LANIIRONBERG Page 4 August 31.1981 Ringling-Barnum- Red -•-- OTHER DATES--- Aug 25-Sep 1 Oakland, Cal. Show Dates Burr's Fun-0-Rama Sept 3-7 San Francisco Aug 30-Sep 7 Windsor, Me. Canon & Barnes Circus Roberts Bros. Circus James H. Drew Exposition Aug 31 Lemont, III. Aug 31 Bloxom, Md. Sep 1 Dowagiac, Mich. Aug 31-Sep 5 Pennington 2 Hillsdale Royal Crown Circus Gap, Va. Aug31-Sep6 Lincoln, Neb 3 Monroe Poco Plus.. 4Willard, Ohio Royal Imperial Circus to Sep 20 Des Moines, Iowa 5-7 Tallmadge Aug 28-31 Ogden, Utah Scott's Medicine Show Sep 2-5 Salt Lake City Circus Arts Troupe Aug 31 Wallaceburg, Ont Sep 2-5 San Antonio, Tex. Royal Lichtenstein Circus Sep 1 Woodstock Hoxie Bros. Circus Aug31-Sep 2 Fresno, Cal. 2 Strathroy Aug 31 Rochelle. III. Sep 3-7 Sacramento 3 St. Thomas Sep 1 Pontiac Royal Palace Circus 5 Simco 2 Ottawa Sep 3-7 Layton, N.Y. Tip Top Shows - Blue 3 Hobart, Ind. Sep 3-7 Plymouth, Wise. 4 Highland .---MAGIC---- SJoliet, III. Tip Top Shows- Green 6 Chesterton, Ind Krystali Sap 3-7 Mineral Point,Wsc Sep 1-3 Baton Rouge, La. Martin & Downs Circus Whizzerthe Clown 4-5 Monroe Sep 5 Jacksonville, Ohio Aug 31 Newcastle. N.B. 6-7 Shreveport Sept 1 Sheila Dime and Connie Wilson 2 Paquetville Pf. Miller- Magic Time USA Aug 26-28 Clinton, Tenn. 3 Berejford Sep 1 Chadron, Nebr. 4 Dalhousie 2 Torrington, Wyom. 5 K edge wick 3 Scpttsbluff, Nebr. 6 Grand Falls 4 Alliance 7 Edmondson 5 Sidney Pickle Family Circus Texas Assoc. of Magicians Sep 3-8 Laguna Beach, Cal. Sep 4-7 Houston, Texas Page 6 August 31, 1981 Report PEOPLE HOXIE BROS. CIRCUS BRUCE ANDERSON, high act, will be ap- BY PAUL HORSMAN pearing at the California State Fair in Sacra- Just caught Hoxie Bros. Circus here in Au- mento, Calif., Aug. 28-Sept. 7th. burn (NY). They moved across New York FORREST JARVIS, for many years on the state with long jumps after having played it stage with his own magic show, and later on more thoroughly in June. The big top has the Kirkwood Penn Premier and Joyland been completely repaired, by a crew that Shows, would appreciate hearing from old was sent ahead, yet New York state would friends. Write him at: Aivert Nursing Home, not let them put up the repaired to, so they 953 Airport Road, Ceredo, W. Va. 25507. sidewalled it. Weather was very good here and both per- formances drew good crowds, both being close to full houses. Performance is good and the band is out- There were many visitors on the lot here, standing. Band includes leader Charles Mo- including James M. Cole, Roger and June yer, trumpet, two other trumpet players, Moore, independent Shrine Circus promo- a trombone and drummer. When possible ten from Dallas, Al Stopyra, Charles See- Gary Holveck doubled in brass on the tu- ly, Frank Howard, Dick Thompson, Don ba. Leader Charles Moyer also doubled in Ninestine, Harry Clarke, Don and Barbara brass at one point by playing both the Kowell, Pat DiPonzio and daughter Laurie trumpet and drums at the same time. and Richard Flint. Despite the long jump, the show got in and The show will be using the repaired tent up on time, after coming from Johnstown. upon entering Ohio and for the rest of the Performances were at 6 and 8 p.m. season. John Zimmerman TRAPEZE CATCHER / FLYER CURRENT SAG MEMBER COMMERCIAL /INSTRUMENT HELICOPTER PILOT AIRPLANE /SEAPLANE PILOT COLLEGE DEGREE JOHN ZIMMERMAN, former flyer and one-time director of PARTICIPATION CIR- CUS (BE-A-STAR CIRCUS), is no longer affiliated with RINGLING BROS, and BAR- NUM & BAILEY CIRCUS WORLD THEME PARK and is no longer catcher for the trap- eze act known as the "FLYING ROBINS." JOHN ZIMMERMAN 542 East Bellbrook Street Covina, California 91722 Phone: (213) 966 4885 Report FROM JOEY JORDAN MAINE STATE FAIR ACTS I would like to take this opportunity to BY ELOISE HICKOK congratulate the International Juggler's Acts playing at the Maine State Fair, Aug. Association on their recent successful con- 9-15, at Lewiston, Maine, were: vention in Ohio, which I could not attend The Rolandos, juggling; Roger DuBois, tra- due to my busy schedule. peze; Jim Davis, The Little Hobo and his I hear there were 600 conventioneers from dog act; Marcelli & Janis, wire; Lipko's Com- all over the world. edy Chimps; Roger, plate spinning; Joanne Also, my congratulations to my friend Tom- Jennter, trapeze, plus the Billy Burr Fun-0- my Curtain who won top honors in the an- Rama Show on the midway. nual national championships. HUBLERINT'L CIRCUS FROM CIRCUS JOE VALENCIANO BY KAYESCHEIMAN Mama Valenciano celebrates her 84th birth- George Hubler's Hublcr Int'l Circus played day on Aug. 5th. Her daughters, Ulla and Inge La Porte, Ind., for the County Fair on Aug. are planning a trip to Europe next month. 7th. Only one show was given with the fol- Joe Goetz-Valenciano recently enjoyed a 15 lowing program: minute segment of 'Circus Vargas' on The Cnme-in by 'Prof. Hardy' with a Howdy Big Blue Marble' TV Show. The following day contest and balloons (Wayne Liikala); Color a segment on Ringing's Clown College was Book pitch; National Anthem; George Han- shown. On Aug. 6th, Harry Blackstone was neford Family, ponies; Miss Barbara (Van on The Palace TV program. Voorden), foot juggler; Susan Sheryll's Roy- Hedy Arturo has joined her brother Pepy al Afghan Champions; George Hanneford on 'Holiday on Ice & Ice Follies Combined Family, riding act; Prof. Hardy, magic; Da- Shows.' vide Zoppe, unsupported ladder; Princess Mr. Arturo flew to England on Aug. 6th Morningstar, trapeze; Clowns and 'Crack- to visit his son, trapeze artist Cooky who is shot'; Zoppe's Rhesus Monkey act; George currently appearing at a park in Blackpool. Hanneford's elephants. Then he will go to Austria to see his family Page 10 August 31, 1981 Show Report BIG JOHN'S CLOWN CAPADES SHOW NOTES OF INTEREST ... BY RAYMOND SIL.S BY WES HERW1G Big John's production of Clown Capades Hoxie Bros. Circus played all of its Vermont completed its latest tour in Austin, Texas, and New Hampshire dates, except two, with- on Aug. 30th. out the big top. The top was badly damaged The talent line-up was: Minutes before the in a blowdown at Saratoga Springs, NY, on curtain the audience was greeted by Crissy July 19th. Management sent the torn top to the clown. Suddenly musicians Neil Arm- St. Johnsbury, Vt., scheduled for a week la- strong and Jim Miller began a rousing over- ter, to be repaired by part of the crew, and ture which definitely prepared the crowd made the next five dates side-walling the for a fantastic performance yet to come. show, beginning at Bennington on July 20. Announcer Al Leonard greeted the audi- Hoxie played Burlington, Vt, July 26th, ence and was met with a thunderous ap- following Roberts Bros., which played the plause. The show began with the sensation- area July 6th. Bentley Bros, also showed al Weller Family (rola bola and balancing) the city, playing there Aug. 4-5. featuring two adorable moppetts - Shannon Chuck Clancy was in his home town of and Kelly. Comedy took the audience by Rochester, Vt., on July 25th for the com- storm with the appearance of Giovanni's munity's bi-centennial celebration, taking Comedy Plate Spinning. The Clown Capades part in the parade with Bucky Steele's ele- then brought tears of laughter to the eyes phants and providing elephant rides. of the audience with their marvelous pre- Roberts Bros. Circus paraded its elephant, sentation of the sidewalk elevator. ponies and performers in the bi-centennial Next came what had to be considered the parade in Randolph, Vt., on July 4th, which highlight of the show. Suddenly the auditor- along with a band concert and balloon ac- ium was cloaked in total darkness as the an- cension on the lot helped to boost circus at- nouncer introduced Dorian Blake. At once tendance to the point where three shows red and blue lights began to flash in the dark- were given. ness and Dorian Blake appeared in a midst of an explosion of flame on center stage. He then began a series of rapid and unbelievable productions of assistants and then a baffling series of dove appearances and vanishes. Aug. ? - Canada - Animal trainer Kay Rosaire The audience was then treated to a brief lost her house trailer when it and a truck were intermission. rolled on a Canadian highway during a show The second half opened with the heart war- move. The unit was being driven by a driver ming and loveable presentation of Chris Al- who escaped injury, but the house trailer was berti's poodles. Then it was back to the com- a total loss and the truck, though damaged, edy theme with a classical presentation by the will be repaired. Great Stradivario. Next came unbelievable juggling dexterity by Flippo and Crissy. Once again the clowns took the audience by storm with Busy Bee. whimsical and colorful Burgalars and the Dorian Blake was brought back for a second Safe, featuring an all clown cast. The con- appearance and was greeted by an unbeliev- clusion to the Safe Gag was a series of fire- able round of applause (Note, this performer works and chase lights which left the crowd really makes the ladies in the audience sit up howling for more! and take notice).
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