that marked some of those offered on Mon¬ and business like, with his rusty gray coat, BY GREAT TOM. day. Bay colt, by imp. Great Tom.Happy Girl; wound up the procession. The sale will be continued at noon to¬ race is described in detail elsewhere, J. Brennan 200 The here day, and among those that will be offered and there is nothing that need be said are some of BY LONGSTREET. race more run. the "stars" of the lot. except that never was a truly The details of sales as Bay filly, by Longstreet.Hilda Hamlin.. 100 Fred Taral said he had no excuse to offer follows: yesterday's are for Clifford. The Commoner, he said, did BY FENTLON. wide into the BY IMPORTED LOYALIST. Bay filly, by Fenelon.Floretta; J. W. carry him a trifle turning Bay colt, by imp. Loyalist.Miss Ryan; H. Smith stretch, but the Interference amounted to Warnke loo worth mentioning. "Henry of Na¬ Black $275 nothing had the foot colt, by imp. Loyalist.Tennessee Grand total for sixteen head $4,400 varre was the better horse, and Seasons Three Belle; Louis Stuart 500 Average 275 of Clifford at ever stage of the game," waa Opens with Very Black filly, by imp. Loyalist.Irony; J. W. how the "Dutchman" put it. Rogers 625 What Henry Griffin said was borne oat by Fair Races, but Some Sur¬ HORSE WORLD. a>l the and that even better evi¬ Total for three head.. «..$1,400 jockeys onlookers. Average 407 dence, the eyesight of expert Result. The sale of the Belle Griffin rode a beautifully judged race, and prises BY INSPECTOR B. S^pade yearlings, whilst a mis¬ Chestnut Ally, by Inspector it demonstrated did not make even a fragment of H. Warnke B..Pretense; very clearly the fact of the take. but he had the best horse under him. $150- apathy and disinclination on the part of turf¬ he in All Public Form Is Chestnut colt, by Inspector B..Buttercup; men He couid go to The Commoner whenever Yet Events John Mahon 275 to invest in yearlings with their old-time wanted, and that was ail he wanted to Bay colt, by Inspector B..Margo; H. Eu¬ vim and liberality, yet shows a decidedly im¬ know, for he palpably had the others beaten. Vindicated and the Best gene Leigh 275 proved state of affairs, and has given a better The fractional times tell the story of how tone to the yearling market. The sale will be the bulk of the field were beaten.they sim¬ Horse Wins. Total for three head $700 continued this morning at the Sheepshead Bay sale at 12 when some ply could not stand the even, hard pace that Average _. 233 paddocks o'clock, extra will find out the weak spots despite all the BY TREMONT. good arid promising yearlings will be sold, and, skill and patience of trainer and jockey. MANAGER GRAY HIS OWN STARTER. Black colt, by Tremont.West Anna; L. following these, will be a sale of Mr. E. D. ran to form. Stuart $275 Morgan's horses in training, two-year-olds, Clifford probably right Up Brown colt, by J. three-year-olds and yearlings, with one yearling Of course he is a good race horse, but, if Tremont.Turmeric; the of Mr. Matt On the he has been overestimated. Brennan 175 property Byrnes. next anything always Has an in the 2:18 Pace, Black colt, by Tremont^Rosa; J. Bren¬ day, Thursday, June 25, Major B. G. Thomas Yesterday's race more than confirmed my Kelvyn Easy Thing nan 150 will sell sixteen picked colts by his great sires Idea that Henry of Navarre can, with both Taking It in Straight Heats, and Himyar, Hanover and Victory. It is seldom horses good and fit, give Cttfford five pounds Total for three head $600 that one sees anything so choice as Major and a beating at a mile and a quarter. Sage Jack Bowen Average ?2U0 Thomas's numerically small lot of yearlings. Granted that Henry of Navarre was quite Chuckles. tit.which he probably was not.he gave Clifford something very like a five or six S^eepsfjead Bay, 23, 1896. pound beating, besides conceding him three Boston, June 23..Saugus opened the sea¬ pounds. Yet the Clifford contingent had no son with three very fair races. pirst day of tl?e meetir?$ of tl?3 ^oi^ey Island JoeK<?y was to-day excuse to offer, and none apparent. some in store for the Hamilton after the race said, to Griffin: ¦ There were surprises <;iub. "Why, I thought they said Henry was not knowing ones in all of the races, although within ten pounds of himself." And Griffin on form the best horse won in each class. KKQ ._FIRST RACE.For three-year-olds and upward,;. a* sweepstakes of $15 each, with see w wi $500 added; winners races not since 10. 1890, of one answered: "Did they? Then I'd like to In the 2:10 pace Simmons was favorite 3y (selling counting) May race, any horse get near him this year." Griffin pounds; of two, 5 pounds; of three or piore, or of one of $2,500 in 1895 or 1890, 10 pounds ex' was if at $25, Gil Curry second choice at $20, and tra; non-winners in 1896 never having won $1,750 allowed, if three years old, 7 pounds; of foul right. It will be ten thousand pities years old or upward, 15 Five on main track. Time.1:01. it is necessary to lay Henry of Navarre by, the field $20. pounds. furlongs, for'if he goes on well he will add-still fur¬ sold for $50 and the field $G0 In % V* % % Betting. ther t& his fame than by winning" the finest Kelvyn Index! Horses. Wt. M. M^ M. M. _FIn.£ Jockeys. jOpen. Closing. Suburban on record. the 2:18 pace. Preston, 4 1104 3b 4 4 3n 1% IClayton .. 3 10 running of the (4S6) 4 1125 4 4-5 9-10 The handicap was perfect, but Mr. Walter Jack Bowen, the sage of the turf, is Gotham. 8l 31 2" 2V2 [Hamilton 519 3 1" lli 1" in 32 ..... 12 5 S. Vosburgh, its author, was characteristi¬ to think how they tried to 438 [Tremargo, (104 JHill still laughing 3 1106 5 5 5 5 4 .. 6 8-5 modest it. When he was con IWoodvine, [Hewitt cally about with ones that could not 3 |108 21 2» 2" 4 5 Gardner .. 16-5 4-5 on he "Oh, beat a 2:14 horse _(534)|Zanone, gratulated his work, replied: won In Woodvine badly with after start. no, that's no credit. The handicap was beat 2:20. The Philadelphia pacer interfered^ directly heats James O. Gray, the Start (with machine) fair. Won driving. Winner brown gelding by Faverdale.Sweet Home, made Ave months ago, and was mere guess¬ straight easily. Owned by Brookdale Stable. Trainer, James Rowe. work." But the fact remains that no manager, did his own starting. The summaries: tinkering with It during the elapsed interval J5BCOND RACE.For three-year-olds, non-winners of $750; selling; a sweepstakes could Lave improved it. 2:10 Class, pacing.Pudse, $500. 560. of $15 each, with $500 added. One mile. Time.1:41 3-5. The double event was a stake to Simmons, b. g., by Belladonna.OgleLam- worthy Lambert (F. Turner) 111 % % Betting. be run, for on the same day as the Suburb¬ bert/ by Royal 2 4-" Horses. Wt. St. £ I M. M. Jockeys. [Open. Closing. an. though that Its resttft was humiliating Jimmie Mack, b. g (Rash) to the turf will Gil Curry, gr. g .(Huu7) 6 B 51i'iTno TJragou 1104 j 1 21V6 21 ll I2 Sloane .., 5-2 5-2 9-10 pride of the Eastern few Jubilee Wilkes, blk £....(tNay & Walker) 8 6 8 451 [Peep o' Day '.3 -i 423 31 Hamilton 8-5 5-2 4-5 deny. Either Charles T. Patterson had a 4 3 4 542 IChugnut 5 5 Powers '. 2 10-5 1 wonderful son iio^., c'fl. s (Kilboni) two-year-old in his chestnut ch. m (McClary) dls. 511 Palmerston 1° O'Leary . 6 5 2 of or else we have Fleetfoot, 511 Bon |102 15 imp. Order, Ornament, Time.2:12%, 2:12%, 2:15%. Ami 97 8% 3a Co"1' .. a "W >> shockingly bad lot of t\yo-.year-olds In the 2:21 Class, trotting.Purse, $500. 540 Bessie Browning.nui),. I97 I I6K) A. \J u U V JUiilJXll.yLamly ..... J.V7J- East. Jubilee, ch. m., by Melbourne King Start (with machine) fair. Won easily. Winner brown colt by St. George.Bide-a-Wee. Own¬ Ornament was meeting, If not exactly the .Dam Canadian Lion, ers, O. ' by Fleischmann & Son. Trainer, R. Tucker. flower of the Eastern two-year-olds, at (Oarmiehael) 1 T 1 2 1 least, a field. Valley, b. g., by Red Cedar, thoroughly representative Maple (Otterson) 2 12 12 THIRD RACE.Double Event; $10,000; for two-year-olds, foals of 1894; of $100 Don de Oro was eligible, but as he would 8 3 8 \J \J I . each, or $50 if declared out by May 15. 1896: starters to pay $100 additional, have had to take up a of seven Little Nance, r. m (Coyne) 3 2 which shall entitle them to start for both events: the association to add the amount penalty Gussle b. m (Galvln) 5 3 5 6 6 necessary pounds, he was scratched in favor of his Leonard, 4 6 7 4 7 to make the value of the two events $5,000 each; in each event the second to receive $750 and tnalden stable-mate.
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