http://oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/kt9v19q4s4 No online items Register of the Henry Regnery Papers Prepard by Dale Reed and Katherine Reynolds Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-6010 Phone: (650) 723-3563 Fax: (650) 725-3445 Email: [email protected] © 2003 Hoover Institution Archives. All rights reserved. Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 1 Papers Register of the Henry Regnery Papers Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California Contact Information Hoover Institution Archives Stanford University Stanford, California 94305-6010 Phone: (650) 723-3563 Fax: (650) 725-3445 Email: [email protected] Prepared by: Dale Reed and Katherine Reynolds Date Completed: 1989 Encoded by: ByteManagers using OAC finding aid conversion service specifications © 2003 Hoover Institution Archives. All rights reserved. Descriptive Summary Title: Henry Regnery papers, Date (inclusive): 1909-1996 Collection number: 82088 Creator: Regnery, Henry, 1912- Collection Size: 139 manuscript boxes (58 linear feet) Repository: Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace Stanford, California 94305-6010 Abstract: Correspondence, memoranda, writings, legal and financial records, and printed matter, relating to publishing, and to conservative thought in the United States. Language: English. Access Collection is open for research. The Hoover Institution Archives only allows access to copies of audiovisual items. To listen to sound recordings or to view videos or films during your visit, please contact the Archives at least two working days before your arrival. We will then advise you of the accessibility of the material you wish to see or hear. Please note that not all audiovisual material is immediately accessible. Publication Rights For copyright status, please contact the Hoover Institution Archives. Preferred Citation [Identification of item], Henry Regnery papers, [Box no.], Hoover Institution Archives. Acquisition Information Acquired by the Hoover Institution Archives in 1982. Accruals Materials may have been added to the collection since this finding aid was prepared. To determine if this has occurred, find the collection in Stanford University's online catalog at http://searchworks.stanford.edu/ . Materials have been added to the collection if the number of boxes listed in the online catalog is larger than the number of boxes listed in this finding aid. 1912 Born, Hinsdale, Illinois Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 2 Papers 1934 Received B.S. in Mathematics from M.I.T. 1936 Attended Harvard University and received M.A. in Economics 1938-1941 Employed by the American Friends Service Committee 1947 Founded Regnery Publishing Company 1947-1966 President, Henry Regnery Company 1967-1977 Chairman of the Board, Henry Regnery Company 1977- President, Regnery and Gateway Company Scope and Content Note Correspondence, memoranda, writings, legal and financial records, and printed matter, relating to publishing, and to conservative thought in the United States. Indexing Terms The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in the repository's online public access catalog. Subjects Conservatism. Publishers and publishing---United States. United States--Politics and government. Other Index Terms Related to this Collection Henry Regnery Company. box 1-81 Correspondence File, 1947-1978. Scope and Content Note Correspondence of Henry Regnery, arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent, except for a few files entered under subject. Includes some additional material such as drafts of writings, memoranda, and printed matter. box 81 Speeches and Writings, 1971-1972. Scope and Content Note Writings by Henry Regnery, arranged alphabetically by title. box 81-82 Subject File, 1927-1978. Scope and Content Note Proposals, memoranda, clippings, articles, and reviews arranged alphabetically by topic. Includes a history of the Regnery Company. Box 1 CORRESPONDENCE FILE, 1947-1978 Box/Folder 1 : 1 A (general) Box/Folder 1 : 2 Aaron, Larry, 1968 Box/Folder 1 : 3 Abbe, George, 1965-1967 Box/Folder 1 : 4 Abels, Jules, 1955-1960 Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 3 Papers Container List Box/Folder 1 : 5 Abs, Herman J., 1957-1965 Box/Folder 1 : 6 Accame, Giano, 1961-1963 Box/Folder 1 : 7 Ackerman, Adolph J., 1961 Box/Folder 1 : 8 Acme News Company, 1966 Box/Folder 1 : 9 Adams, Wesley J., 1969 Box/Folder 1 : 10 Ade, George, 1963 Box/Folder 1 : 11 Adenauer, Konrad, 1964-1966 Box/Folder 1 : 12 Adler, Mortimer J., 1950-1962 Box/Folder 1 : 13 Ageton, Arthur A., 1952-1957 Box/Folder 2 : 1 Agnew, Spiro, 1977 Box/Folder 2 : 2 Akers, Milburn P., 1965 Box/Folder 2 : 3 Al-Aref, Aref, 1960 Box/Folder 2 : 4 Albrecht-Carrie, Else, 1978 Box/Folder 2 : 5 Albrecht, Karl I., 1956 Box/Folder 2 : 6 Aldington, Richard, 1955-1956 Box/Folder 2 : 7 Alexander, Anthony F. , 1957-1968 Box/Folder 2 : 8 Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 4 Papers Container List Alexander, Edgar, 1964-1966 Box/Folder 2 : 9 Alexander, Holmes, 1960-1976 Box/Folder 2 : 10 Alger, Bruce, 1963-1964 Box/Folder 2 : 11 Allen, Douglas Hedden, 1953-1954 Box/Folder 2 : 12 Allen (George) and Unwin Company, 1960-1966 Box/Folder 2 : 13 Allen, Knudsen, Swartz, Richardson and DeBoest (law firm), 1965 Box/Folder 2 : 14 Alsover, W. C., 1968-1969 Box/Folder 2 : 15 Alternative, 1970-1979 Box/Folder 2 : 16 Aly, Bower, 1968 Box/Folder 2 : 17 Amburn, Ellis, 1978 Box/Folder 2 : 18 America First Committee, 1951-1963 Box/Folder 2 : 19 American Academy of Public Affairs, 1957-1966 Box/Folder 2 : 20 American-African Affairs Association, 1965-1967 Box/Folder 2 : 21 American Book Company, 1966 Box/Folder 2 : 22 American Book Publishers Council, 1956-1966 Box/Folder 2 : 23 American Conservative Union, 1964-1969 Box/Folder 2 : 24 American Council on Germany. Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 5 Papers Container List Scope and Content Note Includes report by Christopher Emmet, 1961-1965 Box/Folder 2 : 25 American Economic Foundation, 1960-1966 Box/Folder 3 : 1 American Enterprise Institute, 1962-1966 Box/Folder 3 : 2 American Farm Bureau Federation, 1965-1966 Box/Folder 3 : 3 American Foundation of Religion and Psychiatry, 1964-1965 Box/Folder 3 : 4 American Friends of the Middle East, 1954-1966 Box/Folder 3 : 5 American Friends Service Committtee, 1946-1948 Box/Folder 3 : 6 American Library Association, 1957-1964 Box/Folder 3 : 7 American Political Science Association, 1964 Box/Folder 3 : 8 American Publishers Corporation, 1966-1967 Box/Folder 3 : 9 American Purpose, 1963 Box/Folder 3 : 10 American Security Council, 1957-1967 Box/Folder 3 : 11 Americanism Educational League, 1964-1966 Box/Folder 3 : 12 Americans for Conservative Action, 1965 Box/Folder 3 : 13 Americans for Democratic Action, 1961 Box/Folder 3 : 14 America's Future, Inc., 1963-1971 Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 6 Papers Container List Box/Folder 3 : 15 Anastaplo, George, 1967-1968 Box/Folder 3 : 16 Anders, W., 1953 Box/Folder 3 : 17 Anderson, James F., 1968-1978 Box/Folder 3 : 18 Anderson, Per-Olow, 1960-1968 Box/Folder 3 : 19 Andic, Martin, 1977 Box/Folder 3 : 20 Andreiw, Matt, 1978 Box/Folder 4 : 1 Andres, Stefan, 1957-1960 Box/Folder 4 : 2 Andreyev, Vladimir. Scope and Content Note Includes correspondence with Fred P. Berry, 1961-1962 Box/Folder 4 : 3 Anisimov, Oleg, 1951-1957 Box/Folder 4 : 4 Anti-Communist League of America, 1956-1957 Box/Folder 4 : 5 Anti-Communist Liaison (organization), 1963-1964 Box/Folder 4 : 6 Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, 1954-1964 Box/Folder 4 : 7 Antoniades, John (Mrs.), 1969 Box/Folder 4 : 8 Appleby, Stanley, 1968-1969 Box/Folder 4 : 9 Arab Information Center, 1965-1966 Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 7 Papers Container List Box/Folder 4 : 10 Arbatsky, Yury, 1951-1952 Box/Folder 4 : 11 Arbeitsgemeinschaft, 1965-1966 Box/Folder 4 : 12 Areilza, Jose Maria de, 1955 Box/Folder 4 : 13 Arendt, Hannah, 1962 Box/Folder 4 : 14 Arnold, Eberhard C. H., 1949-1960 Box/Folder 4 : 15 Aron, Raymond, 1977-1978 Box/Folder 4 : 16 Art Institute of Chicago, 1968 Box/Folder 4 : 17 Artemis Verlag, 1967 Box/Folder 4 : 18 Artemiev, Vyacheslav P., 1962-1966 Box/Folder 4 : 19 Ashbrook, John M., 1969 Box/Folder 4 : 20 Ashe, Alicia, 1968 Box/Folder 4 : 21 Ashkin, David, 1968 Box/Folder 4 : 22 Ashton, E. B., 1961-1963 Box/Folder 4 : 23 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1961-1965 Box/Folder 4 : 24 Athenaeum Verlag, 1966 Box/Folder 4 : 25 Atkinson, James D., 1956-1968 Box/Folder 4 : 26 Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 8 Papers Container List Atlantik-Bruecke, 1966 Box/Folder 4 : 27 Attwater, Donald, 1950 Box/Folder 4 : 28 Aubier editions Montaigne, 1963 Box/Folder 4 : 29 Auden, W. H., 1964-1968 Box/Folder 4 : 30 Aungst, Ronald L., 1969 Box/Folder 4 : 31 Authors Guild, 1964 Box/Folder 4 : 32 Avtorkhanov, Abdurakhman, 1965-1966 Box/Folder 4 : 33 Ayer, Frederick Jr., 1957-1973 Box/Folder 5 : 1 B (general) Box/Folder 5 : 2 Baarslag, Karl H. W., 1951-1979 Box/Folder 5 : 3 Babbitt, Irving, 1956 Box/Folder 5 : 4 Babcock, Frederic, 1963 Box/Folder 5 : 5 Bach, Julian S., Jr., 1963-1966 Box/Folder 5 : 6 Bailey, Douglas L., 1963 Box/Folder 5 : 7 Bailey, George, 1969-1979 Box/Folder 5 : 8 Bailey, Herbert, 1972 Box/Folder 5 : 9 Bailey and Swinfen Company, 1967 Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 9 Papers Container List Box/Folder 5 : 10 Baker, Selma (Mrs.), 1968 Box/Folder 5 : 11 Baldwin, Rosecrans, 1970-1976 Box/Folder 5 : 12 Ball, George, 1970-1978 Box/Folder 5 : 13 Ball, Stuart S., 1969-1977 Box/Folder 5 : 14 Barnard, Harry, 1968 Box/Folder 5 : 15 Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1947-1957 Box/Folder 6 : 1 Barnes, Harry Elmer, 1960-1973 Box/Folder 6 : 2 Barnett, Frank R., 1953-1972 Box/Folder 6 : 3 Barr, Charles R., 1962-1965 Box/Folder 6 : 4 Barr, Dwight L., 1969 Box/Folder 6 : 5 Barraclough, Geoffrey, 1947 Box/Folder 6 : 6 Barrody, Bill, 1969 Box/Folder 6 : 7 Barth, Karl, 1949 Box/Folder 6 : 8 Bartley, Robert L., 1978 Box/Folder 6 : 9 Barwig, Regis N., 1967-1968 Box/Folder 6 : 10 Barzun, Jacques, 1949 Box/Folder 6 : 11 Register of the Henry Regnery 82088 10 Papers Container List Bassiouni, M.
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