Scripps Institution (& faculty) REVELLE COLLEGE .......................... ........................... 7 F a c u l t y ............................. ............................. .... 9 MUIR C O L L E G E ........................................................................... 11 F a c u l t y ............................. ................................. ..... 14 THE THIRD C O L L E G E ................................................................ 15 F a c u l t y ............................. ....................................... 15 THE GRADUATE D IV IS IO N ................................ 17 DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTIO N........................................... 19 Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering Sciences (& Bioengineering) 19 A n t h r o p o lo g y ...................................... 24 Applied Physics and Information Science ........................ 26 Biochemistry ..................................................................... 33 Biology ...................................................... .... 34 C h e m i s t r y ............................................................... .... 37 Communications ............................. 40 Contemporary Issues ........................................................... 40 Cultural T ra d itio n s............................................................... 41 Dram a......................................................................... 41 Earth Sciences ............... 41 E c o n o m ic s ......................................................................... 42 Frontiers of Science................... 43 H i s t o r y ......................................................................... 44 H u m a n it ie s ................... ............................................ 47 Interdisciplinary. ................................................................ 47 Language ....... ............................................ 48 L i n g u i s t i c s ......................................................................... 49 Literature............................................................... .... 51 M athem atics....................................... ........................ 57 Muir ......................................................................... 61 Music . .............................................................................. 61 Natural Sciences . 64 Neu rose tehees .......................................................... 67 Philosophy ..................................................... 68 Physical E d u c a tio n ............................................................... 70 P h y s i c s ............................................................................. 71 Political Scien ce.................................................................... 74 Psychology ..................................................... 74 S c i e n c e .............................................................................. 76 Science and T e c h n o l o g y ...................................... 77 Scripps Institution of O ceanography....................................... 77 So ciolo gy.............................................................................. 81 Subject A ............................................................................. 84 Third C o l l e g e .................................................................... 84 Third World Studies................... ............................. 84 Urban and Rural D e v e lo p m e n t ............................................ 84 Visual A r t s ......................................................................... 84 ADMISSION TO THE UNIVERSITY Undergraduate Standards of Adm ission ........................ 87 Graduate Standards of A d m ission............................................ 89 RULES AND P R O C E D U R E S ..................................................... 91 Registration — Grades — Scholastic Requirements — Transfer — Withdrawal — Refunds — Residence Status GENERAL INFORMATION FOR STUDENTS.......................... 97 Fees and Expenses — Financial Assistance — Counseling — International
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