' --- "' - - - - . "; . - (I v " J , ! t.n 1 ( ) ' V, U - 'J -- GjOLi tLIijED WATCHES," cj' i: .,T-,:tj ...... , i f Oar Stock of Watches is Immense f,1of l.,r.. ,,,.. J 1(7.0' ' ' :: :: FROM $12 UP, :: :: " j I QwimiV io '7u mmi t prices ver before so low- - i f t lAdlbf A ' ""3"' ' (;." Wiih or i it .i We Guarantee Witch Sold. either Elgin Waltham movement. liil ''" ;" LeBd" Every j twr, 1'7"":T "'-.'.'- ilfffl''J-.'YV'.- " " ' mill RLBSS & I . fi II fct l A. .' RIDER, BRYANT & CO., U. - MML 02.; 17" 'lr,3 - ltd r--- JPj : 59 Main DANBURY. srrf "" - JEWELERS, ln str6ct, iymfhm f' ' "' "' idle, - 1.. i j H ' - ; I j58 MAIN STREET, DANBURT, CONN. J W - : ' ISpW1j...XI . ' .' rr i VOLUME 16. I. 00T0BEH 13, 1893.EI&HT PAGES. : ;'':V:: V: i NUMBER 41 NEWaW0m.JJS4A i - ... i ri ' - - ,1 i ' -- ""' ',"-,- -' . r I i !'--- !.., .,..:, ;, ..... .1 ...... r1 : - I .. i ., , . , - , , ; , , . 7 t u,l i, ,, i, v. ,, Leading jDcalera in All Grades of ARE POOKLT OFF. i LlEABINGf'.DBY MATTERS OF BUSISESS- - Ready-Mad- e G00J)S HOUSE; x ou see, I Kl.ll Fashionable aiid Men's Goods. i. 'ATTRACTIVE DWELLINGS.. , . easily however, how Urt Clptfti Furnishing BRIDGEPORT, CONN tion of the CbJoese question to i lent- - Don't pay when a Our Glove rnt you cn buy congested state of a flairs me&nfr 11 In Department home On Warren Owing to the stagnation of our industries and tie tightness of circulation of nionie we will, for 'the haP easy' ijental payments. ana snarp unless a legal ri Vrm te Has a large and vaiied assortment of Toadies' Gloves In all Hie taahinn. H. L,amson ofi la ' man reprisals tnt to ance of our great Bale, consolidate our immense stoqk'of Clothing and Furnishing Goods intd the following Order: able anfl Bridgeport .the is found for the trouble. The CI l" to ' styles colorings. who ' ' j The has built houses and done business must or Sll-0- 0 '"choice' V.'6'O. ' I two, tills season are the 1 go, the poor American I'Ulld. Our'S 9.00, Suits, $' ' , ,.. specialties "Kayser" silk at a pair, a II $10.00, your ... on this fo cil " with plan, jsuccessfully, Ou 14.00 choice 10 00. glove patent tringed tips, guaranteed not to cut through or wear Out jsevernl fKcubcn II. Smith. "I 12.00, 13.50, Suits, your at the ringer ends; and the "Chamois." a nonnlftr mornina and dririnfr years, ne nas soia attractive OH. 16-50- . 17-QO- . awellmgs, Our 15.00, ufy3y.qur choice, , , 12.50. i glove at$l perjpain.1 , i j .... with first class modern BOTES FROM TROTTT CHUUCE litem. 13-50- improvements Our 18.00, 19.00, 20.00 S"uits, your choice - and bri satis- i ' monthly payments to the antl Our 25 00 ."' ". Cloak and Suit Department-- ' Bishop Williams is expected to b urn It. 22.00, 24.00, Suits, your choice 16.50. faction' o'l many custojiiei's. Thtefefe'cnW en't' Mv We carry thd best assortment of Wash Siiki Waists', ftitrah'a and tnMa. Trinity church on Xovenc Ullll ! Our line of Suits from 96c wortl double the ' tomers iiow homes of Boys' upwards, price. ISllks; the styles are correct arid workmanship iunsurpassed.' i ' enjoy delightful At that time it is a cla; h"m J. Mr expected to iton &uits and ancy Vests fsom $5 to 25 a suit iu blaok and blue., i free, by, Lamson's re An endless variety of Men's and Boys' Pants select from, at unreasonable marked down prices. ' present tbejnelves for confirmati srw. Single Skirts to be worn with waists from $J to $10 markably eajj terms of payment'.' few Men's Furnishing Goods in like manner- - is a good timd for other tb' begTil? 'Mr , iTr'mity Guild will meet at the i Upholstery I Department. Lamsori builds houses to and makes on Saturday afternoon. Vrovld. We sell order We are Forced to make this Great Sale a Sacrifice: Hammocks, Window Screens, Piazza Sereens, etc. and! to I'urthnr drawings specifications suit the I fllHilt- - t.yj - ", , I Postmaster John J. Northrop First- Because' we are determined q close out this'stock,, , , purchaser three or four months a oopy at . j Um Second Because, when we transfer our business, we desire to open with an entire new line of goods. house is finished and ready for occupancy, Sunday Bridgeport. i Ald Third Because of the scarcity of money we wait to encourage you, if you can it and want in our iic uas. recenuy . some until spare anything purcnased Lauren Skidmore New. line, . We feel in making this sacrifice you will appreciate it in the future-s- o lots on which! he can build housps at lost a valuab I town HALL & lower nd at the same time Saturday night, with milk fever. We shall in thisale 300 dozen M6n'i made Half Hose, worth 15c Bale three C0MPAKY. prices, under ,Ol Vm. place superior ajpair, uricelOc, good conditions. Some of - sanitary these olnrk lor 25c- - lots on East Side arid some on the West Miss Ida- M. Taylor has been tj or a few with Miss Ei 7T ftiin rril V &iae tne ci y. You will find his ad-- days M.J. K twin I vertisement on page 1. Llattertown. tit'onn. DON'T PAY RENT T If you are a Col J, W. Knowlton and wife r !. LYON & contemplating purchasing to IIEES AND FUENISHEES, UlUrMMAN .5 puiDo write tof jsi. steinert 6 Sons Co., their Bridgeport home, Tuesda iii.iif(mrj 3.r)9 Main 777 ; ' street, Bridgeport, or Chap he JIAYINQ TOOLS, ; el e street, Haven, Conn. They will The News of The : WI4RD SULKY HAY RAKE, mail you, frie. beautifullr- - illnsfrstfrl catalogues of & and Er DEERING MOWERS : ". Bteinway Son, nest Gabler &j Bro's. have STATE JOTTINGS. " " ' WHEFL pianos. They HOES, constantly oaj hand a large assortment 1 , of second ha'nxl Henry Smith of Portland s J8Nm ICE CREAM, FREEZERS-- p'mnon of every promi- a ki a1 Hr foot fof Chicago Thursday. Ae 1rljh.lk'i' ' ' nent niaker, b(oth in and GENERAL IIARDW.A uprights squares, to ride on the cars. RE in which secure a Cantain ' youScan always bar Lew rtr BICYCLES. ' ' is of Xew London had his hi and ,'.'..''.'':..;.. l 13 111 t gain. ' Coaa.xi.. gef bitten off by a fish which he A. to remove Biiming'liam, 3B3 MAIN STREET .'and 19 CANNON word to ivives and mothers : If your Ing from a hook. STREET fur-cutti- husband or sqn is addicted to use to-- Catesi Jr-- , & Co's fa COLORS IN AND TO - the of ARE OFFERING NEW PAINT, INDUCEMENTS BRIDGEI0RT, - r- - CONN. bacco, morphine or liquor, you can free I t"utn orwalk was burned, them from their habic. II ill's chloride niSht. Although three fire dep: liUYERS OF MASURV'S RAILROAD COLORS, SIIERWIN-- A BEAUTIFUL HOME- - DR WABNES, Dentist, 42J Main St.. BRIDGEPORT. of gold tablets cost but 1.00 and are I responded they were unable to cl I L 1 r 1 . 1 T T 1. d A I WILLIAMS PAINT, II. W. .ATT ' have just finished building another guaranteed to cure drunkenness. nW- - flames? los $1,000 on stock an INSERTS .TEETH WITHOUT PLATES AND attractive dwellinfr. in a ffoodlocalitv. Phine or tobacco habit' in a rlavs. n buying; insurance 100,000, i fw j .. J ' ' ' - ADese e - " is unKnown. WITHOUT - ana Will sell it On nav- taDJet? may in tea or eof- 'slu t ire PAINT, AND OTHER LE EXTRACTING- easy monthly given - ments. It is built of KUUB1Ke OI e patient " "s Also teeth on all kinds jof - thoroughly plates- Fine filling a . n ... land will cause him to eive Bridgeport, Conn., to the suite t MASON'S PllUIT JARS G8C PER DOZEN. moucl j con-- voluntarily al auvi ana 1 specialty and warranted. All made wumiuansrup, it up the use of tobacco, liquor or the Wcthersfield, made a break for operations pain- nrst-cla- ss dru. less- tains modern improvements. Do not but an end to suf-- the station, Consultation free. 12 years experience- - delay, put the Saturday morning fering you have heretofore undergone. 1 was chained at the rear of aetrL Cure meu under of Sherifl Cla ONN. Just Two Years Ago your htisband or son and gain hap--1 charge To-da- for them and 1 a as tne meu I j y piness yourself. Hill's "eputy: align I I I I M' i II &-C0- , tablets are fpr sale by all first-clas- s train, Curtis slipped the b we openeil up the lurniture business at Haw-leyvill- ARCHITECT AND drug i anil U we now take atl vantage of this R; BOILIIEE, gists. his wrist and ran down th anniversary to call attention to a few facts BALLERSTEip North Ave.,c4rner Wood Ave., Ct. of rt concerning the business, we trust it will not Bridgeport, along the top the stont thy smack too ol The severe Photo-ton- e illustrations mailed Have you got to put in a new furnace for about 200 The and adversestronglyCriticism calledegotism.out at free. yards. the time Conn.. this winter? Call and examine the Bax four shots at one vi We have a fine assortment of by the fine stbek ol goods we put in at this Bridgeport, him, of "small, place" is yeu liesh in ter furnacejat F. A. Hull & Co's. Dan in the left wrist. He was your minds, We established a far J Stoves this and to reputation store qr write for farm-hou- se year propose and wide for Vming a crank ot the tlrst magni-tude- ; bury particulars.
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