Otterbein University Digital Commons @ Otterbein Otterbein Aegis Otterbein Journals & Magazines 9-1900 Otterbein Aegis September 1900 Otterbein Aegis Otterbein University, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis Part of the Arts and Humanities Commons Recommended Citation Otterbein Aegis, "Otterbein Aegis September 1900" (1900). Otterbein Aegis. 102. https://digitalcommons.otterbein.edu/aegis/102 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Otterbein Journals & Magazines at Digital Commons @ Otterbein. It has been accepted for inclusion in Otterbein Aegis by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Otterbein. For more information, please contact [email protected]. rJ"U'l.11,JVU1.· J nn..nr IUl.Il.I li1I1 n.IU'U1J"Ul IUlJl.1U1I1 ~ I tzon~tnts Editorial .... .......... ....... .. .. .... .. ......... .• I Causes and f It~ . ............ ·• ... 7 lfo" Pnr Trrtst ~ fle';re [ l e .!.f. ~ 1.> I L '\ riCTi( T l ~ I • ( l ll> t, < 1 11> I ..... eptembcr Number I' I IQ )0 nn J An Institution of High Grade, Standard Faculty and Courses of Study. ~~ University Located at Westerville, Ohio, SUBURBAN TO COLUMBUS THE CAPITAL OF THE STATE. There are Four High Class Literary Societies, With Elegantly Furnished Halls, Well Selected Libraries and Reading Rooms. ~~~~· The Christian :Associations, the oldest in the state, are doing a grand work. \~.r esterville is a beautiful and healthful" village of about 2, ooo popu­ lation, with a fine classical and religious atmosphere. There are no saloons or other low places of resort. Both sexes are admitted to equal advantages. Instruction thorough. All orofessors are specialists in their departments Expenses moderate. The University oflers t:ight Courses of Study; the Classical, Philosophical, Preparatory, Ped;agogy, Music, Fine Art, and Elo­ cution and Oratory. There are incre-.sed facilities in the new Chemical, Physical and Bi"c)logical Laboratories and Lecture Rooms; and in the new emphasis given to History and Pedagogics. Students can also get work in Stenography, Bookkeeping :tnd Type-writing. WIN'I'El{ TERM BEGJNS JA~ UARY 2, 1901. For Information address the President, T. J. SANDERS, "WESTERVILLE, 0. OTTERBEIN .JJGIS. 3 You Mav Not Need Much Medicine ool But wh;m you do you want something pure and reliable, put up by a ;:>harmacist who knows his business. You will find what you want in that line at DR. KEEFER'S You will need many other things in his stock, such as Tooth Brushes, Powders, Soaps, Hair Brushes. Sponges, Combs, Etc., Fine Stationery that is not stationary but keeps going, Tablets, Pens and Ink. is a necessity, a nd you can find satisfactory odors in bottle or bulk goods, Good Perfumery at ~he same time you are looking for other first-class goods at . + + DR. KEEFER'S, The Druggist. + + I Students· .-J The Student's Right! -CAN FIND JUST THE- We feel that the students have a right to have the best LAUNDERING that can @\COAL possibly be dmie. Columbus -TO SUIT THEM BY CONSULTING- Steam. \N. 0. TURBEN. Laundry S. E, FOUTS, Will guarantee every article to be first-dass. Shirts, 8c each. Collars. He each. CASH GROCER Cu fs, ltc each. • Best Quality. Low Prices. Prompt Delivery. ,J. W. MARKLEY, POSTOFFICE CORNER.~ Department Store. ::l~i£"·:: Columbus Sporting Goods Co. INCORPORATED $wo,ooo " Successors to J. C. Sherwood and J. C. Porterfield & Co. Until Oct. 1st tltey-;will be found doing business at the same old stands. Come and See Us~ ATHLETIC and SPORTING GOODS of All Kinds. 4 OTTERBEIN AiG/S. G. H. MAYHUGH, M. D., F. M. VANBUSKIRK, D. D. S., WESTERVILLE, OHIO. OFFICE-ROBINS' N BLOCK. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE 16 EAST COLL~GE AVE. Westerville, 0. Gold Crown & Bridge Work. Fine Gold Fillings, FRANK BOOKMAN Invites your attention to the full line of H • .J, CUSTER, D. D. S., M. D. 62 E. BROAD STREET, COLUMBUS, 0. PHONE 655. Groceries a t the lowest cash prices, which are always to be found at his store in the Holmes House Block. For all kinds of COAL TRADE MARKS DESIGNS • COPYRIGHTS &c. Of best quality, and as cheap ;It~Ji~n:s~~~~!f! gu8rk~t1~i~~df~~:~g~t~~;:n:~ as any, leave order with invention is probably patentable. Communica. tiona strictly confldential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. ./ec~~~gti~:~;~t~g~~';,'b~r~~?~ t:eco. receive H. L. BENNETT & CO • . S~itntifit Jlmtritan. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- ~~~~t:of~~rf ~~~ttc~~$t1 fl~o\~u;;:h n~;~~:a1~3rs~ COR. STATE & MAIN STREETS, MUNN &CQ,3&1Broadway, New Yark Branch Office, 625 F St., Washington, D. C. Or with W. E. WARD.---,.- DR. C. H. WIJ,.SON, ~R. F. H. ANDRUS, (Successor to C. K. Teter.) Physician and Surgeon. llllllllllllllt 11111111111111111111111111111 Ill IIIII I I 111111 Dentistry in All Its Branches. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI 11111111111111111111111111 Calls Answered MARKLEY BLOCK. Day or Night. OFFICE HOUR"!- S_outh State Street, WESTERVILLE, 0, 8 a. m. to 9 p. m . Westerville, Ohio., OTTERBEIN )EGIS VoL. XI. WESTERVILLE, OHIO. SEPTEMBER, 1900. No. I. Published the 20th of Each Month of the College Yea r. in general education, all these ,conspire to EDITORIAL ADDRESS : produce a greed of gain which is accompanied Editor OTTERBEIN lEGIS, WESTERVILLE, OHIO. by a feverish impatience to begin life's work BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS: Business Manager OTTERBEIN lEGIS, WESTE RVILLE , OHIO. without sufficient preparation. He showed all the professions are overcrowded and that a FRANK OLDT, 'Ot .... ........ .. .. .............. Editor in Chief J. H. CAULKER '02 ....... ...... .. .. ..... ...... ......... ...... Assistant great number of those who have entered upon D. T. BENNERT, 'Ot .. ...... .......... : ............. Exchange Editor their work unprepared are continually failing. L. S. HENDRICKSON , 'Ot ......... .................. Alumna! Editor Systematic education includes instruction, L. M. BARNES, '01 ............... ......... ......... .. .. .. Local Editor t raining, and self-government. To learn to ·F. H. REMALEY, 'Ot ... .. ...... ... ........ Business Manager E. D. NEED I-lAM , '02 ......... ......... .. .. .................. Assistant think deeper is to rise higher. The way to J. W. BOWEN, '02 .. ............. ............... Subscription Agent get ahead in life is to get a head on you. A. W. WHETSTONE, '03 ......... ...... Ass 't' Subscription Agent Man's moral powers must also be trained. SubscriJ)tion, SOc a Year in Advance Single Copies toe The will mu: t be trained that all the powers Sn bscription• wtll be continued until t!Je paner is ordered stop­ ped by the subscriber, and a ll anearag es p a id. may be made to pull together and in the right REMIT SUBSCRIPTIONS TO SUBSCRIPTION AGENT direction. The advantages of education may be sum­ [Entered at the postoffice, Westerville, Ohio, as second-cluss mail matter.] med up under two heads. ( r) It increases --------~--- PHILOPHRONEAN PUBLISHING CO., PUBLISHERS. one's happiness. While this is not supreme it BUCKEYE PRI~TING Co., PRINTERS, Westervllle. Ohio. must not be ignored. · It is the secret of happy old age. (z) Education increases the Editorial power for usefulness. It is infamy to die and not to be missed. A life unused is like an }tEW years have had a more auspicious be- unlighted candle dropped into a lake. ginning for Otterbein than the present The common objections that it is a waste of one. As early as Saturday and Monday the time to get an education, and that many suc­ students began to come in until on Wednes­ ceed without long years of preparation were day, September 5, a large cro'Nd of students next considered. It is true that some excep­ and friends filled the chapel to hear Rev. A . tional few do succeed, but they do this by A. E. Taylor, D. D . , L.L. D ., former presi­ exhausting subsequent labor. Even these dent of Wooster College, deliver the opening never equal what they might have done with address. The subject of his discourse was, thorough preparation. But then there is a "Education as a Remedy for a Hasty Age." large army of those who have failed and so He spoke of the causes producing the condi­ saddened their lives. tions of to-day. A few or' those named were : It was a masterly address throughout and The opening of a continent, the discovery of entirely worthy of the speaker. Everybody unlimited resources of wealth, the planting of gave him their closest attention and all went a nation of freedom offering civil a nd religious away fe eling that their work through the year liberty to all , growth of invention and discov­ would be b etter for h aving listened to Doctor e ry, the application of machinery, the growth Taylor.. 6 OTTERBEIN AIGIS. ~TUDENTS, new and old, THE LEGIS same roughness is what gives it a peculiar g wishes to extend to you a most cheerful value. The average student needs the rough greeting in the beginning of this college year, exercise and the severe arduous training the first of the new century. You are to be · necessary to become a member of a good foot­ congratulated :n that the opening of college ball team. It is good to counteract the weak­ has found you here brim full of energy, run­ ening influences of close confinement and hard ning over with enthusiasm, eager to be at study. As far as the danger is concerned no hard work, and ready for the pleasures as well young man in good health and free from as the responsibilities . of college life. You IJhysical deformities need fear any great injury have no doubt determined that this year will if he trains and dresses properly. What does be the best you have ever spent in Otterbein. it matter if the players do get bloody noses, You have resolved to seize every opportun•ty bruises and hard knocks? It gives them forti­ to make yourself and others better, to help tude and endurance that can be obtained in the college and everything connected with it few other places.
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