GE EIGIIT HIE BANFOftD flERALD. SANFORD. FLORIDA THURSDAY, T)CT. Ifi, 1W7 CIO Convention G c i l Vandegrifl Says Kiwauis Meet ami .tltrtr adviser, who in turn Nuv, 10. Kuilyle Houaholdvr uru •aid that aba had never seen ci) that aid In tklu-t Aggression NotEnded Rural Common Sense tCMtlasea f n a Par* Owl boys with so many problem*. The sates for the Kiwani* sponsored • ' By Spud Johnson and civilization, of the Iom of the Kiwaniana sane “ Let Me CsQ You futjtliall game here on Oct. £4 be. COLLEGE PA UK, Md, Oft. 10 trail, and. of finally teaching a Sweetheart" In bar hubor and save hear the applause for bis son. tween th.' CtltiyftKb and Florid i -tdO—General Alexander A. Van* FARMERS MAKE STRONG Military Academy, benefit* of companion who took a separate her a Utr hand. ,» Mr. .Lone“ announced that th» degrift said today it la plain EFFORT TO COME BACK Edward F. Lane announced that which will Jw used toward pur­ now that LI. S. victory in World AFTER STORM TROUBLE native icttlemcnt. He then was rb would hold a jadici* night chase- of a resuaritator for Fsr- Ktwanis had placed a number ’>f ogratn at the .Mayfair Inn’ oil War II failed to make the world guided to two minion* tier, * print In rice painted reccpfacln In the nuld-Laughton Memorial Hospital. safe for fundamental freedoms Tropical'storm a during the past and his attendant, and from their cemetery to throw I r t f t in. liar* 'even for thr. picrtul." _U U ndent voice-hr oliTKiilntr * m wclciWked hack. nnnarrnt " ihs m 1—t" T‘ v > Happy birthday’ was wiling Ho ratnrr Today or peace m ** t i i a _ in, i. f it in • , L < e l h FORMER-COUNTY ATTORNEY - Corps commandant declared, “ that section of Florida, but the grower* Ned Smith, Guest* Included Capt. we did not remove every sourci have l*rn working with might and Ttw Klwanls quartette including and security and that voice it Jack Pearson and W. A. Cagle. of exploitation and aggression.' main to make a quick comeback, / Mr. Rhinbolser, Roger Harris, Henry Wallace." pr. g , W. Rucker and J Man ia. It waa annniincail that Ike R «» _______ GRATEFUL TO RETONGA Across the nation In-fla. Fran. mm iii mind, uitdfckriit U TJ' in ample* of the Stinccipher aapg "Annie Laurie" etsco, two powerful union leaders m address prepsrrd tor the fall farmer must contend with in hit and "Deep River.” Prominent Citizen Tell* About Jen. Neither the intense, summer rmerynl as undisputed bosses of Porter Laming, Jr. president of the A FL convention. ■onvocatlim of the University of job of producing food. More than Hi* Own Cate In Hop? Tha- heal'or th, T.ard work seemed to tax ^tveloped fine* V-J pay anv other workers, farmer* are the Key Club of Seminole High LMh_t J/uu. wltilc J..6A-iUU*L J*oi And in New York, the National S. r ihanVfjt the h’iwanjg rpoji, Ot.heyj jM#y_ Regain J h f .iu j'.Q l .MsriUim Union's, sixth . Li.onial Maplej-iand ml that thfritpationthe ilUmtton which effrrjrtl bl.lhd vagaries.of wrath* herriy *Mr to to- tip. He told *r. People In other lines of work convention wound up witji l’resl- raises these questions: Soring organisation for the gift usually can dent Joseph Curran declaring “ the Arw We atlcmp'lne merely to itlnue to plodiks, *-ftrmmunist 4 krri,. s s e s I " partyet■ s 4 it t!tt t tht*f T. T 'Union I . T, * r 'W«jrrrie-sroWeir| meetings, and praised the coopera­ on ita wav out." nding full well 'that a down a little, during eztremes of tion of the club'a active sponsor, rill surely followV* weather such aa drought, freezes, * AFL h-adt-rs George Mo any of the Rev. J. B. Root, Principal “ Kctouxa ntaile !lf« pleasant Are we so terrified at and storms, but th* farmer may rilin id that I began to ear the Plumbers and Daniel J. Tobin Herman E. Morris and KlwaniJ for me wi en it looked !!kc I we* or the Teamsters won control of lose all hla plants, much of his President Lester Thsrp. Jle. then .. I flnialtti! three bottlss I M l fare that we will settl* for i lertilizer. and weeks of hard work about done for, and it would lie t-r r-. I feel i.tr.nger. By the the Idg labor organization's con­ Introduced Mias Margaret Partin, impossible to egprtts my K*"1*' vention with a maneuver which re* kind of pence at any price? during a two-day is torn. “ Sweetheart of the Key Club” Many farmers suffer trL-heavy. -tpde-to Tha JWdWflP* rtatnrMrr I htv • eontiptrvil to enjoy, un. suited in abolition of the Id vice Fenl P. V*wek, Petersburg,* Ind. t ii sldcnriri, and incidentally re­ losses in young plants not yet set usual strength and good feeling. farmer’ county attorney, republi­ moved John L. Lewis of the Mine Woman Foyml Dead In the field, crops growing In the Reft .-i ..a, rrand for me, and Workrr* as an A FL officer. I,cw- In Automobile Trunk field, fertiliser, and lime during can committeeman, news paper I Imp* Jh's statement- will enable ia* refusal, as an offirrr, to sign the two storma in 8*ptemb*r. They What Women Like About Their publisher, and one of the most • run* -me * Iso to regain th* joy A a non-Cumrnunist affidavit in cum- also suffered losses or possible Launderette Store highly respected nun in Southern ■ ! II int: as I'd id .'' t chance with the Taft-Hartley law losses from failing to get their Indians. '^foreemont offiena in Cook FILM NO sacks with chart on a farm .Mr. Vreck ia erne of hundreds .had nr*vented 300,000 federal loc­ rropi to early market* where good "I suff'Udl ■tortured from Indi­ ••vuntv joined with authorities In in Slttlngbourne, England, la Gen. t f prominent men and women al membere- from using the faeil- prices usually are paid fur pro­ Jtetai Ceni I us. ex-premier of Lith­ “I Find It'* Thrifty To Um My Neighborhood gestion. after evrty meal, and by Ills* of the National Labor Rela­ n arbV Du I'sgq roClity In a duce. E*sn though they have been four ocloek In the nfletnoon I praising thin fa mops medicine. Re- search for the slayer of a 35->ear- uania and one-time chief of staff I.AUNDEHKTTK For Two Heuono. It Coots So tions Board. able to replant quickly land many of the Lithuanian army. A graduate frit almost romnUtelv exhausted." tuiipr* !* intended to relieve dis­ eld woman whore mutilated and of them have not), their* rrops Little T6 Do A Whole Week's Wiuth and Ail Our Meanwhile, the CIO convention, engineer and master of seven lan­ continued Mr .Vtfck. "In the mid­ tress dm- to insufficient flow of in i noisy demonstration, cheered n tarty nude bedy was found Things Last Longer!" dle of eseh lunimT 1 had to stay iligt stive juices In the stomach, * stuffed In il;e trunk of her au- guages. Cerniue says he. is happy right-wing speakers who shouted earning 111.30 a week far from his away from my office for week*. ln»- tif appetite, Vitamin B-l de­ their support of American policy tr.mohlle ji-iterdav. LAUNDERETTE OF SANFORD ficit nev, and constipation. Belongs Tbs victim of the brutal attack and who shaiply (tilirim) Ru*. rated Into Russia. (Interna(tonal) Srtond at Oak ■ Phona 108 may be obtained at Touchtor sian and Communist methods. was Mrs. Catharine M. .Wasil, Drug. Co. * In New York, the longest inert­ mother of three young children. ing In the National Maritime Uni­ The, youngest. William, 17 months on** htstorv rndrd with President old. was found lying on the front Curran commenting that despite srat of the car parked on a high­ “ obstructionists of an oiganirml way mar suburban Chicago, He machine.* the rank and filo was u-as not Injure*!. Her husband. beds; many had pump* working able to win control of the conven­ Stephen J.. 41. a bricklayer, was night and day to removt water tion.- from their fields; many were Th* CIO convention in Boston .rife had been missing from home ditching and diking to take the was told that the American labor with William for two weeks. water o ff their land; and prac­ movement cannot tong exist “ un- Police said they were seeking tically all who could were getting less tt devotes itself to winufiK for questioning a msn named hy another crop under way. Political battles with the shme zeal Those whose crops were ruined. It gives to economic list tics." Nick Reldy u l the Cblcago. plant beds destroyed. homicide detail said th* man Political Action Committee, ad­ named by Wasil had not lieen at lay thiir exacting time schedule dressed the convention just after for planting knew they had lost Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Jr., home for a week'. Police said Wasil labor and money, but they didn’t called for a union of labor, house- told them hia wife frequently take additional time to moan over •wlve^. farmers and war veterans disappeared .*without explanation their difficulties; instead, they got to win the next election away from anil he did not report her, ab- right to work to make a crop if what he termed—- - ~M'servile Con- senre humanly possible.
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