www.strandings.com Marine Mammal & Marine Turtle Strandings (Welsh Coast) Annual Report 2013 R.S.Penrose. July 2014 Marine Environmental Monitoring Penwalk Llechryd Cardigan Ceredigion West Wales SA43 2PS e-mail: [email protected] 1 2013 saw the sad passing of Robin Pratt. Robin was a tireless advocate for nature conservation and the natural environment holding positions in both the Pembrokeshire National Park Authority and the Countryside Council for Wales (CCW) (formally NCC). He had a particular passion for marine mammals and was one of the instigators in 1975 calling for a West Wales Grey Seal Census. I first met Robin in the late 1980s when he freely offered support of boat and equipment storage at his farm in Fishguard when the newly formed CCW let one of its first contracts, the West Wales Grey Seal Census. I can remember many a dark cold late wintry evening returning back to store the boat only to be met by Robin presenting each of us with a glass of single malt whiskey to try and revive our cold tired bodies. Robin, his daughters and son in law continued their support of the Marine Mammal Strandings Programme in Wales through the 1990s to the present day, without whose help it would probably not be what it is today. The enthusiasm, drive and generosity that Robin shared was a rarity. 2 REPORT DISTRIBUTION. British Divers Marine Life Rescue. J. Barnett P. Lewis Carmarthen Bay & Estuaries European Marine Site. B. Bullimore Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science. R. J. Law Dyfed Powys Police (Wildlife Unit) A. Mason Environment Agency. K. Cameron Local Authorities. Anglesey D. Brown Bridgend G. Hobbs Cardiff R. Chapman Carmarthenshire E. Waters Ceredigion B. Jones Conwy T. Mead Denbighshire M. Bud Flintshire T. Woodall Gwynedd B. Davies Neath Port Talbot G. Marquis Pembrokeshire A. Woods Swansea C. Morgan Vale of Glamorgan R. May Marine Aware North Wales. N. Jones Maritime & Coastguard Agency. Swansea S. Jones Milford Haven C. Evans Holyhead R. Carson Natural History Museum, London. B. Smith R. Sabin M. Clery Natural Resources Wales. T. Stringell Pembrokeshire Coast National Park. J. Hodges RSPCA R. Atkinson R. de Kerckhove SAC Officers. Ceredigion B. Sampson Pembrokeshire S. Burton Gwynedd A. Hargrave Scottish Rural University College (SRUC) Inverness. Dr A. Brownlow 3 Sea Watch Foundation. Dr P. Evans Snowdonia National Park Authority. I. Eryl Jones The Wildlife Trusts. F. Catternach S. Kessell University College Cork. Dr E. Rogan University of Liverpool. Dr J.R. Baker Dr J. Chantry WDC N. Hodgins Welsh Government. L. Cosgrove R. Lowcock James J. Williams Welsh Marine Life Rescue. T. Leadbetter Zoological Society of London. Dr P. Jepson R. Deaville Others : Jemma & Ray Lerwill Sal Shipley Jan Loveridge, Cornwall Wildlife Trust Strandings Network. Judith Oakley, Oakley Intertidal/Swansea Metropolitan UWTSD. R. Bailey, Marine Conservation Society. 4 CONTENTS Page 1 CRYNODEB GWEITHREDOL 7 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 8 2 INTRODUCTION 9 3 MATERIALS AND METHODS 9 3.1 Live Animals. 10 3.2 Dead Animals. 10 4 RESULTS 11 4.1 Marine Mammals. 11 4.2 Bottlenose Dolphin Attacks. 16 4.3 Unusual Occurrences. 17 4.4 Live Strandings. 20 4.5 Tagging. 21 5 OTHER MARINE ANIMALS REPORTED TO THE NETWORK 21 5.1 Marine Turtles. 21 5.2 Seals. 22 5.3 Sharks. 22 6 SAMPLES 22 7 FUNDING 22 8 PUBLICITY 22 9 LEGISLATION 23 10 EQUIPMENT 23 11 TRAVEL 23 12 ADMINISTRATION 24 13 CAUSE OF DEATH 24 14 LIST OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES USED IN THIS REPORT 25 15 MATTERS ARISING 25 16 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 25 17 APPENDICES 25 5 List of Fi gures. page Figure 1. Current Technical Co-ordination of the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP). 9 Figure 2. Reported bottlenose dolphin strandings on the Welsh coast. 13 Figure 3. Bottlenose dolphin strandings by month. 13 Figure 4. Bottlenose dolphin strandings averaged over 1990 to 2013. 13 Figure 5. Reported harbour porpoise strandings on the Welsh coast. 14 Figure 6. Harbour porpoi se strandings by month. 14 Figure 7. Harbour porpoise strandings averaged over 1990 to 2013. 14 Figure 8. Reported grey seal mortality on the Welsh coast. 15 Figure 9. Grey seal mortality by month. 15 Figure 10. Grey seal reports averaged over 1990 to 2013. 15 Figure 11. Stranding locations of the two porpoises, recovered to the project, killed by bottlenose dolphins in 2013. 16 List of Pl ates. Pl ate 1. Remains of a large whale at Tywyn. 17 Pl ate 2. Sea Watch members viewing the porpoise examination. 17 Pl ate 3. Sowerby's beaked whale SW2013/261. 18 Plate 4. SW2013/261 remains being removed. 18 Pl ate 5. Bottlenose dolphin SW2013/332. 19 Pl ate 6. Risso's dolphin SW2013/543. 19 Pl ate 7. Live-stranded fin whale SW2013/583 at Abergele. 20 List of Tables. Table 1. 2013 Total number of reported marine mammal strandings (Welsh Coast). 11 Table 2. 2013 Number of live cetacean strandings (Welsh Coast). 11 Table 3. 2013 Number of animals selected for post-mortem examination. 12 Table 4. 2013 Number of animals decomposed/discarded (Welsh Coast). 12 Table 5. Cause of death (Cetaceans). 24 Table 6. List of scientific names used in this report. 25 6 1. CRYNODEB GWEITHREDOL Caiff yr UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP - rhaglen y DU ar gyfer ymchwilio tiriadau anifeiliaid o deulu'r morfilod) ei gydlynu’n dechnegol gan Gymdeithas Söolegol Llundain (ZSL). Teulu’r Morfilod: Derbyniodd Marine Environmental Monitoring adroddiadau am 114 o anifeiliaid o deulu'r morfil yn 2013. O’r rhain, llamidyddion a grybwyllwyd amlaf (89 ohonynt). Cafwyd adroddiadau ynghylch anifeiliaid eraill o deulu'r morfil wedi tirio ar lannau Cymru yn 2013, gan gynnwys un dolffin trwyn potel, saith dolffin cyffredin, pum dolffin rhesog, naw ‘rhywogaeth amhenodol o deulu’r morfil’, un morfil asgellog llwyd, un dolffin Risso ac un morfil gylfinog Sowerby. Daeth un dolffin cyffredin, un llamhidydd, ac un morfil asgellog llwyd i’r lan yn fyw. Dychwelwyd pob un o’r tri i’r môr Dewiswyd naw ar hugain o greaduriaid i’w harchwilio. Cafwyd dau lamhidydd yn 2013 y gellid dweud eu bod ‘wedi’u lladd gan ddolffin trwyn potel’. Gorfu i’r cynllun wneud llai o gofnodi ers 2006 a gwnaeth hyn hi’n anodd cymharu tueddiadau yn y gweithgaredd hwn â'r blynyddoedd cynt. Samplau: Yn ogystal â'r samplau arferol a gymerwyd o anifeiliaid a gasglwyd ar gyfer archwiliad post-mortem, cymerwyd samplau hefyd o un ar ddeg o anifeiliaid eraill cyn cael gwared arnynt. Morloi: Derbyniodd Marine Environmental Monitoring adroddiadau am 82 morlo llwyd. Ni ddaeth unrhyw arian pellach yn 2013 i ymchwilio toriadau “corcsgriw” mewn morloi. Crwbanod: Cafwyd adroddiad o rywle ar lannau Cymru am un crwban môr yn tirio’n fyw, crwban môr pendew. Yn anffodus, bu farw’r crwban môr drannoeth. Rhwng mis Gorffennaf a mis Awst cafwyd dau adroddiad o weld crwban môr cefn lledr. Heulforgwn: Ni chafwyd unrhyw adroddiad yn ystod 2013 am heulforgi’n tirio. Ariannu: Daeth y cytundeb tair blynedd â Llywodraeth Cynulliad Cymru/Defra, a ddyfarnwyd yn 2011, i ben ar ddiwedd mis Mawrth 2014. Rhoddwyd estyniad i’r cytundeb hyd fis Mehefin 2015. 7 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The UK Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) is under the technical co-ordination of the Zoological Society of London (ZSL). Cetaceans: 114 cetaceans were reported to Marine Environmental Monitoring in 2013. Harbour porpoise (n=89) was the most frequently reported cetacean. Other cetaceans reported stranded on the Welsh coast in 2013 included one bottlenose dolphin, seven common dolphins, five striped dolphins, nine ‘cetacean species indeterminate’, one fin whale, one Risso’s dolphin and one Sowerby’s beaked whale. One common dolphin, one harbour porpoise and one fin whale live-stranded. All three animals were returned to the sea. Twenty-nine cetaceans were selected for examination. Two harbour porpoises ‘killed by bottlenose dolphin’ were identified in 2013. Imposed reduced effort in recording from 2006 has made trends in this activity difficult to compare with previous years. Samples: In addition to routine samples taken from animals recovered for post-mortem examination, samples have also been taken from eleven further animals before disposal. Seals: Eighty-two grey seals were reported to Marine Environmental Monitoring. No additional funding to investigate “corkscrew cuts” in seals was forthcoming in 2013. Turtles: One live ‘stranded’ marine turtle, a Kemp’s ridley, was reported from around the Welsh coast. Unfortunately, this turtle died the next day. Reports of two leatherback turtle ‘sightings’ were received between July and August. Basking Sharks: No basking shark strandings were reported during 2013. Funding: The three-year contract with WG/Defra, awarded in 2011 terminated at the end of March 2014. An extention to the contract has been let until June 2015. 8 2. INTRODUCTION In 1990, the ‘Collaborative UK Marine Mammal Strandings Project’ was initiated and part-funded by the UK Department of the Environment (now Defra). The project involves detailed pathological and other investigations of stranded marine mammal carcasses (mostly cetacean) from UK waters. It forms part of the Department's international obligations towards conservation agreements, including the "Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans in the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas" (ASCOBANS). Detailed pathological investigations of stranded marine turtles were included in 2001 and basking sharks in 2007. The project is now named the ‘Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme’ (CSIP) (see Figure 1.). Figure 1. Current technical co-ordination of the Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP). Funding to ZSL/IoZ, NHM and SAC was significantly reduced through 2006/2007. Funding to MEM by the Welsh Government and the Countryside Council for Wales fortunately remained at previous levels, however reduced travelling expenses supported by Defra via ZSL/IoZ has had a knock-on effect in Wales resulting in only known ‘fresh to moderate’ carcasses that can be successfully recovered for post-mortem examination being attended.
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