7-21-7 Vo)41-No.141 WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1976 PAGES 30005-30092 E 934 Whighlights PART 1: SALE OF WHEAT TO EGYPT - Presidential determination ......... 30005 PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 FTC proposed adoption of additional routine use for .. 30069, 30085 systemUSIA exemption of records of systems of records.-.......--. 30029 D FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES DOD/AF issues restriction and oversight regulations (2 documents).... 30009, 30011 FELLOWSHIPS FOR INDIAN STUDENTS HEW/OE extends program closing date to 7-2&-76 .... 30054 HIGHWAY PROJECTS DOT/FHA extends comment period to 8-25-76 on pro- posed revision of certification acceptance regulations .- 30027 WALNUTS IN SHELL USDA/AMS proposes amended grade standards; com- ments by 9-15-76 . 30026 FOREIGN-ORIGINATING AIR CHARTERS CAB proposes to relieve US operators of certain regula- tory requirements; comments by 9-3-76 ............ 30027 INCOME TAXES Treasury/IRS announces public hearing on 8-31-76 on proposal regarding treatment of certain aircraft and vessels ....... ... 30026 MANDATORY OIL IMPORT FEA revises program, requests comments by 8-16-76, and gives notice of hearing on 8-19-76, and if necessary 8.-2G-76 .................. ............ 30058 FREEDOM OF INFORMATION SBA amends provision on search and fees effective 7-21-76 .............. ........... 30008 SECURITIES CREDIT FRS amends certain registration, termination of registra- ion and reporting requirements; effective 8-20-76-__ 30007 INTER-DEALER QUOTATION SYSTEMS SEC adopts temporary exemption from Information maintenance requirements concerning submission of price quotations; commentt b ;--I-76 30008 CONTINUED INSNSD IDE HIGHLIGHTS-Continued 0, 1 *GASOLINE FEA: International Energy Agency Industry Advisory FEA adopts rules on Increased pricing flexibility and re- Board, 7-29 and 7-30-76 .................. 30062 gional pricing by refiners; effective 8-1-76 .................... 30021 CRC: Advisory Committees: Maryland, 8-9-76 ........................... 30055 MEETINGS- Montana, 9-11-76 ......................... 30055 DOD: Defense Intelligence Agency Scientific Advisory Nebraska, 8-17-76 ........................: 30055 Committee, 8-26-76 ..................... 30051 Rhode Island, 8-17-76 ........................ 30056 AF: JANNAF Monopropellant Advisory Working Group, 7-28 to 7-30-76 ................. 30051 AMENDED MEETINGS- Interior/BLM: Steering Committee National Advisory CRC: Advisory Committees: Board, 8-4-76 ...................... 30052 Massachusetts, 8-5-76 ................. 30055 Commerce/NBS: International Legal Metrology Ad- North Carolina, 7-23 through 7-25-76.... ......30056 visory Committee, 9-9 and 9-10-76 ................... 30053 CANCELEDM~TlNI USDA/FS: Caddo National Grassland Grazing Advisory CANCELLED MEI TING- Board, 8-19-76 ...................................... 30052 SEC: Report Coordinating Group (Advisory), 7-26-76. 30071 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities: 'ilational Council on the Humanities Advisory Com- PART I: mittee, 8-11 to 8-13-76 .......................................... 30070 Federal Council on Aging: Committee on Economics of PRIVACY ACT OF 1974 Aging, 8-5 and 8-6-76 ....................................... 30054 FTC notice of systems of records..,. -....30005 AGENCY PUBLICATION ON ASSIGNED DAYS OF THE WEEK Twelve agencies have agreed to a six-month trial period based on the assignment of two days a week begin. ning February 9 and ending August 6 (See 41 FR 5453). The participating agencies and the days assigned are as follows: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday NRC USDA/ASCS NRC USDA/ASCS DT/COAST GUARD USDA/APHIS DOT/COAST GUARD USDA/APHIS DOT/NHT8A USDA/FNS DOT/NHTSA USDA/FNS DOT/FAA USDA/REA DOT/FAA USDA/REA DOT/OHMO Csc DOT/OH.MO CSC DOT/PSOO LABOR DOT/PSOO LABOR Documents normally scheduled on a day that will be a Federal holiday will be published the next work day fol- lowing the holiday. Comments on this trial program are invited. Comments should be submitted to the Director of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408. ATTENTION: Questions, porrections, or requests for information regarding the contents of this Issue only may be made by dialing 202-523-5286. For information on obtaining extra copies, please call 202-523-5240. To obtain advance information from recorded highlights 'of selected documents to appear in the next issue, dial 202-523-5022. ho Published daily, Monday through'Friday (no publication'on Saturdays, Sundays, or on offlolal odoral holidays), by the' Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Servico, General Servicos 0 Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 tat. 500, as amended: 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Oh. 1). Distribution tlW * is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Ofice, Washington, D.C. 20402. The FVnaAn REGISTER provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices Issued by Federal agencies. These include-Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published -by Act of Congress and other Federal agenoy documents of public interest. Documents are on file or public Inspection in the Office of the Federal Register the day before they are published, unless earlier filing is requested by the issuing agency. The FEDEwA REGISTER will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $5.00 per month or $60 per year, payablo in advance. The charge for Individual copies is 75 cents for each issue, or 75 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Offico, Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the FEDERAL Rxc5xm . FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 41, NO. 141-WEDNESDAY, JULY 21, 1976 contents THE PRESIDENT CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION Notices Memorandums Notices Hearings,etc.: Meetings, State Advisory Com- WWLE, Inc .............. 30056 Egypt; sale-of wheat and wheat FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE flour -- 05. mittees: -------------------- 300( Maryland .- 30055 CORPORATION EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Massachusetts -------------- 30055 Rules Montana 30055 Interest on deposits; subordinated AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL Nebraska 30055 debt obligations; correction---- 30003 DEVELOPMENT North Carolina- - . - 30050 Notices Rhode sIand ------------- 30056 Notices Insured banks; joint call for re- Housing guaranty program: COMMERCE DEPARTMENT port of condltlon ___ .. ...- 30057 Ivory Coast -------------- 3001iO See Economic Development Ad- FEDERAL DISASTER ASSISTANCE Republic of Botswana -.....3001 iO ministration; National Bureau ADMINISTRATION 'Republic of Zambia- 300-ri0 of Standards. Notices Dimster areas: AGING, FEDERAL COUNCIL ON COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Kansas 30055 Notices Notices FEDERAL ENERGY ADMINISTRATION Meetings: Insured banks; Joint call for re- Rules Committee on Ecolomics of port of condition; cros refer- Mandatory petroleum prices regu- Aging ----------------- 3005;4 ence ------------------------ 30051 lations; 1ncreakedTeo]nal flexi- bility by refners .......- 30021 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING. SERVICE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Notices Rules See also Air Force Department. Mandatory oil Import, program; Notices hearing and request for com- Onions grown in Idaho and Ore- ments ..----- ........... 30058 gon -------------- -3001 .3 Meetings; Meetings: Pears, plums, and peaches (fresh) Defense Intelligence Agency Voluntary Agreement and Plan grown in Calif 30012 Scientific Advisory Commit- of Action To Implement the f Vegetables; import regulations-- 3001.4 tee 30051 International Energy Pro- Proposed Rules DELAWARE RIVER BASIN COMMISSION gram ------ 30062 'Pears, plums and peaches grovm Report forms; extension of expi- Notices ration dales ... ...... 30062 In .. 30027 Comprehensive plan, Walnuts In the shell; grade sewage treat- FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION standards; amendment-.... 3002!6 mentplantproects; hearine- 30056 Proposed Rules Notices Certification acceptance; exten- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT sion of comment perod....... 30027 Grain standards; inspection ADMINISTRATION points: Notices FEDERAL INSURANCE ADMINISTRATION Indiana . 3005 2 Import determination petitions: Rules Caprice Handbags Co-.... 30053 Flood Insurance Program, Na- AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Jacoby-Bender, Inc-------- 30053 tional: See Agricultural Marketing Serv- Special hazard areas, map cor- ice; Food and Nutrition Service; EDUCATION 9FFICE rections (19 documents)- 30017- Forest Service; Soil Conserva- 30020 tion Service. Notices Flood Insurance program, Na- Applications and proposals, clos- tional; flood elevatiom deter- AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT ing dates: minations, etc.: Fellowships for Indian Students Indiana -30015 Rules Program ---------- 30054 Pennsylvania. -30015 Fordign ntellience activities; South Carolina -__ 30016 restrictions and oversight (2 ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Proposed Rules documents) _ 30009, 30011 ADMINISTRATION Flood Insurance Program, Na- Notices Rules tional; flood elevation deter- mrinnatons, etc.: Meetings: Procurement Instiument, sollcita- California 30030 JANNAF Monopropellant Ad- tion and procurement request; Colorado 30030 visory Working Group-.-. 3005 i numbering requirements_~_ 30011 Connecticut (5 documents) -- 30031-
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